Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 2991 The military parade is in progress (Part 2)

Since the farewell to East Prussia, Malashenko has not seen Vatutin again for some time.

I really didn’t expect that the goodbye after seeing East Prussia would be at the military parade in Moscow’s Red Square.

What surprised Malashenko even more was that when he saw Vatutin again, he could be said to be "not what he used to be". The reason was very simple and there was only one reason.

Comrade Vatutin was promoted, and it was a ceiling in his military career that he never reached until his death in history.

Now Vatutin is a Soviet Marshal with a big gold star on his shoulders.

Although surprised, he was indeed happy for his old superior. Malashenko, who took the initiative, couldn't wait to speak first as soon as he came to Vatutin.

"I don't even know what to say. I think I should first congratulate you on your promotion to Marshal of the Soviet Union, Comrade Commander."

After working under Vatutin for a long time, fighting all the way from Kursk to East Prussia, it’s okay for Malashenko to still call Vatutin his comrade commander. Rather, it’s because the relationship between the two is so close. Only to this extent can he speak like this.

Faced with the congratulations Malashenko blurted out as soon as he came up, Vatutin also responded with a sincere smile.

"I heard about your performance in Berlin. Well done! Comrade Malashenko. There will be no such wonderful performance as the Battle of Berlin, and it is more suitable to be recorded in the history of the leader division. You led the leader The teacher wrote the most glorious chapter with his own hands.”

According to existing history, Vatutin was a general until his death, and he was awarded posthumously.

And now, in this timeline where he personally rescued Vatutin, this former old superior has stepped on the time node of victory in the Great Patriotic War and completed his climb to the top of his military career.

Relying on his own strength and military exploits, and with his devastating victory over East Prussia, he personally obtained the rank of marshal for himself.

Malashenko, who was giggling in emotion, was speechless for a while. Vatutin, who thought it was because he was too excited, didn't say much. He just stretched out his hand to pat the horse as he did in the past. Rashenko's arm to show encouragement.

"I'm not the only one. The marshals were gathering together just now to discuss you. The comrades almost unanimously decided that the leader of the army would be the protagonist today."

"Look here, the British, Americans, French, Chinese, and even those bandy-legged Japanese devils are here. You know what this means, behave well, and let everyone standing here today see with your own eyes Witness the most powerful Army field group in the world and let the world know who crushed the Nazis."

"Yes! Comrade Commander, Malashenko promises to complete the mission!"

Malashenko continued to respond to Vatutin's encouragement with a smile, but in his heart he was already quite surprised by the details he had keenly captured.

There is only one reason. Malashenko really didn't expect that a Japanese would actually come to join in the fun on an occasion like today.

But in fact, this is caused by Comrade Lao Ma not doing enough homework and not understanding the twisted, sick and wishful thinking of the current Japanese people in detail.

The Japanese, who were about to be fucked by the Americans, heard that their "good brother worth 50 yuan", the German, had surrendered. It was impossible not to panic and get a batch of them.

But now the Japanese are in a state of not officially declaring war with the Soviet Union and maintaining a minimum superficial peace.

Looking at the Soviet Union, which had just won the Great Patriotic War and had unprecedented military strength, was like looking at a prehistoric beast that had eaten up its allies and wiped them clean, with blood on its lips.

The Japanese never want to take the initiative to provoke such a terrible opponent, especially under the current situation where their strength is almost exhausted and the defeat of the Taiping War has been determined. What will happen if the Soviet Union steps on their coffin? Even if the heads of those red deer wild men in the military department are stuffed with shit, they can still imagine it.

The even more idiotic idea is that the Japanese even hoped that the Soviet Union would intervene to mediate and persuade the Americans to get over it and give up as soon as possible.

Didn’t you praise Pearl Harbor? You are going to destroy even my homeland, right?

The Japanese take this for granted, and the attitudes and meanings conveyed in their various contacts with the Soviet Union in recent times are basically the same.

However, Malashenko is a military official, not a diplomatic official, so it is normal that we have not heard the details about this.

After listening to Vatutin's words, Malashenko looked around and saw two Japanese figures at a glance. He was standing not too far away, greeting the diplomatic envoys and military attachés of various countries stationed in Moscow.

That fake and fake smile on his face is really unbearable to see.

"Comrade Commander, those Japanese, don't they know that their doom is coming? How dare they come here to embarrass themselves."

After hearing Malashenko's words, he looked back in the direction of Malashenko's gaze. Vatutin also saw at a glance the two Japanese military attachés who were performing live there.

A navy red deer and an army red deer stood together and acted, grinning like lotus flowers. They were surrounded by a circle of white people, and they were still excited as if they were watching monkeys. The scene was indeed quite unique.

The fact that the Red Army was about to march eastward and start war against Japan had actually spread among the top brass of the Red Army, and it was considered a secret known to many people. Of course Vatutin, who has been appointed Marshal, also knows about this, and he also knows what Malashenko means by asking such a question.

"It is precisely because I know nothing about my situation that I dare to be so blatantly embarrassed. After all, there is no special medicine that can cure stupidity."

The scene made a critical comment on the performance art of the two Japanese military attaches not far away, and then glanced at another group of people not far away from the two Japanese military attaches. Vatutin, who was smiling happily, then raised his hand to signal Malashenko to go there. Look around.

"Look over there and see who those guys are."


Malashenko took a closer look and realized that the people Vatutin was referring to looked familiar. They were the American and British military attaches stationed in the Soviet Union who had often greeted them in Berlin.

And from the looks of it, there were more than just British and American military attachés.

There are other white faces in this group. Although the uniforms on them are a bit blinding, Malashenko can probably guess their identities. They are countries that are close to Britain and the United States, such as Australia and Canada.

What's interesting is that because of their obvious hostile stance and the fact that they were at war, this group of people had obvious hostility towards the two Japanese military attachés not far away.

Not only did he not bother to talk to the two Japanese people, he also stood in his own small circle, pointing at the two Japanese people and cursing secretly.

Malashenko even saw with his own eyes that someone spat on the ground at the two Japanese. The degree of gnashing of teeth could be seen with the naked eye.

"Don't let these two groups fight here. When the time comes, we will have to mobilize the military parade team and use bayonets to separate these two groups. They are responsible for causing trouble."

Malashenko is a little worried about the British and American troops, who have the current advantage and hate the Japanese, and their thugs.

What if, relying on the strength of their numbers, they rushed up and beat up the Army Red Deer and Navy Red Deer, and staged a full-scale martial arts show in the street.

Today, that would really be an embarrassment to the Red Army, and it would not even give face to the Soviet Union, which was "fulfilling its friendship as a landlord."

After all, the Japanese have not yet received the iron fist of the Red Army. They still have to pretend to be fake even at this last moment. It is also a basic diplomatic operation.

But compared to Malashenko's worries, Vatutin seemed quite calm, and immediately blurted out words to persuade his old subordinates to relax.

"They don't know how to do it. At least they are mid-level officers and representatives abroad, so they won't be so impulsive. Their lip service is already their limit."

"Besides, they are not here for the Japanese today. It will be up to you to let them know later why they are standing here today."

After hearing this, the understanding Malashenko raised the corner of his mouth and blurted out the answer towards Vatutin without thinking.

"They are standing here today to witness with their own eyes what the Red Army's iron fist is. It is the same whether they are Japanese, Americans, or British."

After bidding farewell to Vatutin, Malashenko, who had little time left, quickly returned to the equipment phalanx and once again climbed into the commander's position of his No. 177 IS7 heavy tank, ready to set off.

At the same time, not long after Malashenko left, Vatutin also turned around to do what he should be busy with, and everything returned as if nothing had happened.

The two Japanese military attachés who joined in the fun and exchanged greetings and performed a large circle of "performance art" finally showed up with a smile after being perfunctory and scornful by many people who didn't even bother to laugh. With a false smile on his face, he angrily returned to his seat in the stands.

"Baga! Tokugawa-kun, have you seen how those rice beasts and ghosts mocked and humiliated us? These uneducated stupid pigs! The imperial army is still too kind to them. They must use the bayonets of the imperial samurai. , let them learn a lesson.”

Hearing the Army Red Deer on the side bragging so brazenly, the Tokugawa Navy Red Deer's right eyelid couldn't help but twitch, and he blurted out words with a hint of contempt.

"Saito-kun, if your army's performance in the battlefields of North China and South Asia was better, even just a little bit better, I don't think these British idiots would talk to us in this tone now."


"Do you know what you are talking about? You are questioning the loyalty of the Imperial Knights. The Army has done its best on every battlefield."

"Did you try your best? Really? I'm afraid not necessarily."

"You! Eight"

After all, I couldn't say that "ga" out of shame.

After all, this is a public place "full of guests and friends", and it is still under the eyes of the Russians.

Saito, who knew that everything he said and did was related to the face of the army and the empire, finally restrained his violent temper, which was much better than his ability to fight, and did not explode on the spot.

But that didn't mean that Navy Red Deer would be spared. A sarcastic sneer followed immediately.

"Tokugawa-kun, if I remember correctly, he was beaten by rice beasts in the Pacific Ocean and suffered heavy losses. The first, second and fifth air battles were all destroyed, the Yamato and Musashi were all sunk, and even Mr. Yamamoto Isoroku spent seven lives to serve the country. Yes, it seems to be your navy, right?"


"You Malu Yelang! How dare you"

As the saying goes, there is no need to lift the pot, and the feeling of being stabbed in the heart with a knife is really uncomfortable.

Some things that are secret within the Japanese army are completely different to these well-informed military attachés stationed abroad.

Because of this, Saito, who is in the Army, knew a lot of embarrassing things about the Navy. Some of them were even covered up by the Navy and tried their best to prevent them from being spread out, for fear that the Army would hear them and laugh at them.

The two super battleships Yamato and Musashi were sunk, and the 1st, 2nd, and 5th aviation groups were wiped out with their ships and aircraft, including the dead ghost Yamamoto Isoroku whose grave was covered with grass two feet high.

The things that popped out of Saito's mouth were all top-notch embarrassing things that the Navy was heartbroken about and couldn't bear to look at.

I only slightly criticized the incompetence of these Army Red Deer, and their performance in every battlefield was disappointing. How dare this Red Deer Yelang humiliate our Navy in person like this! ?

Tokugawa, who originally maintained his elegant demeanor, couldn't help it anymore. He simply wanted to have a fight with the army's Ma Deer now, so that this ignorant Ma Deer knew the consequences of insulting the navy.

Upon seeing this, Saito showed no signs of weakness and faced him with a ferocious smile. He was always ready to vent the arrogance he had just suffered from Yinggui Miju and use Navy Red Deer as a punching bag.

Seeing that the situation that Malashenko was worried about before may have to be staged in a different way.

It was not a joint British and American attack on the Japanese army, but an "infighting" between the Red Deer Army and the Navy Red Deer, which started on the Red Square in Moscow.

But it was at this time, when Zhukov on the other side of the podium finished his speech and immediately announced the start of the military parade.

A burst of exciting Slavic military music suddenly came, startling the two nervous red deer on the spot.

Seeing that the Russian army on the Red Square had already moved on, the two fighting red deer glared at each other fiercely, temporarily stopping their efforts and stopping their activities.

"You should take a good look, Saito-kun. This is not because of any personal conflict between you and me. The Russians are probably going to do something, and I believe you have heard about it, so if I were you, I would take a good look and maybe soon. What kind of opponent are you facing?”

"Do you even need to say that? I have eyes, so I should be able to see."

Putting aside the bloody scene just now, Saito, who was still angry, actually didn't take the Russian troops under the stands and on the Red Square too seriously. Judging from his intentional and unintentional actions, he seemed You can see it in the comments he made subconsciously.

"The Russians just used their tanks to crush the cowardly Germans. The flesh bullets of the imperial warriors will definitely defeat the steel bullets! If you can defeat the Russians once, you can defeat them a second time! The mere Russian barbarians are nothing to be afraid of!"

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