Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 2992 The military parade is in progress (Part 2)

The Japanese in the audience were still making criticisms, while the army on the parade ground was already marching forward with exciting music.

Zhukov riding a white horse and the infantry formation striding forward, this red army that had just destroyed the Nazis, marched hand in hand, fully demonstrating their powerful combat power that no one can despise.

When the commentary with the names of the leading troops sounded on the viewing platform, the foreign representatives and military attachés from various countries present who had obtained the parade schedule in advance knew that the highlight, which really required opening their eyes and watching carefully, had just begun.

"What is coming towards us now is the infantry representative formation of the "Stalin" Guards Combined Mechanized First Corps commanded by Major General Kurbalov."

"The combat history of the Leader's Army can be traced back to 1941. This legendary and highly decorated unit has been fighting on the front line since the beginning of the National Defense War, and has successively inflicted heavy damage and annihilation on many elite Nazi units."

"From Leningrad, Moscow, Kharkov, Stalingrad, Kursk, Cherkasy, Warsaw, East Prussia, to Berlin, the leadership army is active on every most arduous front. Every day Wherever they appear, the Nazi forces there are about to suffer a disastrous defeat."

"The powerful combat effectiveness of this legendary force is the best representative of the Red Army's invincibility, and it is also the hero who finally planted the red flag on the top of the Reichstag."

Accompanied by the commentary from the auditorium, there was also exciting military music on the Red Square.

The flag guard composed of combat engineers raised the victory flag high and held the flagpole firmly. Kulbalov, who held a saber and saluted with his head raised towards the rostrum, led the infantry representative square and took the stage first as the vanguard of the leader division's troops being reviewed. It is also the first unit under Zhukov's 1st Belorussian Front to be reviewed.

Behind Kulbalov, in the first row of the infantry representative square, were the commanders and political workers at all levels of the main force of the First Division of the Leadership Army, dressed in formal attire and saluting.

Further back, there were all the soldiers holding AK-44 assault rifles with bayonets in their hands, pointing their bayonets upward, throwing away the veteran soldiers who were striding through the field.

After the announcement and reporting of the Battle of Berlin, the name of the Leading Army has almost reached the level that everyone knows and knows it, at least among the foreign representatives and military attachés on the viewing platform.

One thing to say, after learning about the military history of the leader army.

Almost all of the foreign representatives and military attaches who had not paid much attention to this unit before felt that the past experience of this unit was outrageous.

From Leningrad to Moscow, he endured the most difficult years of 1941 and defended the Soviet capital to defeat the Nazi encirclement and suppression.

From Moscow to Kharkov and then to Stalingrad, this unit withstood the more difficult Red Army counterattack failure and the Nazi counterattack from 1942 to 1943. In the city named after the leader, many people suffered from hunger. , the mentally broken Germans saw what is called "Slav shock".

From Kursk to Cherkasy, this powerful force fought hard in ten Stalin assaults, staying in front and retreating behind. Wherever the fighting is the fiercest, they are bound to be there. The roaring and roaring of those Stalin heavy tanks in groups is the most terrifying nightmare for the German army who witnessed them on the battlefield.

From Warsaw to East Prussia, this army, which has become a legendary and glorious force, smashed into pieces the arrogant Nazi regiment that once roamed the European continent, and fled in embarrassment until hearing its name, they were frightened and feared like a tiger, " The "Iron Butchers" and the "Stalin Guards" have almost become a lingering nightmare of "Soviet phobia" among the German front-line troops.

Until Berlin, to the heart of this pure capital.

It was this force that had become the "Elite Crusher" that completely crushed the Germans' last hope of carrying it to the end.

With a ruthless and fierce offensive, it was announced that the Nazis had officially become historical garbage, worthy of existing only in the dust of yesterday. The victory flag flying high on the top of the Reichstag was the best proof.

This unit is almost a living history of the Soviet Union’s Patriotic War. Understanding the history of this unit is equivalent to a complete understanding of the entire process of the Soviet Union’s Patriotic War.

No matter whether the Soviet Red Army wins or loses, advances or retreats, you can always find this army in the most intense battlefield records, and you can always find records of how the Nazis were defeated and beaten in front of them. This is almost always the case whether the battle is with a tailwind or a headwind.

When attacking, aggression is like fire, and when defending, it is immovable like a mountain.

This is definitely the iron-blooded and powerful army that every commander dreams of, and it is also an opportunity that every general who pursues fame and glory can only meet but cannot seek.

"Look at them, Tommy. The Russians say they have the best marine corps in the world. At least based on their momentum, I think they may not be lying."

"You are right. It can be seen that this is indeed a very good force. I heard that Washington spoke highly of them. Even the president knew that the Soviets had a force named after Stalin, which defeated the arrogant Germany. He was beaten until his dignity was shattered into pieces.”

"When I think about the fact that we are going to be enemies with opponents like this in the future, God, I really don't want to be sent to the battlefield to stand in front of them. It may be embarrassing to say this, but I am really telling the truth, I really mean it. "

"Like you, they are like a deadly plague, bringing death to the enemies of the Soviet Union wherever they go. The miserable end of the Germans is enough to illustrate the problem. No one wants to go to hell to discuss their experiences with those Germans. ,No."

The U.S. military attachés on the viewing platform were "outnumbered" and almost all the people in military uniforms in the U.S. Embassy in Moscow were summoned and mobilized.

Army officers and Marine officers who were responsible for fighting land wars and who might come into contact with the Russians in the future, rarely reached an agreement. They formed a "small circle of land-wrecked people" and gathered together to whisper.

Not far away, officers from the Army Air Force and Navy gathered together for a rare occasion.

It’s not that I don’t agree with the opinions of the “brothers who are suffering on the land”, it’s just that “it’s none of my business and I just worry about it”. It seems better to talk about the Russian uniforms, weapons, and pace than to talk about how difficult the Russians are to fight.

Next to the US military officer corps, the British officers were also chatting about similar topics. The content was very different from that of the US military. They discussed how miserable the fate of the Germans was and how no one wanted to go to hell with such a German. Stay together.

As for the French officers

Well, well, it’s hard to have a large-scale discussion with just three people. As for what to say, let’s talk about battle tactics.

We didn't fight any decent large-scale battles in the entire World War II. How many battles did the Germans fight with the French army before they entered Paris? Brother, are you deliberately looking for trouble?

The Russians in the audience hammered the Germans into pig heads. If you put it here and say that we were beaten into pig heads by the Germans, can the speech be divided into different occasions? How did you get sent as a foreign representative with your emotional intelligence? Is there no one left in my dignified France?

Oh, indeed there is no one yet. After all, the country has just been restored and there is a real shortage of suitable manpower at least.

Next is the Japanese side

Saito-kun, who just said harshly that "meat bombs will defeat steel bombs", now looks a bit ugly.

You want to make a fool of yourself and insist that the group of Russian soldiers who just passed by the audience are a kind of "paper tiger" army with low morale and dejection, and they look like window paper that can be broken with a poke. In fact, it has no combat effectiveness.

That's not impossible.

But how the Navy Red Deer here looks at you and laughs at you, the Red Deer Wild Man, is another story.

However, Saito-kun really didn't expect that he could restrain himself from speaking or commenting, but the Navy Red Deer on the side actually went one step further and spoke with a smirk as if he was just watching the fun and not taking it too seriously.

"Saito-kun, I don't think these Russian soldiers are the kind of soldiers you said who "collapse in a rush" and can only hide in the tank and press buttons."

"I don't mean anything else, just a small suggestion."

"It's best to give you a clear description of today's situation in the army's report, so as to avoid being liquidated in the future and use the excuse of "failed to report knowledge and lied about military information" to punish you. As an old friend, I am still very I’m worried about you because I sincerely don’t want to see anything happen to you.”

Saito, who couldn't bear it when he heard that the navy was so arrogant and taciturn, immediately responded without saying a word.

"Let the navy not worry about the army. I advise you to think about how to deal with those aircraft carriers that already have more destroyers than you."

"Baga! This bastard Army Red Deer knows nothing about destroyers and aircraft carriers! He is such a bastard that cannot be taught!"

The two red deer are here, quarreling with each other and singing harmoniously. You look down on me and I look down on you, and they are just fighting each other.

Fortunately, the representatives and military attachés from various countries who were invited to attend basically had no interest in these two things.

Not only did he not talk to him too much, he even kept a considerable distance from him, as if he was avoiding the god of plague.

But these two red deer, as parties involved, seemed not to care at all about it. If they didn't care, they wouldn't talk about it and just engage in internal fighting performance art.

Looking at the entire viewing platform with such a strange scenery, it is true that there is only one place, and there are no other places.

All kinds of good and bad work continued on the viewing platform, as did the military parade on Red Square.

Under the watchful eyes of the entire audience, the most important, most anticipated, and destined to leave the most astonishment was the passage of the heavy equipment phalanx.

"Hey! It's coming, it's coming! Tommy, look over there, the Russian tanks are coming! It's those T3485s!"

"I heard that this is a good tank, even better than our Sherman, but why do the Russians still need a Sherman when they have such a good tank?"

"Because you don't mind too much money, and the Russians don't mind too many tanks. The reason is the same."

The T3485s belonging to the Kintan IV opened up the square formation, hoisted the red flag, and roared through the Red Square with a brand-new attitude.

Although there has been controversy, for example, whether the latest T43 medium tank, which has been officially finalized and put into mass production after several improvements, should be replaced by the T3485 and passed through the Red Square as the leading phalanx of heavy equipment.

However, after weighing and weighing several rounds of discussions, the headquarters finally decided to let the T3485 team be the first to pass the review.

There is no other reason but the most representative one.

The mass production of this excellent medium tank has never stopped even after the new T43 has been continuously improved, perfected and put into production. Even now as the military parade is underway, brand-new T3485s are still rolling off the production line one after another.

It will be a long process for the new T43 to replace the T3485 with huge production capacity. The five-digit total production capacity is not something that can be replaced immediately.

However, compared to these things about the Soviet medium tanks, the group on the viewing platform was purely watching the fun and looking for some clues. The real attention was still on the big guys following behind.

Those heavy tanks, like behemoths, had rumbled in behind T3485, passing through the field as the second phalanx of heavy equipment.

All that was left for the Western military attachés on the viewing platform were their trembling hands, tightly holding the telescope, and their eyes almost bulging out of their heads, unable to stop marveling.

"Oh my God! Tommy! Do you see those things? Those big monster-like things driving by, what the hell are they? Starling kept as a pet in the backyard A steel monster?"

"Oh my God! This guy is bigger than our M29 "Thomas"! I thought Thomas was already big enough. How could the Russians create such a big monster?"

"Damn it! Look at that gun! That's not the 122 gun on an ordinary Russian heavy tank. That thing has a larger caliber and magnification! Damn it, it's like putting a destroyer turret on a tank."

Compared to the entourage who were scolded, shocked, or dumbfounded, Colonel Frank, the highest-ranking U.S. Army officer present, had already found the U.S. ambassador who was also at the scene and witnessed the horrific scene in front of him. The bad news was terrible. Then it came out of his mouth.

"There is no doubt now, Mr. Ambassador, that we were deceived by the Russians."

"The IS6 we exchanged through previous cooperation is not their latest and most powerful heavy tank at all. The Russians are playing tricks on us! They blatantly violated the contract and betrayed their trust!"

"Look at these steel behemoths now. Compared with this thing, that IS6 looks like a rusty tractor on a Texas farm. These monsters must have flattened and crushed the German capital. The Russians have no sincerity. He used outdated junk to defraud our top-notch aircraft engines.”

"You should immediately submit a diplomatic protest over this, and we will complain to the international community and expose the Russians' discreditable behavior of defrauding their allies."

"Oh, this is it, Colonel Frank."

Compared with the anger of the warrior next to him, Mr. Ambassador, who didn't care much about the failure of a tank, felt that he only needed to make one thing clear to him.

"Based on my understanding of the Russians over the years I have been stationed in Moscow, I think you should listen to my advice. This is the truth."

"When you do business with the Russians, never think about the after-sales service after the goods leave the counter. Because no matter who you are or how powerful you are, unless you give this store called Moscow Smash it, otherwise you won’t be able to ask for an explanation. The other prerequisite is that you have to be able to defeat a group of Slavic guys rushing out of the store. It’s best to be able to defeat it.”

"Because the bones of the last person who dared to do this are now burnt, and the burnt smell is still fresh. You and I both know that person's name."

"I suggest that you just report the facts truthfully, because I will do the same. This is no longer a matter for you and me to take care of and get involved in. It will be good for you and me to hand it over."

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