Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 2993 Now, the Red Army is the most powerful

The Americans on the viewing platform felt that they had been deceived and that the Russians had used shameless commercial fraud to obtain top-notch military equipment.

As the saying goes, some families are happy and some are sad, but human beings' joys and sorrows are not the same.

The anger on the Americans' side is limited to the Americans themselves. If possible, it can also be taken into account the British side, who also have costs and have the same roots and ethnicity.

At the same time, at the other end of the viewing platform, the Japanese were also shocked by the ferocious beast on the Red Square, but they were far less angry than the Americans who had so much free time.

"Baga! How could these Russian barbarians do this? How could they have such huge tanks and build so many of them???"

In Saito-kun's view of the world, a tank should be something larger than a car, or at most a little bigger than a truck.

I have never had the opportunity to go to Germany, but I heard from colleagues who came back from studying abroad in Germany that the tanks developed by the Germans have a very large size, thicker armor, and are far more powerful than all the vehicle-mounted artillery of the Imperial Army. Tank gun.

It almost gives people the feeling that a warship has been equipped with tracks and driven onto land. It is nothing more than that the German armored warfare is so powerful.

Saito-kun is skeptical and even disdainful of these statements.

The reason is simple. No matter how powerful the German tanks are, they are still beaten by the Russians.

Not only was he kicked out of Russia, he also lost his old home, all his dignity and dignity were lost, and he lost all his money, not to mention that he still owed a huge debt. It was so embarrassing that he couldn't bear to look at it.

Then this "outstanding talent" who led the Imperial Japanese Army actually came to a very strange conclusion.

In my opinion, the Russian tanks are like chickens and dogs. During the Battle of Nomonhan, our imperial warriors used "meat bombs" to defeat "steel bombs" and destroyed them.

As a result, you Germans can't even defeat chickens and dogs. You were chased by Russian tanks and even destroyed your home. Then rounding things off, you Germans are not even as good as chickens and dogs. This has seriously hindered my efforts to lead the Japanese Empire. , is a burdensome pig teammate.

It can also be seen from the victory of the Imperial Warriors' "meat bombs" over the "steel bombs" that the Imperial Army's combat effectiveness is able to suppress the Russians.

Not to mention the result of the Battle of Nomonhan, it was just the Imperial Army's bad luck and saving face for the Russians. There is no such thing as being unable to defeat it, it is pure nonsense.

So it can be seen from this that the combat effectiveness of the Imperial Army is greater than that of the Russians, and the combat effectiveness of the Russians is greater than that of the Germans.

So after rounding off, the Germans' combat effectiveness is at least two levels worse than our imperial army's, and they are completely useless to our teammates.

In short, the Russians, Germans and the like are not as good as me leading the Imperial Japanese Army.

The bumper car battle between these two noobs pecking each other was just that. The Russian tank was just a little bigger, a little intimidating in appearance, and they were lucky enough to meet the German guy's shabby car. Only then can we brag about winning the final victory.

No matter how you put it, the current situation is between the elites of the Imperial Army versus the pretentious Russians. The advantage lies with me!

Saito-kun, who has made up a set of logical closed loops for himself, is immersed in the dream of "I will lead the Japanese Empire to be invincible for generations to come" all day long.

It is also because of subjective disdain and unconscious avoidance at the subconscious level, that is, not wanting to take the initiative to understand or see.

Therefore, although this guy is a military attache stationed in the Soviet Union, in the "self-compiled" report sent back to the country, in addition to a lot of boasting content that made the Navy Red Deer shake his head after reading it, the Russian tank records even stopped at "T3485 quality" Unreliable and low-yield” on.

You ask about other content?

What other content? There is no other content. The Russian tanks are crudely built and look like tractors. How can they be the opponent of the elite tanks of our imperial army? There is no need to waste paper with other content.

If he hadn't come to Red Square today to watch the excitement, Saito-kun's self-logical closed loop of "the imperial army is invincible" might have continued like this.

But by coincidence, he came to the Red Square today and witnessed with his own eyes what kind of state the new Russian tanks, which he had been consciously or unconsciously not wanting to see, had developed into.

Saito felt that it couldn't even be called a chariot. How could any chariot he knew look like this? It's more like calling it "Stalin's Steel Monster".



Hearing the slight breathing coming from his side becoming heavier and heavier, Tokugawa raised his eyelids and glanced at the Army Red Deer next to him, and couldn't help but sneered in his heart.

Oh, the Army Red Deer is indeed the Army Red Deer. The Sendai bumpkin who has never seen the world is the Sendai bumpkin. How can he be the opponent of our Etajima Navy elite? Chun Chun Yijie is a vulgar Wufuer.

I have never seen any steel giants as towering as mountains, but our navy has many of them.

With the pitiful amount of steel production our army receives every year, the steel used to build tanks is probably not as good as the tonnage of artillery shells our navy produces every year, right?

All in all, seeing Saito, the Army Red Deer, being so shocked by the Russians' new tanks that his breathing became rapid and unsteady, the self-proclaimed Navy Red Deer Tokugawa felt so happy, not to mention the self-proclaimed noble Navy Red Deer.

It was as if what was driving past the Red Square below was not a Russian tank, but a warship from his navy equipped with wheels, rumbling past the Russian territory. As a result, the Army Red Deer was frightened into this birdlike state.

Thinking of this, Tokugawa, who was in a beautiful mood, could not help but smile uncontrollably and spoke slowly. At this time, he had to "pretend" to comfort his "good brother in the army".

"Saito-kun, look at this Russian tank. I'm a Navy man and don't know much about it, but I always feel that it's just because of its appearance and size. You Army warriors can still defeat "gun bullets" with "meat bombs" "Yes? Are you right?"

"No, that's right! That's natural!"

Even the tone of his speech was a little out of breath, as if he was drunk, but Saito, who forced himself to cheer up, was still holding on, saying that he was unwilling to embarrass himself in front of the navy. , being defeated would be even more uncomfortable than killing him.

"What level of combat effectiveness do the Germans have? They are just a bunch of rabble. Their backbone has been completely broken as early as World War I. It is inevitable to lose to the Russians and Americans."

"The warriors of the Imperial Army will teach the Russians a harsh lesson. If they dare to come, they will be defeated and killed without leaving any trace. As the saying goes, "Serve the country for seven lives", the warriors of the Imperial Army will definitely be able to do it again. A "meat bomb" defeats a "steel bomb"!

Well, you are right, everything you said is right, it is best to just write these words in the report as they are.

I would like to see how you, the army red deer who deceived your superiors and concealed your lies, will perform a disembowelment to apologize when the Russian tanks actually drive into your faces.

One is deliberately telling a story and waiting to see a joke, while the other is not losing face even if he loses, so he just falls into the story like a fool.

The moods and thoughts of the two red deer were completely different and contradictory, but neither of them really considered the future of the country and the so-called "imperial hegemony". It was purely for the purpose of "I have to find a way to see this guy's joke" and "I can't let this guy see the joke" and put it here to perform performance art.

This means that Malashenko was not present.

If Malashenko was really standing here right now, he would have to leave a message to these two red deer who were so obsessed with each other that they only needed a number.


This number is enough, anything more is considered nonsense.

That is when "every family is happy, every family is worried, every family is confused, every family is sad" on the viewing platform.

Malashenko, who drove all the way from afar, personally led the IS7 formation, including the command vehicle, a total of 25 IS7 heavy tanks, and finally drove to the center of the field facing the location of his loving father Comrade Stalin.

While continuing to move forward through the field, I saw the tall Slavic man standing tall on the turret of the formation's lead vehicle, with his head held high and his chest raised, suddenly giving a crisp and solemn salute.

He raised his chest and tilted his head, followed by that powerful shout, and then blurted it out.

"Salute to him!!!"

Swish swish swish——

Counting Malashenko, there are a total of 25 people, a total of 25 commanders standing outside the IS7 turret with their heads held high.

Following the command given by the comrade commander, they immediately and in unison gave the most solemn salute to the comrade leader and waved their right arm fiercely.

This unison and coordinated movement, accompanied by a total of 25 IS7 heavy tanks, directly ignited the entire audience at the climax of the atmosphere. Even the uninterrupted military parade BGM above the Red Square was changed.

"The Red Army soldiers marched forward, answering the call for us to fight."

"From the British coast to Siberia, the Red Army was the most powerful in the world."

It doesn’t matter if you don’t understand the lyrics, but this passionate tone paired with such a shocking scene really shocked the group of foreign guests on the auditorium to the point where they couldn’t say a word.

On the head of the formation where Malashenko is personally in charge, the battle flag of the leadership army designed by him is flowing and fluttering in the wind.

The composition of a huge bear's head with a red background and a white picture crushing the Iron Cross was clearly reflected in the eyes of the U.S. Army colleagues on the viewing platform, and they blurted out sighs that they had not had an epiphany until now.

"God, I finally know what terrible opponents those Germans are facing."

"This is an army made of steel monsters, just like Behemoth. I have never sympathized with those Nazis, but now, standing here, today is different. I have begun to sympathize with them as they are being destroyed The terrible despair I experienced before.”

"The Russians have created the most powerful land war beast in history, Tommy. We must show 100% strength to deal with them, and I hope this deal will not happen in the form of a battlefield meeting."

At this point, the shock to the "distinguished foreign guests" has been extremely huge.

But in the VIP auditorium with the best view in the audience, the loving father Comrade Stalin at this moment smiled brightly and happily at the "good job" specially prepared by Malashenko. What happened was still full of anticipation.

"Voroshilov, I'm looking forward to the next highlight, which will be the most impressive top equipment in this parade."

Hearing what Comrade Stalin said next to him, Marshal Voroshilov, who maintained a respectful posture, responded quietly.

"That's natural, Comrade Stalin. The most powerful self-propelled artillery in the world will definitely shock our "friends" deeply."

It cannot be said that the respected old Marshal Voroshilov only chooses what leaders and comrades like to hear and says what they want. After all, this is indeed the case.

When the IS7 formation followed, the ISU-203 self-propelled artillery, which was even bigger and looked like a moving hill, also drove onto the Red Square in a 4X6 formation of 24 vehicles, roaring towards them.

Almost everyone on the viewing platform could feel this unprecedented suffocation and shock, and a powerful and unavoidable sense of conquest filled every air.

"Oh my God! Did the Russians move the heavy cruiser turret onto the tank? This is simply a monster! Monster!!!"

"I doubt it, I really doubt it! Was it that the Germans were imprisoned and beaten up on the Eastern Front battlefield by such steel monsters for so long before they were finally freed? I almost admire the Germans for being able to do this on the Eastern Front. Standing in front of the steel monster for so long is like a German superman!"

"Baga!!! This is not a military parade at all. The Russians want to conquer the world!"

No matter what the people on the viewing platform think, think or say, a total of 24 steel behemoths with unparalleled pressure and a sense of conquest are still slowly rolling across the Red Square in an orderly and roaring way. Pass.

The huge muzzle of the cannon can literally put a person's head inside, which is far beyond the existing knowledge of any conventional vehicle-mounted artillery.

It was difficult to tell what caliber this artillery was by sight alone. I had never seen a self-propelled artillery vehicle of the same type before. In the end, Colonel Frank, the representative of the U.S. Attaché in the Soviet Union, who had done enough basic homework, guessed the answer correctly.

"Hell! This is at least an 8-inch cannon! It has the same caliber as the Des Moines-class heavy cruiser under construction by the Navy! We must report this to Washington quickly, we are in trouble!"

The most intimidating IS7 and ISU-203 formations passed by one after another, but don’t think that the shock brought by the leader’s army will end here.

Following closely behind the ISU-203 formation is the TOS-1A heavy rocket assault tank, which may not be as "terrifying" in appearance as the previous two brothers, but is equally "terrifying and powerful".

As soon as this heavy-duty special operations vehicle built on the IS6 chassis appeared, quite a few people on the viewing platform were even stunned.

It's not that I was shocked, but I didn't know what this scary-looking thing was used for, how to fight, and how to use it.

This fucking thing is something I have never seen in my dreams!

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