Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 2994 But we will never give up

"What are the Russians doing!? Do they want to scare us with today's military parade? What the hell are all this!?"

At this point in the military parade, something started to feel a bit off, at least to the Americans and British.

Powerful and oppressive super tanks, self-propelled artillery that makes people forget to breathe when they appear, and the kind that can make many US military attachés instantly become "military blind". A bunch of people are standing here, staring, and dumbfounded. , but no one can tell what kind of car it is or how to use the steel monster.

The shock of three consecutive hits was almost speechless.

In addition to "showing off force" and "military coercion," the US military officers present could not think of any other purpose for the Russians to display so much powerful and powerful heavy equipment.

There were even discussions among US military officers on the scene that a diplomatic protest should be submitted to the Soviet Union on this matter.

He said he called everyone to watch the military parade, but in fact it turned into intimidation by force. This is not okay! We must protest!

When your fist is big enough, the most unreasonable person in the past will suddenly become "well-behaved", and will even take the initiative to put himself in a weak position to make it look like you are bullying him.

It may sound a little unbelievable, but it is true.

The situation on the viewing platform is getting more and more like it won't end well. However, the troops receiving the review from the leader's army still have important equipment to come, and it's not over yet.

When groups of BMP-43 infantry fighting vehicles arrived, a group of U.S. military attachés, who did not yet have the concept of infantry fighting vehicles, and those from Britain, France, Australia and Canada came to watch the show.

Just watching helplessly, the cover on the rear of the BMP-43 was opened, the infantry leaned out from it, all AKs were hung on the chests, and the commander on the front turret stood upright. Those who are exposed have a full 7 hours.

The U.S. military attachés, whose perceptions had once again been refreshed, were already a little numb. They felt that it didn't matter whether they said it or not, and no matter what they said at this time.

I had heard a little bit about the Russians investing in an infantry combat vehicle before, but the information was still vague at that time, and I didn't know exactly how the Russians used this thing or how it was designed.

Now it seems that the Russians have created a vehicle that can fit an entire infantry squad into a car, and the body and chassis are directly compatible with medium tanks. It is a combat vehicle that can carry infantry to accompany highly mobile heavy armored units in coordinated assaults and engage in battlefield operations together to provide direct anti-personnel and light armor fire support.

Gone are the days when infantrymen, barefooted, would hide behind tanks and charge into positions.

This also means that facing such an enemy with a mechanized synthetic army, the blocking time for effective defensive firepower will be greatly reduced.

The two-legged infantry that hindered tactical mobility no longer exists. Now, as fast as the tank can run with its accelerator depressed, the infantry can surely keep up and run in lockstep.

U.S. Army military attachés with considerable professionalism can certainly imagine what this means.

The Russians, who are good at group assaults, are extremely good at large-scale armored combat. This is a "grandmaster" level powerhouse that even the Germans have to kneel down and sing about conquest.

Now you say that the Russians have thought of a way to basically bring the overall strength and tactical mobility of infantry to the same level as tanks.

what is this? Tell ghost stories? You wouldn’t even have nightmares like this!

Even before that, the U.S. military had specifically studied the tactic of "leaving the tanks alone to attack the infantry" to specifically knock out the "guardian angels" of the Russian tanks. Even if the tank assault group rushed over, it would not be very destructive or powerful. Greatly reduced, the Russians' "usual tricks" will be self-defeating.

But the situation is different now. This new thing developed by the Russians has completely overturned all the previous research and war games of the US military. All efforts have been in vain. Now everything has to be overthrown and started from scratch.

For this reason alone, there is no doubt that this is a revolutionary piece of equipment that can subvert the collaborative tactics of infantry and tanks.

"God, I've had enough. I feel like I did the right thing to come here today, but I shouldn't have come. The Russians made it clear they were going to blow our eyes out and keep us here."

"How did we do our previous intelligence work? Are those intelligence people just losers? Why did their so-called "infantry hitchhiker", which is not much better than a troop transport truck, end up being a vehicle that can be stuffed into An entire infantry squad of medium tanks!? What kind of April Fool’s joke is that?”

"It's hard to say anything else, but I'm sure that when we go back today, everyone will run out of ink. I'm afraid only God knows how long we will have to write a report about what we saw today."

The BMP-43 formation did not stop after it passed by. One after another, ISU-152A, Katyusha rocket launchers, and Andryusha rocket launchers competed to appear, roaring and roaring as they passed through the Red Square.

It was only then that some of the foreigners on the viewing platform, those who were discerning and observant, noticed a rather abnormal problem.

"Guys, has anyone seen the towed artillery of the Russian leadership? Did I miss it?"


There was silence and the birds looked at me and I looked at you. Both of them were speechless and looked at each other.

No one wants to say the words that everyone can almost guess, but is so bad that no one wants to be the first to say it.

In the end, Colonel Frank, who was still leading the team, set an example as a leader and said the words that everyone knew even if he didn't say them.

"It seems that the Russians, the so-called combined mechanized army of all arms, have even thrown away ordinary towed artillery. They have completely replaced the traditional towed artillery with self-propelled artillery and wheeled and tracked vehicle-mounted rocket launchers, allowing the artillery to Its mobility, combat flexibility, tactical scalability, and battlefield survivability have been unprecedentedly improved.”

"Assuming the Russians didn't play tricks on us, maybe they just didn't pull out the towed artillery, and maybe they wanted to scare us, Colonel. An entire military-level unit is all self-propelled artillery and vehicle-mounted rocket launchers. I can't imagine the Russians having to do this. No matter how high the construction cost is, these high-value heavy equipment are not rifles in the hands of infantry. "


Colonel Frank, who was already in a bad mood, was in no mood and didn't want to pay attention to the "reasonable rebuttals" of his subordinates. He could just say whatever he wanted to say.

Anyway, today, two years and three months after he was transferred to the military attache stationed in Moscow, must be the bleakest day in hundreds of days and nights.

The most exciting and powerful music of the Red Army came to an end, and the heavy equipment parade formation of the leading army also successfully completed its mission.

At this point, only the last finale of the Red Square military parade, which will surely go down in history, has yet to be staged, but it is already on its way.

A total of 200 military flags and battle flags of various Nazi units were held upside down, and they officially walked in under the command of Alsim, the leader of the first platoon.

There are a total of 20 military flags and battle flags in the first row, from the "Four Elites of the SS" to the "Number One Elite of the Wehrmacht" who were wiped out twice. Each mottled and dilapidated Nazi military flag is the leading army of today and the leading division of the past. , the best testimony of killing the elites on the battlefield until they cried for their fathers and cried for their mothers, and were frightened by the news.

In the melody of the songs of the defenders of Moscow, in the salutes of the leaders and comrades, in the viewing platform, there was a mixture of admiration and silent gazes.

200 Nazi flags were held upside down all the way through the Red Square and continued to move forward until they passed the end of the Red Square parade avenue and arrived in front of Lenin's Mausoleum. Only then did 200 carefully selected flag-bearing soldiers finally march in Al Under the leadership of Sim, he stood at attention and stopped.

"To the millions of compatriots who sacrificed their lives in the Great Patriotic War, we finally won the final victory of this war! Let peace and beauty return to the motherland. Your sacrifice and dedication will be forever remembered!"

When the words are said, the ceremony is over.

Alsim, who closed his hands and lowered his arms, moved sideways, took a step back and stood beside the 200-man flag-bearing formation, and blurted out a deafening order immediately after.



A total of 20 representatives of the leading division soldiers in the first row stepped forward upon hearing the order. Sulovchenko, who was standing closest to Alsim, held the broken flagpole of the SS Guards Division with a firm gaze. , facing Lenin's Mausoleum, just waiting for the final order.

"Throw the flag——"

Swish swish swish——

It was once cherished as a treasure by the Nazi militants, but now it is discarded on the ground like a footcloth, no more compared to the rags and pieces of wood in the scrap pile.

20 Nazi flags were followed by 20 more, and the next row was still 20. After throwing one after another, the final 20 flags were finally reached.

The Nazi flags in front of Lenin's tomb have been piled up like a pile of Nazi militants who were killed on the spot and scattered in the streets.

Looking at the scene in front of Lenin's tomb from a distance, and witnessing the whole process with his own eyes, Colonel Frank only let out a long sigh as he slowly put down the telescope in his hand.

"The Nazis are finished, and the Germans are completely finished."

"They will never be able to threaten the Russians like they have in the past few years. What is thrown to the floor like a footcloth is not the flag, but the dignity, honor, and decency that the Germans have inherited for hundreds of years, starting from Prussia. Everything so far ends here.”

The first Red Square military parade after the victory of the Patriotic War, which was unprecedented in scale and momentum, has come to a successful conclusion here.

After passing through the Red Square and commanding the heavily equipped formation, they continued to advance in an orderly manner and evacuated the main city of Moscow in sequence as previewed in the parade rehearsal.

It wasn't until he walked along the street back to the parade training ground on the outskirts of Moscow, back to the place where he started, and Malashenko jumped from the turret that he finally breathed a sigh of relief.

"Well done, comrades! Everyone! Not only did we show our military might and glory to our leaders and the motherland, we also let some people with evil intentions and bad intentions see our strength!"

"Only when you can fight can you stop the war. Fear force but not virtue."

"Just like those Nazis who have been trampled under our feet, there will always be enemies who can only see artillery fire and destruction in their eyes, and are only afraid of these."

"Then we will get what they want, let them see what the real Iron Fist of the Red Army is! We will always be ready to fight! The final outcome of Nazu is a lesson for the enemy!"

Ula! ! !

Ula! ! !

In front of the neatly arranged various heavy equipment for the parade, there are all soldiers of the leadership army who have experienced the fire of war and have just returned from the parade ground with great honors.

Malashenko's impromptu speech and summary of the military parade once again boosted the morale of the audience and pushed the high-pitched atmosphere after the military parade to the highest point again.

The motherland will remember this moment, history will remember it, and so will the world.

Just like those who persevere in the pursuit of truth, there are always things in this world that are worth doing, defending, and fighting for as always.

The road to pursuing the truth is long and difficult, and there is bound to be a long way to go in the future, but we will never give up.

"It's over now, let me guess, it's time to fly to Berlin again, right?"

The political commissar who also just came off the parade ground, but was unable to hold the flag and pole because of his disability, could only hand over this honor to Kulbalov, was actually following the leader of the army who first appeared at the beginning. The infantry squadron was reviewed throughout the venue.

Wearing the uniform of an infantry major general, he stood behind Kulbalov, in front of the queue, and marched directly under the victory flag.

After hearing the question from Comrade Political Commissar, Malashenko, who signaled the soldiers to disperse and rest so that they could go about their own business, leaned against his command vehicle and gave a rare helpless smile.

"I really want to go home and spend time with Natalia, but unfortunately I can't stop. Sometimes I feel like I'm following a clockwork machine."

"But it's okay. At least I haven't wasted my time. I'm busy and fulfilled. That's enough. The love between my children will be slowed down for the time being. I can still bear it."

They looked at each other and smiled, as if they had never been so relaxed before. Malashenko, who was smiling, also changed the topic back to the right track.

"I don't plan to take away Kurbalov's first division. Let it stay in Moscow. The General Staff Headquarters has other arrangements. I have been notified."

"The military parade on the Berlin side is completely left to the Second Division of Varosha. The troops and equipment are sufficient. When it is over on the other side, come back with me, and you have to be with that kid Lavrinenko."


The political commissar who heard this immediately realized that there was something in Malashenko's words, and what it meant was obviously very clear.

It seems that our comrade commander has been busy running back and forth these days, so he really decided on this matter before leaving.

"Then what do you say? Do you want to go back to Berlin with me? If you ask me, just go back with me. It's lonely to be alone here. Besides, I can't worry about you, old man, huh?"

I have indeed finished all the things I should be busy with, I have met everyone I need to see, and I have visited all the places I need to go.

Together with Malashenko, Iushkin, and the entire No. 177 train crew, they also went to the tombs of the Kirill family to pay homage and sweep the graves, and brought the news of the victory.

Comrade Political Commissar’s trip to Moscow has indeed left no regrets.

The answer to Malashenko's opening followed with a smile.

"Comrade Commander has given an order, how dare I, an old man, disobey? I didn't say anything, and I will resolutely carry out the order of the commander!"

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