Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 2995 The future is as beautiful as the ideal

Returning to Berlin again, Malashenko's feeling was somewhat different from when he left not long ago.

First of all, the streets and various populated areas that were originally bombed into a pile of ruins and broken walls were much cleaner than when I left earlier.

Although many large piles of rubble are already a vast expanse of bricks and tiles, the collapsed buildings and the dead people buried under them give off a frowning smell.

The weather isn't too hot, but it won't last long. It's been some time since the Battle of Berlin ended, but we don't know how long it will take to clean up the battlefield ruins. It's normal for corpses buried deep in the ruins to rot and stink. .

But this still doesn't stop those people who are looking for a living from coming out to look for a glimmer of hope among the ruins.

Cans in the rubble, daily necessities among the ruined walls, and even clothes, socks, shoes and hats in the pile of dead people that smell of rotting corpses

These war refugees and scavengers living in Berlin were willing to take whatever they wanted and whatever they found useful.

The Red Army has opened a large number of humanitarian material distribution points in the city, and distributes daily necessities on time and on time every day.

But this still can't stop the fact that there are too many war refugees in Berlin. Not only the original Berlin citizens, but also a considerable number of people from satellite villages and suburban settlements around Berlin. After hearing that it is relatively easier to survive in this big city of Berlin, I also They all rush to the city to make a living.

The Red Army was forced to have no choice but to implement strict military control at all major entrances and exits and issue passes. Without a pass, it would be embarrassing and troublesome to go back and forth.

This is not a question of human touch, but a major matter related to Berlin's basic security and grassroots management.

To put it bluntly but it is true, these Germans who are heading to Berlin are real refugees.

This has nothing to do with discrimination, but just imagine, when Berlin, which cannot provide enough jobs, is filled with a large number of people who have nothing to do but go hungry and pick up garbage to eat, think about what will happen next?

It can only be said that people who commit crimes, burn, kill, and loot must have whatever they want.

Not being hungry is a basic condition for maintaining public order at the bottom of society. When these basic conditions cannot be met, it is foreseeable what kind of bloody things will happen.

Sitting in the car, looking at the street scenes along the way and thinking about what he saw and heard, Malashenko, who had just got off the plane from the airport in the southern suburbs of the city, had now driven into the city of Berlin and was assigned to the leadership army. The garrison jurisdiction is Lao Ma's own territory.

After a while, the leading army, which is about to completely evacuate Berlin, will completely hand over its defense area.

Chuikov will be responsible for assigning new defense troops. It can only be said who they are. Malashenko, whose mind has already flown to the Far East, can be said to not care much.

But right now, the leader of the army, who is still in Berlin, has to take care of all kinds of trivial matters within his jurisdiction.

Not only is it an issue of maintaining public security, but it is also an issue of basic life and employment for the refugees within the jurisdiction.

Yes, Malashenko also feels that this is outrageous.

However, the Political Department of the Front Army has indeed assigned the task of "trying to solve the employment problem of refugees within its jurisdiction and further strengthening grassroots public security" directly to the Military Department, the leader of the army level, saying that it will be handled by itself according to the situation.

Solve refugee employment?

How the hell am I going to solve their employment problem? Should we open a weapons and equipment repair shop in Berlin and let these refugees come in to knock out screws and collect rewards?

"Right now, all the work in Berlin is in its early stages, or has not yet been implemented at all, and is still being planned."

"Understand, understand. The front army headquarters is also worried and has no solution. There are so many refugees who have nothing to do except pick up garbage all day long. If things continue like this, there will definitely be problems. If you make more money, you have to find a job for them."

"I will strengthen the work in this area next, leave it to me. If you have time, you can come and ask about the latest situation."

Compared to Malashenko's surprised and rather grumbling side, the political commissar sitting in the front passenger seat of the car actually said that he understood the difficulties of his superiors and took the initiative to take over the job. This made Malashenko unsettled. Rashenko lamented, “Our political commissar is really a versatile person who can do anything.”

"I just think there should be someone dedicated to handle this. We are the military, a powerful department, and a violent agency. Why are you acting like an old woman now and have to take care of the refugee processing? I just forget it. Forget it, let’s just do whatever the higher-ups ask us to do.”

Malashenko waved his hands to express that he was so annoyed that he would not mention it anymore.

Comrade Comrade Political Commissar, who understood that young people need years to temper their patience, did not say anything. He just left Malashenko with a slightly kind smile in the rearview mirror.

Malashenko, who rolled down the car window, planned to light a cigarette to change his mood, but he did not expect that at this moment, a sudden accident suddenly happened in front of his eyes.


"Hey! You! What are you doing!? This is the chief's motorcade! Get out of the way of anyone who is not involved and leave!"

A sudden sound of braking followed by shouting came. Before he could light his cigarette, Malashenko accidentally threw the lighter out of the window. He frowned, leaned his head out of the window, and immediately saw the motorcade coming out of the window. thing.

"What are you doing over there? Why are you chattering?"

"I don't know. It sounds like someone intercepted the convoy? Who is so bold?"

Iushkin, who was holding the steering wheel, kept answering. Malashenko, who didn't want to wait any longer, decided to go and have a look for himself. He then raised his hand to open the car door and got out of the car. Comrade Political Commissar also got out of the car at the same time and followed.

"What happened? Why did you brake suddenly?"

When the leading car brakes, the following car must also brake. The source of Iushkin's braking must be from the leading car. Malashenko, who had just arrived at the scene, also immediately asked questions without saying anything.

"There she is! Don't let her get away, catch her!"


Before anyone could answer Malashenko's question, he saw two soldiers with guns running over from the street not far away. The target who was running and shouting was looking at the man who was kneeling in front of the convoy. Young women come.

I also saw that the tall man in front of me with extraordinary clothes must be a high official. Malashenko, who is dressed in the uniform of a lieutenant general and has an unusual figure like an iron tower, can indeed be said to be a capable man no matter where he goes. An object that attracts people's attention at a glance, let alone an unexpected occasion like this.

I saw the woman who was kneeling in front of the motorcade was so anxious that she moved her knees and rushed up on the ground. She threw herself on Malashenko's shoes and hugged us tightly. Comrade Lao Ma kept his big army boots on and blurted out German in a tearful and emotional tone at the same time.

"Sir, sir, please save me, please save me! My children cannot leave their mother. One of them is only 5 years old, and the other is only 2 years old!"

"My husband has been captured by the SS and has never come back. I can't be taken to prison! My children, my children need me, and I want to protect my children! Please help, help me. !”

This woman was so excited that her words were incoherent, and she was shouting and shouting but couldn't tell the whole story, leaving people confused.

But Malashenko did pick up on some key points: The woman was in trouble and she needed help, or at least she thought she needed help.

The two warriors who had been chasing her had already arrived.

Looking at the young woman who was still hugging her boots and crying, the noncommittal Malashenko raised his head, focused his attention on the two soldiers and asked questions.

"You two, tell me what's going on. Tell me the whole story."

Comrade Commander, not to say he was furious when he encountered this incident as soon as he returned "home", at least it has nothing to do with being happy now.

After a quick glance, they found that it was actually their own army commander. The two soldiers, one old and one young, were also a little panicked. The older soldier who was obviously more experienced also hurriedly spoke.

"Comrade Commander, it's like this. The two of us went out on patrol with the team, and we received a report from a citizen on the street behind."


Malashenko spent less than a minute listening to the entire incident.

Then it took the same less than a minute to properly arrange what to do with the woman in the future.

Malashenko personally ordered that she should be given a chance. There was no need to restrict her personal freedom for the time being, and there was no need to arrest her and put her in jail. She only needed to be released on bail and monitored. If she committed another crime, we would not talk about it again.

At least for now, let her and her two children live.

First, send some food over to check on the situation at their home. Don't forget to write a written report and ask your company commander to personally supervise and handle this matter. I will personally check back later.


Watching the two soldiers comply with his request and follow the order, Malashenko, who had something to say in his heart but didn't know how to say it for a while, remained silent and looked at the political commissar who had been accompanying him throughout the whole process. The comrade took one look and turned away immediately.

It wasn't until he and his political commissar comrades got into the car and the convoy started moving forward again that Malashenko, who had been thinking about it from just now until now, quietly spoke.

"The mother of two young children lost her husband and was captured by the Nazis. She is still alive and dead. She was forced to engage in the flesh business to support her family. She was reported by the neighbors and was almost arrested and imprisoned. "

"I'm thinking, if we hadn't encountered this matter today, do you think this family and those two children would have been completely ruined? Or rather, there are many such things that have not been encountered by us, and What has happened and what is happening now?”


Comrade Comrade Political Commissar was also touched after hearing Malashenko's words. After thinking for a moment, his tone of voice was somewhat helpless.

"As you said, we are the military, a powerful department, and a violent agency. It is not our specialty to conduct a census of refugees at the grassroots level. What's more, it is such a large scale and such a large scope that there are bound to be omissions. If something like this happens, it is not our specialty. It is also inevitable that the people who need help are not fully understood and the measures are not implemented properly.”

"So this is why we have to take action. The tasks assigned to us by our superiors to solve employment problems as much as possible must be taken seriously and stepped up. Otherwise, things like this will be inevitable and there will only be more of them."

"We must not only have the courage to smash an old world of sin and decay, Malashenko, but also have the ability, confidence, and enthusiasm to build a new world. This is why we are revolutionizing, this is our original The reason for taking action is our faith, our hope, and the path we have always persisted in and will continue to follow.”


Comrade Political Commissar is a down-to-earth idealist. He always carries infinite ideals and dreams of reaching his ideal place one day. And try your best to do what you think is right, what you should do, and what you cannot ignore.

"Then do it. Hurry up and do it. If you need my help, just ask."

"It's time for this war and its traumatic sequelae to come to an end."

Although the war is over, the trauma and sequelae caused by the war still require countless efforts and a long time to heal.

This was true for the Soviet Union, and it was also true for Germany.

I and my comrades are warriors with faith and ideals, not destroyers and eradicators who destroy lives wherever they go.

Regarding this point, Malashenko still understands it clearly and knows better how to do it.

What is inherited should not be hatred, but hope for a better future and tomorrow, whether for the Soviets or the Germans, and for people everywhere in the world.

Remember the history and face the future, and welcome tomorrow with a positive heart.

Malashenko hopes this will be something he will never forget, and it should be so.

"Haha, my good brother is back! Let me see, how many pounds has Natalia made your kid fatter? You said you have such good cooking skills, why can't I just follow suit? I've been idle all day Berlin has almost had enough of these things that are almost boring.”

"You, be content! How many days have you lived in luxury? You are starting to be picky about what you eat. There are still many people on the streets outside who are hungry."

Lavrinenko started joking as soon as they met, and so did Malashenko.

After a big bear hug, the two good brothers started chatting about business. The time for the Berlin military parade was approaching. Reference troops from the British, American and French troops were all in place. How prepared their own troops were was of course a matter of course. Rashenko's biggest concern right now.

"Don't worry, everything is done! From rehearsals to communication, everything has been arranged. Just wait for you to come back and decide the position and order in which you will appear."

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