Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 2996 The legendary real man

"What about Kulbalov and the First Division? Why didn't you bring them back together? You couldn't have been more preoccupied with coming back to see Anya and ended up forgetting about the troops.

"Hey! I've only been away from Berlin for a few days? Your skin is itchy, right?"

He felt angry when he said "a dog can't spit out ivory from its mouth", but it was impossible to really get angry. Malashenko, who pointed at Lavrinenko and laughed and scolded him, changed the topic. Brought unexpected good news.

"If you hadn't mentioned this, I would have almost forgotten it. I have good news to tell you."

"Our superiors have approved our participation in the war against Japan. Kurbalov and the troops of the First Division have already moved to the Far East to prepare for the battle."

"After the Berlin military parade, we immediately set off back to China and headed straight to the Far East. The goal of this campaign is to wipe out the Kwantung Army entrenched in Northeast China. These bastards must be eradicated as many as they are."

"In addition, I personally estimate that after this battle, we may stay in the Northeast for a while. I would like to experience the local customs. There are many of our comrades there who are as brave and tenacious as us. Don’t be afraid of hardships.”

"How about it? Are you interested in staying with me for a while? I'll tell you something ugly earlier. Chinese food is quite delicious, and it will satisfy your mouth that was complaining about the taste just now. If you If you refuse, I can guarantee that you will be the one who suffers the loss.”

There is one thing that Malashenko has never mentioned to anyone, including those closest to him.

During the trip to the Far East, for Malashenko, fighting the Japanese was relatively secondary, while visiting his hometown was more important.

Malashenko has never forgotten his memories before time travel. Even though he has experienced so much now, the deep feeling of homesickness is still there.

No matter how devastated and barren the place is, it is still my hometown and the motherland of my soul.

If possible, Malashenko would like to stay in the Northeast for a while.

Although that may be difficult to achieve, it does not prevent Malashenko from doing his best. Even if he can stay for one more day, it will be good.

"Well, I can smell the fragrance when I hear what you say. That place is in Northeast China. What is the food like there? Is it really delicious?"

Materials are relatively scarce these days, and it is normal for Lavrinenko to be interested in simple enjoyment such as delicious food, which can bring a strong sense of satisfaction.

Guessing that he must have detected Lavrinenko's pulse, Malashenko opened his mouth with a smile and then began to "spread the bait".

“There’s a lot of delicious food in that place, including meat sausages, stews, rice that smells delicious even when it’s simmered in the pot, and the most delicious thing is a dish called iron pot stew.

"Large pieces of lean meat, fat meat, or ribs and whole goose, with other vegetables, put them all into the pot, close the lid, simmer slowly over firewood and cover well. When the time is up, take off the lid of the pot Come on, it tastes so good! If you put the white rice here, you can stuff it in with your cheeks! It will definitely make your mouth full of oil!"

I have to admit that Northeastern cuisine, with its large portions and substantial ingredients, really appeals to the Slavic appetite.

How can you see it?

Then just look at Lavrinenko's half-open mouth, listen to Malashenko's vivid description and gestures with his hands, and hear the laughter almost dripping from the corners of his mouth. You will know that this is just a verbal description. The lethality is already so great.

If he really sat down at the table and lifted the lid of the pot, Malashenko would probably be like Lavrinenko. If he didn't put his head in the pot, he would still care about the deputy commander's face.

"No, I mean, is it really as fragrant as you said? So delicious? Why do I feel like it tastes better than anything I've ever eaten in my life?"

It is true that Comrade Lao Ma's ability to "deceive" is really awesome, but the food is also really delicious, and he blurts out an even more cheerful smile immediately.

"Whether it's true or not, you can tell if you come with me and give it a try?"

"There happens to be a comrade in Karamov named Ren Dagui. He is Chinese. He was abducted by the Japanese from the Northeast and captured by the Red Army. After many twists and turns, he ended up here. After a few years, he has become a good comrade with a red heart."

"When the time comes, let him, a local, lead the way for us. We, the two brothers, will call Iushkin and the others to find a place to set up a table. We will have food, wine, and food. If it doesn't work, I will call again. A few Japanese girls will dance and sing for you, but you’ll be in big trouble if you don’t go there.”

"What? Japanese pussy???"

When Malashenko said this, he suddenly remembered something he had seen by chance before.

It was a book introducing Japan, and the pictures on it were simply terrifying, at least in Lavrinenko's opinion.

The "Japanese girl" in the note is as short and small as a large F1 grenade. What's more terrible is who knows why the face is painted like a ghost. Even a black and white photo can't cover it up. The gods and demons were stunned, to the point where Lavrinenko, who was used to seeing dead people, shook his head.

Naturally, he equated "Japanese girls" with the photo in his mind. Lavrinenko, who looked "horrified", was busy waving at Malashenko and shaking his head repeatedly, indicating that he had nothing to do with it. Blessings are received.

Comrade Ma was a little confused as to why he reacted so violently, but he didn't take it seriously and just let it go.

In short, the matter was settled, and Lavrinenko also agreed to accompany Malashenko to travel more in the Northeast and experience the local customs.

The last few days I stayed in Berlin passed by so quickly. All in all, it was peaceful, and all the work was carried out in an orderly manner.

Malashenko also personally inspected a lot of basic work, and started to do anything meaningful and worth doing when there was no battle to fight.

Malashenko even made a special trip to take a look at the reopened Berlin Lunatic Asylum.

More than 90% of the people locked up in this place were captured German soldiers who lost their minds during the Battle of Berlin. Most of them were captured German soldiers caused by drug abuse, especially the SS.

Most of the lunatics who took drugs were killed on the spot and fought to death, but there were still a few who were knocked unconscious by the shock wave and captured, or they took too much drugs and failed to measure the dose. He passed out before he could go crazy, and when he finally woke up, he had been captured alive by the Red Army.

There are various reasons for being captured alive, but in short, these people now have a "common home" - Berlin Lunatic Asylum.

Irreversible nerve and brain damage makes these crazy people who are still alive but no different from the living dead. They live in various hallucinations and howling ghosts all day long. Most of them suffer from severe persecution delusions. , often wailing non-stop no matter day or night, the sound is more powerful than stepping on a switch.

The Red Army soldiers guarding the area had no choice but to go there in the middle of the night and forcibly give him "dual treatment combined with physical therapy and drugs."

After a heavy beating and a sedative in the mouth, he became honest and stopped moaning.

Normal people can finally sleep well.

Malashenko also personally met with the medical and health expert team who came specially from Moscow to observe, analyze and record data for these "Crazy 250" people.

The conclusion is that these people cannot be cured with current medical technology. How can they be cured if their brains are broken? You can't change your mind, right? The Soviets haven't reached that level of cyberpunk yet.

Therefore, it is impossible to start working on the reaction, experience, and feeling after taking drugs.

There's nothing I can do about it, these guys can't even speak human words anymore, they keep yelling when they meet, and they want to rush over and hit them. If he hadn't been knocked down by the guard's fist, the Soviet expert himself would have been beaten. Who would have dared to go up and ask questions? I can't even find anything useful, so I don't have any hope.

Malashenko's eyesight was opened, and he quickly waited for the day when the military parade would begin. He waited left and right for the stars and the moon, and finally it arrived.

According to the military parade regulations formulated by all parties in advance, today's military parade can be described as a grand occasion.

The Soviet Union sent Zhukov, and the United States sent Patton. Eisenhower, who originally said he was coming, gave up.

Montgomery on the British side also "said that the numbered pigeon was the winner", which made Malashenko, who had planned to go to Montgomery to show off his anger and express his anger that he was almost mistakenly bombed into the sky in the Battle of Berlin, a little disappointed.

The good news is that although Montgomery has given up, his most elite, or the most capable ace army unit in the UK, the 7th Armored Division, nicknamed the "Desert Rats", is here and will be reviewed as a reference unit of the British army. .

If he couldn't catch Montgomery, he could just take out a handful of the 7th Armored Division to vent his anger. Malashenko, who had an evil smile on his lips, had already thought about what the scene would be like. It was indeed very beautiful.

The French were the ones who really wanted to save face. De Gaulle, who said he was going to come but actually came, can be said to be "a gentleman whose words are hard to follow."

One thing to say, this really made Malashenko a little excited.

Malashenko really wanted to see Charles de Gaulle in person, even to satisfy his curiosity.

Malashenko, who got up early, arrived early at the venue of the military parade - June 17th Street, which is also the most famous street in his own district and in Berlin.

Standing on this street, you can have a panoramic view of the Brandenburg Gate and the Reichstag.

Malashenko, who commanded the leading division to launch the final blow, also passed here and won the final victory for the Soviet Red Army on the battlefield, firmly planting the red flag on the broken heart of the Nazis.

Now that the military parade is held here again, Malashenko feels somewhat emotional.

Time flies, and the street on June 17 now has a completely new look, which is very different from the scene when he commanded the troops to attack with all their strength.

The King Tigers, Hunting Tigers, and 88-gun wreckage that once littered the streets, as well as the corpses of German soldiers "sleeping all over the streets" have now completely disappeared and become a speck of dust lost in history.

I came to the Brandenburg Gate and expressed condolences to the female Red Army soldiers who were on duty here and directing traffic.

Unexpectedly, he was surrounded by enthusiastic girls as soon as he arrived. Malashenko, who couldn't hold back his enthusiasm, could only comply with the girls' requests, signing their names in diaries and even small notes one by one, and shaking hands one by one.

Later, a reporter from Pravda, who also arrived in advance to prepare, took a photo with the girls at the scene. He also promised that after the photos are cleaned, everyone, including the generals, will be given a copy.

Malashenko, who did not expect that he would be so popular, took a while to get out and returned to the viewing platform at the military parade. He planned to wait for Comrade Zhu to say something and ask a few simple questions after he arrived.

Unexpectedly, in the sound of cars approaching, I would first see "the last real man in France" - Charles de Gaulle.

Comrade Lao Ma can speak many languages, including Chinese, English, Russian and German fluently.

But when it comes to French, Malashenko really doesn't know it. He has never learned it in his previous life or this life, let alone mastered it.

Although he was a little regretful, Malashenko was slightly surprised that de Gaulle, who was wearing a tall French hat, saw him as soon as he got out of the car, and he recognized him by his expression. After walking up quickly, he took the initiative to speak in Russian with a smile.

"Nice to meet you, General Malashenko. I am Charles de Gaulle, leader of the Free France."

"You led the most elite regiment of the Soviet Red Army to conquer Berlin and crush the Nazis. I sincerely admire you. I sincerely congratulate you and your motherland! You have won the final victory in this great Patriotic War!"

Before he even had time to speak when they met, Malashenko really didn't expect to be praised so much by de Gaulle in such fluent Russian.

Malashenko, who suddenly came to his senses, suddenly remembered something that he had been careless about before.

De Gaulle was Tukhachevsky's "prison mate" at the time, and the two were imprisoned together in a German prisoner-of-war camp. During this period, they also formed a close personal friendship.

You learn French from me, and I learn Russian from you. The two of them help each other and teach each other. They spend all day either "talking on paper" or discussing how to escape from prison.

It's just that time has passed and old friends have become ancient people, and Malashenko doesn't want to take the initiative to mention it.

I wonder if seeing his own de Gaulle would remind him of the old friend with whom he had a happy conversation when he was imprisoned in a prisoner of war camp when he was young.

"I am also honored to meet you, General de Gaulle. Your tenacity in leading Free France to fight against Nazism is admired by all anti-Fascist fighters around the world. I have also talked about it with my soldiers, It is precisely because of leaders like you that France will not be trampled and conquered by Nazis.”

Since de Gaulle knew Russian, it would not be that troublesome. It happened to save the need for a translator, and Malashenko responded in Russian with a smile.

Malashenko, who saluted and greeted each other, and shook hands with de Gaulle, truly felt that he was worthy of being "the last real man in France", and indeed he lived up to his reputation.

It didn't take long until the other "protagonist" of today's military parade appeared.

Malashenko narrowed his eyes when he saw the small American flag on the front of the approaching motorcade, thinking that this "well-known person" who even walked with his nostrils turned upward was here.

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