Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 2997 The heroes think alike

George Smith Patton, Jr.

There are many evaluations and narratives about this person in history, but in the impressions of Malashenko's previous life, most of them describe this person as "extraordinarily brave" and "able to fight hard". He also has a bad mouth and a bad temper. He belongs to the US military. Characters like "Zhang Fei, the Butcher of Zhuo County" in the book.

But whether this is actually the case, Malashenko still has reservations.

This can only be concluded after consulting the "me" who has already gotten out of the car and is walking towards him.

Malashenko greeted Patton with a smile and maintained basic etiquette, while Patton walked over with a seemingly bold smile and a warm posture.

But this enthusiasm is not directed at Malashenko, but clearly directed at de Gaulle.

"General de Gaulle, we meet again! For today's military parade, I have brought the best army boys of our United States of America. Their outstanding excellence will definitely make your eyes shine."


Malashenko didn't pay much attention to what de Gaulle answered. Anyway, it was just the official and formal talk of greetings during meetings, and it was the same wherever he went.

It was Patton, an old boy who seemed to follow the procedure and greeted de Gaulle first, completely leaving himself aside, which somewhat made Malashenko smell something different.

This is not to say that Comrade Ma is a petty person who cares about such superficial things and minutiae, and can't get along if others don't give him face.

But after Malashenko combined his existing knowledge of Patton, and then thought about the old boy's history of dealing with people and his political tendencies, this set of words and deeds was more or less strange. It tastes the same, doesn't it?

Moreover, what happened next was indeed as unexpected as Malashenko thought.

"Sorry I don't speak Russian and can only talk to you in English, General Malashenko."

There were no polite soldiers saluting each other or greetings with smiling faces. Instead, they just had this straight face of "doing things impartially" and telling Malashenko about his "inconveniences."

Is it really an "inconvenience"?

I'm afraid not.

You didn't even bring a translator. You knew you couldn't speak Russian and you still said "Sorry" here. You told me that this is what you should do when you attend an important occasion to meet with foreign troops? Co-author You didn’t know that the Red Army was coming to the military parade today, right? Go out and see how many people with brains will believe you.

But it doesn't matter, because just looking at Patton's expression and posture, Malashenko guessed that this guy didn't know that he could speak English, thinking that he didn't understand what he just said, and was waiting to see the joke.

"It seems like you and Jack don't get along well. He didn't even share this basic information with you. Doesn't that mean he's not a co-author?"

Malashenko secretly thought that he was right, and it could be regarded as a mistake, because Patton really couldn't deal with Jack Morrison, who was currently very popular.

Of course, the reason for not dealing with him was because of Patton, not Jack, who had no habit of taking the initiative to stir up trouble.

The reason is also very simple.

Patton, an old boy, sincerely despises Jack Morrison, who came back from studying in the Soviet Union and took advantage of his father-in-law's influence to "fly into the sky" like a rocket.

How come this Jack boy can take the position of commander of the 4th Armored Division so quickly, and be officially appointed as a major general with two stars? Is it just because he went to the Soviet Union to take a few classes? So who are the Russians?

I don't think highly of the Red Army's armor tactics. I feel that the Eastern Front battlefield is mediocre, and I feel that "I can do it, even better than the Russians."

Under such circumstances, it would be even more unrealistic to expect the old boy Barton to be able to see eye-to-eye with Jack.

Knowing that a certain bad-tempered second master didn't like him, Jack never took the initiative to provoke him except for routine matters. The two top military officers of the US military stationed in Berlin were inseparable and alienated from each other.

Even Jack walked with Malashenko more frequently than with Patton.

At least the master and apprentice had a meal and a banquet. Apart from official meetings, Patton and I had nothing to do, and they never even went to the army together.

Of course, Patton, who disliked the "student", directly projected his negative emotions onto Malashenko, the "teacher".

It doesn't seem like much on the surface, but that's just what it looks like.

In fact, due to his disdain for the Red Army and personal reasons, Patton really wanted to see Malashenko, a Russian who believed that he was "over-the-top" and "boasted more than his strength", get embarrassed.

So the opening remarks just now were just the first skills handed over to the lane at the beginning. Barton, who was very happy, was waiting to see how the Russian guy would be stunned next.

But like many Westerners who were talking to Malashenko for the first time, as soon as Malashenko spoke authentic English, Patton basically went into a state of "pause on facial expressions."

"What a coincidence, General Patton. I, Malashenko, am uneducated and ignorant all my life, but I still know at least a little bit of English. It doesn't matter if you don't understand Russian. I can talk to you in basic English. How about that?"


Son of the beach! ! !

Do you know a little bit of English? You speak more fluently than the 70-year-old lady next door to me!

What do you call uneducated and ignorant? What does it mean? I, Barton, am worse than unlearned and ill-informed, so I have to let you, a Russian, downgrade yourself to speak English to me, right?

The understanding may be slightly different based on cultural differences, but that's exactly what it means.

After establishing his power, he was tricked by Malashenko. Patton showed displeasure but only for a fleeting moment, but he could still maintain his normalcy and blurted out the words with a twitch of his lips.

"That's really a thank you to you, General Malashenko."

"It's where it should be. After all, you will always use it as you learn it. There will always be times when the knowledge you learn comes in handy."


Barton really felt that Malashenko had almost turned "ignorant and unskilled" into a stamp, and he stamped it on the top of his forehead.

The preconceived stereotype of Malashenko that he already looked down on was further deepened.

He had already commented in his heart that "the master and the disciple have the same virtue". He subconsciously did not want to continue to entangle himself in this issue that he had started, and was eager to get away. He used his hands to pretend to be mighty and supported Barton, who was holding his own armed belt. Then he suddenly spoke.

"I'm going to inspect my troops, so I'll excuse you, General de Gaulle."


Looking at the angry Patton's back that turned away and gradually disappeared, Malashenko felt secretly happy that this old boy was really "interesting". If you have nothing to do, you can't stand it anymore, you just throw your pick and leave, it's none of my business, it's really the style of the US military in the 21st century.

"It seems that our American friends are not very happy, General Malashenko. To be honest, this is the first time I have seen General Patton like this. I didn't expect that today's eye-opener will be more than just the military parade."


Malashenko smiled to himself, shook his head, and blurted out the words that followed.

"They Americans have always been like this, General de Gaulle. He loves to show off and is the best in the world. He walks with his nostrils in the air. He recognizes nothing but fists and only knows fists. Once he encounters a situation where he cannot get off the stage, he just abandons his choice and leaves. When nothing happens, it’s as if the whole world’s memory is like a fish’s for only two seconds.”

"But what is the actual situation? It just means that white people understand it, and so do you and me."

"Believe me, there will be more and more such things in the future, and you and I will witness history together."

Many years later, when de Gaulle mentioned this situation today in his memoirs, he still couldn't help but be filled with emotion, and marked the key words of "visionary" in his memoirs.

Otherwise, how can we say that he is "the last real man in France"?

Just the ability to "tell the truth" has become a very rare skill in Europe after a few years.

Walking with de Gaulle on June 17th Street, Malashenko didn't care about what was there or what was not, what airs or face was said.

He took the initiative to give up the C seat in the middle of the group to de Gaulle, and he stayed with de Gaulle, looking like an entourage accompanying the inspection.

What is meant by "face and respect are earned by oneself, not given by others"? Looking at the sharp contrast between de Gaulle's current state and Patton Gang's, it is actually not difficult to understand thoroughly.

"Although I did not personally experience the Battle of Berlin, the scenes before me, as well as the scenes I saw when I first arrived in Berlin, made me deeply feel how fierce and difficult the war that took place here was. , and how hard-won and outstanding the Red Army’s victory was.”

"I can't help but want to ask, General Malashenko. Was the Battle of Stalingrad that took place in your homeland a while ago the same situation? I heard that you were also a witness to that battle."

"I have been to many places on the Western Front, including Normandy, Bastogne, and Lorraine, but none of these places can compare with what I saw with my own eyes in Berlin. I mean the traces of battle and the tragedy. degree."

"As far as I know, battles like this happened more than once and many times in your motherland and on the road of your Red Army to Berlin. I can't imagine what huge sacrifices the Red Army made to defeat these Nazis. The devil is completely sent to hell.”

"I think no matter what happens to us in the future, the great contribution you and your comrades and your motherland made to the victory of the anti-fascist war should not be forgotten, and even more so. Worth remembering and respecting.”


Not to mention that he admired de Gaulle, but Malashenko really felt that his vision and structure were obviously very different from the person just now.

Thinking of this, Malashenko, who has walked with de Gaulle and has reached the Brandenburg Gate, can't help but look back and look at the victory that is still floating on the top of the Capitol today, but it is no longer the original but a backup. Flag, a feeling of "the heroes see the same thing" couldn't help but surge into my heart.

"I always believe in one thing, General de Gaulle. That is that we humans are a species on this planet. Although our civilization process and history have come and gone, sometimes setbacks and even stagnation, I always firmly believe that we humans have a common destiny. It’s fate, just like this anti-fascist war.”

"Only when we put aside our barriers and work together for the same goal, can the destiny of mankind as a species become more positive and develop in a more promising direction."

"One day, I hope that all of us as a collective can welcome the future together. We can look back at history together, never forget the past, and remember the past and lessons we should remember."

"Maybe it will take a long time for this day to arrive, but we are already on the road, and we will continue to be on the road. When we really reach the other side, looking back on the past, we will find that what we have gone through in the past All the hardships and obstacles are worth it, because then humans will be able to truly become great as a species and as a collective, and our journey will be the sea of ​​stars in the sky! "


Following Malashenko's line of sight to the sky, he paused and stared, his ears echoed with these words that had not gone away for a long time, and he savored them again and again.

After a long, or maybe not long, ten seconds, de Gaulle, who had a self-understanding of Malashenko's words, couldn't help but sigh and speak.

"What a romantic and great ideal, just like something that happened in my motherland."

"I respect your ideals and beliefs today, and I believe I will continue to remember and respect them in the future."

"After experiencing so much, you can still be so optimistic, yearning for the good and positive, General Malashenko, your enthusiasm has truly inspired me. Just like you, I also firmly believe that my motherland will usher in a bright future." A better tomorrow, I hope we can all work hard for a better future.”

According to the prior communication and negotiation between participating parties, the parade officer who will review the troops in a car should be the highest-ranking person actually present among the representatives of the four countries participating in this joint military parade.

In the existing history, the person who held this position was Zhukov, and the representatives from the British, American and French parties who came to consult were all one level lower than Zhukov.

After the timeline changed, the situation also changed.

As the highest-ranking person among the representatives of the four countries present, de Gaulle should be the one riding in the car to review the troops.

However, de Gaulle, who did not fall short of the expected pattern, not only accepted the job, but also extended an invitation to Zhukov, inviting Zhukov to ride with him to review the troops.

According to de Gaulle's own statement on the spot, this was out of due respect for the Red Army's liberation of the city of Berlin. Those who reviewed the joint forces in the car should have representatives of the Red Army present.

Although it was a temporary change without prior communication, Zhukov finally accepted this kind invitation with a smile.

After all, the reasons given by de Gaulle were appropriate and understandable, and even June 17th Street, where the military parade was held, was under the jurisdiction of Malashenko's leadership army. Moving forward to the time when the artillery fire was flying, the IS7 heavy tanks of the Leader Division were still racing on this street, heading straight towards the Capitol Building to kill the generals.

Parading troops on the territory of the Red Army and inviting Red Army representatives to review the troops are still reasonable even if it is based on the military law of "the strong is respected".

As for what Button, who already disliked Malashenko, thinks now, then feel free to think whatever you want. You can't tie people's brains up and prevent them from thinking about it?

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