Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 3008 Comrade Arrives

Speaking of which, this was the first time Malashenko saw the Japanese with his own eyes.

The military parade in Moscow’s Red Square is not included. There were so many people there that there was really no need to pick two flies out of the crowd to watch.

He has a short stature, bandy legs with a bit of a splay, and a dog's skin that is yellow in shit. In addition, the full length of the bayonet, including the bayonet, is taller than the Japanese soldier carrying the gun.

Such a devil is not a single one, but a group.

Malashenko counted about seventeen or eight, and there was even one with a command knife among them. It looked like he should be a sergeant or a second lieutenant? All in all, it was not very clear. It was too difficult to see clearly the military rank of the person on the opposite side across the river with a telescope. Even if Lao Ma, a gunner, had far better eyesight than ordinary people, he still couldn't be sure.

"Do the Japanese patrols come every day? Is this the number of people each time?"

It was obvious that the Japs on the other side were ordinary patrols wandering around every day. It was impossible for the Japs to counterattack the vanguard sent by the Red Army to cross the river.

Hearing the comrade commander's question, a major who was in charge of patrolling and defending the area along the riverside in the suburbs stepped forward. It was his mission to help the comrade commander understand the military situation along the riverside.

"Comrade Commander, the frequency of Japanese patrols is higher than when we first arrived. There are two more teams every day, one in the morning and one in the afternoon. Counting the morning and evening patrols Yes, there are a total of 4 patrols in one day. This was a new change just three days ago.”

"Four times? Oh, this little devil really thinks highly of me. He sent so many people to keep an eye on me."

Malashenko was immediately amused after hearing this.

For things like border patrol, the frequency of four trips a day can no longer be said to be high, but very high, very high, so high that it is abnormal, which is enough to show how many extra manpower the Japanese have deployed on this boring and monotonous job. .

See the big from the small, see the essence through the phenomenon.

Malashenko knew that the Kwantung Army must be vaguely aware of something, and the deployment of additional manpower to strengthen border patrols was evidence of his panic.

After all, with such a large-scale deployment of personnel and equipment by the Red Army, it would be unrealistic to completely hide it from the Japanese.

But the combat operation against Japan itself is a bright card. I just want to fucking beat up your little Japan, what the hell? If you don't accept it, you should fire the first shot first. If you have the guts to cross the river and take the initiative, I, Malashenko, can only ask for it.

The more he looks at the Japanese, the more dissatisfied he is with Malashenko. Now he cannot fire the first shot. Even if Lao Magui is now the lieutenant general of the "No. 1 Army in the World", he does not have this power.

After the fighting begins, you can beat the Japanese to death no matter how hard you want, but the order to start the attack must be given by the general headquarters, so now you can only watch and endure it. Malashenko is very clear about what can and cannot be done.

Thinking about taking a look at what the Japanese were doing before leaving, Malashenko raised the telescope in his hand again, but then he saw a scene that surprised him.

In the crowd of Japs on the opposite side, the Japs leader, who looked like an officer and carried a command knife, was actually nodding and crouching and waving in his direction on the other side of the river. He couldn't see his military rank clearly, but he could still clearly see the impressive look on his face. Disgusting smile.

"Damn it! These Japanese devils can't wait so long? One day I will use your stupid smiles 203 times to make you eat as much as you want!"

Malashenko thought that the Japanese on the opposite side were deliberately mocking him, so he cursed in his heart. He never thought that the political commissar standing beside him, who was not the first time he came to the riverside, quietly spoke up with some other insights.

"The Japanese army has been like this for several days. When they see our patrols, they will take the initiative to say hello. It's even worse if they see senior commanders. Like what you see now, they will even bow to you."


Looking at Malashenko's expression as he turned his head, "What the hell, is this still happening?" Comrade Comrade Political Commissar, who paused for a moment and was also holding a telescope in one hand, quickly continued to speak.

"The international situation is now seriously unfavorable to Japan. The only remaining Axis power is their group of madmen who are still fighting in a corner."

"The Japanese know that their situation is worse than ever. The Chinese comrades and Americans alone are enough for them. These bastards with somewhat abnormal brains actually expect us, the Soviet Union, to help them mediate the war. I hope to persuade them. Is this what anyone in their right mind would say when Americans say enough is enough and they should stop?”

To be able to make a civilized person like Comrade Political Commissar scold him as "having a problem with his brain", one can only imagine how stupid these devils are. This may be the result of having their brains shut down due to their IQ arrears and refusal to pay.

"So this is why the Japanese army did this. Although they noticed our movements and made many targeted adjustments, including an increase in patrol density, they essentially still hope that we will not attack and will do everything they can to They can please us, but they still expect us to mediate the war for them and stop the Americans. They don’t want to offend us.”

"Oh, offended?"

Malashenko's face was filled with disdain as he sneered, and sharp words came out of his mouth without thinking.

"If they really don't want to offend others, they should go back to their dry world of one-third of an acre and fend for themselves. When these dogs bully the weak at will and wave their butcher knives at the flat-headed people with a sinister smile, have they ever thought about it? Are you afraid of offending someone?"

"It's not that I don't report that the time has not come, I, Malashenko, am here to do justice for God!"

"Don't say that these dogs are standing across the river and bowing to me, nodding and bending. Even if they chop off their heads and throw them into the river to float to me, I will never let them go!"

"Aren't they and the Nazis just friends and collaborating with each other? Okay, that's just right. Let's add some more ingredients to the set menu that the Nazis have enjoyed. Let's look at that bullshit bushido spirit and the SS. Crazy, which one is more durable?"

After the scolding on the spot, he still couldn't forgive his hatred. He looked at the Japanese leader opposite who was still smiling and waving to him. The telescope he held in his other hand was obviously the reason why he reacted like this after seeing this general's uniform.

Malashenko, who was looking around, spotted an object in the hand of the patrolman and suddenly had an idea and stretched out his hand.

"Here, give me the horn."

Sometimes, when the Japanese troops across the river make certain behaviors that are easily "misunderstood", the Red Army patrols must give them a stern warning. If they do not listen, they will have reason to use lethal force. The big tin speaker held in it is specially designed for this purpose.

These days' passive tin speakers do not have electronic amplification, so for this thing to have the desired effect, it must be loud.

Fortunately, Comrade Lao Ma is tall and bulky, so his lung capacity is naturally much higher than that of ordinary people. Coupled with his proven and strong body shape, it is easy to roar the trumpet twice.

As for the lines, Malashenko was already ready.

A surge of unparalleled power was instantly inhaled and ready to be unleashed. With all his strength, Malashenko raised his horn and blurted out an authentic Northeastern dialect in the next second.

"That little brat of Cao Ni Ma! Ancestor of Wo Rini!"

The Japanese leader who was still nodding and hunching across the river was stunned when he heard this. His whole body seemed to have been pressed on the pause button. Even his smile froze, and he had an unexpected "careless" expression that was so vivid. Wonderful.


The devil's head no longer nods, his waist no longer flexes, and even his smile changes from GIF to JPG.

But the comrades beside Malashenko were dumbfounded. They did not expect that their own comrade, the army commander, would shout such words that were full of questions and had no idea what they meant.

There is only one person who understands this, and that is our Comrade Political Commissar.

The experience in the early years enabled Comrade Comrade Political Commissar to not only speak Mandarin, but even read books in Traditional Chinese. He translated and recorded them in Russian and compiled them into a book for comrades in need to learn from themselves.

Now, of course, I know what Lao Ma means when I hear this roar.

Quite amusing words were blurted out immediately on the spot.

"I didn't expect you to speak Chinese so easily. Did you secretly do your homework and learn it on your own?"

Malashenko can speak multiple languages, and his mastery of different languages ​​is even higher than that of his political commissar comrades. It is certainly no problem to say that he is the strongest multilingual talent in the entire army.

With this major premise, Comrade Political Commissar feels that it is not surprising that Malashenko can speak fluent Chinese again. Who gave us, Comrade Commander, the talent for languages?

What's more, there are practical needs for the upcoming war against Japan. Being able to speak Chinese after coming to Northeast China is indeed a major advantage. It is reasonable for Malashenko to be self-taught at this time.

It was Malashenko who directly said "Chinese quintessence" when he opened his mouth. It really made Comrade Comrade Political Commissar a little nervous. He couldn't help but lament that no matter what language he spoke, he always learned curse words the fastest.

What's even more interesting is that just by looking at the reaction of the devil leader opposite, you know that that bitch must be able to understand these words to be so stunned.

They were probably shocked that a dignified Soviet general could speak fluently in "Chinese Chinese" as soon as he opened his mouth.

Whatever you devils think, Malashenko is not interested or in the mood to know.

Compared to feeding 203 shells into your mouth, this is a mild scolding for you. Just be happy that you still have a few more days to live.

After the riverside inspection, Malashenko drove back to the military headquarters. He sat back at his desk and took a drink of water. He was about to pick up a pen and continue processing documents. He never thought that the political commissar who had just left him for a short time would walk into the office again. .

"Comrades from China have arrived and brought very important information. Their superiors have assigned them to represent our army. Do you want to meet them?"

"Huh? Comrades from China? Are they already here?"

Malashenko had heard about this, which probably meant that a group of Chinese comrades from the Northeast Anti-Resistance Alliance would come with intelligence to assist in the operation.

And at the last moment before the attack is launched, they will return to the Northeast in advance to open up a path for the leading army to guide the attack and disrupt the Japanese army's response assembly.

These anti-alliance comrades who understand the Kwantung Army and are more familiar with their homeland will be a rare help for the leading army to move south.

Malashenko has always been very concerned about this matter. Because of his previous life, he has an inseparable feeling for these comrades who resisted the alliance.

After blurting out the words "Please come quickly" to Comrade Political Commissar, he immediately stood up to greet him in person.

The meeting place is not in the reception room on the first floor of the military headquarters, but in the military commander's office in a single room on the top floor. Malashenko believes that there is nothing wrong with such courtesy, and it is more appropriate and appropriate.

When Comrade Political Commissar personally brought the person over a moment later, looking at the young face in front of him in the uniform of a Red Army Captain, Malashenko, who was well aware of the arduous history of the Northeast Anti-Japanese War, could not help but feel impressed by this man who had met him for the first time but was The comrades who still feel cordial are labeled as "young and promising".

What Malashenko didn't expect was that the other party's reaction was actually even worse than his own.

Apart from the excitement on Yuoran's face, his first reaction to the "Legendary Tank Hero of the Red Army" whom he met for the first time was "He is really so young."

"Reporting to Comrade Commander! Chen Weiguo, captain of the first company of the 2nd Battalion of the 88th Independent Infantry Brigade of the Far East Red Flag, is reporting to you. I wish you good health!"

"Okay! Okay! You are young, promising and talented. You should be China's anti-Japanese elite!"

"Come, sit here."


Malashenko felt that there was nothing wrong with his warm smile and cordial answers, but Comrade Chen Weiguo, who had been smiling brightly just now, now looked stunned for some reason.

"Comrade Commander, how is your Chinese?"

"Oh? My Chinese?"

Upon hearing what Chen Weiguo said, Malashenko realized that it was him who spoke fluent Mandarin. Chen Weiguo, who originally spoke fluent Russian when greeting him, was immediately confused.

I think so.

Probably no one would have thought of Comrade Malashenko, a well-known legendary tank hero of the Soviet Union, a steel butcher who terrified the Nazis, a three-time winner of the Hero of the Soviet Union award, and the current lieutenant general who leads the army.

He can speak fluent Chinese so easily that people would mistake him for a fellow from the Northeast.

How could this not surprise someone who met him for the first time and had only heard of his name in legends in the past?

Realizing the problem, Malashenko immediately smiled calmly and continued to speak while maintaining the same smile as before.

"Did it surprise you? It doesn't matter. You can get used to it slowly. Just use Chinese when you talk to me in the future. We still have many things to talk about."


Before Chen Weiguo, whose deep sense of surprise had not completely subsided, could speak, the political commissar who led the people in had already left with a smile.

"You guys chat, I'm going to do my business first. If you need anything, just call me."

Even the political commissar’s words before leaving were spoken in fluent Chinese that was appropriate for the occasion.

When Comrade Political Commissar closed the door and left, and Chen Weiguo finally sat down on the single sofa next to him, he didn't have time to say anything on his own initiative.

Malashenko, who went straight to the point, spoke first again while maintaining a smile.

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