Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 3009 Far Eastern Tiger

"Weiguo, are you a native of Northeast China? Your accent should be from Jilin, am I right?"

Northeastern dialect in the traditional sense is actually a very broad concept. There are actually quite a lot of differences in Northeastern dialect in different places and cities in the three northeastern provinces.

Malashenko, who had stayed in the Northeast for a long time in his previous life, thought that his ability to differentiate between Northeastern dialects was pretty good. He could actually guess the result just by looking at Chen Weiguo's surprised expression.

"Comrade General, your guess is really accurate! I am indeed from Jilin in Northeast China and live in Changchun."


After hearing this, Malashenko smiled and nodded. The feeling of talking to someone in Mandarin after a long time was indeed quite good and nostalgic.

"Then you are lucky. Your hometown is on the marching route of my troops. No matter how many Japanese invaders occupy your hometown, I can guarantee that they will all be wiped out completely, and the heinous ones among them will also be killed. There will be due judgment.”

"As leader Comrade Stalin said, Northeast China is China's Northeast, and it is our task to liberate the Northeast from the clutches of the Japanese invaders."

Chen Weiguo never thought that he would be so politely received by the legendary General Malashenko when he first came to report.

When I think about how I was worried about how to have a good relationship with Malashenko before, I even secretly made up my mind that it doesn't matter even if I lower my posture and be humble and tolerant, everything must be focused on the great cause.

Now it seems that I thought too badly of General Malashenko, which was both embarrassing and inappropriate.

Before Chen Weiguo, who was sighing in his heart, could speak, Malashenko, who was more interested in military aircraft matters and had finished chatting about household matters, immediately got to the point.

"Weiguo, tell me what information you brought on this trip that I can use. I have long heard that your Northeast Anti-Resistance Alliance has turned the devils upside down. In terms of your familiarity with the Kwantung Army, You should be more professional than me."

Malashenko clearly knew that the 88th Independent Infantry Brigade of the Far East Red Flag where Chen Weiguo was located was the predecessor of the Northeast Anti-Resistance Alliance that withdrew into the Soviet Union.

The purpose of using the Red Army designation is to deceive others on the surface, but privately, the Anti-League commanders and fighters prefer to call themselves the "Anti-League Teaching Brigade."

This is a small light infantry brigade. It is nominally a brigade-level organization, but its actual total strength is only more than 700 people. It is destined to be impossible to invest in the frontal battlefield like a regular brigade-level field force. To round it off, It is roughly equivalent to using special forces to confront the enemy's main force head-on.

Yes, that's right, in terms of the quality of the individual soldiers of the Anti-League Teaching Brigade, these time-tested proletarian fighters can indeed be called special forces in the current era.

They are familiar with the terrain, understand their enemies, know what arduous tasks they will face, and have firm beliefs. They have extremely rich combat experience in persisting in the war behind enemy lines so far.

What's even more valuable is that most of this light infantry unit has received airborne training and is equipped with skilled airborne skills, which has laid a solid foundation for it to perform missions from the sky deep behind enemy lines.

Even if the quality of such a unit is placed in the leadership army, it will meet the standards and will attract Malashenko's attention. Naturally, there is more reason to believe that the intelligence gathered by these elite veterans must be of high value.

Hearing Malashenko's question, Chen Weiguo, who had indeed prepared everything, did not hide it, and then took out the first pile of photos from his shoulder bag and handed them into Malashenko's hands.

"Comrade General, please take a look."


Reaching out to take the stack of photos handed over by Chen Weiguo, Malashenko glanced at the first photo on the top, and an old building that looked simple but quite impressive immediately came into view.

"This is the Fengtian Ordnance Factory that was occupied by the Japanese army, Comrade General. Although it has suffered multiple rounds of bombings so far, the Japanese army is still trying to find ways to move machinery and equipment to more scattered small workshops for production."

"These small workshops are very scattered, and most of the transfer work is carried out secretly. It is very difficult and almost impossible to detect all their coordinates. They produce various parts and components separately, and then transport them to slightly larger factories. The assembly shop is being assembled, which makes it very difficult for air raids to destroy its production capacity.”

"So although the production capacity has been reduced a lot compared to before, the Japanese army's ordnance production is still going on until now. They are constantly using these newly produced weapons and equipment to arm new soldiers and form and train new troops as a way to fight against the Red Army. chips, hoping to withstand the Red Army's attack during wartime."

Although the Japanese devils are extremely vicious and evil to the core, these bastards are not stupid at least in some things.

Although they are making diplomatic efforts, hoping to prevent the Red Army from attacking southward without a fight, the Japanese also understand that this will most likely not be possible. The only thing we can do is to try our best to gain time, delay as long as possible, and delay the launch of the Red Army's attack as late as possible.

At the same time, the entire Kwantung Army Group, which is still struggling and still unwilling to give up, is still making preparations to fight to the end.

The ordinary Japanese who had immigrated in large numbers in the early years now became the targets of recruitment by the Kwantung Army.

As for the Japanese army's recruitment, it was always a matter of whether you were selected or not, and there was no question of whether you were willing to join. The consequences for those who dared to disobey were death, and even imprisonment was a luxury. Rounding off was basically the same as arresting young men by name.

The number of soldiers that can be raised by this method can be imagined, so the only factor that hinders the Kwantung Army from arming a large number of cannon fodder on the battlefield is ordnance supplies.

It is no longer realistic to expect transportation from the mainland. At this time, the U.S. submarine force has begun to engage in unrestricted submarine warfare and attack everywhere.

The sea route from mainland Japan to China is full of U.S. submarines. If the Japanese military transport ship is not careful, it will have to go to the bottom of the sea to keep Shinano-chan company and feed the fish together.

Not only did they not get local support, they were also asked by the group of red deer in the base camp to continue supporting operations in the Pacific direction. The leaders of the Kwantung Army Group, who were so angry that they cursed loudly, had no choice but to endure the bombing and engage in small workshop-style production to arm themselves.

Malashenko knew very well what the Kwantung Army was planning. It was nothing more than the old trick of "meat bombs defeating steel bombs", hoping to use the tactic of killing people to wear down the offensive energy of the Red Army. When the Red Army can no longer fight and loses its ability to attack, the battle will be won without a fight, and the territory will naturally be defended.

Although it sounds stupid, you really can't expect a group of red deer wild men who have never seen anything on the Eastern Front battlefield to understand how stupid and useless "meat bomb impact" is in the face of a heavy-duty field battle group composed of various arms. significance.

As far as these idiots' understanding of war is concerned, it's still at the level of "precise shooting with rifles" and "grenade counts as artillery firepower."

If you tell these red deer about the combined arms heavy field battle group, it's like telling the pigs in the pigsty how well I have honed my pig-killing knife skills.

Pigs don't understand how good you are at killing them, and neither do those Kwantung Army idiots down south.

"These are not problems, Weiguo. Since the Japanese have the leisure to capture strong men and recruit these cannon fodder troops, just let them do it."

"I can assure you that no matter how efficient the Kwantung Army is in capturing young men, or how fast it captures young men at its peak, it will not be as efficient as the leading army's ability to eliminate these artillery fires."

"Once the battle begins, I will personally make these Kwantung Army bastards understand one thing. What does it mean to catch strong men faster than they die faster?"



Chen Weiguo was speechless when he heard Malashenko's words. He couldn't help but swallowed nervously, as if he could now see the scene when the Kwantung Army was wiped out in tons.

Other Red Army generals may be talking big words when they say this, but this one is different.

This was the "Steel Butcher" who killed Nazis until their corpses and heads were everywhere. Chen Weiguo once had the opportunity to talk to some German prisoners who were sent to Siberia to participate in labor reform. What he heard from these people was without exception. They are all comments like "the steel butcher is killing numbness".

Chen Weiguo was indeed worried that Comrade General would use extremely tough methods to launch a "large-scale indiscriminate attack", fearing that innocent people might be harmed. I was hesitant about what to say and whether to say it or not. Malashenko, who was looking at the photos without thinking, had already spoken first.

"If you are worried about civilians, then you can rest assured."

"My soldiers will do their best to carry out precise strikes, and whenever possible, they will also do their best to rescue civilians from the Japanese invaders."

"I can assure you about this, on my honor as a soldier. The Leader's Army is by no means the kind of force that only kills as some malicious rumors say, although we did eliminate countless Nazis. , but warriors with faith still have to distinguish between fighting and protection, which you have to witness with your own eyes."


Chen Weiguo was already speechless and even more moved that Malashenko could take the initiative to speak up about this.

Comrade General doesn't care at all about the potential lack of trust, lack of understanding, or even suspicion. Instead, he can take the lead in making guarantees and making personal promises in order to dispel worries.

This is no longer as simple as being approachable. This is what happens when you truly treat yourself as a gay without any discrimination or prejudice.

Although he was older than Malashenko, he was still completely moved and respectful.

Whether it was being treated with such high courtesy or the emotion of being treated sincerely, Chen Weiguo had never thought about it, let alone dared to think about it. It was as if the person sitting in front of him was not a Soviet general, but an old comrade from the same country who had fought side by side for many years.

However, Chen Weiguo, who was thinking about what to say, had not yet figured out how to thank him. Malashenko, who was staring closely and frowning, had already realized that something was wrong.

"Weiguo, do you know where this photo came from? Tell me the details."


Chen Weiguo, who was immersed in his reverie and had just come back to his senses, turned around and his immediate reaction was a bit astonished.

Because at this moment, there was no smile on Malashenko's face at all, and his expression was completely different from before. What's more, it was the first time Chen Weiguo saw Malashenko's expression since he stepped into this office. He was so serious that it seemed as if something terrible had happened.

"this picture"

Chen Weiguo, who took the thing Malashenko specially emphasized and held it in his hand to look at and recall carefully, fell into deep thought.

The scenes in the photos don't match up well with the memories. It's probably not the photos I took after parachuting into the rear of the Japanese army, but the photos taken by other comrades and compiled here.

Some of the photos I have not yet sorted out in detail, especially those that I did not take, mainly because it is more meaningful to send the information first than to wait until I have analyzed and sorted it out.

Chen Weiguo, who did not want to pretend to understand, spoke frankly, but still provided some valuable and confirmable information.

"Sorry, Comrade General, I did not take this photo. Many of the comrades who took the photo are still lurking behind enemy lines, waiting to cooperate with the Red Army's actions. They only handed over the captured information to other comrades and sent it back."

"I can sort out the detailed shooting information of this photo, but please give me some time and I will do it as soon as possible. I need to carefully compare it with the text information before I can give you a definite answer."

"But I can assure you immediately, Comrade General, that this photo is indeed a new one taken during this airborne operation behind enemy lines. It is undoubtedly the latest information."


Malashenko did not speak directly, but the expression on his face was still unpredictable, and it was difficult to tell what he was thinking.

Worried that something big had happened, Chen Weiguo couldn't help but ask.

"Comrade General, do you see what's wrong with this photo? Maybe I can help you take a look and explain it."

"Look here, the rear of the Japanese convoy, the third to last car from the back. Although it's a little blurry, do you see its outline?"

Looking in the direction of Malashenko's finger, I saw a Japanese convoy lined up in the photo, marching on a dirt road. There were armored vehicles and cars. The scale was really quite large.

However, in the far back position, the third to last car in the convoy in the photo, the object highlighted by Malashenko cannot be clearly seen.

The ability to recognize black and white photos these days is really not that good. Even if it is a specially selected intelligence camera, its performance is just that.

Chen Weiguo held the photo up to his eyes and stared at it for several seconds before speaking uncertainly.

"It seems like the outline of a tank, Comrade General."

"It doesn't seem to be, it is."

Replacing the uncertain tone with a resolute affirmative answer, Chen Weiguo had seen many types of tanks and was not familiar with them, but Malashenko was completely different.

Malashenko, who recognized what the photo was at a glance, was sure that he would never see it wrong even if he was blind.

"This is a Tiger No. 6 tank originally produced in Nazi Germany. I really didn't expect to see this thing in the hands of the Kwantung Army. It seems that before the Nazi scum was destroyed, they still gave some ideas on how to make industrial waste. For these little friends like them.”

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