Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 3010 “The world’s most deceptive arms sales deal”

The Japanese once admired it and finally came within a stone's throw of the Tiger tank. They paid all the money to buy the tank but did not get the vehicle.

The Tiger tanks that were supposed to be sold to the Japanese were impounded by the Germans and were forcibly requisitioned and directly given to the Wehrmacht and sent to the battlefield without even giving back the money.

The Japanese, who were so angry that their teeth were itching, really had no choice. I don't know if anyone would ever fall out with their allies over a tank, but at least it was the first time in history that no one had ever done so before.

For such a ridiculous thing to be "recorded in history and set a record", even though the red deer with many abnormal brains thought about it, they felt that it was not a crime.

What's more, this business with the Germans is not just about Tiger tanks.

High-tech black technologies such as the ME-2E-163 rocket fighter are eagerly waiting to continue trading with the Germans. Now that you are falling out with the Germans over a tank, are you still doing other business?

Because the Japanese do not master "core technology" and have no other sellers to choose from, they can only swallow their anger and enjoy the "pleasure" of "having German flavor under someone else's roof" while secretly cursing their mothers while enjoying it.

On the surface, he had to pretend not to care and pretend that this had never happened, and continued to serve the Germans happily with a smile on his face.

After all, when it comes to "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles", the Red Deer Wilds have always been professionals. They can't stand it, they can only be humiliated and not exciting enough.

This is something that Malashenko is well aware of in the history of "Japanese buying tigers".

But the situation is obvious. The current "Japanese buying tiger" and the existing historical version have undergone fundamental changes.

What Malashenko didn't know was that the butterfly effect he incited was so powerful that it indirectly affected the Japanese.

The fact that the Japanese were able to buy the Tiger was all thanks to Malashenko.

Forced by the huge pressure of armored confrontation on the front line, the Germans completed the research and development of the King Tiger, put it into mass production and went to the battlefield much earlier than in the existing history.

The Soviet military industry does not have the ability to maintain high-speed mass production of two heavy tanks at the same time. It can only produce the previous generation model first, and then gradually switch to the new generation, grasping the balance of delivery quantity and taking it step by step.

So what the Maozi can't do with a tank, the Germans can't do it even more.

When King Tiger's production capacity ramped up, the Germans, who liked the new and disliked the old, also showed their "big pig's hooves" nature. The former "Small Sweet" Hu Yi was regarded as "Mrs. Niu" and was immediately discontinued and relegated to the sidelines.

Except for the unused Tiger Ones that were still in use on the front lines and had to continue fighting until the last vehicle, the Tiger One production work in the rear of the entire German military industry had completely stopped by the beginning of 1944.

The different turning points of the existing history and the current timeline are here.

The Germans, who no longer regard tigers as treasures, put on an indifferent attitude. Since you Japanese want it, then I will give it to you. As long as the price is right, there is no business that cannot be negotiated.

The Japanese also know that the Germans have newer and stronger heavy tanks, and they have to get rid of the junk of the previous generation.

The Japanese, who had always had high self-esteem, were initially unwilling to spend money to buy outdated goods and proposed to buy the King Tiger from the Germans.

I never thought that these "uneducated German barbarians" would reject it without even thinking, and even "euphemistically call it" "tanks that are too advanced for you to use. It's a waste of Germany's top war machine." ", and did not forget to add the sentence "Even if it is given to you, it will only add to the inventory of captured equipment of the Americans" to humiliate me.

The Japanese negotiator was so angry that his face kept changing color like a traffic light, but he really wanted to ask for help and had no other choice. In the end, he could only lower his head and bow to the German guy with his nostrils in the sky, as a thank you. Willing to provide advanced Tiger heavy tanks."

The quite generous Germans, looking at the tons of gold brought over by the Japanese using large ocean-going submarines, reciprocated and gave them a lot of feedback.

Not only was he willing to provide a full set of design drawings and technical support, he even dismantled two Tiger tanks and packaged them into parts. The ocean-going submarines that the Japanese people transported to deliver gold were so full that they couldn't fit in them. There was nothing they could do. They borrowed two submarines from the German Navy for help, and then all the drawings and goods were loaded.

Of course, the two submarines sent by the German Navy were not free. The rent had to be paid by the Japanese. As usual, it was settled in gold and there would be no default. When the goods were delivered to Japan, they could be loaded with gold and brought back to Germany.

What? You Japanese want to default on your debt? Are you not going to pay after the goods arrive in Japan?

Laughing to death, it doesn’t matter who you rely on.

For the ME-262 and ME-163 that you have paid a deposit for, do you need me, Germany, to perform a "disappearance of equipment" magic for you on the grounds of "war requisition"?

The Japs, who was so angry that his scalp was numb, was "forbearing more and more", and he almost became the father of the Ninja Turtles.

In the end, the Japanese paid a total of four submarines for the two Tiger tank prototypes and a complete set of drawings and technical data. He was hit hard by the Germans, and he can be called the World War II version of the old king who lost his blood.

And until the third brother was slaughtered after buying an aircraft carrier, he remained firmly on the throne of "the world's most deceptive arms sales transaction."

Malashenko does not know such a dramatic and bizarre story for the time being. When he learns about it in the future, he may not know how he will laugh like a pig.

On the other hand, after spending such a huge price, they finally got the Tiger, which the Germans promised could "definitely kill the Sherman with one shot and one shot." The Japanese army immediately invested in research and development and imitation of it as if it were a treasure. .

Considering that the suitable large-scale land battle battlefield for tanks is the Asian continent, and the IJN in early 1944 still had relatively reliable control over the water routes in the Western Pacific, it was not to the extent that the route was completely collapsed by the chaos of US submarines.

Thinking that even if there is a need for island defense in the Pacific, it can be shipped and transported from the Northeast to meet the demand. In addition, the Kwantung Army Group itself is huge and is still fighting for it with all its strength.

Of course, the development and imitation work of the Tiger tank was placed in the hands of the Kwantung Army. It just so happens that there is a somewhat stronger military-industrial base than none. Coupled with resource inclination and focus, the Kwantung Army's great cause of rolling the Tiger tank can be carried out in a decent manner.

At least for the Japanese, whose industrial base is so poor that Malashenko shook his head when he saw it, it's really not bad.

After working hard for a long time, I have accumulated a certain amount, just not much.

In the photo, this Kwantung Army Tiger happened to be photographed, and it was exposed to Malashenko in advance.

There is another thing that Malashenko does not know yet, but it is interesting to talk about.

Because the sea route has completely collapsed and was almost hanged by being hunted and hunted by submarines, the self-respecting Kwantung Army Group simply used this as an excuse to express that "the precious Type 4 heavy tanks should not sink on the bottom of the sea to accompany the incompetent navy." Red deer feed fish, but should fight on the battlefield to defend the empire."

Forget about not supporting tanks in the Pacific direction. He also satirized the Navy Red Deer for taking up so much military expenditure and steel production. As a result, it couldn't even handle simple transportation, so what else could it do? Simply a loser.

So this went wrong again with what was initially expected.

The original intention was to buy them to deal with the "Sherman Crisis" caused by the Americans. I never thought that the plan could not keep up with the changes. In the end, they all became the "private property" of the Kwantung Army Group for no reason.

The emperor is far away, and he listens to the tune but not the announcement. The military headquarters is so angry that Ma Lu has nothing to do with the Kwantung Army Group. On the contrary, he even has to consider not to push this group of self-respecting Ma Lu too harshly.

These guys are so desperate. What if they can't even provide you with rifles and bullets for any excuse? Do you use wooden sticks to engage in jade-breaking battles with rice beasts?

The Kwantung Army Group has soldiers, guns, and territory. It doesn't have to worry about food and grass supplies and can even produce a large amount of its own ordnance. It's only normal that this group of people can develop to such a level of self-respect.

At this point, even if Military Red Deer regrets, it is too late.

There is also the name "Four Type Heavy Tank" which is full of nuclear weapons. It is the localized name of the "Copycat Tiger" produced by the Japanese.

Take the Japanese Emperor's Year 2604, which is the corresponding year of 1944 AD. Just pick up the "four" and name the "Copycat Tiger" as the "Fourth Type Heavy Tank".

Putting down the photo in his hand, Malashenko was just calm after the initial brief surprise. I even thought about the Japanese behavior art of self-rescue with a bit of laughter. It was really classic.

"Comrade General, I heard that the German Tiger tanks are very powerful. This tank once caused great trouble to the Red Army. Is that true?"


Smiling, he turned around and saw Chen Weiguo's "worried" expression. The noncommittal Malashenko did not answer the question directly, but asked another question in reverse.

"Where did you hear that this thing is very powerful and caused huge trouble to the Red Army?"


Chen Weiguo was worried that he had not said anything to deal with him, had said something inappropriate, and had made some comrades in the general unhappy by belittling the Red Army.

But in a blink of an eye, Malashenko still had the same smiling face that didn't seem to be fake. He was warm, sincere, and did not mean to blame. Chen Weiguo, who was thinking that maybe he was really overthinking, organized his words. Speak slowly.

"I heard it from Comrade Vorogov."


When Malashenko heard this and asked, Chen Weiguo nodded quietly.

"Yes, Comrade General. Vorogov is a disabled and retired anti-tank gunner. He retired from the front line in early 1943 and later transferred to the Far East Military Region for troop training and guidance. He once came to our brigade to serve as an instructor and guide How we dealt with Japanese tanks in battle."

"He once told me that the culprit that caused his right leg to be blown off and three fingers on his right hand to be forced to retire was the German Tiger tank."

"The unit he was in at that time had almost no decent weapons that could deal with this thing. They could only rely on the 76mm anti-tank gun under his command."

"He said that this was already their best anti-tank gun, but it still couldn't deal with the German Tiger. The Tiger was like a crazed bull charging at the shells, killing his comrades wantonly until the last shell was fired. Blow his battery and anti-tank guns away."

"When he woke up, he was already lying in the field hospital, and the amputation surgery was completed. He lost his right leg and three fingers in a coma, and he was the only one in the entire artillery crew who survived."

"I see"

In this case, it is not surprising that Chen Weiguo's understanding of the Tiger tank still stayed at the battle in early 1943.

And 1943 was the year when the Red Army was at its weakest in armored combat, and it was the year when the German zoo's advantages were concentrated and blown out.

Even Malashenko's life was not easy that year. He was almost killed by a German in Prokhorovka. Fortunately, the shot missed his vital point and he was rescued in time to save his life.

Thinking about it, the comrades of the Anti-Japanese Alliance have never fought against the Krauts, so it is normal for them not to know the details. Their understanding of the Krauts' combat effectiveness and equipment has to rely on the words of the Red Army.

Thinking of this, Malashenko, who expressed his understanding, immediately changed the topic and took the initiative to reveal Chen Weiguo's concerns.

"Weiguo, are you worried that the Japanese will cause a lot of trouble to the Red Army after they get the Tiger Type? Are you worried that it will be difficult for me to deal with the Japanese Tiger Type?"

It is normal for people who are not familiar with tanks to be unable to understand the superiority and inferiority of the armor-and-bullet confrontation; naturally, not to mention the overwhelming advantage of a higher-level system confrontation, which is like a mudslide.

Coincidentally, Malashenko also thought that this was an opportunity to teach Comrade Weiguo with whom he would have long-term cooperation in the future. Let this cooperative representative of the Anti-Japanese Alliance garrison leader clearly know what kind of "the best army in the world" his army is.

"Comrade General, I do have such worries, but please don't misunderstand me. I am not trying to increase the enemy's prestige and destroy my own morale. I am just worried that the Japanese will cause us trouble and bring more bloodshed and sacrifices. But I also want to tell you You must have a way to deal with it. You are a tank hero who even surrendered to the Nazis, so you can definitely deal with the war machine invented by the Germans."

Simple logic does make sense, and Chen Weiguo's self-admonishment is right.

However, Malashenko feels that this is not enough. It is necessary for our comrades to open their eyes personally and have a preliminary understanding of what is called "an overwhelming system advantage like a mudslide."

"Come with me, Weiguo, I will take you somewhere."


An accident was an accident, but Chen Weiguo, who did as he pleased, followed Malashenko and got into Malashenko's special car. Under the escort of the guards and entourage, they headed straight towards the headquarters of the First Division of the Leader's Army on the outskirts of the city.

"Next, Weiguo, you will see with your own eyes what the most powerful field group on earth is like."

"One day, your motherland and your hometown will be able to have such a strong cavalry army. As your comrade and your comrade-in-arms, I am convinced of this and would like to express my congratulations to you in advance for this."

"Also remember, what you see next is the Undertaker of the End that drives the Kwantung Army Group into its grave."

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