Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 3011 The Germans ask for an audience

Chen Weiguo has heard many stories about Malashenko and his comrades.

Those German prisoners who were afraid of him said that Malashenko was murderous and bloodthirsty. Even if the dead bodies in the mountains and fields were all German corpses, he would not even blink an eye and would order his men to drive over them with tanks. Turn the corpses of German soldiers into two-dimensional paper figures.

Very few people can come back alive to tell other German soldiers about their experiences after seeing him in person.

Generally speaking, there are two fates for German soldiers who have witnessed the "Iron Butcher". The first one is that in most cases, they become one of the corpses lying on the ground and are given a life sentence on the battlefield. Humane destruction.

The second situation is slightly better, at least you can save your life, which is to go to the prisoner of war camp and brag with other German prisoners of war. He used the fact that he had met Malashenko in person as a source of conversation and talked about what the legendary steel butcher who killed without batting an eye looked like.

There are too many things in this world that have two sides, and the same goes for the evaluation of Malashenko.

In addition to the "Iron Butcher" rumors spread by the enemy amid fear, fear, and panic, in the Soviet Union's own propaganda, Malashenko was a proper superhero and a crusher of the elite German troops.

No matter where he goes, the German army will be defeated, and his comrades will receive news of a great victory.

I heard a lot of rumors. Chen Weiguo, who had been trained in the Soviet Union for a long time, even specially collected all kinds of information about Malashenko and his comrades. And compiled it into a volume, which is convenient for your own research and can also be used for other comrades in the Anti-Japanese Alliance to study.

But it was like seeing Malashenko in person for the first time, and I was very surprised and felt that it was completely different from what I had imagined before.

It was the first time I saw Malashenko's troops, the leader of the army who was rumored to have crushed countless elite German troops and accepted everyone from the Wehrmacht and the SS.

Chen Weiguo discovered that his previous imaginations, guesses, and estimates were all wrong, completely and utterly wrong.

Various armored fighting vehicles were lined up on the Far Eastern grasslands in spring. They could be lined up from the front to the end of the horizon on the hillside, spreading to the line of sky connecting the sky and the earth. There was no telling how many there were.

Countless Red Army soldiers are busy in front of their tanks and vehicles, carrying ammunition, maintaining and repairing, and preparing the vehicles.

Or you have just warmed up your car and are about to go to the test track to check the maintenance effect; or you have just returned from the test track, roaring with huge diesel engine noise and spraying black smoke, parking your car in this torrent of steel and lining up. tidy.

What do you mean there are more cars than people?

Chen Weiguo probably thought this was enough.

The vast majority of unmanned tanks and armored vehicles were parked there quietly, with no trace of the soldiers. Only a small number of manned vehicles were around.

Chen Weiguo, who was overwhelmed by the scene, couldn't help but remember that during the most difficult years of the Anti-Japanese War, even if the comrades of the Anti-Japanese Alliance had an armed team of a thousand people, they were already a very powerful force and a strong force that fought bravely against the Japanese invaders. .

But now, Chen Weiguo felt that the tanks and armored fighting vehicles in front of him were almost there even if there were not a thousand of them. The momentum of this situation was beyond his wildest dreams.

Thousands of people were even fearful and a headache for the Japanese army, who regarded the Anti-Japanese Alliance as their number one enemy and tried their best to strangle them.

What about the thousand tanks and armored fighting vehicles? What does that mean to the Japanese army?

Chen Weiguo didn't dare to think about it. He couldn't put himself in his shoes and think about how desperate he would be from the perspective of the Japanese army. If these beasts could still feel despair.

I finally understood why those German prisoners who were trembling and trembling when they spoke were so afraid of the "Iron Butcher".

Fight against such a torrent of steel, and survive from a narrow escape from absolute destruction.

Chen Weiguo felt that the German prisoners did not go insane and could still maintain basic sanity and logic while speaking in a trembling voice. This was something that only people with a strong will could do.

"Heavy synthetic mechanized troops are different from traditional troops, Weiguo."

"Tanks, armored vehicles, and self-propelled artillery. Although these big guys are powerful and frightening to the enemy, their motorized hours are very precious. Just like people, they must rest and take care of themselves after working for a certain period of time, otherwise they will suffer serious consequences. question."

"So generally speaking, we will save the working time of these steel comrades until they are needed most. If there is no war or the preparation stage of the battle, the tank crews will conduct some other training, such as that Side, look.”

Looking back following Malashenko's words and the direction of his finger, Chen Weiguo saw at a glance a group of Red Army tank soldiers wearing tank caps and having iconic features, running and training around the equipment camp, shouting as they ran. The sound of the trumpet echoed on the grassland, and the lingering sound lingered for a long time.

"Tank soldiers are also soldiers. The battle of a tank soldier is more than just sitting in a tank and pressing a button to easily eliminate the enemy with a flick of the finger."

"Fighting in a tank with sweltering heat and a small space for movement for a long time is a great test on the soldier's will, endurance, and physical strength."

"You see them doing running exercises now, but the real meaning after running exercises is to hone their will, exercise their bodies, constantly improve their physical limit, and refine their endurance into steel in a harsh training environment.

"As long as a war machine is carefully maintained and fully prepared, it can withstand the test of high-intensity fire on the battlefield and last for a long time. But people are not necessarily the same. Unqualified people will drag down the equipment, and no matter how good the weapons and equipment are, they will be unqualified. No one can win the battle."

"Everyone knows that our leadership army is as powerful as a crusher, but without these outstanding soldiers, the leadership army would not be the leadership army, and I would not be Malashenko today. It is these outstanding soldiers, The brave comrades made me Malashenko’s honor as a soldier, it was not I who made them.”

"Being able to work with them, fight side by side to defend justice, and fight for lofty ideals is my greatest wealth. It was the same in the past, it will be the same today, and it will be the same in the future. "

No matter how advanced the weapons and equipment are, wars still need people to fight them.

Human beings rely on war to make profits, defend, and practice their ideals, beliefs, and goals. Then war must be carried out according to human will and ability. Talents are the purest essence of war.

This is what Malashenko hopes Chen Weiguo can understand.

Don’t be pessimistic just because the weapons and equipment are not good. On the contrary, don’t be arrogant just because the weapons and equipment are powerful.

Just like when faced with an opponent like the Kwantung Army, which had too little meat to fill its teeth, the leading army also used all its strength to bring all the equipment that could smash the Nazis to pieces to the Far East. This is the strategic emphasis on the enemy. One of the essence.

"In the past, I often felt that those extremely vicious Nas were defeated by your tactics, your ingenuity, your most elite warriors, and your most powerful equipment, but now I feel that these are not the answers."

Chen Weiguo sighed quietly, and the scene before him was enough to make him unforgettable for the rest of his life.

"Those Nazis don't even know what kind of opponent they are facing. They can't even know themselves and their enemies. How can a hundred battles win a hundred victories? All they have left is a single defeat."

After hearing this, Malashenko smiled and did not answer directly. He made an invitation gesture sideways and walked forward with Chen Weiguo.

"Indeed, your words hit the key to the problem."

"I have fought against countless elite troops for a long time, but whether they are the Wehrmacht or the SS, whether they are vicious scum or retain a trace of humanity, they all have one thing in common, you know What is it?”

Without waiting for Chen Weiguo to answer, Malashenko, who asked and answered his own questions, took the lead in speaking.

"As you said, the Germans have never truly understood their opponents thoroughly. They do not understand why the "Iron Butcher" troops can always defeat them repeatedly, and they cannot grasp the essence of the problem."

"They think that we are an army of workers and farmers, low-class people with muddy legs and the smell of engine oil and sweat all over their bodies. They think that we are a slave army driven like a group of captive animals to fight against them. Arrogantly They think it is their destiny to conquer rotten people like us.”

"Let's see how different this scene is from their perception."

"The enemies never really know me, don't understand, and don't understand why I can always defeat them time and time again. They don't know what I rely on to kill them."

"Then we make fuss about superficial issues that are not painful or itchy, and engage in so-called correction and improvement. It's like washing clothes but never taking a shower, not knowing whether you smell or not, and not knowing where the smell comes from. . You also hope that when you meet me next time, you can defeat me with fear and pessimism. If you don’t dare, just expect others to do it and just enjoy the results.”

"Tell me, Weiguo, facing such an enemy, how can I, Malashenko, be invincible?"

Although equipment is very important and indispensable, Malashenko clearly knows that he can win the battle and never relies entirely on equipment.

The enemy doesn't understand this, which is his own advantage.

But for Chen Weiguo, Malashenko hopes that he can understand this and apply it to his continued fighting in the future.

The road to the future is long and difficult, full of thorns and glory, and invisible weapons are more important than any aircraft or cannon.

"Actually, it's not just me, the comrades who defend the country and the Anti-Japanese Alliance, but also countless comrades who are fighting on the land of China. Isn't this the case when facing the Japanese aggressors and all kinds of enemies?"

"The enemy views us with prejudice and distorted and pathological stereotypes. It is not so much objective inability to understand, but subjective unwillingness to understand."

"Remember to stick to your faith and make good use of this invisible weapon. No matter how powerful the enemies you have to face in the future, no matter how crazy or overwhelming they are, I believe you will be able to achieve the final victory."

"Just because our enemies are subjectively unwilling to truly understand us and take us seriously, they will undoubtedly lose; just because I, Malashenko, can empathize with us, and because we are true comrades, I believe you will Can achieve final victory!"

Understand that Malashenko's words not only refer to the immediate battle, but also relate to the far-reaching future.

Chen Weiguo was grateful and didn't know what to say, but he saw that Malashenko had already reached out to pat his shoulder and took the lead in speaking up.

"Next, let's see what kind of price the Japanese, who know less about the leadership than the Germans, will pay for their stupidity."

Not only have I seen the powerful force with my eyes, but I have also felt the power of faith with my heart.

Chen Weiguo, who had gained a lot during his short trip to the outskirts of the city, strengthened his belief. He firmly believed that General Malashenko and his comrades would be able to sweep away all the Japanese scum who dared to resist. The real victory was about to come.

He sent Chen Weiguo to the guest house where he was staying. Malashenko, who saw him off in person and waved goodbye, gave him the highest courtesy. He did everything he could think of and should do within his ability, and hoped that this would be a good thing for this person. Comrades who share the same ideals and beliefs bring help.

"You seem to attach great importance to him, Comrade General."

The commander of the security battalion who accompanied Malashenko quietly spoke after Malashenko returned to the car, with more or less a hint of confusion. In exchange, Malashenko's Quite a sigh of relief.

"They have persisted in fighting in an environment that is far more difficult and difficult than ours. If you are willing to get to know them, you will know that they are comrades who share the same beliefs as us and are more worthy of respect."

Hearing Malashenko's words, he nodded quietly, and the thoughtful guard battalion commander immediately responded in a tone of following orders.

"Understood, Comrade Commander, I will study and understand our Chinese comrades."

After saying goodbye to Chen Weiguo, he returned to the military headquarters. As soon as he sat down in the office and before he even covered his buttocks, Malashenko waited for the entry report from the secretary on duty outside the door.

"Comrade Commander, someone wants to see you."

"Well, who is it?"


Looking up, he saw the secretary's face was troubled, and he seemed to be hesitant to speak. Malashenko, who could probably guess something, immediately opened his mouth to answer.

"He's German, right?"

"Yes, Comrade Commander."


The expected situation was as expected. I guessed that since people could come to ask for help, the things I had assigned to me should be done well. Not to mention that the things were done, at least there were staged reports on the situation. Malashenko, who really wanted to hear what the situation was like, stood up.

"Bring him here, I'll meet him here. Remember not to make things too difficult for him, just give him basic equal respect."

The first update is in place, there will be another update later

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