Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 3013 Loyalty and Rewards

When assigning tasks earlier, Malashenko had specifically reminded Krauser.

How to deal with Wittmann and what specific methods to use, Krauser can decide these things by himself.

The decentralization of power is large enough, and you can let go of your hands and feet, and the trust is quite sufficient, at least on the surface, Malashenko also received Krauser's "tears of gratitude".

But there is a premise for all this. Malashenko explicitly prohibited Krauser from using "harsh work."

For Wittmann, Malashenko wanted a living person with complete parts, a person who could still live and work normally, not a useless person who suffered from skin and flesh and was tortured and scrapped.

Even if Wittmann is a tool, the tool must be able to be used normally to be considered a tool, otherwise it can only be regarded as a pile of waste.

Krauser himself was not very proficient in interrogation and persuasion to surrender, and Malashenko imposed such additional conditions. He was still facing a stubborn SS. He knew that it would be difficult, but in the end he still insisted. Take orders with your scalp firmly in mind.

Although the result was not good, Wittmann, who was as smelly and hard as shit, not only refused to submit, but even scolded the "well-intentioned" Krauser, and also scolded Malashenko. One pass.

Krauser, who was so angry that he secretly vowed to be 100% loyal to Malashenko, trembled all over and gnashed his teeth on the spot, wishing he could give this SS stinky piece of shit some hard work right away.

But reason finally prevailed. Remembering Malashenko's repeated warnings and special requests at the critical moment, Krauser finally resisted and did not take action, as he was not as smart as this SS man.

But if you don’t do hard work, you don’t have to do hard work. A little punishment is still necessary, just like what Krause now truthfully reports to Malashenko.

"I followed your request, General, and did not torture this crazy SS man."

"But he was rude and refused to listen to advice, and openly insulted you repeatedly in front of me and the interrogators. I realized that some punishment was necessary, and he must know that he must bear the consequences for his wild words. So I gave him He took a bath and rinsed his doggy face. After that, the guy was much more awake, and at least he didn’t bark randomly. "


Have you taken a shower and rinsed your face?

Malashenko, who thought for a moment, could probably guess what the scene would be like. The German army's number one armored ace, who was like Reservoir Dogs, was tied to a chair, his whole body was poured with cold water repeatedly, and his head was pressed to wash his face.

Just by thinking about it, Malashenko felt that maybe Wittman didn't even expect that he would be here today, and that he would be "enjoying a feast" in the hands of "his own people".

Very good, it is indeed necessary to have both grace and power.

Blindly being weak and saying nice things to them will only make the other person feel that you are the target of being manipulated, and they will not dare to do anything to them, which will naturally make them more arrogant and arrogant.

Pour some cold water on your face to clear your head. Wittmann, the dignified Santoku No. 1 armored ace, whose record rivaled even that of Carlus in history, would be too unworthy of his name if his body was destroyed by a drop of cold water.

For such a weak rookie, Malashenko is useless.

So there was indeed nothing wrong with what Krauser did, let alone disobeying orders.

"Very good. You did a good job, Krauser. I've worked hard to take care of your people this time."

"Oh, I have asked someone to arrange and handle the matter you asked me to help with last time. Your family members, as well as those of your subordinates on the list you reported, are now the focus of care."

"The housing will be allocated as soon as possible, and the schooling of the children and the work of the spouse will also be taken care of to ensure that you have no worries."

"So you just need to do your job well, and I will solve and arrange everything else for you."

Why is Krauser willing to have sex with him wholeheartedly?

Malashenko certainly knows that.

These family men, elite veterans who have served for the second time, can no longer act like hot-headed recruits, risking their lives for something big and beautiful, but elusive and too far away. Life is at stake.

So this is the fundamental reason why they turned against their former comrades.

There were too many things that I couldn't let go of, and I realized that I had been deceived by lies all along. Fighting for their families, for the loved ones they can't let go of, to ensure that they can survive and continue to take care of them in their ruined homeland, the purpose of these people is so simple and pure.

Therefore, taking good care of these people's loved ones, solving their worries, and letting them know that their original choices and efforts were not in vain and that they were with the right person are the top priorities that Malashenko must do quickly, and it is also a priority for Klaus. Ze and his brothers offered him a "reward" for their loyalty.

Hearing that the matter he had asked the general to help him with two days ago had come to fruition so quickly, Krauser was so overjoyed that he almost wanted to jump with excitement.

The vast majority of people in Germany, which has been reduced to a pile of ruins, are struggling to survive and barely have enough to eat. My daughter-in-law and daughter-in-law are already considering employment and schooling. Even housing is allocated for free. Let me ask you about the gap. Is it big? Neighbors and even relatives who used to look down upon them now only feel envious.

So in addition to being extremely grateful, Krauze also secretly marveled at the skill and energy of this famous "Iron Butcher".

After defecting to the Russian side, Krauser also heard a lot of things that he had never heard before, about the person he was currently loyal to.

It was only at this time that Krauser learned that the "Iron Butcher", who was described as a "man-eating devil" within the German army, actually had such a great background and energy in the Red Army.

Zhukov, Chuikov, Vatutin, Rokossovsky

There are so many big figures who have close contacts with Malashenko that they are too numerous to mention. According to the rumors that Krauser himself heard, even his loving father Stalin often mentioned Malashenko’s name and asked about the person named after him. The current status and results of the Red Army's top corps.

Facts have proved that Malashenko can not only take care of war-related matters on the battlefield, but also take care of the worries of ordinary soldiers off the battlefield. Even if these ordinary soldiers are Germans, he can still take care of everything.

Such a result further strengthened Krauser's belief that he was not with the wrong person, and he was even glad that his original choice was really lucky.

As a junior lieutenant, an "elite soldier" who was not much better than ordinary soldiers, it was the luckiest thing in my life to have such a thick thigh.

If it hadn't been for the mercy of the general, my wife and children would probably still be digging in the rubble to eat, right? There was no need to even think about having a house to live in while going to school and working. It would be good if I could survive this miserable life.

Krauser even had visions of "a successful career is just around the corner" and felt that the turning point in his life had arrived. Even more so, he couldn't help but sneer secretly at the insults hurled at him by Wittmann, a stubborn SS lunatic who couldn't see the changes of the times.

"What's wrong with being a dog? You can be a dog for General Malashenko. How many people want to be a dog but haven't had the chance! Aren't you a dog too? Or are you being a dog for the Nazis who have been crushed to ashes? You were deceived. You are still doing your duty as a dog at the grave. How can you be so stupid as an SS scumbag? You should take care of yourself first! The greatest honor!”

Malashenko didn't know that Krauser's mood had changed so much. He just heard that from the moment after receiving the "reward" to now, he had been extremely excited and thanked him non-stop.

He raised his hand and glanced at his watch and found that it was already late. Thinking that he had to hurry up and do things, Malashenko immediately stood up and spoke.

"Let's go, take me to Wittmann's side. I will meet the SS leader personally to see how stubborn he is."

Malashenko was interested in going, but Krauser was worried about what he should do if the general could not use him or give him any work. It was too late to serve the general back and forth, so he should have quickly said with a smile, "General." this way please".

But something unexpected happened as soon as he went out. A tall and mighty Slavic man came towards him. He walked across the corner of the stairs and directly blocked Krause's way.

Of course, Krauser recognized this man. He and the Alsim Commandos faked a surprise attack, held the front line together and fought side by side under the enemy's artillery fire, but he still vividly remembers it to this day.

Alsim, who was extremely powerful in combat and looked like a humanoid tank, certainly left a deep impression on Krause.

On the other hand, Alsim, although at first there was a considerable degree of stereotypes, prejudice, and even discrimination against the Germans who came to Germany.

But after having been on the battlefield together and seeing the ability and hard work of this group of people, Alsim knew that his company could capture the Moltke Bridge and that the role played by these traitorous Germans must be indispensable. I was relieved and corrected my previous stereotypes and prejudices.

Not to mention how much respect you have, but at least equal respect can be achieved.

After all, this is what Malashenko hopes Alsim can do, so Alsim knows that he must do it, and there is nothing else to say.

"Hello, Major Alsim! I haven't seen you for a while since we left in Berlin. How are you doing recently? I heard that your company planted the red flag on the Reichstag. You are really a hero. Congratulations. "

Alsim was promoted, and after the battle in Berlin, Malashenko gave him two rewards at once.

First, Malashenko personally drafted the application for and was approved for the Hero of the Soviet Union award.

Secondly, he took off his lieutenant uniform and put on new clothes, officially entering the ranks of a school officer.

In terms of military rank alone, Alsim and Krause were actually equal, but one of them was officially assigned, and the other was not even assigned. They were foremen of the labor force working privately for the general.

Krauser, who knew that he was "inferior", didn't care about this, as long as the general could take a fancy to him and reuse him. The general is the "noble man" who gives himself everything and allows him to live a life that he could not even imagine before. Apart from that, everything else can be unimportant.

What's more, Alsim didn't do anything to him, he didn't discriminate against him, and he was still decent. This made Krauser, who had always wanted to be friends with Alsim, very happy.

Faced with Krauser's proactive greetings and congratulations, Alsim, who also had a polite smile on his face, immediately reached out to shake hands with him.

"Yes, long time no see, Major Krauser. This new uniform looks really good. I believe your team will grow stronger and stronger in the future, and you will contribute to your motherland as a true German."

Alsim is not very good at saying nice things, so he only learned this simple sentence after following Malashenko for a long time and paying careful attention to it.

Just as the two people were exchanging greetings, Malashenko, who came out of his office a little later, had also quietly walked over.

"Huh? Alsim, come see me if you have anything?"

Malashenko didn't remember that there was a meeting with Alsim on today's schedule. In this case, it should be Alsim who has the power to meet directly with the military commander. He came here specifically to answer the question that followed. Not surprisingly.

"Yes, Comrade Commander. The things you asked me to do have already been planned. I have brought a written document for you to take a look at."

"Oh, this is the matter"

Malashenko remembered that he had something to entrust to Alsim, and it was a major matter that he personally handled and directed the deployment.

But it's not a particularly urgent matter, so it doesn't matter if it's a little late.

After taking the document and flipping through it, he turned to hand it to the secretary on duty and asked him to keep it properly until he came back to review it in detail. Malashenko, who made temporary adjustments to the arrangement, then said to Krauser.

"You go back first, Krauser, I will arrive later. The plan remains unchanged and I still have to meet Wittmann, so you can make preparations first."

"Understood, I'll do it right away, General."

Krauser followed the order and left, but Alsim, who continued to chat with Malashenko and slowly walked downstairs, was a little surprised.

"Are you going to see the SS leader? I heard that that guy is a stubborn, fanatical lunatic with a pure heart. He is simply stupid. He may not be as willing to serve you as Krauser."

Many people think so, Krauser thinks so, and Alsim thinks so too, but Malashenko thinks he has a way and it's worth a try.

"Whether he is willing or not in the end, he may not even realize it now. I have to wait until I see him."

"But I asked Krause to go back first because I have something to talk to you about alone. Alsim, let's talk about you first, about your future."

There will be a second update later. Seeing that brothers have requested more updates, I will try my best to write more words. Thank you all for your support over the past 6 million words. Thank you, Corgi.

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