Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 3014 Go to school, Alsim

Although Malashenko promoted Alsim, how to deal with Alsim's position is a troublesome matter.

This is not to say that Malashenko does not have a suitable position for him, but it is a question of whether Alsim himself is willing to do it.

Alsim, who is that?

That is for someone who can lead a charge, go into battle to kill the enemy, and go head-to-head with Nazis with real swords and guns, and even refuse promotion orders from their superiors.

The reason is simple, just one.

You want me to be the battalion commander and draw the map and direct the formation of troops?

Come on, come on, it's coming soon, for a big guy like us, I can still tell the difference between a few pounds and a few taels. I, Alsim, can do nothing but splatter three feet with blood and kill enemies like hemp.

If you want to ask me if I should be the battalion commander, I would say I am not.

If you want me to be the battalion commander, I have no choice but to be the battalion commander.

But when the time comes, he will definitely be turned into a big soldier or sent to a punishment camp due to poor command.

It can go anywhere, it makes no difference to me, Alsim. It doesn't matter where you are or what your identity is, as long as you can fight the Nazis to the death, it doesn't matter whether you are the company commander or the top soldier.

With Alsim's negative attitude, it would definitely be inappropriate to forcefully lift him up. It is not good for public or private purposes, and will only have the opposite effect.

Malashenko, who understood this situation, simply let him go. Since he was doing well as the company commander who took the lead, let's continue like this. It would not be too late to wait until the end of the war to discuss the matter.

Now that the war with the Nazis is over, although the battle with the Japanese is close at hand, it will not last long.

Malashenko asked himself that he had the obligation and responsibility to put arrangements for Alsim's future on the agenda. Now is the time. Guiding Alsim on the right path in the peaceful years when there will be no war to fight in the future is something that Malashenko has been seriously planning for a long time, and he even plans to put it into practice.

"This battle with the Japanese can be expected to end soon. Alsim, what plans do you have for yourself in the future?"

After leaving the building of the military headquarters and getting into the car, he asked the driver to drive towards Krauser and at the same time ordered him to drive slowly. Malashenko planned to chat with Alsim about this matter on the way.

Not to mention that it can be finalized directly, but at least some hints can be made to make some progress.

If Alsim is not arranged well, Malashenko is really worried that if he changes in the future or leaves the army, this man is full of killing skills and accepts death. He will only be loyal to Malashenko based on his self-knowledge. What would happen to the Slavic Superman.

Malashenko didn't want to talk nonsense like "It's wrong for you to be loyal to me personally and you have to change it." This kind of nonsense was said to someone who was so determined that he fought out of a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood without even blinking an eyebrow. It doesn't work at all.

Moreover, if you push Alsim too far, no one can convince him as completely as you do. In addition, Alsim's character of "whether I'm a bird or not depends on whether I can like you." .

If there is no problem, it is good luck. If there is a problem, it is inevitable, and if not, it may be an unexpected big problem.

Malashenko does not want to see Alsim end up like this. While he can still give him correct guidance, he must seize the opportunity sooner rather than later.

When he heard Malashenko ask about his future future, Alsim also knew that this was for his own sake and good.

What to do if there is no war to fight in the future, Alsim himself is indeed thinking repeatedly.

Although he was indeed confused, if it was Malashenko's guidance and hope, Alsim asked himself that he would still be willing to accept it and would not reject it. And I will work hard to satisfy the comrade commander, but whether I can do it depends on the situation and I am not sure.

"I don't know, Comrade Commander. I have asked myself many times what I should do in the future. I used to think that when there were no more wars to fight, I would retire and go home. I would go back to my hometown in Siberia and continue hunting as a hunter. I have long been used to it. This kind of life.”

"But now, I feel that without you giving me orders, something is missing in my life. I dare not think about how I will live in such a life. I may spend a lot of time seeking guidance but not getting it. Come and think about what I should do, and I may not be able to find the answer.”

On the surface, he is a Slavic superman who tears up German sticks, but secretly he is eager to seek Malashenko's recognition and guidance.

It was so in the past and it is still so now.

Malashenko, who had already foreseen that this would be the case, stared out of the car window and blurted out the answer he had already thought about.

"Go to school first, Alsim."

"After you finish fighting the Japanese, I want to send you to the Ryazan Infantry Academy to study infantry command."

"But don't worry, when you return from your studies, the leadership army will still open the door to you, and there will be a brand new position waiting for you. Not only do I hope you will succeed in your studies, but I also hope that you will have greater success in the command position in the future. as."

What Malashenko did not tell Alsim was that the General Staff Headquarters considered that the Red Army lacked a large number of mid-level and grass-roots commanders with knowledge of synthetic command theory at the current stage of development.

As a specific measure to further promote the in-depth reform of the integration of various arms of the Red Army, Ryazan Infantry School has become the first batch of pilot schools and is ready to launch new teaching materials for the integration of various arms, and has specially opened a new integration of various arms Conducting courses.

The source of a considerable part of the newly compiled textbooks is the Leader's Army, which was written by Malashenko and compiled by the entire military organization of the Leader's Army. Combining various actual combat cases of the Leader Army and its predecessor, the Leader Division, and the development history of the army's evolution and reform as examples, the first phase of experimental teaching and training for grassroots commanders of the synthetic force was carried out.

For this reason, Malashenko has even found out a little bit of news in advance.

After the war against Japan is over, he will work at Ryazan School for a period of time.

You don’t have to clock in to work every day, but you should be able to teach a lot of courses.

First, the teachers and instructors in the school must know how to teach classes, how to use the newly compiled textbooks, and how to teach students. Then they can teach more students and cultivate more talents.

It was also taking advantage of the opportunity that he would go to school to take a temporary job that Malashenko hoped to bring Alsim into it. Taking advantage of this wave of development that urgently needs talents, train Alsim and shape Alsim's commanding ability so that he can develop to a higher position in the future.

Hearing Malashenko's arrangements for his future, Alsim fell silent and did not answer directly.

Scanning the face of the comrade commander with his peripheral vision, Alsim could clearly see the expectant look in Malashenko's eyes, and it was obvious what kind of answer he wanted to hear.

I have never let down Comrade Commander in the past, and I can't do it now, and I will try my best not to let this happen in the future.

Thinking of this, Alsim felt relieved and knew how to answer.

"I am willing to go to school. Even if I don't even know the Chinese characters, I will definitely work hard! Alsim promises you that I will do my best to complete the task. The classroom is my battlefield!"

Although the metaphor sounds a bit inappropriate, Alsim does not know how to speak nice words, and being able to say so is enough to clarify his ambition, and it is also the answer Malashenko expected. This can be seen from the face of Comrade Ma You can see that the smile is even brighter.

"Work hard! I will go to school to see you, and I hope to see your name on the top student list. I believe you can do it!"

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