Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 3018 Who fired the first shot

Malashenko had previously considered sending specialized scouts to perform the mission instead of Alsim's combat engineers. (っ◔◡◔)っ

But then I thought about it, what was Alsim’s previous profession? It's a scout;

Who is the strongest infantry company of the Leader Army? It's Alsim Company.

Alsim, who was a scout, led a group of elite veterans to capture people and capture prisoners. Malashenko thought that this matter could be solved, so he did so.

As for the selection of the next members of the prisoner team, it is also simple. Just leave the power to Alsim and just choose it yourself. You have to feel that there are not enough people in your own company to choose from, and you can choose anyone you want from the whole army.

As for Alsim's own opinion, it can be basically said that when he heard that there was finally a battle to be fought, and that it was personally commanded and assigned by the comrade commander, he jumped three feet high on the spot and stomped his feet excitedly.

There is an element of exaggeration, but Alsim does take it extremely seriously.

After receiving Malashenko's order to "study the combat plan first," Alsim immediately made it a top priority, called his good brother Sulovechenko, and began to draw maps.

Now, the tactical plan jointly worked out by Alsim and Sulovechenko has finally been officially released.

Malashenko has always believed that it is better to leave frontline tactical matters to those who understand the tactics on the frontline than to sit in the rear command post and intervene in the remote command and drawing of maps.

Therefore, Malashenko delegated enough power to Alsim, asking Alsim to first draw up a tactical plan and think about how to fight this battle.

Looking at the written report in front of him and the annotated map attached to it, Malashenko nodded slightly in approval and then spoke.

"That is to say, you plan to lead the team across the river in an unpowered rubber boat in advance, find a favorable terrain and then lie in wait, wait for the Japanese patrol to come, then arrest people and prisoners, and then quickly return in the rubber boat, is that right? "

"Yes, Comrade Commander, but there is still a problem that needs to be solved."

Facing Malashenko's question, Alsim responded with affirmation, and Malashenko, who was not surprised if there were questions, immediately spoke.

"Well, tell me, no matter what the problem is, as long as I can solve it, I will give you priority to solve it.

"We lack a Japanese translator, Comrade Commander. Sulovechenko has been taking time to study hard recently, but it is still not enough. He is only at the level of a second-hand swordsman, but he is already the best in our company."

"He is worried that this may affect the execution of the mission, and I think so too. If there is an emergency and the prisoners cannot be brought back and must be interrogated as soon as possible on the spot, we will need an articulate Japanese translator."


Malashenko nodded after hearing this. The issue Alsim mentioned was indeed important.

Fighter planes are fleeting and ever-changing, and going deep into enemy-controlled areas to capture prisoners is extremely difficult and risky. No one can predict what emergencies may arise.

The possibility of successfully capturing a prisoner but being unable to bring him back and having to be interrogated on the spot as soon as possible does exist. Alsim has encountered it a long time ago. But at that time we were still against the Nazis, not the Japanese army, and there were plenty of veterans in the company who could speak German, so it wasn't a problem.

But now that the opponent has become a Japanese, the problem naturally arises. It is indeed necessary to assign a suitable Japanese translator for Alsim.

After thinking about it, a familiar face appeared in Malashenko's mind.

This person was proficient in Chinese, Japanese, and Russian, and could fully meet Alsim's operational needs. Knowing that it was too late, he immediately ordered someone to be found and the action plan was compiled on the spot.

Soon, Chen Weiguo, who received the news that "Comrade Commander is inviting", hurriedly ran over. As soon as he entered the door, he saw Malashenko and an unfamiliar Red Army major waiting for him.

"Weiguo, come, let me introduce you. This is Major Alsim of the Combat Engineer Corps. It doesn't matter if you haven't heard of his name. You must have heard of his deeds. He planted the victory flag on the Capitol Building. The top one is his company, which was completed by Alsim himself. "

Because Alsim needed to be able to understand, Malashenko did not speak Chinese this time, but instead spoke Russian, which all three people in the room were proficient in.

It has been several years since the Anti-Japanese Alliance withdrew from Northeast China into the Soviet Union. Chen Weiguo's Russian proficiency has long since changed from a squeaky squeak to a current one that is eloquent and never stumbles.

Upon hearing Malashenko's introduction, Chen Weiguo, who immediately showed excitement, turned towards Alsim, gave a solemn salute and then extended his hands to shake hands.

"Comrade Alsim, my comrades and I have long heard of the story of your troops conquering the Reichstag, planting the red flag on the roof, and flying it high over Berlin. The day we received the news of the Red Army's victory was also incomparable. Excited! This heroic achievement will be praised by future generations forever!”

Being praised so much by a stranger from a foreign country when we first met, even though Alsim was an uneducated and rough guy, he was quite embarrassed, so he just blushed and scratched the back of his head and giggled.

"General achievements are not worth mentioning. It is mainly due to the good command of Comrade Commander. I am just an ordinary Red Army soldier who leads the team to execute orders."

Thinking that Alsim was now good at speaking on stage, Malashenko, who continued to speak with a smile, did not forget to introduce Alsim again.

"This is Chen Weiguo, Alsim, a Chinese comrade in the Northeast Anti-Japanese War. You two will be comrades in arms in the future. Remember to get along well. Weiguo and the Red Army are fighting together for the first time. If there is anything you don't understand or don't do well, please tell me. Give me some advice, do you understand?"

Alsim already knew that this was the translator Malashenko sent to him.

According to the description of Comrade Commander, this person has rich combat experience, is both wise and brave, can write articles in literature, and can copy guns and fight Japanese enemies in martial arts. In particular, he has rich experience in fighting deep behind enemy lines and has a considerable understanding of the Japanese army.

Not only can he serve as a translator for Alsim, but he can even serve as a team advisor, and he can also serve as a combat advisor. One person holding three positions is definitely a rare talent.

Alsim was immediately overjoyed when he heard this. He originally thought that bringing a burdensome translator would slow down the mission. If the ability to withstand stress is not good, it is easy to be exposed during the ambush stage.

But if we can get this person, then all the problems will be solved.

Therefore, it is not false at all to say that Alsim is "thirsty" for Chen Weiguo. This is the strong foreign aid that Alsim needs most now.

"Don't worry, Comrade Commander, I will definitely protect Comrade Chen Weiguo personally! I will never let those Japanese devils hurt him. Any devil who dares to get close to him will have his head twisted off with my own hands!"

Chen Weiguo, who did not know Alsim well enough, only thought that Alsim's words were joking and showing off, but he did not know that Malashenko was assigning him a combat mission, and his expression was a bit confused and unresponsive.

Malashenko, who was making additional explanations, saw this and then spoke.

The mission background, what needs to be done, and what mission conditions must be achieved were all repeated to Chen Weiguo.

After saying all this, Malashenko could see that Chen Weiguo's eyes were filled with excitement about hearing the battle. This was the reaction that an excellent soldier should have, but Chen Weiguo still had one thing to do next. ask.

"Comrade General, there is one thing. Will what we do cause an overreaction from the Japanese?"


Malashenko laughed directly after hearing this, and even Alsim on the side also laughed along with him, and blurted out the words without thinking.

"What kind of overreaction can these inhuman beasts have? If they dare, they can try it. Let alone a major, even if the person patrolling across the river is a Japanese major general, I still dare to order Alsim to lead the team to arrest , the bigger the official, the better.”

"The Japs in 1937 dared to storm the Marco Polo Bridge on the pretext of a missing soldier. If the bastards in 1945 had the guts to rush to the Ussuri River on the pretext of a missing major, then they should give it a try. I, Malashenko, wish for it and welcome it with both hands."

"As long as the Japanese dare to fire the first shot, their death knell will surely sound."

After hearing Malashenko's last words, Alsim suddenly thought of something, but because Chen Weiguo was nearby, he thought about it and decided to talk about it later.

After Malashenko arranged for Chen Weiguo to stay at the Alsim Company, he followed up with two days of final training to practice tactical coordination and strengthen tacit understanding and proficiency.

Seeing Chen Weiguo take the order and leave first, Alsim, who was the only one left in the office with his comrade the army commander, hurriedly spoke.

"Comrade Commander, there is something I almost forgot to confirm with you."

"If the situation is critical, after I lead the team across the river or during the evacuation stage, do I have the authority to engage in firefights with the Japanese troops when necessary?"

"This is it."

Alsim did get to the point. This matter is now a very sensitive and important topic.

After much thought and weighing, Malashenko, who did not let Alsim wait too long, finally responded firmly.

"This way, if conditions permit, we will not fire the first shot."

"After all, the mission to capture prisoners across the river is a covert operation. If you shoot and disturb the Japanese army, it may affect your evacuation. If the group of Japanese soldiers who have been worried about the Japanese army misjudge that they are a large Red Army army going south to attack, they will immediately fire intensively at the river. , then you are likely to be in bad luck.”

"Even if our counter-artillery firepower suppresses and eliminates the Japanese artillery, it will still take time. No matter how fast we react, we can't guarantee your safety."

"But on the other hand, this is not the reason for us to just tolerate it and let those devils run wild."

"If the Japanese army dared to fire the first shot, or even if the Japanese army did not fire the first shot, you judge that the situation on the scene has reached a point where it is necessary to fire."

"In both cases, I grant you the authority to use thermal weapons to fire. Feel free to go ahead and fight. I will arrange a response force on the Jiang side. There is no need to worry about any Japanese reinforcements or pursuit. The firepower of the response force will be Make sure no Japanese reinforcements can get close to you, even if they send out tanks and armor."

"As for the aftermath of the exchange of fire?"

Malashenko raised the corner of his mouth, and blurted out words that were sure the Japanese army would not be arrogant and cause trouble.

"There are ten thousand reasons why the border patrol may have misfired, and the Japanese army has no guts to expand on this matter, which will only cause the Red Army's iron fist to hit them on the head more quickly and sharply, accelerating their doom. "

"The nature of these bastards who bully the weak and fear the strong is such that groveling like a dog is their only attitude towards the strong, so there is no need to have any unnecessary worries, Alsim. Just carry out the task as ordered, and rest assured that everything else will be done. Just give it to me.”

Malashenko had finished speaking, and Alsim, who understood that Comrade Commander was determined, said no more. He immediately stood at attention and saluted, then took the order and left, making final preparations before the operation began.

When he was the only one left in the office, Malashenko, who still had a sneer on his lips, couldn't help but say something again. This feeling of rounding and flattening the devil at will is really intoxicating.

"Let's see how the bullshit bushido spirit turns out against the Slavic Superman. Will it be smashed to pieces or smashed to pieces?"

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