Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 3019 The Marriage of the Slavic Superman

The start date of this night raid and capture operation is getting closer and closer, and there is not much time left for Chen Weiguo to conduct training.

Because I have never cooperated with the Red Army before, especially with the "No. 1 Army in the World" like the Leader's Army, to go deep into the Japanese-occupied areas.

Chen Weiguo was very familiar with the actions of his own side of the Anti-Japanese Alliance, but it was his first time to experience and understand the tactics of the leading army. Chen Weiguo worked extra hard on the training ground. I am afraid that I will miss something or fail to keep up with the progress, which will delay the important event of action.

"Speed ​​up! Run! Move your legs! Haven't you had enough to eat? You are, move fast! Faster!!!"

As soon as I got out of the mud pond, I was covered in stinky water and still dripping mud. I didn't even have time to dig out the mud that was almost filling my nostrils.

Chen Weiguo, who was sternly urged by the combat engineer instructor next to him, had no other choice but to desperately shake off his two legs, which were feeling increasingly heavy, and continue to run forward and cross the wooden barrier.

Even the AK, which was in my hand and had never left my hand, seemed to be filled with mud and water and became a lot heavier.

But Chen Weiguo, who gritted his teeth and persisted, never said a word "tired" and still used the last of his physical strength to persevere.

Standing on the edge of the training ground and looking at this scene, Malashenko, who was quite emotional, neither stopped him nor went off to see Chen Weiguo. He just stood quietly on the slope with a good view while continuing to look at this scene. Everything, he said quietly.

"Are you testing his quality? Generally speaking, your soldiers shouldn't have to practice this at all costs, especially when action is imminent."

The person who accompanied Malashenko and heard this was Alsim, and it was he who arranged all this on the training ground.

Today is already the third day of this kind of training that wears the human body and will to the limit, even breaking through the upper limit, and there is only the last day left before the crossing of the river to capture prisoners begins.

"You guys are going to take action tomorrow night. I won't question or interfere with your plan. I just want to hear your evaluation."

Faced with Malashenko's question, Alsim, who knew what he was talking about and believed in himself, immediately replied in a deep voice.

"I do want to test his ability and see what his true abilities are. On the other hand, it is also to enable him to keep up with our pace of action."

"You said that he is a very good and experienced combatant, so such a test must be nothing to him. Compared with what we experienced in Stalingrad and Berlin, this kind of training is even superficial. No, it can only be considered a warm-up exercise for a truly qualified fighter.”

Alsim did not hide it, but directly told Malashenko his truest thoughts, purposes and plans.

Malashenko has always liked this about Alsim, and not only appreciates Alsim's outstanding fighting skills.

When he is with Alsim, Malashenko can always know his true thoughts for the first time. This kind of unreserved frankness is really quite comfortable.

"You, comrade political commissar told me before, do you think Alsim has too strict requirements on the soldiers under his command? He always uses his own ability level as the standard and treats the soldiers equally, but not all soldiers are the same. Can keep up with Alsim’s rhythm.”

Alsim was stunned when he heard this. He had heard of such a thing before, but it was not said by his comrade political commissar, but by his previous company deputy and Sulovechenko's predecessor who had died. After a while, The answer is still straightforward.

"Comrade Commander, I know that everyone cannot be like me and achieve the level I do, but there must be a goal.

"It doesn't matter whether we can achieve it or not, but we must have the motivation to act towards the goal. As the company commander, I take the lead and am by everyone's side. I think it is most appropriate for me to serve as this goal. I don't expect everyone to achieve it. This level, but if every fighter continues to improve towards this standard, then my goal will be achieved.”

After hearing this, Malashenko smiled again, reached out and patted Alsim's shoulder and blurted out the words.

"Yes, look, this is the result."

"Although you always say that you are not suitable for anything other than getting into battle and killing enemies. But you see, your ability to lead troops is actually constantly improving, and you have accumulated experience and results."

"What I just said to you is the first half of Comrade Political Commissar's sentence; as for the second half, it is almost the same as what you just said to me."

"Comrade Comrade Political Commissar told me that he has observed changes in you. You are no longer just a fighting hero, and your leadership skills are improving little by little."

"I have always trusted Comrade Political Commissar's ability to recognize people, but I'm also curious about one thing. Is this change a result of you realizing something and improving yourself little by little, or is it that you have someone else's guidance? If so, who is that person? Who? Introduce him to me, and I’ll see if I can promote him or develop him.”


Malashenko's words were somewhat unexpected. Alsim was unable to answer for a while and his face was stagnant, as if he had fallen into some kind of deep thought.

Seeing this situation, Malashenko realized that this matter might be complicated, which would prevent Alsim from answering his questions directly, and it was not easy to figure it out.

But it wasn't anything serious. Malashenko was not in a hurry to get the answer, so he simply decided to skip the topic and say something else.

Before he could think about it for a moment, Alsim had already jumped ahead and spoke quietly.

"It was my former deputy company commander and comrade commander. He had been working hard to help me make progress in a good direction before he died."


Unexpectedly, Alsim's answer would be like this. Malashenko, who knew that he had asked the wrong question and inadvertently opened someone's scars, originally wanted to ask something else.

But he finally chose to put his hand down without hesitation. To hurt others out of curiosity was not what Malashenko wanted.

"That's all, I'm sorry for asking you to mention this. I apologize to you. Let's talk about something else, let's talk about Chen Weiguo."

"You've been training him for three days. How does it feel? Can he cross the river with you? Is he qualified according to your standards? Don't care about his relationship with me. Just tell him based on the actual situation."

When Malashenko asked about Chen Weiguo, Alsim, whose expression returned to normal, spoke immediately.

"His abilities are indeed outstanding, even beyond my previous expectations."

"At first, because he was of yellow race, I felt that his physical fitness might be lacking and wanted to explore his background. But judging from the actual situation, he made up for this with his tenacious will, which is impressive. I didn’t expect it.”

"How far a person can persist does not depend to a large extent on the physical limit, because often the will will collapse before reaching the true physical limit. But in Chen Weiguo, I saw someone who was even stronger than his body. His willpower is higher than his physical limit, which means he can really go all out."

In terms of infantry combat level, the person Malashenko admired the most in the entire army was Alsim.

Malashenko also knows Alsim’s character better. In his social circle, only he recognizes others and no one else recognizes him.

That is to say, Alsim will never take the initiative to curry favor with someone just because he has gained someone's recognition, let alone flattery; only when he recognizes someone, can the door of friendship be opened. It can work.

From commanders to soldiers, Alsim treats everyone like this, without exception.

This is why the "Slavic Superman" is very powerful in combat, but has few friends, almost in direct inverse proportion, even though his deeds are well known and high-profile.

It is not easy to be recognized by the Slavic Superman, or to be recognized by Alsim, which in itself is an affirmation.

Especially in terms of personal combat ability, in the field of infantry combat where Alsim is most proficient.

In this way, Malashenko's understanding and evaluation of Chen Weiguo were naturally refreshed to a higher level. Even though Malashenko had already guessed that the result would be like this, Alsim's words were still full of weight.

"This is the power of faith, Alsim."

"Weiguo, as well as the many comrades around him, all devoted themselves to the belief they pursued throughout their lives. No matter how powerful the enemy was, they could not break their will, let alone a small training ground. I I really admire their words of "comrade" from the bottom of my heart, and I also believe that you two will become good friends. "

Alsim smiled and nodded after hearing this. Just by looking at this expression, you can tell that the relationship between the two is actually getting along well, which is what Malashenko expected.

But when he mentioned faith casually, Malashenko remembered something.

Something that I had always known the answer to, but had never mentioned in front of Alsim.

Maybe now is the right time to ask in person.

It’s not for anything else, it’s just that Malashenko hopes that Alsim can have a more promising future.

"Speaking of faith, what is your faith? Alsim."

For almost everyone around Malashenko, this is a question that can be answered without thinking, but it is different for Alsim.

Malashenko knew the answer, and so did Alsim.

It's just that Alsim doesn't know what kind of answer Comrade Commander wants. Only on this issue, he doesn't know whether he should tell the truth.

"As before, Alsim. You always speak your mind to me, and this issue needs no exception."


With Malashenko's encouragement, Alsim simply gave up, even though this was the first time he had said this that he had always buried in his heart and had never told anyone.

"My faith is in you, Comrade Commander. The point of your sword is the meaning and direction of my battle. I don't care about anything else except you."

"I, Alsim, am a rough man. I don't understand those bullshit principles. I only know how to eat, drink, kill the enemy and sleep. I was dragged into the army because the person who brought me in was attracted by my killing skills. Until I met With you, everything starts to change.”

He had known that the answer would be like this. After hearing this, Malashenko looked calm and continued to speak quietly while looking at the soldiers practicing on the training ground.

"What kind of difference is it?"


Alsim looked stunned, but he spoke straightforwardly without thinking.

"I don't know. To be honest, I don't even know what faith is. I see them talking about faith all day long, and I feel like I don't believe in anything. I just believe in Comrade Commander. Then this is my faith, Alsim."


Hearing this, Malashenko almost laughed helplessly and shook his head.

Hearing such an "innocent and cute" answer was paired with Alsim's invincible record.

If Alsim hadn't been following Malashenko for a long time, Malashenko would have already known the basics and wouldn't even be able to associate this answer with a top combat hero.

Alsim had a lot to learn, and it was useless to go too far. Malashenko could only start with the most basic things after much thought.

"One day you will move to a higher position, Alsim, to be where I am today or even higher."

"But before that, you must first learn to step out of my shadow. I can guide you on the battlefield, but I cannot and should not shape your life. I am still your most trustworthy comrade and comrade-in-arms. All the time, that will never change.”

"We must understand why we took action, and look back at what we have experienced along the way so far and why."

"You are already strong enough, but I still want you to become stronger. Only by stepping out of my shadow can you truly do this. Try to stand outside my shadow and think about the future direction and think about what is real. Faith, I will still help you when you need it, okay?"

How to make Alsim correctly understand his intentions and not mistakenly think that he is deliberately alienating him. How to grasp this degree was once a headache for Malashenko.

Now, seeing the look in Alsim's eyes, Malashenko finally let go of his hanging heart.

"I understand that you are doing it for my own good, Comrade Commander. No matter how difficult it is, I will do it for you. Alsim promises to complete the mission!"

Having this determination is at least a good start. Malashenko, who knows that he has to take a long-term approach, does not expect anything more now. After settling his worries with a smile, he immediately brought up another important life event about Alsim.

"By the way, how far have you and your German sister gotten along recently? When we're almost done, remember to send me an invitation and I'll personally host your wedding. How about that?"

Yes, Alsim is in love.

What's even more unbelievable is that his wife is a prisoner he picked up from the battlefield, so to speak.

The East Prussian woman named Emily didn't know what magic power she had, so she pried open the tin can that Alsim walked around after seeing the woman.

What Malashenko didn't expect was that this woman was over thirty years old, older than Alsim.

What? A dignified Slavic superman or a dominatrix? Want to punish "female juniors, hold gold bricks"?

The curious Malashenko even took a moment to take a look from a distance without disturbing the person involved.

I saw that the sister was indeed tall and good-looking. She looked as if she was in her twenties when she was thirty years old.

But if you really want to say that you are beautiful, you are limited to being above average among ordinary people. Even when she went to the field hospital of the Leader's Army, she could pick out a bunch of people with better looks than her.

Malashenko suspected that there was something bad going on. Was it a naughty temptress who was harming my most powerful general?

No, we have to find out the details.

Unexpectedly, this investigation.

Hey, guess what?

Not only was that sister's background not black, she was also a member of the German Communist Party, so she couldn't urinate in the same pot as Nazis.

She also works as a "mother" in an orphanage, taking care of a large group of war orphans. Even when the Red Army came, she did not abandon her children.

This is no longer an ordinary outstanding lesbian, but an outstanding lesbian with high moral character that can stand the test.

The only thing is that this sister has a problem with her loving comrade.

But he is not that kind of crazy person. He has opinions but can retain them. This is enough in Malashenko's opinion.

As for being a German?

It's not a problem, after all, she will no longer be German soon, and the place in East Prussia will need to be renamed.

Knowing how difficult it is for an "iron tree to bloom" like Alsim to find a girl who likes him, he follows the traditional virtue of "it would be better to demolish ten temples than ruin one marriage".

After checking the details, it was found that there was no problem, and it was feasible in practice. Malashenko believed that he supported Alsim's free love and not engaged in arranged marriages.

It hasn't been a short time so far. The sister named Emily has now been assigned to work in the field hospital. From what Anya said, she is quite a nice person and warm-hearted. Arsim also naturally became a frequent visitor to the field hospital, running even more diligently than Malashenko.

It's just that this is the first time in history that Malashenko seriously asked Alsim about it.

He had always wanted to tell Malashenko about this, but Alsim, who had not found a suitable opportunity, simply admitted it when Comrade Commander asked him about it. He knew that he could not hide it.

"The time for the wedding has not been decided yet, Comrade Commander. In fact, it is mainly because of my family, my father, he may not agree, and he might beat me up."

The Nazi couldn't beat the Slavic Superman, but the Slavic Superman's father could. The Slavic Superman didn't dare to fight back even when he was beaten.

Malashenko has known for a long time that Alsim is a man who respects father's authority.

In fact, the more remote the people are, the more normal this is.

Thinking about it, most old Soviet fathers would probably not be able to accept their heroic son, so they brought back a German woman who was a few years older and said they wanted to get married.

Alsim is still afraid of his father, and it is even more difficult to expect him to solve the problem. If he is asked to do so, even the marriage may be forced to fall through.

At this point, there was no other way. After thinking for a moment, Malashenko had already made up his mind and then spoke quietly.

"In this way, the Far East is also your hometown anyway. After we finish fighting this war and deal with the Japanese, I will go to your house and tell your father."

"I will personally guarantee this marriage for you. If your father doesn't agree, I will live in your house to show him my sincerity. He will also have to take care of my food! There is no way your father will come with a shotgun. How about beating me away?"

Upon hearing this, Alsim was overjoyed and was so excited that he didn't know what to say. He stuttered so much that he didn't know how to speak. In the end, Malashenko beat him to it.

"Okay, I understand what you mean. No need to say anything unnecessary. Men understand everything they need to know."

"If you really want to thank me, I'll tell you the simplest way. Give the inhumane Japanese devils on the other side of the river a boost and let them take a good look at your power, Alsim, and you'll be thanking me."

The grateful Alsim did not hesitate and vowed on the spot to leave an unforgettable impression on those Japanese devils.

So Malashenko knew about it, and Alsim knew about it.

Who else doesn't know?

I am afraid that only the Japanese soldiers involved do not know this, but they will experience it for themselves soon.

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