Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 3020 The big fish appears

The time has finally come for the day when the operation begins. Alsim, who has made full preparations for crossing the river to capture prisoners, is now ready and all he needs is the east wind.

Night falls and the bright moon is in the sky.

The bright and clear moonlight filled the land by the river. Alsim, leading 30 commandos, stood on the riverside ready to go. Malashenko, who was responsible for personally directing the operation, had just driven to the scene.

"Across the river is the enemy's territory, Alsim. It is extremely difficult to sneak into enemy-occupied territory late at night to capture prisoners and then cross the river to bring them back. Let me ask you one last time, are you sure these manpower are enough?"

Malashenko, who asked himself that he would not cross the river in person, was not proficient in infantry warfare tactics, and would never interfere in areas in which he was not good at, gave Alsim full delegation of power.

How to fight this kind of covert surprise attack by a small group of troops, which is equivalent to special operations, depends on Alsim's own plan. The key point is how the military agencies of the leading army are only responsible for providing maximum cooperation and assistance.

To put it simply, the orders come from Malashenko. As for how to fight the battle, it all depends on Alsim’s personal decision.

Alsim has never let him down on the battlefield, and Malashenko has reason to believe that it will be the same this time.

The entire combat plan was personally reviewed and approved by Malashenko, and the details that still had room for improvement were completed with the assistance of military agencies. It seemed that as soon as the Slavic superman arrived, he could easily capture the heads of the Japanese invaders and achieve great success. win.

But no matter how good the Japanese devils are, they are still a regular army with a full range of arms.

Malashenko could ask Alsim this question at this time, and there was only one main core purpose - to warn Alsim not to underestimate the enemy, and always remember that he has fewer people and more people, and he must not underestimate the enemy and advance rashly.

Of course, Alsim could understand the implication of Comrade Commander's words, and even more aware that it was a good intention, he immediately blurted out a firm answer.

"Don't worry, Comrade Commander, we are fully prepared for this operation. There is an old saying in China that "it's not about the number of troops but the quality." Counting myself, the 30 commandos who participated in this operation all participated in the Battle of Berlin. All the combat engineer veterans were selected by me personally. The latest one who served was 1942. They will definitely be able to capture the Japanese bandit leader alive and kidnap him across the river."

After hearing this, Malashenko almost saw Chen Weiguo standing behind Alsim. It was obvious where this "ancient Chinese saying" came from, and it was a matter of learning and applying it now.

But this is a good thing, at least it proves that Alsim and Chen Weiguo do get along well.

For Alsim to take the initiative to speak and borrow words, this is no longer an ordinary recognition, it is quite a recognition that he has become one of his own comrades.

Malashenko, who nodded quietly after hearing this, remained silent and stared intently at the 30 fully armed commandos behind Alsim. Although they were all combat engineers, they were completely different from the past.

None of the lightly-armed soldiers, including Alsim, wore protective gear and all took off their plate armor and body armor. They didn’t even wear helmets for concealment. They were all camouflage made of branches and weeds adapted to local conditions. The headband is on the forehead.

Malashenko knew that this was Chen Weiguo's suggestion, and Alsim had specifically mentioned this to him earlier.

Chen Weiguo, who had been fighting fiercely behind Japanese enemy lines for many years, was very experienced in how to dazzle the enemy. He personally suggested that camouflage headbands made from local materials were more effective than helmets in such operations.

It seems that Alsim finally adopted Chen Weiguo's opinion and reached a consensus. The fact that the two can get along so well makes Malashenko even more relieved.

Chen Weiguo's experience coupled with Alsim's combat effectiveness, to be honest, even Malashenko couldn't imagine how capable the enemy on the opposite side must be to escape.

Seeing that the comrade commander in front of him had nodded, Alsim, who turned around, immediately gave an order.

"start to act!"

Three unpowered rubber boats prepared in advance were immediately pulled and pulled by the soldiers who rushed forward, and were sent into the river by human power.

Chen Weiguo, who was riding in the same boat as Alsim, rolled over into the boat with an AK on his back and a paddle in his hand. As soon as the lower body settled down, the paddle entered the water and began to paddle vigorously.

There were no slogans, no lights, and the pursuit of concealment was the top priority. The three rubber boats took advantage of the gap between the Japanese patrols in the first half of the night and the second half of the night to quickly cross the river.

First of all, it was a beautiful day. It was cloudless tonight and the visibility was excellent. The bright and cold moonlight illuminated the river surface, which pointed Alsim and his three boats in the direction of the target landing point.

Secondly, the water is calm. The Ussuri River, which has not yet entered the flood season, has been perfectly calm recently, far from the level of rapid water flow. This created an opportunity for Alsim and his team to use a human-powered rubber boat to cross the river. .

He didn't say a word along the way, just rowing hard and finally successfully washed ashore.

Alsim, who had set foot in the Japanese-occupied territory for the first time, didn't have time to think too much. He jumped down as soon as he hit the beach, stepped on the soft mud on the riverside and gritted his teeth with all his strength. The heavy rubber boat was dragged ashore with the help of manpower.

"Leave two of you to hide the boat, and the rest follow me!"

The bright moonlight with excellent visibility not only provided battlefield convenience for Alsim and his party, but also for the Japanese devils.

Since Alsim could use the moonlight visibility to cross the Ussuri River, the Japanese could also use the moonlight to see several rubber boats lined up on the riverside.

Alsim, who did not want to be exposed in advance, acted safely and directly dragged the rubber boat that washed ashore into the low-lying area he had chosen to hide it.

Throw all the oars into the boat, and then use a large number of weeds and branches that were carried across the river with the boat to cover them on the spot, making a good concealment.

Unless the Japanese army came closer to take a closer look, it would be impossible to see anything strange.

Alsim, who left two team members to hide the boats, had already taken the lead and led most of the remaining soldiers as planned in advance to the predetermined ambush location to prepare for the ambush.

Where to hide the boat and where to ambush, these have already been planned on the other side of the river, ensuring the accuracy and efficiency of the first action on the beach.

The Japanese patrolling the river swaggeringly every day did not know that the Red Army on the other side of the river had carefully selected a burial place for them. Today and tonight is the time for these beasts to sacrifice their lives.

The soldiers who arrived first were hidden behind the small slope and on the reverse slope, occupying a relatively high ground without exposing themselves.

Alsim, who was lying on the ground, waited until the soldiers from the hidden boat returned, then lowered his voice and asked.

"Has everything been taken care of?"

"It has been taken care of, covered tightly, and marked so that it can be found immediately when evacuating."

"very good!"

So far, the first phase of Alsim's plan has been completed step by step and 100% completed. No accidents occurred during the period, and everything is being done as planned.

Now, just wait for those Japanese who stagger when walking to hit the bayonets themselves.

"Get ready! No shooting without my order! Get your knives ready!"

In view of the particularity of this operation of "do not fire unless necessary", coupled with the characteristic that "the Japanese army is good at close combat and stabbing" provided by Chen Weiguo, Alsim, after careful consideration, took the initiative to make a request to Malashenko and made a decision. A bold decision.

In addition to the necessary hot weapons, the 30 carefully selected commandos have also comprehensively strengthened their cold weapon configuration.

They are no longer limited to bayonets, but are looking for sabers specially borrowed from the cavalry units of the Far East Military Region, with both sheaths and swords in hand, and they rush towards the enemy's Tianling Gai.

This is not some idle performance art looking for trouble, but a targeted measure based on the premise of "trying not to fire the first shot."

If you can really do it without firing the first shot, it will definitely be a cold weapon that takes over the whole game.

In this case, if I have the conditions to prepare cold weapons that are more convenient and advantageous in advance, then why should I use traditional bayonets and daggers to solve the battle?

Tactics are not dead, people are alive.

Rigid dogmatism is necessary and unavoidable. Winning by surprise is one of the characteristics of combat engineers. Countless frightened soldiers drove west amidst the roar of explosives blasting by combat engineers.

Therefore, Malashenko was not surprised that Alsim came up with this trick, and quickly arranged the loan of 30 good sabers without saying a word.

Good guns, good artillery and good tanks, the leader's army must have as many as they need, and they must be large and well-controlled.

But the leadership army really does not have sabers, except for the only one that is the family heirloom sword of Comrade Deputy Commander.

So since Alsim is in need, Malashenko has no choice but to borrow it.

Fortunately, the Far East Military Region was already equipped with a large number of cavalry troops. They were originally deployed based on the experience of the Battle of Nomonhan and were specially designed to deal with the Japanese infantry's sudden charge.

The best sabers should be available in as many quantities as they can be used in large quantities. They are not meant to be used to kill the Japanese, but now they are used to deal with the Japanese.

Holding the AK tightly in his hand and hanging the saber on the belt on his waist, Alsim waited without saying a word for the Japanese to come over. Alsim, who was looking forward to seeing the enemy, calmed down. He raised his hand and glanced at the time on his watch in the moonlight. He found that There is not much time left.

If there is no temporary change in the patrol time of the Japanese, then according to the practice of many days in a row, the Japanese patrol will soon arrive in the face.

"Do you think the Japanese will come?"


Alsim, who had just read the time on the watch, heard a low voice in his ears, and then blurted out a low reply with a smile at Chen Weiguo.

"What? Can't you calm down?"

"No, but I can't tell. Maybe I'm overthinking it. I always have a bad feeling that the Japanese will cause trouble for us tonight."

Battlefield intuition is hard to say. There are no fixed rules to follow, and it is even more unclear. It is basically experienced by veterans who have experienced nine deaths.

Alsim understands this intuition, agrees with it even more, and understands that it is the same as the familiar feeling he had when dealing with Nazu.

When it comes to understanding the Japanese army, among all No. 31 people present, including Alsim, Chen Weiguo is the "number one expert."

Taking Chen Weiguo's words to heart and taking them seriously, Alsim, who was lying on the slope, raised the corner of his mouth.

"Then let's see how much meat the devils can bring us."

I don't know how long it took, maybe a few minutes, maybe ten minutes, or even longer.

When the sound of cars coming from far and near reached his ears, Chen Weiguo, who was fully focused, immediately perked up.

"Listen! It's the sound of a car! The Japanese are coming in a car, not on foot! The situation has changed!"

"I'm not deaf, I can hear! Take a look first before talking!"

The Japanese patrol gave up walking and switched to driving. This was indeed an unexpected situation that had never happened in many days.

But Alsim, who had a dull face, was still calm and composed. As long as the Japanese didn't come in a tank, they would be able to deal with it. Alsim asked himself whether his soldiers could do it.

Soon, the Japanese convoy, which came with the roar of engines, drove right in front of them and came completely into view.

"What the fuck! Three trucks! There must be at least 40 Japs. Why is there such a big movement!?"

"Speak in Russian, but I don't understand your Northeast dialect."

Realizing that he had lost his composure in a hurry, he was reminded by Alsim but did not care about the embarrassment. Chen Weiguo, who was cooperating with the Red Army on the battlefield for the first time, quickly repeated it in Russian. After hearing what Alsim said, he continued to speak in a deep voice. .

"Is there any difference between the Japanese truck soldiers and the two-legged infantry?"

"Yes, generally only elite Japs ride in trucks in field troops, at least they must be elites among ordinary Japs."

"Heh, it's interesting. I want to see what this elite bow-legged guy looks like."

The person on the top of the reverse slope here spoke in a low voice before he finished speaking, but he saw that the Japanese convoy coming down the slope had slowly stopped.

Except for the machine guns and machine gunners mounted on the driving floor at the front of the car, all the remaining Japanese soldiers in the car had opened the doors and got out of the car.

In the driver's cab on the other side, except for the driver who remained behind, all three trucks even got out of the Japanese on the passenger seat. Among them, the Japanese on the passenger seat of the second truck shocked Chen Weiguo, who could not take his eyes away.

"Damn it! That's Nakamura, Nakamura Koki! Japanese Colonel, you've caught a big fish now!"

"Are you sure? How can you tell!?"

Alsim was also shocked when he heard this. He had learned about the Japanese military ranks in advance and knew that the Japanese colonel was equivalent to a colonel. If this was true, it would be a worthwhile trip to directly catch the big fish in one net.

"I won't admit my mistake! I can recognize this damn old devil even if he turns to ashes! This bastard has been in the Northeast since 1939. He participated in several anti-Japanese campaigns. He was just a major at that time."

"A while ago, I parachuted back to Northeast China to conduct intelligence reconnaissance, and I found out that this bastard had not been transferred yet and had been promoted to colonel. I didn't expect to catch him here! There is absolutely no mistake, it must be him! The tone of his words was the same as in 1939 , I almost killed this old devil back then, just a little bit!"

Seeing the way Chen Weiguo gritted his teeth and even grasped the soil grass in his hands, Alsim knew that he had definitely recognized the wrong person now, and the unforgettable hatred would never recognize the wrong enemy.

At the same time, Colonel Koki Nakamura, who had no idea that he was being watched from a high position, was still pretentious.

Holding the command knife and showing off what he thought was a general's demeanor, he looked at the large group of Japanese soldiers who had just gotten out of the car and lined up neatly, and turned around to speak to the major who got off the passenger seat of the lead car.

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