Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 3021 Blood splattered three feet (Part 1)

"Qingchuan-kun, lead the way. You are more familiar with the terrain here than I am, so I will follow you."

"Hi! Your Excellency, Captain, please come this way."

Nakamura, who was walking in front, pretended to be majestic and led the team forward with a command knife.

The major, who had just gotten off the co-pilot of the first car, obeyed his orders, and his submissive look was enough to reveal the master and servant at a glance.

"You have good eyesight. You can see very accurately. Look at that little Japanese officer who is as obedient as a dog. He doesn't even need to be tied up."

Alsim, who saw the conversation between superiors and subordinates of the Japanese army for the first time, was quite impressed. Chen Weiguo on the side just smiled when he heard this.

"That's what devils do. When an official slaps the guy below him in public, the guy won't fight back or even fight back. He might even have to nod and bow to say it was a good slap."

When Alsim heard this, his expression was a little unbelievable, and he mistakenly thought that Chen Weiguo was joking with him.

"Is there such a thing? So perverted?"

"Pervert? Hehe, just wait and see, if he's not a pervert, he wouldn't be called a devil."


Alsim, who really didn't know enough about the Japanese army, stopped making any sound and continued to lie on the ground and quietly observe the situation down the slope.

I saw that after the leader Colonel Nakamura gave an order, the large groups of Japanese soldiers who got off the three trucks immediately formed two lines, followed by a major and a colonel in front, and behind the two leaders, they walked away and strode towards the river. Walking away, a few Japanese soldiers stayed on standby where the truck stopped.

Seeing this situation, Alsim's eyes narrowed and an idea came to him. Hearing the voices of the group of Japanese soldiers who had just left below, who were still fading away, he blurted out questions as he wanted to find out what the Japanese soldiers were doing.

"What did the devil leader down there just say? Why are you leaving now? What are you planning to do?"

Chen Weiguo's job when he came with the team was to be a translator, and his status as a combatant was only part-time. Now is the time for Chen Weiguo to play his best role.

"I didn't hear it very clearly. The wind was a little loud just now. It seemed to be saying "lead the way from the front". It seems that he went to the river for patrol and inspection. He probably has to go for a while and won't be able to come back for a while. I want to stop observing. ?”

Seeing the large group of Japanese soldiers walking away and Chen Weiguo's suggestion, Alsim's eyes rolled and he immediately came up with an idea.


"What's the matter? Tell me."

"You can take a few quick ones and follow that group of Japanese. You don't have to fight with them. Just watch from a distance."

"As soon as the large group of Japanese soldiers go back, we will immediately send someone back to report the news. We are going to take action here. We will first clean up the Japanese soldiers in front of the car. When the large group of Japanese soldiers come back and create a big surprise for them, we will use these three trucks to ambush them. "


After hearing Alsim's order, he looked up at the three Japanese trucks down the slope. There were also Japanese soldiers who immediately began to smile playfully as soon as the officials around the truck left. Sulovechenko, who guessed that it was not a big problem, immediately replied in a deep voice.

"Okay, I'll leave this to you. Be careful, I'll take someone to follow you immediately."

"Go ahead, be careful too."

Sulovechenko, who followed the order, called on several warriors who were agile and good at running, and immediately pursued him in the direction in which the large group of Japanese soldiers were leaving. Alsim and his team, who continued to crawl on the top of the slope, were left to prepare. Take action.

"What are you going to do? How to deal with these devils?"

Before Chen Weiguo finished speaking, Alsim, who had already touched the handle of the saber at his waist, raised the corners of his mouth.

"Does that need to be said? Of course you're going to kill the Japanese alive! Put the safety on your gun and use a knife to end the fight! Get ready for action!"

Swish swish swish——

Alsim gave an order, and a group of veteran combat engineers who were lying on the top of the slope immediately unsheathed their swords, aimed at the Japanese soldiers below who had no idea about the impending disaster, and quietly touched it.

At the same time, on the other side, several Japs who had been ordered to stay at the truck station finally took away the officer. The machine gunner, deputy shooter, and the drivers of the three vehicles, a total of 9 Japs, immediately started shouting and sighing. Herding sheep and fishing.

"You look at the gun while I get out of the car and pee, okay?"

"Go ahead, come back and change me after you pee."

"I said it's really troublesome to have so many people out patrolling at night, isn't it? Zhucun. Originally, I was not on night duty today, and I planned to go to bed early and have a good night's sleep. It's really unlucky."

Some stood on the roadside and took off their pants to urinate, some sat in the car and lit cigarettes to worship God, and some even sat cross-legged on the ground without saying a word after getting off the car.

The complaining mouth was full of complaints about tormenting people in such a big way in the middle of the night.

"Oops! Let me sit down and rest for a while. Mamoru stood with the machine gun and his legs were numb all the way. Hey, Miura, do you still have cigarettes? I've finished mine, give me one."

"I was given out just the day before yesterday. Why did you finish it so quickly? Did you lose it by playing cards again?"

Facing the somewhat bored and disdainful questions from his companions, the five-short machine gunner stretched out his hand for a cigarette and just smiled stupidly with his pig-shaped mouth raised.

"Hehe, why are you asking so many questions now that you know it? Give me one quickly, hurry up! I will pay you back next time when the ration is issued."

"You said the same thing last time, but you still owe me two packs of cigarettes."

Hearing this, the machine gunner was not ashamed to lick his pig face. He did not notice two black figures approaching in the grass behind him, and just continued to reach out for a cigarette.

"This time is different. I promise to pay you back. I will pay you back as soon as the rations are issued."

"Yes, this is what you said last time. It hasn't changed over and over again. Do you only say these two sentences?"

Alsim originally thought that the Kwantung Army's devils could match the level of the second-line German army no matter what, and that he would need to use his own skills to deal with them.

But looking at the posture in front of him, Alsim felt that he really looked up to these Kwantung Army devils.

With such a lax and shabby military discipline, let alone the level of the second-line German army, the level of the third-line anti-guerrilla German garrison was probably higher than this.

Alsim, who doubted whether the Japanese were tricking him, couldn't help but confirm it for the last time.

"Are you sure this is okay? Do the Japanese always look like herding sheep?"

"Three years ago, even two years ago, I wouldn't have believed that this would happen to me. As for now."

At the end of his words, Chen Weiguo shook his head. The quality of the Kwantung Army's individual soldiers was really on a decline that could be seen with the naked eye. It was no longer what it used to be.

"Basically all the elite Kwantung Army troops have been mobilized. In the past six months, the Japanese have recruited strong men everywhere to fill the gap. After the veterans have been captured, they have captured ordinary Japanese civilians. Many of them have never even touched a gun before. What does the battlefield look like? I haven’t seen them before. You can ask these devils later if they were captured by strong men.”

Upon hearing Chen Weiguo's words, Alsim immediately understood the truth. The Kwantung Army, this group of Japanese devils, turned out to be the same as the Nazis in late 1944 and early 1945.

When the soldiers were exhausted, they would grab strong men everywhere to make up the numbers, and engage in the performance art of filling in the lines and giving away people's heads.

In this way, it makes sense that the gang of devils in front of them can be so lazy.

"Do it, get on!"

Having said this, he knew that there was no need to say anything more. Alsim raised his hand and waved forward and immediately gave the order to start.

The soldiers who had been lurking on the left and right waiting for the final signal immediately killed them, and the silent death enveloped all nine Japanese invaders present.

"Do you still have the sake you secretly hid there? I'll go back and drink some later. After all, I can sleep in tomorrow morning after this trip, so it's okay to drink some."

"That's true, but it's not much. Maybe it's not enough for us—"



Two dull sounds of the blade penetrating into flesh suddenly sounded.

Suddenly there was a burst of severe pain from behind. The two Japanese soldiers wanted to scream, but when they opened their mouths, they found that they had been covered tightly by a big hand. They were stunned and couldn't shout a single word. I felt that all the strength in my body was released in an instant like a flood from a dam, and I fell down like mud at a limp speed visible to the naked eye.

"Done! Keep going!"

"Wait a minute, there are ghosts coming."

The meaning was conveyed silently through the looks and gestures between each other. The combat engineer who had just knocked down the two peeing Japs at the same time remained motionless. The sword in his hand was still dripping with the blood of the Japs. The third Japs who came to die had already been seen. He came to the front yelling and cursing.

"Hey! How long are you two guys going to pee? Be careful that the colonel comes back to catch you two -"

! ! !

Just as they reached the edge of the dirt road slope and before they could finish speaking, they saw the bodies of the two companions falling to the ground in a strange posture, limp and dead under the road slope right in front of them.

The frightened third Japanese soldier was about to take off the 38 cap on his back. Unexpectedly, his right hand reaching out to grab the gun didn't even touch the barrel of the gun. The cold blade, smelling of his companion's blood, had already broken through his face.




Looking at the third Japanese soldier who was covering his bloody neck with both hands, he fell down with an expression of unbelievable horror.

Alsim raised the knife in his hand and sealed his throat with the knife. He held up the ancestral sword handed down by Comrade Deputy Commander, stared at everyone with death eyes, and then moved to the truck.

"Drink - haah - uh -"

Completely unaware that all the comrades around him had stopped eating, the Japanese machine gunner on the last truck, which was the third truck, was still running away.

Holding the crooked Taisho 11-year-old machine gun in his hand, he kept yawning and making sleepy sounds, but he didn't know that death was already approaching behind him.

Thumb thump——

It was a rather naughty operation, and two crisp metal collision sounds suddenly sounded.

Alsim, who could kill this Japs with one knife, insisted on giving the Japs machine gunner a surprise, so that the bastard could see with his own eyes who had killed him with one knife.

Holding a blood-stained saber, he placed it on the back of the Japs helmet and tapped it twice as a signal. The Japs turned around subconsciously and didn't even have time to see what the person behind him looked like. He felt that his vision had taken off like a rocket, and he could actually He saw a headless corpse with blood gushing out right in front of him.

"It turns out this is me"


The Japanese's head fell into the carriage after Alsim's hand raised the knife and flew it away. He no longer had any consciousness or life, and his head rolled to the ground with a dull sound like a ball.

The headless corpse in front of him, with its head missing and still twitching and spurting blood, fell down, almost at the same time as the sound of the head falling to the ground.

Alsim, who had finished, looked up at the two cars in front and saw that the second Japanese machine gunner in the middle car had also been stabbed down, leaving only the last Japanese machine gunner in the lead car waiting to get on the road.


Turning a deaf ear to the muffled screams coming from not far behind him, Alsim jumped out of the car and just stood still when Chen Weiguo came running up with a blood-stained sword in his hand.

"All solved, 9 in total, put them all down! I will kill three Japanese with my own hands!"

"Yes, he moved very quickly! He killed one more than me."

Alsim, who smiled after hearing this, didn't say much nonsense and immediately gave orders to the soldiers approaching him.

"I will keep one of the corpses for my use. The rest will be dragged down the road and hidden. We will hide there as planned and wait for the large group of Japanese soldiers to come back."


The soldiers who followed the order quickly dispersed, and according to Alsim's order, they quickly disposed of the corpses, violently pulling and pulling them, without caring about the miserable death of the Japanese.

On the other side, Alsim personally carried the corpse of a Japanese soldier with one hand on his shoulder. He walked to the first truck at the head of the convoy, followed the opened door and put the corpse back and put it away. In the driver's seat.

"What are you doing?"

"Don't do anything. The classic moves used to deal with Nazu are still useful against Japs. Let's wait and see."

Alsim, who knew that the target he wanted to catch was not these rotten fish and shrimps, mercilessly killed and annihilated all the Japanese who were left behind in the truck, and only answered casually when faced with Chen Weiguo's curious questions beside him.

"Okay, if the first car is in danger, leave it to me. I'll hide in the driver's compartment, and you can hide under the car."


Chen Weiguo, who had already seen Alsim's true abilities, didn't talk nonsense when he heard what he said. He said "be more careful" and then went as planned.

Together with the other soldiers who had finished their work, they sheathed their swords and carried the AK on their backs, then got under the truck and hid on the spot, waiting only for the large group of Japanese soldiers to come back and kill him for the second round.

"There are 42 in total. After killing 9, there are still 31 left. Now the forces are equal. Let's see what these bow-legged guys can do."

After laying out the body, with a cigarette in his mouth, Alsim closed the car door and muttered in a low voice, then walked around to the other side of the front of the car, raised his hand to open the door, and then got into the passenger seat.


Alsim, who lit a cigarette on fire, took advantage of the intermission to relieve his addiction. At the same time, he did not forget to take care of the Japanese corpse next to him.

Put the lifeless head with your arms on your face, and lay it down on the steering wheel.

After looking left and right, I found that there was no problem, so I immediately moved on to the second step. I put a Japanese fart hat picked up from under the car on the head of the corpse.

Alsim, who was quite satisfied with his "masterpiece", had now finished all his errands. He leaned on the passenger seat and just smoked peacefully, waiting for the army of Japanese soldiers who were being watched by Sulovechenko himself. Come back and continue to perform the second act of the second half.

The first update is in place, there will be a second update later

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