Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 3022 Characteristic Performance Art

When Alsim personally led the team, he was preparing to make up for the second half of the banquet for the Japanese army.

At the same time, on the other side, Colonel Koki Nakamura was leading the Japanese soldiers behind him on a night patrol along the river.

"Qingchuan-kun, look at the big river in front of you and the river scenery along the way. How do you feel in your heart?"


Major Harukawa Masao, who was supposed to be leading the night patrol, was startled when he heard this, but he didn't expect that the captain of the team could ask such a question. After thinking about it again and again, he could only say what came to mind and answered.

"Your Excellency, Wing Commander, I don't think there is anything strange along the river. Everything is normal during this night patrol. It seems that the Russians on the other side of the river do not dare to act rashly."


Nakamura Koki, who hated him for not fighting, just let out a long sigh when he heard this.

Even today, the Kwantung Army still has a large number of young officers who believe that "our imperial army is so majestic that the Russians will not dare to attack if they see the power of our army."

Whether the Kwantung Army, which now boasts millions of soldiers, is still the Kwantung Army that dared to attack the Russians, it is still worse.

Coupled with the fact that the military officers always "report good news but not bad news, and only report good news when they lose", this finally led to this group of young officers now "treating the Russians as careless", believing that the Kwantung Army only needs to open up its posture and show off. , can scare the Russians away from the north of the Yangtze River and dare not go south.

I wanted to say that such a cognitive view would be a big mistake, but before I could say anything, I had another thought: If these young officers could listen to these words, would they still be called young officers? You must know that the seniors of their group can even shout "Heaven punishes the country's thieves and cleans the emperor" and can also put it into practice.

Forget it, let him do whatever he wants, it's better to avoid causing more trouble for yourself and stay safe.

Anyway, whether these young officers believe it or not, the Russian aircraft, tanks and artillery will make them believe it.

Thinking of this, Colonel Koki Nakamura flexibly changed his mind and stopped talking about military affairs. He stayed on the land by the river to talk about things, and began to talk about the coveted fertile land at his feet.

"You have only seen the surface, Mr. Qingchuan. What I want to say is that the land under our feet is so fertile and rich. What will happen if one day it is lost to us and falls into the hands of our enemies? I really can't bear to see the empire lose such a piece of land. What a fertile soil.”


Major Qingchuan's eyebrows twitched unconsciously when he heard this. He had a hint of "the soul that can defeat the superior may be set on fire", but it doesn't look like that yet.

"Your Excellency, Captain, I forgive my subordinates for being presumptuous, but I think this is impossible to happen. The Russians in the north of the Yangtze River are not afraid at all. In the battle of Nomenhan, the Russians lost their troops and generals and suffered a terrible defeat. Today, our Kwantung Army has strong soldiers and horses, weapons and weapons." It is even better than in the past. If the Russians still dare to come, they will be killed without leaving a single piece of armor behind, and the entire army will be wiped out. "


When he rolled his eyes upward, he felt that he was talking to a pig. Nakamura Koki, who wanted to see Major Ma Lu make a fool of himself, didn't expect to hit him. This old, cunning old devil who considered himself a "China expert" was still alive. I know there is a saying that "killing people kills the heart".

"Then what will happen if the Americans call from inside the customs?"


I wanted to say, "There is nothing to fear from a mere rice beast," but even a person as thick-skinned as Major Qingchuan would be embarrassed to say such a thing.

Just the elites mobilized by the Kwantung Army have been destroyed by the Americans in the Pacific and Southeast Asia. They are almost beaten into pig heads by the rice beasts. They really have no shame to talk nonsense again.

Seeing that Major Qingchuan was trying to save some face, Koki Nakamura raised his lips, but instead of stopping there, he continued to increase the intensity.

"Let me ask you again, what will happen if the Americans and the Russians attack from the north and the south together?"

"Of course it's a fight! Fight to the end!"

Major Qingchuan, who had little capacity to begin with, couldn't hold back any longer. He was told by such a cowardly captain that he "destroyed his own morale and increased the enemy's prestige." He blurted out these words without thinking.

"It's just a mere rice beast barbarian, why do you care!? How can a bunch of rabble be the opponent of the imperial army? The rice beast barbarians are all extremely fearful of war and death. They are not the enemy of my samurai spirit! It's a black card. Onboard!”




Seeing the excitement, Major Qingchuan couldn't help but pull out his command sword. As if he was facing countless fleeing rice beasts in a majestic pursuit, he waved his command sword into the air and started shouting "board".

The leading young man named Ma Lu didn't say anything when he called "board loader". What was even more shocking was that even the group of beaten-up soldiers behind him started to shout along with him. They were so excited that they raised their arms and raised their hands in the air. .

They completely ignored the fact that this was a place by the river, and even more ignored that there were Russian night patrols on the other side of the river at this moment.

It seems that in the eyes of this group of people, what they have done is just enough for the Russians to witness the "power of the imperial army" with their own eyes.

Not only is it not a bad thing, but it is enough to frighten the enemy. It will definitely scare the Russians so much that they can't sleep at night and dare not fight again.

"You are right, Major Qingchuan. It seems that I also have something to learn from you."

Half a minute ago, I just felt that I had no need to argue. Half a minute later, I felt that I was thankful that I didn't argue. If I really wanted to argue, I would be a complete Ma Lu Yelang.

Colonel Koki Nakamura responded with "Ah, yes, yes, everything you said is right" and retreated instead of advancing. His mind was no longer on the riverside at the moment, but on the plane that would take off from here early tomorrow morning. He didn't want to Because of this last inspection before leaving, I was in a bad mood and caused trouble.

Anyway, you are the one who has to face the Russians, not me who has returned to my homeland.

How miserable you are when the time comes is none of your business, and it has nothing to do with me at all.

Although Colonel Koki Nakamura is still serving as the commander of the coalition at this moment, he no longer regards himself as the commander of the coalition, and even his subordinates are so stupid that they no longer care about it.

All he wanted to do was seize the last chance and leave the Northeast before the Russians came.

God knows how the Anti-Japanese Alliance who came back with the help of the Russians will retaliate against him. Colonel Koki Nakamura, who knows that he only has one life, does not want to test his power with his life.

In order to avoid possible Russian attacks and air raids, Colonel Nakamura Hiroshi even thought carefully and carefully and chose a time that he thought was absolutely safe and appropriate to make a final inspection and take a final look at the place where he had stayed for almost 10 years. northeast.

It is impossible for the Russians to launch artillery preparations and violent attacks in the middle of the night, and it is absolutely impossible to carry out large-scale air strikes and bombings in the middle of the night.

But Colonel Koki Nakamura, who was self-righteous and thought he was safe, forgot one detail.

What should the Russians across the river do if they infiltrate and capture prisoners late at night? What should we do if among the Russians who infiltrate there is an Anti-Union veteran who recognizes him at a glance and hates him so much that he gnashes his teeth?

Colonel Koki Nakamura will have the opportunity to think about these issues, but he will have to wait until he is tied into a rice dumpling and crosses the river to the interrogation room and cell, not now.

As for now?

Not to mention that the Sulovechenko brothers who had been hanging behind the group of Japanese soldiers looked confused. Even Malashenko, who was sitting on the opposite side of the river and personally served as the commander-in-chief, put down his telescope and had a look on his face. "I can't understand it, but I'm shocked."

"Comrade Commander, what are those devils on the opposite side doing? What are they shouting in front of the river at night? Are you raising your paws so high to worship God? Did you take the wrong medicine or is your condition getting worse!? It's just like in the Berlin Lunatic Asylum. Those who are drunk on drugs are just like stupid people."

Hearing Kulbalov's "exclamation question", Malashenko, who was confused, couldn't understand either.

After putting down the telescope, I thought about it again and again, and finally could only say one word.

"This is probably performance art with Japanese characteristics, probably."

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