Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 3023 Blood splattered three feet (Part 2)

"Company officer, what do you think those Japs are doing there? I don't understand what that means.

Not to mention the ordinary combat engineers who couldn't understand it, Malashenko, who was sitting on the other side of the river as the commander-in-chief, couldn't understand it. Sulovechenko, who was in charge of leading the team and hanging behind the brigade of Japanese soldiers to keep track, was also confused.

"I don't know. My Japanese skills are not very good. I can't understand what these devils are talking about. I only understand a few words, and they seem to be talking about how Americans and Russians beat them together." "

Unlike Alsim, Sulovechenko graduated from a military academy with a serious academic background.

Sulovechenko's sufficient cultural knowledge base enables him to learn other languages, but because he is sharpening his skills in battle, his Japanese level so far is just that.

Listening to some simple Japanese, it is not a big problem to distinguish a few commonly used words, but if the Japanese speak very fast and then talk about some obscure content, coupled with such a live performance of performance art, facing this situation Sulovechenko could only shake his head.

"Let's take a look. I think the company commander's side should be done. Anyway, we are not in a hurry. The Japanese are going to die, and others are not in a hurry. Why should we be in a hurry? Just wait and see."

Colonel Koki Nakamura, who was completely unaware of a group of Russians crawling on the top of the hillside not far behind him. He retreated in order to advance and gave up his victory to Major Harukawa for free. At this moment, he had put his mind to rest and was preparing to return. .

"This is my last night in the Kwantung Army. I hope to return to this land one day."


Hearing the words of the commander, Major Qingchuan, who felt quite disdainful in his heart, couldn't help curling his lips.

This kind of coward who is "fearful of war and the enemy" had better leave the Kwantung Army as soon as possible and go as far away as possible. Those people in the military who drink and have fun and dream about life and death are the same as him. How can we govern with such insects? What about the Kwantung Army?

Colonel Koki Nakamura has not been favored by the main combat faction for a day or two.

The captain of the Colonel-General Alliance, who had repeatedly attacked the Northeast Anti-Japanese Resistance Alliance in the past and climbed to his current position by relying on many successful campaigns. However, his attitude towards the Russians is uncharacteristically passive and avoids war. He actively advocates fighting with the Russians. In peace talks, even if it means ceding some of the interests, the Russians must be stabilized first.

Some people support Colonel Koki Nakamura's proposition, but they are in the minority after all.

More people, especially young military officers, hated these remarks and gritted their teeth.

What's more, after peeing on two ounces of sake, he still dared to shout the horrifying slogan "Heaven punishes the national thieves". The only step to take action was a glass of wine.

What's even more dangerous is that the upper-level leaders of the Kwantung Army Group have adopted a conniving and indifferent attitude toward these young officers.

Maybe one day, when these brainless young men really make things big, gunshots will be fired and blood will be splattered three feet away. Only the big heads of the Kwantung Army Group would have reason to suppress young and young officers at the grassroots level.

But at least for now, the upper echelons of the Kwantung Army not only tolerate and ignore the young officers below, but also try to appease and win over them.

There is no other reason. After all, in the development plan being implemented by the Kwantung Army Group, this battle with the Russians must be fought and must be won.

It's just a matter of time and how to delay the Russians and use false peace to buy time for the real war.

In view of this, the upper-level bosses of the Kwantung Army Group are more inclined to "it is not appropriate to damage the morale of the entire army when a war is imminent."

If we really deal with the young officers below who have persistent fever in their heads at this critical juncture, how can we give the soldiers an explanation? It is not certain whether the soldiers will believe your rhetoric, but they will definitely see the officers of the main war faction perform a caesarean section to apologize. The risk of the morale of the soldiers being shaken is foreseeable.

It is precisely because Colonel Koki Nakamura is well aware of this principle and understands the twists and turns inside. Of course, he also knows that this very dangerous environment for "people with brains" will not only not end, but will continue to worsen and persist.

Nakamura Koki knew the behavior of his group of Red Deer soldiers and young officers very well.

After drinking two ounces of sake, the horse peed, and the slogan "Heaven punishes the traitors of the country" was shouted.

A group of majors, lieutenants and sergeants dared to cause trouble in the face of blood with the big-headed soldiers who had nowhere to vent their energy.

In the past, he almost handed over his life in the hands of the Anti-Japanese Alliance. Nakamura Koki didn't want to end up with a cruel ending where his life was killed by the young man sent by the Red Deer before the Russians came.

These idiots dare to kill even the Prime Minister. Is it a big deal to kill you, a captain who "shakes the morale of the army"? Not even a shit.

Thirty-six stratagems are the best ones. If I can't fight you with my words, I'll just run away.

If you think you can fight the Russians, then go ahead. It has nothing to do with me anyway. You will be the one who dies, not me. It’s none of my business.

It happened that Colonel Koki Nakamura had an old classmate who was serving in the military. Although he did not have much power, he was still able to handle the job of managing files for Koki Nakamura.

I would rather go back to China and guard filing cabinets and sweep dust every day than fight with Russian tanks, planes and artillery.

Knowing that the current situation of the Kwantung Army was very dangerous internally and even more dangerous externally, Koki Nakamura was determined to put down the blame and leave, and he immediately rubbed the soles of his feet with oil.

Under such a determined situation, he naturally did not pay attention to the strange aura of Major Qingchuan in front of him. Not only was he not angry, he even wanted to laugh.

"I hope you can have this weird courage in front of the Russians, Malu Yelang"

Passing by Major Qingchuan, Nakamura Koki, who was grinning ferociously in his heart, just walked away with his command knife, leaving Major Qingchuan with sinister eyes behind him and glaring angrily.

"Your Excellency Captain, what should we do?"

"What should I do? Ha"

Unlike Kouki Nakamura, who was very secretive and kept his emotions secret, Major Qingchuan, who was not secretive in front of his subordinates, heard this and a sneer appeared on his face.

"Of course, I will send the captain back to the camp, and then he can pack his luggage and leave quickly, giving up the throne of the captain who is occupying the manhole and doing nothing."

The Japanese captain, who seemed to understand something after hearing this, was overjoyed on the spot. He then lowered his voice and walked around with tentative words.

"Then, is the captain going to be promoted? Should I congratulate the newly promoted captain in advance?"

"Hey, don't talk nonsense. This is still not certain. It depends on how the division commander decides and submits the candidates. As for me, I just need to wait patiently."

Although he said this, the increasingly exaggerated expression on his face, with the corners of his mouth grinning almost to the base of his ears, had already betrayed Major Qingchuan's true state of mind at the moment.

With the rapid expansion of the Kwantung Army, promotions that used to make people impatient to wait for a long time are also getting faster. Various promotions and promotions are coming one after another.

Especially for mid-level and junior officers who have accumulated sufficient leadership experience, due to the expansion of the army and the surge in demand, it is becoming more and more common for the group captain to be directly promoted to the commander of the regiment in today's Kwantung Army.

Major Qingchuan asked himself that he still had great hope for this wave of promotions. The premise was that Koki Nakamura, who was a "corpse-seat vegetarian", left quickly and gave up the throne of the captain first.

Thinking of this, Major Qingchuan, who felt that he had "a great chance of winning and the advantage is mine", couldn't help but feel happy and raised his hand to pat the captain beside him on the shoulder.

"Saito-kun, you have been working with me for a long time. You deserve all the credit for your hard work. It's really hard for you."

As soon as he heard that he was so praised by the captain, the Japanese captain, who had a premonition that something good was coming, immediately nodded and bowed, laughing again and again.

"No, no, I just did something trivial. I am grateful to you, Captain, for your continued support and guidance!"


Just shy of writing "both satisfied and happy" on his forehead, Major Qingchuan responded with an even brighter smile.

"If I can be promoted to captain, I will recommend you to the division commander to be the captain. My current position may not be long before it is yours, but don't let me down! Huh?"

Nani! ? What a good thing! ?

The squadron leader felt his little heart was so happy for a moment that he immediately beamed and couldn't even close his mouth with joy. He hurriedly replied with more nods and bows.

"Hi! Thank you very much, Captain! No, thank you very much, Captain, for your cultivation! I will do my best to repay the kindness!"

"Yo Xi! Hahaha——"

Koki Nakamura, who was walking in front of the team, could faintly hear the "joyers and laughter" coming from behind, but it didn't matter.

No matter what this bunch of young red deer said, after he left, they immediately rushed across the river to fight the Russians and seek their own death.

Japan's defeat has been decided, so he should return to his homeland as soon as possible to find a way out and make preparations in advance.

Opportunities always come to those who are prepared. Koki Nakamura has always believed this. When Japan's defeat is imminent, it is obviously not too late to start preparing for defeat in advance.

At the same time, on the other side, Sulovechenko, who was not interested in the devil's nonsense, only cared about one thing.

The large group of Japanese soldiers were already heading back and starting their journey. Sulovechenko, who knew what he should do, immediately gave the order.

"Solokov, you are the fastest runner. Start running back immediately and report to Comrade Company Commander! Just say that the Japanese troops in the brigade are already walking back. I hope Comrade Company Commander is ready to meet the enemy and capture prisoners. Go quickly!"

"Understood, let's go now."


After seeing off the soldiers who had delivered the message, Sulovechenko continued to lie on the top of the slope to monitor the movements of the Japanese. At the same time, Sulovechenko was also thinking about what to do next.

Alsim did not explicitly ask his side to do anything. He just asked Sulovechenko to judge the situation and make decisions based on the situation.

After pondering for a while, Sulovechenko did not plan to immediately return support and go to Alsim's home feast.

Instead, he decided to continue to hang on behind the large group of Japanese soldiers who were walking back. Firstly, this was to prevent these Japanese soldiers from changing their minds midway and doing other tricks that would lead to unexpected situations.

As for these two things?

Sulovechenko, who raised his lips and formed his plan, felt that it would probably taste better if the Japanese suddenly added some seasonings to the meal while they were enjoying it.

Sulovechenko, who made a decisive decision, dared to think and act, and immediately called on the soldiers to quietly move and change positions, hanging behind the group of Japanese soldiers, waiting for the best opportunity to take action.

On the other side, Alsim, who was sitting in the cab of the first truck of three trucks and had finished his third cigarette, finally received the good news that the large group of Japanese soldiers had finally begun to dive into the boiling cauldron.

"Are you sure? The Japanese army is really moving back? What is Sulovechenko doing now?"

"The company deputy comrade is still leading people to monitor the Japanese army's movements. He asked me to come back and report the news. He said that he hoped that the company commander would be ready to receive the enemy and capture prisoners. The enemy should arrive soon according to the marching speed."


Alsim, who believed that Sulovchenko had his own way, raised his lips and immediately asked the soldiers who came back to report the news to quickly pack up. He prepared his weapons and hid at the foot of the dirt road used to hide the corpses of the Japanese, and laid an ambush. Then he continued to stay in the cab of the leading car, waiting for the Japanese to come.

"Come on, the big fish is finally taking the bait!"

While walking on the way back, I walked up to Colonel Koki Nakamura. Major Harukawa kept asking nonchalant questions, and was concerned about where the commander of the regiment planned to find another job after returning to China. What if he would do it in the future? It's a good idea to visit and reminisce about old times when you return home.

Koki Nakamura, who "talks one thing but thinks another", doesn't think that a Ma Lu Yelang, who is so stupid as to be an idiot like Major Qingkawa, will have the opportunity to return to his country to reminisce about the past.

His only fate is to stay in the Northeast and be used as fertilizer. There is no other outcome.

Colonel Koki Nakamura, who naturally wouldn't say that, smiled and was about to say something, when he saw Major Harukawa on the side cursed first.

"Baga! These lazy red deer are so lazy! I knew they would be lazy. We just left and they were sleeping again!"

"Your Excellency, Captain, wait a moment, let me teach these idiots a lesson!"

There were still a hundred steps away, and at a glance, I saw the driver of the leading car lying on the steering wheel and sleeping soundly. He also put his hat on the top of his head to block the light, sleeping soundly.

Major Qingchuan, who was furious, was about to step forward and express himself. Unexpectedly, Koki Nakamura, who was still the captain of the company, reached out to stop him.

"No need, Qingchuan-kun."

"It's been very hard for everyone to mobilize so many soldiers and follow me out on night patrol so late. The drive was bumpy and tiring, and I would inevitably doze off. As a superior officer, I still have to be considerate of my subordinates, hold my head high, and You should understand the meaning of falling gently.”


Are you thinking that you are going to leave and teach me how to lead the army? You, a guy who increases the enemy's prestige and destroys your own morale, are you qualified to teach me how to do things?

But thinking is just thinking after all. Major Qingchuan, who can sit in the position of captain, is still somewhat superficial, and then he turns around, lowers his head, and immediately nods and bows.

"Hi! Your Excellency, the commander of the team, taught me that I am grateful to you!"

"Well, keep walking. Just wake them up and start walking back."

At this moment, neither Colonel Nakamura nor Major Harukawa knew that the person they were about to "wake up" was the "Slavic Superman" and not the dead Japanese corpses.

By the time Major Qingchuan, who was leading the way with a command knife on his arm, was the first to come to the co-pilot of the lead car he was riding in, and put his hand on the door, the shout had already been blurted out without thinking.

"Hey! How long do you want to sleep, you guy? Do you want me to drive you to--"

Before he could finish his words, the sound effects got stuck in his throat and stopped abruptly.

Major Qingchuan blinked his eyes and felt unbelievable. It was not that he didn't want to speak, but that he was speechless.

The cold sharp knife that stabbed into his Adam's apple the moment he opened the door has canceled all attempts to speak.

No matter how hard he tried, Major Qingchuan felt his throat was cold and his whole body was trembling. He was so stunned that he could not say a word, and could only make a low sound in his throat.

He was trembling as if he pressed a switch under his feet and rolled his eyes, but he could see beside the passenger seat and under the driver's seat. There was a stooped white man with a concealed figure holding a saber in his hand, and spoke quietly with a low-pitched laugh that was incomprehensible to everyone.

"Shh! Don't make a sound. If you have anything to say, come up later. I've specially reserved a place for you."

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