Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 3033 Former Allies

Since being captured by the Russians, Colonel Koki Nakamura has not had a good sleep for several days in a row. He is afraid that the Russians will kill him day and night.

Koki Nakamura, who wanted to run away with oil on his feet, never expected that on the last night before leaving, when he was going to take a last look at this land, his boat capsized in a ditch and was captured alive by the Russians.

If I had known this, why did I do it in the first place?

If I hadn't done anything unnecessary and waited peacefully until early the next morning to fly back home, wouldn't there have been all these troubles and troubles? Will he now be in his hometown, hugging his beloved wife who is nearly a year younger than him, drinking sake and savoring life?

The more I thought about it, the more I regretted it, but Koki Nakamura, who knew that regret was useless, understood that it was too late no matter what he said now.

The only hope at the moment is that the Russians can let themselves go "regardless of past grudges."

Koki Nakamura, who knows that this battle is inevitable, has no "backbone" at this point in his career.

It is not worth risking your life for this battle that is already lost. You must survive at all costs and survive until the war to have a chance to change your life.

If you die, you can only go to the cemetery, but you can't do anything.

But what made Koki Nakamura feel more and more scared the more he thought about it, was that he had said everything, everything he needed to say and everything he could think of, honestly. But the Russians still only questioned and interrogated themselves, and did not talk about anything else.

The panicked Koki Nakamura once tried to ask himself indirectly whether there was still a way to survive after everything had been explained.

The only answer he got was that the Red Army interrogator in charge of the interrogation slapped the table, yelled and ordered him to answer the questions well, but not to think too much if he wanted to survive.

Koki Nakamura, who was immersed in panic and uneasiness, welcomed the fifth day after his capture in fear.

I thought that the Russians would continue to interrogate me today, but I didn't expect that when I took off the hood covering my head to block my vision, what appeared in the interrogation room in front of me was a group of people I had never seen before wearing non-Red Army uniforms. people, a group of white people who are the same as the Russians.

"Who are you? What are you doing!?"

The frightened Nakamura Koki subconsciously thought that the Russians had ended the interrogation process, and sent out a firing squad wearing different uniforms from the interrogators, preparing to pull him out and shoot him.

But what Nakamura Koki didn't expect was that the people in front of him, whom he mistakenly thought were Russians, startled him on the spot as soon as they opened their mouths.

"I've seen you before, I've seen you Japanese."

"I was in Stuttgart at that time, and you Japanese came to Germany to learn airborne skills. I even gave you theoretical courses. But your understanding was really not good, and it wasted a lot of my energy and time. It was not a good period. Memories.”


Hearing the interpreter present truthfully relaying these words, Koki Nakamura, who was firmly fixed in the chair, was completely stunned.

After thinking for a while, he finally realized what he meant. With a slightly excited expression, he raised his head and spoke repeatedly.

"You, you are a German!? A Nazi soldier? Have you ever cooperated with the Imperial Army?"

"Great! Listen, we are allies, do you understand? Please find a way to get me out of the Russians. You Germans must have a way, right? The fact that you can appear here is proof that you Is the counterattack successful? Help me get out of here. Let's defeat the Russians together. Victory belongs to us!"


Although his expression was not right, the translator on the side still translated the criticism truthfully and told it to Krauser on the side.

His brothers did not have a translator who could understand Japanese. The translator beside him was assigned to him by General Malashenko.

Krauser also understood better that the translator not only played the role of translator, but theoretically he could also report to the general, including "How has Major Krauser performed recently?"

Krauser did not see this as surveillance, but rather as an opportunity to express himself.

As for how to behave? Isn’t the opportunity right in front of us?

I heard that the Japanese in front of me knew the world and was still immersed in the old days of Nazi rule.

Krauser, who had long hated the Nazis' deception, grinned through gritted teeth. Although he hated it to the extreme in his heart, he did not show it on the surface at all. Instead, he stood up and walked straight to Nakamura Hiroki.

"Allies? Huh?"

The translator relayed it truthfully. Nakamura Koki, who was confused by this rhetorical question, blinked his eyes, completely unaware of what was going to happen next.

The next second, I saw a fist as big as Shabo rushing straight towards his face.



Krauser's fist was impartial and hit Koki Nakamura on the bridge of his face and nose.

All of a sudden, I felt all kinds of sweet, sour, bitter, and spicy rushing in. My whole forehead felt like I had knocked over a spice box, and I felt dizzy for a while.

Before Kouki Nakamura, who was screaming loudly, could recover, Krauser's second blow with his old fist followed.

"Fuck the nazis! Fuck the hair-washers!! Fuck the Japanese devils!!!"

"If you dare to say anything to me again, I will bury you alive, believe it or not!? You shameless scumbag, you actually have the nerve to say something in front of me!? My brothers, my comrades-in-arms, My family, my neighbors! It’s all because of these scumbags who invaded and died without a burial place!”

"Uh-huh! Wow-poof-stop fighting! Stop fighting!! Someone is killed!!!"

When it comes to ruthlessness, he is really ruthless. Krauser, who punched hard to the flesh, used almost all his strength to beat the human sandbag in front of him until nosebleeds spurted out, he was dizzy, and even two of his teeth were knocked out.

Koki Nakamura, who had no idea why the German guy in front of him was so crazy, now really felt that he had been wronged.

Because the bunch of red deer in the military report good news but not bad news, and even hold funerals, they have no idea that Nakamura Kouki, who has now been completely defeated by the Nazis and has become a trash of history, still only understands the European battlefield at the Nazi level. Still in the stage of continuous counterattacks against the Allies and the Red Army.

Generals in high positions may be able to circumvent the intentional blockade and concealment of information by their superiors and learn the truth hidden behind it.

But in this era of limited information, I am still in Tohoku, which is not in Japan.

Koki Nakamura, who didn't care much about the European battlefield, and the position of colonel, which was neither high nor low, meant that he had limited access to external information. Basically, it is to the extent that the Kwantung Army headquarters decides what to show to the people below, and only the people below can see what.

A combination of external factors and internal factors led to Koki Nakamura not knowing anything about the complete destruction of Nazu, and he did not expect that his arrogance, which was unintentional on the part of the speaker and intentional on the listener, would be so irritating that he wanted to drag Nazu out of the graveyard. , Krauser, who still couldn't understand his hatred even if he was cut into pieces ten thousand times, went berserk on the spot and almost went crazy.

He almost used Nakamura Koki as a punching bag. He beat him violently for more than a minute. The accompanying translator couldn't stand it anymore and took the initiative to stop him. After the beating, Krauser finally gave up. stop.

"How dare you mention that in front of me again! I'll fucking bury you alive! Bastard! Do you hear me!?"

"I heard it. I heard it and I don't dare to do it anymore. I'm so sorry! I don't do it anymore!"

Krauser is actually not crazy. Although he does hate Nasty, his actions just now were purely intentional.

Krauser knew very well that his current identity must be completely separated from the Nazis, and he could no longer get any trace of Nazi remnants.

General Malashenko has given himself such an opportunity, and he must cherish it even more and do his best to show it to the general.

If the general hates the Japanese and wants to get rid of them quickly, Krauser is very willing to be the sharp blade to exercise the general's will. Let these ignorant Japanese devils sharpen their memories and clearly understand the consequences of being an enemy of General Malashenko.

Mistaking the Germans for allies not only failed to bring about the desired results, but also received a violent beating with fists and kicks.

He never expected that his "first meeting" with his German allies would be like this, in such a way that it would make him doubt his life.

Snot and tears flowed together, mixed with the nosebleeds that were still coming out, dripping down his chin and onto his pants.

Koki Nakamura, who was almost unconscious after being beaten, has difficulty even talking, let alone any desire to speak on his own initiative. After "finishing his workout," Krauser put away his fists and returned to sit behind the interrogation table before finally speaking again.

"Then let's get started and go through all the contents of the previous interrogation again."

"Warning you in advance and warning you last time, this will be your last chance to correct your answer. So you know what you have to do, right? If I were you, I wouldn't lie in the cemetery regretting it. Can you understand?"

His nostrils seemed to be covered with blood scab, and it became difficult for him to breathe through his nose. He was forced to breathe through his mouth instead. He held two tubes of bloody snot hanging down and gasped with his mouth half open while replying.

"Understood, I will tell you honestly, let's get started."

"Very well, first question then"

When everything that happened in the interrogation room was sent to Malashenko's desk in the form of a written report, Krauser, who was personally in charge of the interrogation, was not done yet, and the second half of the interrogation was still in progress.

After reading the written report in his hand, Malashenko raised his head and glanced at the translator who came to report, and then slowly asked questions to confirm the situation.

"So, Koki Nakamura has been beaten half to death by Krause. If he continues to beat him, someone might be killed, right?"

Facing the inquiry and confirmation from Comrade Commander, he witnessed the whole process with his own eyes. During the intermission after the first half of the interrogation, the interpreter who was replaced to give the report nodded in response.

"Yes, Comrade Commander. Even I find it puzzling. It is the first time for Major Krauser to meet the prisoners, but he seems to have an unforgettable hatred for the prisoners. If it is just because of the mention of Nazu, I think It should be more than that, there may be another reason for Major Krauser's attack."

Hearing this, Malashenko was thoughtful, put his hand on his chin and nodded immediately.

"Yes, I understand. Go down and rest first. I will contact you if there are any questions."

"Okay, Comrade Commander."

After the translator left, Ben came to discuss the battle plan in Malashenko's office. Lavrinenko, who had just watched the whole process pass by, then asked questions.

"It seems that your German subordinates are working very hard. It is a bad luck for the Japanese to fall into his hands. He has become Krause's tool to prove himself, not even a human being."

"Human? This old devil is a beast, not a human. Have you read the report Chen Weiguo wrote and submitted to our military department?"

After hearing what Malashenko said, Lavrinenko felt a little embarrassed when he remembered that such a thing had happened.

"I'm sorry that I was too busy to take care of it. I have received the things, but as you know, in the past two days, there have been a mountain of battle plans and various paperwork. These alone are enough to keep me busy until midnight, let alone having to go down. Inspecting the troops. After joining the army, the workload has more than doubled, even if I have a secretary, I feel it is too much. "

It didn't matter that Lavrinenko didn't have time to read the report. Malashenko, who knew its contents well, immediately spoke and explained everything to his good brother and deputy in person.

"If this guy can be considered a human being, then the naughty guards at Auschwitz should be the same."

"Ever since he was transferred to the Kwantung Army in 1937, this old devil has never done anything that has anything to do with people. Comrades who have encircled and suppressed the Northeast Anti-Japanese Alliance have had him again and again. He has worked all the way from Major to today's Colonel. You can imagine this bastard. What did you do?”

"In the early years, the comrades of the Anti-Japanese Alliance have been trying to eradicate this guy. But the old devil was cunning and cunning. He escaped several attacks and assassinations in a row, and Chen Weiguo almost lost his life because of it."

"Not only that, this old devil did not restrain himself at all, but instead intensified his counterattack."

“Not only the comrades of the Anti-League, but even ordinary people were poisoned by it. They often killed unarmed people. They wanted to use this to establish a threat and scare the comrades of the Anti-League, so that the Anti-League could not gain anything. Support is outright stained with the blood of the anti-Japanese soldiers and civilians.”

"If such a bastard can be considered a human being, then who are we? Are we considered humans along with such a bastard? Isn't the concept of human being too broad? This is just a humanoid bastard! That's all! Don't It’s nothing, let alone nothing.”

Hearing Malashenko's words, Lavrinenko, who had probably guessed the final outcome, put down the documents in his hands and then asked quietly.

"Then what are you going to do with this bitch after everything is over?"

"How to deal with it? Ha."

He raised his hand to put out the cigarette butt after taking the last puff in the ashtray. Malashenko, who had already planned what to do, just smiled lightly.

"We might as well leave the decision to Chen Weiguo. I respect his choice."

"By the time the last interrogation is over with Krause, this heartless old devil will have lost its value. Since the Kwantung Army headquarters doesn't care about the life or death of this bastard and doesn't ask any questions about important people, then I Why care about a low-quality piece of trash that doesn’t even care about its owner?”

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