Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 3034 Landing on the Beach

Koki Nakamura is dead.

After Malashenko handed over the disposal power to Chen Weiguo, he said that no matter what choice you make, that will be the final result and I will support you unconditionally.

He never thought that he would gain such great trust and support from Comrade General. Chen Weiguo, who was so grateful that he could not express his gratitude in words, finally made his choice.

The old devil's fate was death. Not killing him would not be enough to comfort the anti-Japanese soldiers and civilians for their heroic sacrifice; it would not be enough to calm Chen Weiguo's resentment and unwillingness to watch so many comrades die tragically at the hands of the Japanese invaders.

Perhaps he also knew that he could not escape death, and that he would definitely die in the execution ground.

Facing the black muzzle of the gun raised by Chen Weiguo, who was personally executing the execution, Nakamura Koki, who had a dull face, suddenly seemed to have lost his mind and relapsed. He actually started to raise his neck and smile up to the sky, smiling without forgetting to utter arrogant words at the last moment of his life.

"Chen Weiguo! You can't defeat me after all! I still remember the way you ran away from me like a dog!"

"Do you think you won? You are so wrong! You will always be a complete loser! Now you are still a dog, but you are just used as a dog for the Russians to bite people! If the Russians reward you with a bone, you will be happy! Puhahaha Ha ha!!!"




The cold-faced Chen Weiguo didn't hesitate at all. He angrily pulled the trigger amidst the old devil's wild laughter, knocking the heart-rending laughter back into his stomach and stopping it abruptly.

"Pfft--you lost, Chen Weiguo, you will never win, ever."

Chen Weiguo, who had never executed an execution before, missed his hand and shot the Japanese man in the chest, causing blood to burst on the spot.

But he never expected that after the Japanese fell to the ground, he could still vomit blood and continue to talk wildly. He used the last bit of strength in his body to talk until he died.

Since you want to die, then fine, I will definitely help you.

But it was not executed by Chen Weiguo, nor by any ordinary soldier present.

Malashenko, who was watching the execution, saw this scene and immediately said nothing. He strode forward and took the AK44 automatic rifle that still had 29 rounds of ammunition from Chen Weiguo's hand. He walked away and walked straight towards the person who was still there. Nakamura Koki, who was spewing blood and raving, walked over.

He adjusted the large paddle on the side of the receiver to fully automatic mode, walked to Nakamura Koki, raised his size 47 military boots, stepped on the dog's mouth that was still spitting blood, and forcibly silenced him. He raised his hand and pointed the gun at the old devil's chest.

Da da da da da da da da da—


It wasn't until the sound of the firing pin hitting the air was heard and the AK in his hand was still smoking from the muzzle that Malashenko released his finger on the trigger.

He lifted up the military boots stained with the stinky blood of the Japanese and blocked the dog's mouth, and rubbed the soles of his feet hard into the soil a few times, feeling unlucky. After confirming that his feet were not stained with blood, he turned around and left with the empty AK.

Koki Nakamura, who was blasted into the chest by 1+29 rounds of 62mm medium-power rifle bullets, and his whole chest was beaten into a sieve, was already dead.

Returning to Chen Weiguo, he returned the AK, which had been empty of bullets and still warm in the barrel, to the soldier. Malashenko, who fired 29 shots in a row on full automatic, slowly spoke to Chen Weiguo.

"How is it? Is it too much?"


The noncommittal Chen Weiguo did not answer on the spot, but after Malashenko took out his cigarette case and lit one for himself, he spoke quietly and calmly.

"More than a thousand anti-Japanese soldiers and civilians died tragically at the hands of this old devil. If it is too much to even deserve to die on the execution ground, then who are my comrades, comrades-in-arms and fellow villagers? Who do they turn to to cry to? Who questions those on their behalf? The unscrupulous Japanese beasts can’t live too much!”

He also noticed that Chen Weiguo was obviously emotional and crying at this moment. Knowing that Chen Weiguo had finally settled something on his mind today, Malashenko immediately took action, took Chen Weiguo's shoulders and hugged him, patting his shoulders to encourage him. .

But Chen Weiguo, who was several years older than Malashenko, burst into tears on the spot, and his mournful cries rang in Malashenko's ears for a while.

"Okay, it's all over, Weiguo. Remember the dead, and then fight for the living. The future and victory will eventually belong to us!"

When a man sheds tears, he doesn't shed them easily, but they are not sad yet.

Think back to those friendly faces that are familiar but will never be seen again.

The memories in his mind were pouring like a flood. Chen Weiguo could hardly control his emotions. He cried like a tearful man amid Malashenko's comforting voice. It took several minutes before he regained his composure. .

"Thank you, Comrade General! Thank you, I will never forget this day and our comradeship."

Watching Chen Weiguo turn around and leave, Malashenko, who was stuck in place and filled with emotion, continued to smoke a sullen cigarette. I couldn't calm down for a long time, thinking about too many stories I had personally experienced for a long time, until the political commissar comrade who also witnessed the whole process at the scene came forward.

"He must have experienced many stories, do you believe it?"

"Who says it's not the case? The heartbreaking things he has experienced are probably no less than us, and may even be worse."

He continued to walk with his political commissar comrades on the way back to the military headquarters. Malashenko, who was still as determined as ever, soon spoke quietly.

"Then it's time to get down to business. The first batch of troops participating in the war are all ready. The on-the-spot execution of this old devil, Koki Nakamura, is just the beginning.

"Next, I will make these heartless Japanese beasts pay the price for what they have done in this tormented land."

"I, Malashenko, swear that these Japanese invaders will definitely taste the devastating blow that they will never forget until death. It doesn't matter if you don't understand how the Nazis were destroyed, because these Japanese invaders will soon experience it for themselves."

It was nearly two months earlier than the time the battle was launched in existing history.

The original "August Storm" became the "June Storm", and the exact time to launch the battle was set at dawn on June 12th.

Malashenko, who had everything ready and only needed the east wind, had been waiting for this moment, waiting for the moment to kill the Japanese invaders with his own hands and send these scum to hell to join their Nazi allies.

Time passed by and came to the last two minutes before the operation was launched. There was only a final 120-second countdown left before the artillery fire was ready to begin.

Witnessing the time on the watch passing by, Malashenko, who was in the forward command post by the river, raised his head and quietly looked at the night scene across the river.

The last words were blurted out almost simultaneously at the moment when the gun rope was pulled.

"let's start!"

Boom boom boom boom——

Boo hoo hoo hoo——

The ground beside the Wusuli River shook in an instant, and flames shot into the sky. Countless fire barrages rose instantly from the land in Jiangbei shrouded in darkness, dragging shrill screams through the sky towards the Japanese aggressor positions on the other side of the river. , swooped away from the rally point.

It was also thanks to the intelligence of that old devil Koki Nakamura that he vomited out everything he knew, which was quite cooperative.

Malashenko, who had more than 500 rocket assault tanks, self-propelled artillery and rocket launchers under his command, accurately marked the artillery preparation strike point of the leadership army on the top of the foreheads of the three closest Japanese divisions along the river.

The three Japanese divisions, which had never experienced such ferocious and terrifying firepower since they participated in actual combat, felt like they were given a slap in the face in the middle of the night.

The barrage of heavy artillery and rockets raining down instantly covered the Japanese military camp. Most of the Japanese troops were still sleeping when they were bombarded by huge 152 grenades, 132mm Katyusha rockets, and 310mm Ender rockets. Liusha's rockets were launched into the sky, shattering bones and ashes on the spot, leaving no trace of their struggle.

Looking at the fierce artillery fire pouring down from the sky like fire, Malashenko understood that this was still not enough to eliminate all, or even most, of the Japanese troops.

Regardless of their fighting ability, the disgusting Kwantung Army was actually afraid of the Red Army's most powerful field artillery group in the world.

Therefore, a considerable number of military camps were placed in densely populated areas with civilians. From towns to counties, there were basically garrison points and assembly areas for the Japanese everywhere.

Indiscriminate bombing is not Malashenko's style, even in the final battle to kill the Nazis, the Battle of Berlin.

Malashenko also personally gave Zhukov advice and suggestions, trying his best to use advanced artillery fire to drive civilians out of the war zone first, and then increase the output of artillery firepower to launch offensive operations.

When dealing with the zoo air defense tower where a large number of innocent civilians took refuge, Malashenko went to great lengths to drop warning leaflets hours in advance.

Thanks to the fact that the commander of the air defense tower was not a crazy lunatic, he realized that the Russians were probably not kidding and immediately ordered all civilians to evacuate. This ultimately prevented four civilians from being destroyed along with the air defense tower.

Civilian casualties are indeed unavoidable, but this is definitely not an excuse to use indiscriminate bombing and direct heavy firepower on civilian areas.

What's more, Malashenko still has his own unspeakable feelings.

Malashenko really couldn't bear to let these people who were already bullied become even more dire when the Red Army arrived, adding insult to injury and falling into a desperate situation.

"The artillery fire preparations are extending in depth to the Japanese army's garrison and assembly area. In addition, the enemy's several defensive positions deployed in the deep areas across the river are currently covered by our army's artillery fire preparations and are projecting maximum firepower."

Holding the first round of artillery preparation report just sent by the chief of staff, Malashenko quickly read the entire article at a glance and then spoke decisively.

"Inform all artillery units to continue to maintain maximum firepower projection! Use maximum firepower without regard to ammunition consumption, and prepare for the full artillery fire!"

"Yes, Comrade Commander."

"In addition, contact the aviation units to confirm their air raid preparations. As soon as it gets dark, I will immediately see them conduct a second supplementary bombing of the areas covered by artillery fire. These places are either Japanese military garrison, troop assembly points, or field operations. Defensive positions, continuous attacks on these places can effectively prevent the enemy from gathering troops to counterattack. "

"In short, don't worry about the waste of firepower. The value of ammunition is not as good as the lives of soldiers! Before we complete the erection of the pontoon bridge, we must do whatever it takes to trap the Japanese troops in the bombing zone! As long as our heavy equipment crosses the river, it belongs to the Japanese invaders. At the end of the day, use your maximum firepower to blast the enemy to death!"

During the three-month preparation period for the battle, Malashenko, who had accumulated a huge amount of ammunition reserves, now has enough confidence to say, "I can blow up your Kwantung Army for 24 hours without taking a breath."

The artillery positions in the rear opened their mouths and bombed indiscriminately, and the first batch of troops crossing the river in the front were also moving simultaneously.

"Quick! Follow us all! Rush over and seize the beach!"

"See you at the beachhead, comrades! Hurrah!"


This time, the leader army did not need to operate covertly like the last time they crossed the river. They directly towed a large number of light and small speedboats that had been mobilized in advance, and pushed them down the river beach and into the river by boating on dry land.

Although they are all light boats of thirty to forty tons, or at most fifty tons, and most of them are civilian ships. Serious military ships are just a few small patrol boats equipped with 7mm heavy machine guns.

However, due to limited transportation capacity and the traction of "dry land boating", it is not easy to send these small boats into the river.

No matter how bad it is, we can still ensure the strength of the first wave of light troops who rush to the beach and cross the river. In the absence of serious amphibious landing equipment, this is the best equipment and the best method. There is no one.

Although the small-tonnage civilian ships and patrol boats have a shallow draft, they cannot completely run aground on the beach. After sending a wave of troops to land on the beach, they have to turn around and go back to pull the second batch to continue.

Alsim, who was on the first patrol boat at the front, holding on to the railing, saw that the distance was almost the same. Even if he was swimming with his bare hands, he could still swim ashore in three steps and two steps, and then he picked up the AK and headed towards the beach behind him. The soldiers waved their hands.

"Comrades, follow me!!!"


Before the front foot finished speaking, the back foot jumped into the river.

All kinds of operations such as climbing high and low, and wading over mountains are not difficult for Alsim, who was born as an old hunter. Chasing prey through mountains and rivers is a required course that Alsim learned from his father very early.

As soon as he jumped into the river, he immediately began to swim forward with his bare hands and rushed towards the shore that was just around the corner.

Alsim, who had washed up on the beach without even taking a breath when he came to the surface, took off the AK from behind as soon as his feet touched the ground, turned the gun sideways and quickly slapped the receiver to remove the accumulated water. The water is drained, and the bullet is loaded by pulling the charging handle with your backhand.

Thanks to Comrade Kalashnikov's hard work and hard work, the AK can be fired immediately after being fished out of the muddy water. It can only be said that crossing the Ussuri River's very good water quality is a piece of cake.

As Alsim swam ashore with his bare hands, a group of soldiers with the best water skills had already arrived to meet their company commander at the beach.

At the same time, some soldiers who were not good at swimming and not accustomed to water had also rowed the famous rubber boats to the beach a little later.

There were not only fully armed combat engineers in the rubber boat, but also comrades who had swam ashore and washed up on the beach with their bare hands. They could not carry more ammunition, heavier weapons and armor.

The machine guns, RPGs, body armor, and various types of ammunition were taken out and unloaded from the rubber boat in sequence, and a large number of excavation tools such as engineering shovels were not forgotten.

Alsim, who had assembled half a company of troops, raised his hand and pointed at a dense crater area not far away in front of him that had been covered by rocket barrages and heavy artillery in advance, followed by an order.

"Quick! Use the bomb craters to build fortifications, bunkers, and positions. I'll round up your arms! Come on!"

Brothers, you've been waiting for a long time. It's officially started. There will be two more updates later.

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