Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 3044 70 versus 3

The situation that the Japanese army expected to be able to block, or at least delay, the Red Army's offensive did not occur.

The leader's infantry and tanks, which came all the way to cover up the enemy, and the attacking troops, smashed into pieces the temporary defenses organized by the Japanese army on the open plain terrain.

Everywhere is like a dilapidated house full of holes, with air leakage from all sides. Either this part has been broken through, or that part has been torn open.

The two infantry brigades under the 101st Regiment were all put into battle, but the actual strength of the two brigades on the books was less than a thousand men.

The rest were either thrown into the sky by the Red Army in the recent devastating bombardment, or they could not hold up their broken bodies and fell to the roadside on the road to death.

With such a small number of troops and no preset positions and long-range fire support, it is tantamount to wishful thinking to stop the coordinated charge of infantry and tanks led by Alsim.

The overwhelmed Japanese army soon found that they could not withstand this force at all. They had no choice but to throw into the battle the troops that the other team did not want to invest or had reserved until the last resort. The cavalry brigade that had just finished cleaning up the "Pro-Horse Rebellion".

The devil's idea is actually very simple.

There is no doubt that the cavalry, an ancient arm, is a technical arm. Compared with ordinary infantry who can just practice a clockwork gun and throw it on the battlefield in as little as two or three weeks or as long as a few months, the cost of training the cavalry is undoubtedly quite high.

First of all, equestrian itself is not a skill that everyone can practice. There are not many recruits who can still control the horseback. It is even more difficult to filter out those who can still fight on horseback.

The training of horse shooting, riding and slashing, and man-horse coordination all require much longer time and cost than training an infantryman, and have a higher elimination rate.

If you spend a lot of time training, you may not be able to really train a qualified cavalry. If not, you may accidentally fall off the horse and be trampled to death by the horse.

Not to mention that the selection and training of war horses are also costly. The amount of food consumed by a pair of cavalrymen on horse chews is equivalent to that of a regular infantry squad. You can even say that a qualified war horse itself is "high-value technical equipment."

Now the war horses are almost dead, most of them were killed by the Russians.

In addition, the crazy horse was out of control and was forced to kill a lot more. It was difficult to control the scene of the crazy horse running around. There were already very few horses left and could not form an army.

The Japs who have suffered heavy losses are already painful enough, but if you add cavalry whose training cost is higher than the war horses themselves, the pain is comparable to cutting the Japs' flesh with a knife.

It can only be said that the Japanese army’s idea is good.

Try to keep the horseless cavalry as much as possible, and keep the seeds for a little rest in the future and then equip them with new horses, and then you will have another qualified cavalry force.

But obviously, the huge battlefield pressure did not allow the Japanese to act like this. If they hid the horseless cavalry, they would be finished immediately.

They had no choice but to put the cavalry, which had lost its horses and became infantry, into the battlefield.

These Japanese cavalry do not carry the 38-type cap, but carry the Kwantung Army's latest 99-type lance. Without the war horse, their combat effectiveness is not even as good as that of conventional infantry.

At least the conventional infantry has light and heavy machine guns, mortars, and grenades. However, these horseless cavalry have only the lances in their hands to rely on.

As for drawing out the saber and launching a charge, you devils should first ask Kalashnikov on the opposite side whether he agrees or not.

Seeing a group of Japanese soldiers rushing towards the battle from behind and joining in the battle, Alsim, with his sharp eyes, saw the key details at a glance.

"It seems that the Japanese are out of options. All the cavalry without horses are sent here to die."

"Work harder! Keep attacking! I want to see how long these Japanese bow-legged guys can last!"

Those Japanese soldiers armed with lances and sabers on their waists were exposed as soon as they entered the battle. Alsim knew that the Japanese soldiers dressed like this must not be ordinary infantry.

Investing such a high-level unit and downgrading it to infantry to participate in the battle, combined with the current battlefield situation.

Rounding up is not just because you Japanese devils have no work to do, so what else could it be?

There were not many wreckage on the offensive path further forward, and Alsim, who did not want to immerse himself in the charge, immediately made a gesture of need for support to the tanks and infantry fighting vehicles behind him that were responsible for approaching direct fire support.

"Driver, move forward! Lead us upwards and prepare to meet the infantry comrades."

Through the commander's periscope in his hand, Alsim's gesture was clearly seen at close range.

The commander of the tank company who responded to the call immediately gave an order via radio. A large number of T43 medium tanks and BMP43 infantry fighting vehicles immediately came forward, spraying gunfire and black smoke from the rear of the vehicle.

"Follow the tanks and infantry fighting vehicles and keep moving forward! Quick!"

If there is no cover, call a mobile cover.

Combat engineers and infantrymen advanced alternately with tanks and infantry fighting vehicles and covered each other. They cleared away almost all Japanese infantry and anti-armor fire threats in the area, and then called on the tanks and infantry fighting vehicles that were in parking support state to move forward and cover the advance. .

Alsim and his entourage were already beaten out of breath, but before the Japanese who had just received the support of horseless cavalry were happy, this huge amount of Russian steel monsters rumbled up again.

Taking advantage of the opportunity of the tanks and infantry fighting vehicles driving up from the side, they quickly moved out of the various wreckage and crater bunkers, changed positions to the tanks and infantry fighting vehicles, and then used the infantry and tanks to coordinate the forward pressure attack.

If you can't deal with the Russian steel monster, you won't be able to hurt the infantry hiding behind it.

The Japanese army did not think of any tricks. They concentrated the remaining grenade launchers on hand and tried to hit the infantry behind the tanks with direct fire.

Unexpectedly, as soon as the grenade was fired, the Russians retaliated quickly and directly used tank guns to blast the grenade team.

The aggrieved Japanese grenade launcher really didn't expect that he, Dehe, would actually get the turn of the Russians to serve directly on the tank gun, and he would literally have all he could eat of large-caliber grenades.

The 100mm main gun kept firing, and the 7mm Deshka heavy machine gun mounted on the roof of the vehicle fired in unison.

If you don't change positions, you can only wait to be killed. Once you change positions, the main gun and machine gun will be full.

The brutal Russians really do not let go of any comrade who dares to move and change positions. They see their own people being beaten into a hornet's nest and blown to pieces as soon as they show their heads. The Japanese army's casualties are soaring every minute. They were killed until their scalps went numb.

"Baga! This can't go on like this! The Russians clearly want to use their firepower advantage to kill us all, leaving no one behind!"

The squadron commanders and squadron commanders who came to obey the orders around you just thought it was farts when your Excellency the captain was scolding you.

Who can't see this? But the Russians use the Yangmou Ming card, and their main theme is "Let you see clearly, what can I do?" At present, how can we break the situation except being killed by the Russians?

"Attack now! Attack the Russians!"

! ?

I never expected that the blushing captain would actually hold back such a fart that was seeking his own death.

Several squadron leaders and squad leaders who had hoped that their leaders would come up with some clever tricks, now you look at me and I look at you, completely unable to believe that what they just heard is true.

It feels like I heard a joke that should be funny, but I can't laugh at the moment, just because the tragic hero in this joke is myself.

"Gentlemen! Show your courage as a warrior of the empire! Just like His Excellency Nogi Hidenori, with the ambition of serving the country for seven lives, attack the Russians! These Russian barbarians will surely surrender to our courage. Meat bombs will eventually defeat steel. bomb!"

At this point, several squadron leaders and squad leaders present have experienced personally that the classic slogan "Meat bombs defeat steel bombs" can also mean the same thing.

Meat bombs hit the Russian steel monster. How could this not be considered "meat bombs defeated steel bombs"?

Your Excellency, the captain, thinks that his description is fine, but the several squadron leaders and squad leaders with grim faces below are having trouble saying so.

Seeing that the captain had already pulled out the command sword, knowing that there was no room for negotiation the moment the sword was unsheathed, the few Japanese officers who took the order and left had no choice but to do so.

"Warriors of the Empire! Attack the Russians! Give us Tuss!!!"

“The hell is on the black card!!!”


? ? ?

Alsim, who used the tank cover to dodge and shoot, was stunned. He saw a large number of Japanese soldiers with bayonets pointing towards the tank. The only feeling in his heart could only be "I can't understand, but I'm shocked." Shocking".

"Are these Japs crazy? The infantry charges towards the tanks!?"

"Otherwise, what else can we do? Are we waiting to be shot and killed by us? This is the last madness, open fire!"

Alsim gave the order to open fire to the soldiers around him without any hesitation. Then he grabbed the external wired phone at the rear of the tank. He picked up the phone and shouted directly to the commander who answered the question in the car. .

"Tell all the cars to turn on their firepower! Turn on their firepower immediately! The Japs are going crazy and blast these bastards to pieces! No one will be left alive!"


After hanging up the call from Alsim outside the car, the captain grabbed the radio and started shouting on all channels.

"Attention all crews! Stop advancing and turn on all firepower immediately. I repeat it again! Concentrate all firepower and destroy all incoming enemies!"

The T43A medium tanks present plus the attached BMP43 infantry fighting vehicles totaled a total of 22 vehicles in two companies.

This is equivalent to meaning that the Japanese army's current Long Live Charge is targeting 11 100mm tank guns, 11 25mm machine guns, 11 7mm Deshka heavy machine guns, and 22 62mm coaxial machine guns.

In addition, two companies of infantry launched a charge with a huge amount of semi-automatic and fully automatic light weapons.

Courageous and ferocious, but undoubtedly stupid.

Even if you are forced to do it as a last resort, it still cannot change the fact that this is pure performance art and a suicide attempt.

Countless rifle and machine gun bullets and larger-caliber grenades roared in, and the tracer barrages that swept across like fire dragons kept knocking down rows of Japanese soldiers.

The bayonet sticking to the head of the 38-cap gun was stained with blood, but it fell into a pool of the gunman's blood and was stained with his own blood.

On the surface it was a brigade-level charge, but in reality it only numbered less than 300 people.

All kinds of old, weak, sick and disabled were brought in together with the bandaged wounded. The Japanese soldiers who were unable to move lay down on the ground and fired, providing fire support for the consumables who were charging to death in front of them.

The captain, who is not afraid of death, is not afraid of death and fighting. Instead, he personally goes into battle and commands his soldiers to lead the charge.

It's a pity that the Russian artillery shells don't distinguish whether you are a captain or an ordinary soldier.

The 100mm grenade that roared at high speed did not even explode at his feet and hit the captain squarely in the face.

He directly fired a 100mm grenade into his head and performed the head disappearing technique on the spot.

But because the hardness of the head is so poor, it is not even enough to trigger the collision fuse. After the cannon blasted off the captain's head and disappeared, it continued to scream through the air and move forward at high speed.

It wasn't until it hit the feet of several Japanese soldiers who were charging behind them that the 100mm grenade with a bloody warhead that hit the ground exploded on the spot.


His Excellency, the captain, who had lost his head but had no time to fall down, was already a headless corpse. He was directly thrown away by the strong blast from behind.

Blood was spurting out from the broken neck, and the body was spinning around. It performed a 360-degree pirouette in mid-air for three full times before falling heavily to the ground with missing arms and legs and smoke. It was already dead. Die again.

Even the hilt of the smoking Sankan sword, which was blown into three pieces by a single shot, flew at least seventy or eighty meters before being pierced into the soil. It turned from a distinguished object into a battlefield garbage with no practical value. .

In less than half a cigarette, very few of the nearly 300 charging Japanese soldiers had been killed, leaving only the wounded soldiers who had fallen to the ground and those who had been knocked unconscious by the explosion.

The Japanese troops attacking in the front were defeated, and the Japanese troops in the rear who were also firing loudly met a miserable end.

The main force of the two-pronged outflank, led by Kulbalov himself, has completed its detour and cut off the Japanese army's only retreat at the rear of the formation.

After the troops were united, Kulbalov didn't talk nonsense. He gave the order and personally led his troops towards the rear of the Japanese army to kill the generals.

At the same time, the Japanese army, who expected such a scene, finally revealed their last trump card - nine Type 94 ultra-light tanks defined by the Japanese army as "cavalry fighting vehicles."

At this moment, the Adzuki Bean chariot, which weighs just over 3 tons, is facing an opponent.

But it was Kulbalov who personally commanded, taking the lead in rushing to the forefront of a company of nearly 70 tons of IS7 heavy tanks.

Faced with a tonnage gap of more than 30 times, the Japanese tank soldiers, who were even more elephant-sized than corgis, sat in the roaring iron coffin and felt despair that was almost suffocating.

"Your Excellency, what should we do?"

"Fight! Fight to the end with the Russians!"


The commander and gunner who controlled the 7mm machine gun pulled the trigger and fired while answering the driver's questions.

He took out the most powerful main weapon on the entire vehicle and shot at the Russians, but all he got in return was the IS7 gunner who couldn't help but laugh.

Ding ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding.

"Comrade Commander, the Japanese stroller is firing at us. The sound is quite pleasant to you."

With his hand on the commander's periscope, he had a panoramic view of the scene, and with a smile on his lips, Kulbalov still spoke calmly and gave orders.

"Load high-explosive bombs! Target Japanese armored vehicle, gunner prepares!"

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