Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 3045 Death is coming

There are many physical laws on the earth, and "mass conservation" is just one of them.

It is also because of the law of conservation of mass that I can see through it at a glance. When I look at the so-called tank of the Japanese, I think it is a tank. In fact, it is more like a pure tin can with tracks that can run.

Kurbalov felt that this thing had nothing to do with armor and cannons in terms of size, shape, and size.

If there is something in his impression that is close to this thing, or at least similar, Kurbalov reckons that the German car that was smashed to pieces by the IS7 on Berlin Street should be the most suitable.

Let’s just leave the body size here. As long as you Japanese devils don’t master alien black technology, it would be a fucking weird thing to make this tank bigger than a human and make a tank that can block the IS7 main gun.

So much so that Kulbalov, based on intuition and experience, felt that this thing could not be dealt with by armor-piercing bullets. A 130mm full-caliber hooded armor-piercing bullet would not be able to survive if it hit it.

Since my 130mm grenade can even explode a King Tiger, there is no reason why I can't deal with you little Japs.

Even if it is not blown up with one shot, no matter how bad it is, it can be disposed of harmlessly with one shot and stripped of its combat capabilities.

Kulbalov guessed right indeed. The 130 high-explosive grenade from the Red Navy had irresistible destructive power against the Japanese Adzuki Bean tank.

The 94 light tank that was targeted by the gunner of Kurbalov's car was the first to suffer misfortune.

The 130mm grenade that hit the vehicle at high speed hit the joint between the turret and the car body, hitting the bullseye and hitting it hard.

Although the armor of the Adzuki Chariot is thin, so thin that it can even penetrate 130mm armor-piercing bullets, it is still no problem to detonate grenades, which can explode at the touch of a hard target.


A huge explosion instantly rose from the ground, and the blazing fire scattered a large amount of fragmented debris everywhere on the surrounding ground and in the air.

This Adzuki Bean chariot, which weighed just over 3 tons, completely ceased to exist.

When the impact of the fire that instantly expanded and spread gradually dissipated and the dust settled, what was left on the ground was not only a huge crater, but also half a road wheel, a small amount of wreckage fragments, and a few pieces of smoking and blackened Japanese meat. There is absolutely no trace that a tank ever existed here.

Of course, this horrific scene of destruction was not just for a simple Japanese tank.

After all, the 130 grenade fired by Kulbalov was not a single shot, but a whole row of several IS7 vehicles firing at the same time.

Considering that Kulbalov's IS7 is not actually a static aiming that effectively guarantees accuracy, it is a semi-suppressive shooting in order to pursue cover speed after moving to static.

The best thing you can do is hit, even if you can't hit, you still have to create trouble and pressure for the Japanese army.

The Japanese army, shocked by the huge destructive power of the 130mm grenade, was unable to keep track of the front and rear, and was forced to move troops back to defend the rear and disperse the Japanese army's troop deployment, thus reducing the pressure on the Alsim Company that contained the Japanese army on the frontal battlefield.

Therefore, in addition to the direct hit of the Kulbalov command vehicle's gun, several 130mm grenades did not actually directly hit the Japanese tanks.

After all, this Xiaodou chariot of yours is smaller than a slightly larger car. If you want to move at high speed, turn still, and quickly aim to hit the first target, even at a distance of 500 meters, for the IS7 without a main gun stabilizer, It's not easy to say.

However, these 130 grenades failed to hit directly, but hit the tracks of the Japanese tank and exploded on the spot, but it directly produced an unexpected and shocking effect.

"Oh my God! Comrade Commander, did you see that? That little can was blown over right away???"

The gunner looked at his high-magnification binocular main gun sight and felt unbelievable, but the picture of the Japanese Xiaodou tank being overturned to the ground clearly visible in the field of vision was so real, shocking, and unquestionable.

"It seems that this thing weighs less than 5 tons. It can't even withstand the impact of a near-miss explosion of 130 grenade. The Japanese are still overestimating it."

The high-explosive shock wave generated by the 130-mm grenade exploded at a close range and was overturned on the spot.

The turret was torn off, the armor was peeled off, the track pads were torn into pieces, and even the road wheels on the running gear were peeled off until only the bare rods were left.

The Japanese Xiaodou tank, which was lying on its back with its belly in the air, not only lost its combat capability, but also the two Japanese tank soldiers inside had their brains shaken and died on the spot.

At the same time, Kulbalov's plan also had visible effects.

The Japanese army was shocked and frightened by the shocking explosion coming from behind. Seeing that their small tank was smashed to pieces by the Russians, the Japanese army panicked.

Ignoring the huge losses caused by a single blast on the frontal battlefield, they quickly divided up the few remaining troops and deployed nearly half of the troops to defend from the rear.

And this time, the Japanese army, who expected that the main force of the Red Army would attack from behind, also brought a weapon that did not even have frontal defense - the Type 94 37mm combat anti-cannon.

Yes, this thing is a copycat copy of the PAK37 anti-tank gun that the Germans could not even hit the T34 in the early years, and was killed by the T34.

The imitation mass production here also involves performance art that is more characteristic of the Showa era.

Originally, the Germans had newer and stronger anti-tank guns, such as the PAK38 and PAK40. If the Japanese wanted to later, they could still copy them and make huge quantities for installation.

However, due to too low mechanization capabilities and insufficient artillery tractors, the Japanese army encountered a classic problem - the gun must be pushed and pulled by people to be a good gun, especially front-line direct support artillery such as anti-tank guns.

The Japanese army didn't have that many precious cars that they could drag around on the front line, doing whatever they wanted.

The transfer of battle lines must have the ability to rely on manpower and animal power. The ability of people to push horses is a necessary condition and cannot be discussed.

Ever since, the Japanese, who specialize in imitating good-looking guns, fell in love with the PAK37 at a glance.

What is insufficient firepower, what has no potential for improvement, and what is already foreseeable cannot meet the needs of the next stage of future wars.

These factors that should have been important considerations when introducing imitation and mass-produced weapons were all forgotten by the devils who were obsessed with "people pushing horses".

As long as it can be "pushed by a horse", it is a good gun, and the PAK38 and PAK40, which are larger in caliber and heavier, will all stand aside.

The result is that the Japanese army has anti-tank guns, but only as long as they have them.

Sherman, who met the rice beast in the Pacific battlefield, was killed so much that his crotch was raised. Now, using this thing to deal with IS7, there is no better way to describe it other than "performance art".



call out--

The high-speed incoming tracer armor-piercing bullets rattled the IS7's thick armor. The situation that the T34 encountered in 1941 is now being recreated, and the classic is played out again.

At this point, Kulbalov didn't even bother to stop. He directly ordered the entire crew to continue moving at full speed and stepped on the accelerator into the fuel tank.

Don't worry about the Japanese's small anti-tank gun. The only difference is that it makes more noise than a machine gun bullet hitting the armor plate. Scratching the IS7's paint is already the limit of physical damage this thing can cause. Anything more. Not at all.

If you stop and use the 130mm main gun to shoot this thing, the delay in the first shot will have a greater delay effect on the Japanese army, which is even greater than the thing itself scratching the outer armor of the IS7.

Therefore, there is no priority to eliminate anti-tank firepower points. The threat of this piece of shit is not even considered as anti-tank firepower. The IS7 stops here and does not move so that it cannot be hurt at all. Just step on the accelerator and crush the Japanese in the face.

On the other side, the Japanese army, which was cornered and unable to stop them, was really desperate.

There are wolves in front and tigers in the back. Looking in front and behind, there are huge numbers of Russian steel monsters strangled towards each other.

Any weapon in the hands of the Japanese army, using all the weapons, would not be able to destroy the Red Army tanks with even a slight delay, let alone destroy the Red Army tanks.

Even the most clueless and militaristic lunatic can see this at this time.

Whether to fight to the end or not is the Japanese army's own choice, and the power lies in the hands of the Japanese soldiers.

But whether they can win and whether they survive has nothing to do with the Japanese army itself. It all depends on the Russians' mood and how they act.

Sitting in the cab of the car, holding his ancestral sword in both hands as a walking stick, he pondered.

Morishima Kurouchi, who was already paraplegic and unable to move, never expected that he would be defeated so quickly, so fast that even he felt shocked and unbelievable.

I thought I would be able to at least fight against the Russians. Even in the current state of the 101st Regiment, they could at least fight for a few rendezvous and fight against the poorly prepared Russians who rushed to chase them as soon as they crossed the river. It caused considerable losses.

If this is the case, Morishima Kuronei believes that even if the entire 101st Wing is shattered here today, it will be considered a well-deserved death.

But the Russians did not give the Japanese any chance to inflict casualties. They relied on their huge steel tanks to form a mobile steel city wall-like bunker, bullying the Japanese with almost no anti-armor firepower, and used tanks to form a camp step by step to cover the infantry moving forward bit by bit. Push forward.

In the past, we fought against people, but today we fight against iron.

Morishima Kuronei, who had never seen a torrent of steel, had his eyes opened today, and he knew that this was the last chance to open his eyes in this life.

In the days to come, let's go to the underworld to slowly reminisce about the past and talk with the evil ghost Rakshasa.

"How many more troops do we have? Let's be honest."

"Your Majesty, Commander of the Return Brigade, there are probably less than 500 people, including all the wounded."

"There are 500 people. Are there only 500 people left?"

call out--


A 100mm grenade broke through the air and exploded not far away. The dusty dirt and debris could have splashed into the car, hitting Morishima Kuroui's face and stinging him.

On the other hand, Morishima Kuronei seemed to turn a blind eye to this. He used his saber as a crutch and said in a deep voice to the captain and adjutant of the 101st Wing outside the car.

"There is no other way, let's burn the regiment flag! The 101st regiment is destined to be shattered here today. Let us work together to serve the country for seven lives and fight to the end for His Majesty the Emperor!"



Before Morishima Kuronei could finish his words, the captain of the 101st Wing, who seemed to have already guessed something without saying a word, knelt down to his immediate superior on the spot.

"Your Excellency, Brigade Commander, no! The brigade flag is our military soul, our honor, and something more important than our lives. What else do we have if we burn it!? Please allow me to send someone to escort it. Break out! As long as the alliance flag is still there, there is hope!"


Morishima Kuronei, who originally had a fair attitude and was relatively calm, immediately cursed when he heard this. He was so angry that he blew his beard and glared, which made him explode on the spot.

"Look around, open your eyes and look around! Russian artillery shells have already hit you and me! Maybe in the next second, you and I will be the ones who die."

"Escort the regiment flag to break out? What should you use to break out? Use your mouth? Or use your command knife to direct the wounded soldiers to raise their bayonets and chop down the tanks that are killing the Russians!?"

"The 105th independent mixed brigade itself is a mechanized trial unit. Have you forgotten all about the results of the internal confrontation drills between cavalry and infantry against tank units in the past!? Do you really think you can send a team to stand still? Did the unstable soldier walk away from the Russian steel monsters while guarding the regiment flag?"

"Think carefully! Use your brain! Before your brain is blasted with Russian projectiles and becomes useless!"

Morishima Kuronei, who hates iron, was scolding him sincerely, but he saw the 101st Regiment Captain who was kneeling on the ground pulled out his command knife, and the blade was pointed inward towards his belly and he was already thinking about it.

"Fujita-kun! Stop, stop! What are you doing!?"

The adjutant standing nearby was so frightened that Captain Fujita was about to commit seppuku on the spot, and he quickly took action to stop him.

But when he saw this, Kansai Colonel, who was full of snot and tears, just glanced at the sword, and then put it back into the scabbard. With tears and snot in his eyes, he bowed 90 degrees to Morishima Kuronei on the spot.

"Hey! In compliance with the order of the brigade commander, I will burn the regiment flag myself right now!"

To be precise, the regimental flag personally awarded by the emperor is something that any fighting Japanese army values ​​more than a hundred thousand times more than life.

How can you see it?

It can be seen that the US military, with its nostrils turned upward and its almost obsessive desire for collecting trophies, managed to get through the entire Pacific War without even capturing a single Japanese regiment flag on the battlefield.

The captain of the coalition can be broken into pieces, but the flag of the coalition must never be thrown away.

If the coalition flag is lost, it is not just a question of whether the coalition leader will die or not, it is also a question of how to deal with the coalition leader's wife, children, and children. Even the commander's immediate superiors will also suffer. Even division commanders and corps commanders cannot escape the blame.

This is why, when Major General Morishima Kurouchi saw that he was helpless, the first thing he thought of to get rid of was not the code book for confidential documents, but the alliance flag that could not be lost regardless of anything.

The captain of the 101st Wing took the order and went to the flag guard team to organize manpower. While going to get gasoline, he also had to do the final farewell ceremony of the military flag.

The giant mother who was crying was so sad that she couldn't stand it even after her own mother and wild father died.

But he didn't expect that his last move, which was delayed for a few minutes, would all be seen by Alsim, who was holding a telescope not far away and had reached a distance of less than 300 meters.

"What are these Japanese devils doing? Comrade company commander, there are still people carrying gasoline barrels."

"I don't know, but what is being burned at this time must be something terrible. Follow me! Let's go grab it! Hurry!"

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