Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 3047 The Russians are coming!

Morishima Kuronei died. He swallowed a gun and committed suicide in despair. Naturally, he became the first general of the Kwantung Army to be eliminated by the Red Army.

The 101st Regiment under the independent mixed 105th Brigade was also completely wiped out.

Except for a very small number of Japanese who surrendered obediently, did not make any small moves, and were stunned by the artillery fire and then tied up by the Red Army, and when they woke up, they were either blind or too angry to take a breath, the rest became nourishing land. of high-quality fertilizer.

But this is not the end. The destruction of a unit is not even an appetizer for Malashenko.

The primary target is still the destination of the escaping Japanese army, the base camp of Morishima Kuronei. Currently, only a small number of Japanese troops are left in the county.

Malashenko promised to spend the night in the county town tonight, so he would never break his promise.

If you Japanese devils don't let you see how many eyes "Lord Ma" has, you Japanese devils won't know how powerful the Red Army's iron fist is.

"Do you think I can fight here today? I feel a bit unsure. That old devil Morishima brought a whole regiment out of the city, and he is the elite main force of the Kwantung Army."

"No matter how capable I am, how can I wipe out an elite unit in half a day? I feel like this is a bit ridiculous and unreliable."

On the market street in the county town, two men dressed as farmers were squatting in front of their stalls, holding their hands in their pockets and whispering to each other. The disguise was enough to blend in perfectly with the environment and not attract unnecessary attention.

"Then let's make a bet. If the Red Army can enter the city today, you will lose 5 packs of cigarettes to me; if the Red Army cannot enter the city today, I will lose 10 packs of cigarettes to you and give you double compensation. Do you dare to bet?"

If the leader's army wielding troops across the river is a tomahawk with huge destructive power, it will be able to cut in half any Japanese who dares to stand in the way.

Then set off first, personally accepted the mission from Malashenko, and went out to spy on Chen Weiguo, who entered the hinterland of the Japanese-occupied area. It was a dagger that penetrated directly into the vital points of the Japanese army, lurking and waiting to guide the Red Army's target at the most critical moment.

Chen Weiguo has seen the strength of the leader's army, but it does not mean that the other comrades around him have also seen it.

Lao Wei has long been one of the underground comrades of the Anti-Japanese Alliance lurking in the Northeast, and he was also Chen Weiguo's contact person during his visit to the county.

When Chen Weiguo heard that today's mission was to prepare for the Red Army's entry into the city, and that the Red Army's goal on the first day of the war was to liberate this important county town that was heavily guarded by the Japanese army, Lao Wei's first reaction was, "You kid Are you trying to deceive the Sa family?"

According to Lao Wei's idea, on the first day of the war, the Russians would not only cross the river to gather troops, but also annihilate a main force of the Kwantung Army, and finally capture the county where a Japanese brigade and regiment headquarters were located.

I'm not doubting that the Russians don't have this ability. They certainly do, but is it too much of a fairy tale for just one day?

Chen Weiguo understood Lao Wei's doubts.

Frankly speaking, if he had not seen with his own eyes what the strength level of the leading army was, Chen Weiguo asked himself that he would not believe that the leading army could accomplish so many things and achieve so many tactical goals on the first day of the war.

But after seeing the ocean-like torrent of steel from the leader's army, and also conducting secret capture operations with Slavic supermen like Alsim.

Chen Weiguo's original attitude and views had a fundamental reversal. Based on his understanding of the Japanese army, he did not feel that the Kwantung Army had the ability to withstand such a powerful opponent.

When I heard that General Malashenko’s goal on the first day of the war was to liberate the county town, he was sent to serve as an internal response.

Chen Weiguo, who was extremely excited and convinced of the leader's ability, immediately accepted this dangerous task.

And before the Red Army crossed the Yangtze River and went south, they had secretly lurked back to the Northeast, disguised themselves as farmers who went to the city to sell goods, and met up with Lao Wei, who was already lurking in the county as a local comrade.

Knowing that the end of the Japs was coming, Old Wei was of course in a good mood, and he was also happy to see the Russians wipe out the Japs to pieces.

But as for what Chen Weiguo said, "It can be done today", the skeptical old Wei felt that it was not reliable, and he doubted whether Chen Weiguo had exaggerated.

That is to say, while the two of them were standing in front of the booth, you were talking to me, whispering every sentence.

The originally peaceful and peaceful market street suddenly became chaotic. There was a sudden quarrel in front of a stall not far away. From the commotion, there seemed to be curses in bad Japanese.

"What's going on? The devil is here to tear up the land again, is this?"

Chen Weiguo, who had a bad premonition, spoke subconsciously, but Old Wei on the side looked puzzled.

"It shouldn't be. The Japanese have been much more honest since the second half of last year. Until this year, they have never dared to cut up the land so openly. At most, they would send a few traitors and puppet soldiers and Japanese soldiers to requisition food. Is it possible to rob so blatantly? Haven’t seen him for a while.”

Chen Weiguo has been in the Soviet Union for a long time and has a certain lag in understanding the latest situation in the enemy-occupied areas in Northeast China. This is normal.

But Old Wei, who has lived here for a long time, knows that in the face of the declining overall environment, he knows that the current situation is not much lower-key than the Kwantung Army in the past.

The Kwantung Army was at least no longer as blatant and unscrupulous as it had been before, when it came to blatantly plundering troops for food, abducting women, and killing innocent people indiscriminately.

Although I still do this to some extent now, the frequency is much lower than before, and it continues to decline and become less and less.

So this situation is very strange now.

The Japs, who were obviously much more honest than before, suddenly started taking to the streets to grab things. They made such a big commotion on the busiest market street in the county. This was obviously abnormal.

After hearing Lao Wei's analysis, Chen Weiguo, who guessed that there must be something going on inside, spoke quietly.

"Come on, take this guy with you, and let's go up and take a look.

"Hey, wait! Be careful, slow down!"

With a gun in his pocket and pretending to be a melon-eating crowd, Chen Weiguo, dressed as an old farmer, lowered his head and hurried forward with his hands in his pockets, and came to the stall where Japanese curses were heard and there was already a mess.

After passing through the crowd and peeking in, Chen Weiguo saw what exactly happened.

"Taijun! Taijun! You can't rob this! I only have this little grain left in my house and can sell it for money. The eight members of my family still rely on me to sell grain to make a living."


A loud shout was heard, and the Japanese squad leader who was fighting for food didn't say anything. He went up and aimed at the food seller and kicked him hard in the stomach.

The grain seller was already thin, but when faced with a powerful blow from the well-fed and drunk Japanese officer, who raised his big military boots, he was kicked to the ground and rolled on the spot.

The grain bag that I was still holding on to a moment ago was let go now, and the corn inside was scattered all over the floor. The originally full bag was now only half a bag.

The Japanese squad leader, who had a look of disdain on his face, was still very arrogant. He was protected by soldiers with guns, and he immediately raised his other hand with his command knife and waved an order.

The few Japanese soldiers who understood the situation immediately stepped forward, picked up the remaining sacks of corn on the stall, and put them on the carriage.

The grain seller who was kicked to the ground became anxious again when he saw this. Regardless of the unbearable pain in his stomach from being kicked by the Japanese officer, he struggled to get up, rushed forward, and threw himself on his grain. Protect it to the death.

The Japanese squad leader, who was already unhappy, became even more furious when he saw this scene. He rushed forward with his two Japanese soldiers, and without saying a word, he viciously punched, kicked, and shot the man who was guarding the grain pile. Tuo fell.

It wasn't until the grain seller was beaten until his face was bruised and bruised all over, and the Japanese squad leader was breathing heavily that he gave up for the time being.

He raised his hand and waved his collar, which was sweating too much, and then he spoke to the people watching around him.

"There is an emergency war on the front line! The imperial army is now requisitioning food, and all good citizens must cooperate. If anyone else disobeys, this will not be the end of it!"

The fawning traitor around him saw this and hurriedly translated and agreed. The look on his face was disgusting. Chen Weiguo, who was secretly watching in the crowd nearby, had already clenched his fists.

"Weiguo, don't be impulsive! The Japs are powerful, and we are no match for so many Japs! You must hold back and wait for me to deal with them!"

The older Wei Guan tugged on Chen Weiguo's sleeves and whispered, telling Chen Weiguo not to be impulsive and to hold back no matter what.

Chen Weiguo, who was angry but still able to remain rational, originally planned to do this.

Unexpectedly, the development of the situation has exceeded expectations, and what the Japanese will do next is already unbearable.

The man who was severely beaten by the Japanese was seriously injured, with multiple soft tissue contusions all over his body and several broken ribs. There was even blood flowing from the corners of his mouth.

But the grain scattered all over the ground was grown with his own hard work. It was the fruit of his labor that fell to the ground and smashed into eight petals. It was all that his family of eight relied on to make a living in exchange for daily necessities. .

The bags of food that had been stolen by the Japanese were irreversible, but there was still room for recovery of the food that had fallen to the ground.

Feeling that the Japanese no longer needed these things, the injured man crawled on the ground with difficulty and picked up the scattered grains into the sacks bit by bit. His movements were slow and painful.


I never thought that even such an action would still piss off the bastard Japanese squad leader.

Seeing that this grain seller actually dared to take advantage of the grain that had been requisitioned by the imperial army after he gave the order.

The squad leader became so angry that he immediately pulled out the command knife hanging from his waist, held his hands together and aimed to chop down the grain seller's head.

"You little brat! Look here, grandpa!"

Chen Weiguo, who couldn't bear it anymore, could no longer suppress his anger. He heard a loud shout and stepped forward, punching from the left and kicking from the right. The two Japanese escort soldiers who had no time to turn around and react were knocked to the ground on the spot.

With lightning speed, he pressed the back of the captain's neck, pulled him into his arms, and took him hostage on the spot.

"Everyone, stand down! Get away! Otherwise, I will shoot this bastard to death right now!"

The Japanese soldiers who had never expected this to happen were stunned on the spot. One or two, you looked at me, I looked at you. They had never encountered such an emergency and did not know what to do.

"You are so brave! Let Taijun go! Otherwise, I will kill your whole family immediately!"

Before the Japanese soldiers on Chen Weiguo's side could say anything with their guns pointed at them, the Japanese traitor who was pretending to be calm had already spoken first. Thinking that now is the time for him to seize the opportunity to show off, he scolded Chen Weiguo to let him go and put down the gun in his hand.

"Oh, you bitch traitor! I will leave your words here today, otherwise you will die in my hands! I will chop off your bitch traitor's head with my own hands and hang it on the city gate tower!"

While raising a gun and holding the Japanese team leader who was being held hostage in front of him as a human shield, Chen Weiguo, who hated the traitor in front of him, did not forget to give a stern warning, but in the end, he attracted the traitor, who was as eunuch-like as a quack. laugh.

"Just you? You are so brave that you kidnapped Taijun and you are dead. Your whole family is dead! You have to let Taijun go quickly and have a decent way to die, otherwise your whole family will be worse than death. !”

Chen Weiguo did not pay all his attention to this traitor. He had received systematic professional training from the Red Army and was trained hard by Alsim himself. His eyesight was relatively sharp and his awareness was excellent.

He alertly noticed that with the help of this traitor's careless efforts, the sergeant who already had Japanese soldiers commanded the bulk of his soldiers to surround his two wings in an attempt to surround him.

Chen Weiguo, who only sneered, immediately tightened his grip on the Tokarev TT33 pistol in his hand and stabbed the squad leader in the temple, just to make the gang of Japanese in front of him see.

"Stop everyone! Back off! If you don't want this Red deer wild man's head to explode, just do as I say. If he tries to take a step back from me, I'll kill him immediately!"

! ?

"You speak Japanese!?"

Not to mention the shocked Japanese soldiers, the team leader who had been taken hostage was already quite surprised, because his rapid-speaking Japanese fluency far surpassed that of the traitor translator.

Before the captain's surprised words could be heard, Chen Weiguo, who was still sneering, just stepped back and continued.

"Don't worry, your head will be hung on the city gate tower together with that bitch and traitor. I promise to keep my word."


The Japanese squad leader was really scared now, so fucking scared and horrified.

The two moves that Chen Weiguo just made were beyond the reach of ordinary people.

The two escorting Japanese soldiers didn't even have time to take off the guns they had just put back on their shoulders, and they didn't even have time to turn around. They were already knocked to the ground by each other, followed closely by themselves, who were holding the command knife in their hands. as hostages.

Knowing that he was definitely no match for such a fierce opponent, the Japanese captain, who was frightened and frightened and did not want to die in a foreign country, was now sweating on his forehead.

It even flowed down his chin and onto Chen Weiguo's hand holding his neck. Chen Weiguo, who had almost retreated to the entrance of the alley, sneered on the spot.

"I heard that you Japanese people are most afraid of having your heads chopped off in a foreign country and becoming a lonely ghost who will never be able to be reborn or return to your hometown, right?"

"Yes, yes, there is indeed such a statement. Please don't do this. I still have an elderly mother at home, please."

"You still have a mother? I fucking thought you were a bastard born in front of a brothel."


While talking to the Japanese squad leader, he distracted his attention so that he could not think about it, let alone give any crazy orders to the Japanese soldiers in front of him.

Chen Weiguo, who was striving for steady progress and retreating step by step, had already retreated to his ideal safe position, standing at the entrance of the alley.

He quietly winked at Old Wei, who was disguised as a passerby not far away and had not been exposed, indicating that he should leave quickly and leave him alone, as he had a way to escape.

Chen Weiguo, who patted the back of the squad leader's neck, was about to take action when something even more unexpected happened to happen suddenly.


Boom boom boom——

The sound of successive explosions came instantly, which was exactly the direction where the city gate was located in Chen Weiguo's memory.

Before the frightened Japs in front of them could take action, even more panicked shouts in Japanese could be heard on the street, followed closely by the explosion.

"No! The Russians are coming! The Russians smashed the city gate with chariots and rushed in!!!"

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