Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 3048 Bombardment of the City Gate

I remember when Li Yunlong attacked Ping'an County, he mobilized his best forces to gnaw at it for a long time, but he couldn't stop it.

In the end, they couldn't attack for a long time, and they were forced to use the Veneto-class destroyer's naval guns. Oh no, they used Italian guns to blast the city gate building with one shot.

But today is different.

Kulbalov, who was ordered by Malashenko to personally lead the siege, did not have Li Yunlong's Italian artillery, but he did have the Red Navy's 130 destroyer cannon, which was several times more powerful.

On the other hand, the Japanese army defending the city, after Morishima Kuronei mobilized most of the elite main force, now only has a squadron of about 300 people in combat strength.

What's even worse is that there are only a few heavy weapons to defend the city. Not to mention the heavy artillery, the most "deterrent" weapon on the entire city gate building is the two Type 92 heavy weapons. machine gun.

As for the city gate entrance below the city gate tower, the level of the city defense weapons is even lower.

Just two machine gun bunkers made of sandbags, plus two crooked light machine guns, plus a dozen Japanese soldiers standing guard and a sergeant, this is the entire defensive force.

Generally speaking, this configuration is enough to face the guerrillas. The combination of light and heavy machine guns in front of the city gate and on the city gate can form a machine gun barrage that is enough to block the suburban wilderness around the county seat and prevent any intrusion.

But what the Japanese devils face today is not the guerrillas lurking in the hinterland of the Kwantung Army-occupied area, but the Soviet Red Army violently invading from the south of the Ussuri River.

Kulbalov, who had already fought against the main force of the Japanese army, had a full understanding of how good these enemies were.

The main elite of the Japanese army can't fight with the leading troops of the leader's army. They are not a unified enemy. How can a few little devils guarding the city turn the world upside down?

I didn’t say anything, just fuck him!

The IS7, which was driving forward wildly and with the accelerator depressed, didn't even stop. It stood on the city gate building and looked far away, leading a large group of T-43A and BMP-43 behind it in the flying dust. .

The IS7 is really an excellent heavy tank, with all three elements of firepower, mobility and protection being extremely strong.

Its mobility is comparable to that of a medium tank, making it an accompanying command vehicle for medium tank units. The Japanese on the city gate tower were frightened at the first sight of the formation, which was leading the way.

"Then that's not our tank! It's not the brigade commander, it's the Russians who are coming!"

"Quick! Go and report to Major Watanabe! The Russian tanks have more heads than the heads at our city gate!!!"

Looking at this formation, even if it is divided equally on a head-to-head basis, on average, at least 3 Russian tanks can be spread on the head of each city gate devil. This is really outrageous.

The panicked Japanese soldiers immediately went down from the city gate building and ran to the communication room not far below to make a phone call to report that the Russians had arrived to kill the general.

Unexpectedly, as soon as the front foot left the city gate, the Russian artillery shells violently blasted in from the rear.

The huge explosion directly knocked the Japanese who had just stepped out of the city gate to the ground.


With just one 130mm grenade, most of the two machine gun bunkers in front of the city gate and a dozen Japanese soldiers were wiped out. The explosion was so powerful that the ground nearby shook and dust flew up in an instant.

"Charge! The tanks rush directly into the city, and the infantry fighting vehicles bring the infantry directly in! Don't give the enemy a chance to breathe! Charge!"

With an additional order from Kulbalov, the IS7 at the front of the queue hit the accelerator harder and galloped away.

"Quick! Close the city gate quickly, don't let the Russians rush in!"

The Japanese sergeant who was lucky enough not to be killed by a single shot was so frightened that he quickly commanded several of his soldiers, along with several other Japanese soldiers who came down from the city gate to help. They swarmed forward and tried to close the city gate with all their hands and feet, trying to use this wooden door to block the rampaging Russian steel behemoth.

The wooden city gate, which had been blasted by 130 grenades at close range, had a gap. Under the IS7's combat weight of nearly 70 tons and the inertia of high-speed charging, it performed a live performance of what is called "paper mache". The thing will break if you poke it."



The dilapidated wooden city gate was directly hit to pieces by the IS7, which was like a dump truck.

The few Japs who had just pushed up the city gate and had not had time to run away were unable to dodge. As the debris of the city gate flew everywhere, they became IS7's dead souls on the spot. With a bang, they were even armed with guns. Crush tomatoes into pulp.

"The Russians are coming! Go and ask for reinforcements! Hurry!"

Several Japanese soldiers who were farther away rushed to report the news, but IS7, which had just rushed into the city, did not go further. Stand firm on the spot and hold the first foothold after entering the city, waiting for the follow-up BMP43 infantry fighting vehicles to deliver the fully armed mechanized infantry.

"Let's go! Get off the car, hurry, hurry, hurry!"

The back door of the BMP43 infantry fighting vehicle was kicked open before it could stop. The mechanized infantrymen holding AKs, RPDs, RPGs and ammunition bags on their backs immediately rushed out of the vehicle, raised their hands and guns, and headed towards the nearby city gate tower at the commanding heights. He rushed straight up.

Da da da da——

Bang bang bang——


After a round of firefight and dozens of gunshots, the few remaining Japanese soldiers on the city gate tower were wiped out on the spot.

He was so brave that he dared to stand on the city gate tower and fight with the Red Army with bayonets. Instead, he was killed on the spot by the Red Army soldiers who had cleared the Berlin Hell difficulty dungeon.

He picked up the AK with the bayonet in his hand and struck the enemy directly to the top of the city. With a scream that was not dead, he fell straight down with dancing in the air, and fell to the ground with a clatter again, covered in blood. Splatter.

"Hey! Look at Dian Suka! He almost hit my car!"

A T43A that had just entered the city was almost smashed by "Japanese soldiers descending from the sky".

Comrade Commander, who was lucky enough not to be hit on the head by a high-altitude object, leaned out of the turret and angrily cursed and shook his fist at his comrades who had just climbed up to the city gate. The IS7 who entered the city after him was Kurbalov's division commander. Command vehicle.

"Where is the person we contacted? Where is Chen Weiguo? He should be nearby. Have you found him?"

Kulbalov jumped out of the car wearing a tank cap and a tank soldier's fire-proof combat uniform. Just looking at this appearance without military rank identification, which is in the same line with Malashenko's combat attire, it is impossible to tell that this is a person. The major general and division commander of the Red Army should only be regarded as an ordinary tank soldier.

"We haven't found him yet, Comrade Commander. He may be on his way here soon. I believe his ability will not fail."

Alsim, who had just jumped off the tank in the same manner as a plug-in, quickly stepped forward and reported to Kulbalov, expressing his firm belief in Chen Weiguo's ability.

Looking at the surrounding soldiers who had already formed, dispersed on the spot, and quickly occupied the commanding heights of the main roads and street entrances, Kulbalov, who was about to return to the car, just said a simple word.

"Just wait two minutes. If he doesn't arrive within two minutes, go immediately."

"Hey! Alsim, don't shoot! It's me, Chen Weiguo!"

Before Kurbalov could finish his words, he could only hear shouts coming from far and near, followed by fast footsteps.

"Don't shoot! It's ours!"

Kulbalov, who was holding an AK with a bayonet in his hand, turned around when he heard this and immediately ordered the soldiers to be careful of accidental injuries. He raised his hand towards Chen Weiguo, who was running quickly, and punched him lightly on the shoulder.

"Why didn't you even shout the secret code? Do you know that you might be beaten into a hornet's nest? Have you forgotten everything I taught you?"

"Sorry! I was late and was in a hurry, so I couldn't take care of so much. Something happened and I struggled with the Japanese for a while, but luckily I caught up. I shouldn't be late, right?"

"Fortunately, it's not too late."

Seeing that the person in charge of the connection had arrived, Kulbalov, who had no reason to stay any longer, immediately gave an order.

"Target the Japanese military headquarters! Kill the stubborn resisters on the spot. Comrade Commander's order is to liberate the county as quickly as possible! Let's go!"


With Chen Weiguo, who is familiar with the situation in the city, leading the way, the rest of the matter will be much easier to handle.

With tanks in front, infantry fighting vehicles following closely, and accompanied by large groups of heavily armed infantry, the Red Army immediately marched deeper into the city. Following what was probably the only main road in the county that allowed heavy equipment to flow unimpeded, we headed straight towards the brigade headquarters headquarters left by Morishima Kuronai.

"Mom, it's such a big iron car, I'm scared."

"Hey, dear, mother is here. Come into the house quickly and don't stay outside."

"Oh my God, Da Zhuang, what is this? How did the devils get such a big iron car? This, this is almost as big as a small hill."

"Are you blind, you bitch? Look at the red five-star above my head. This is the Soviet Red Army! The Russians are really here to help us fight the Japanese! Finally the hope is over!"

The few Japs on the streets had long since dispersed, and they all ran back to the brigade headquarters in the county town to spread the news and prepare for the final desperate resistance.

The only people left on the street were ordinary people, looking at the tall soldiers with live ammunition in front of them as they quickly passed through the street. For a while, there was a lot of talk and discussion, and most of them kept their distance and hid, not daring to come forward.

"Folks, don't be afraid! These comrades are not Japanese devils, they are the Soviet Red Army! They are here to help us eliminate the Japanese devils! Everyone, please stay away and don't go to the streets. The battle is not over yet!"

There are naturally many benefits to having Chen Weiguo, who is familiar with the situation, leading the way.

The few remaining onlookers were dispersed by Chen Weiguo's words and took the initiative to make way for the Red Army. Almost all of them hurried back to their homes to hide with joyful smiles.

A spare AK was taken from the car, and a chest strap with a full magazine was sent to Chen Weiguo's hands and armed. Alsim, who could not understand Chinese but could understand what Chen Weiguo was doing, spoke immediately. .

"How is the attitude of the local civilians? Don't regard the Red Army as the enemy, just like those Polish ghosts."

When I first entered Poland, I was often picked up and greeted by "Pingdu Zhenlu Dabobo" who was not a human being. He was like a bully who beat up all Germans and Soviets, which made the ill-tempered Alsim very angry.

Having heard Alsim mention this a long time ago, Chen Weiguo, who smiled instead, patted his chest and promised to speak.

"Don't worry, this won't happen. The local people have long been unbearable by the Japanese. They basically welcome the arrival of the Red Army. You will feel it soon."

"I hope so"

Alsim answered casually and continued to lead the team forward, while in the command IS7 behind him, Kulbalov, holding a radio in his hand, was once again emphasizing battlefield discipline.

"Attention all units! Comrade Commander has an order to avoid harming local civilians as much as possible. I repeat, all combat units should try their best to avoid harming local civilians! Do not fire indiscriminately in populated areas, over."

Kulbalov, who repeatedly emphasized the order from Malashenko, strictly restrained his troops. It was expected that this quick action would not give the enemy too much time to kidnap civilians.

Through the main road in the city, under the guidance of Chen Weiguo, we drove all the way to the Japs' lair.

I don’t know if the Japanese were really scared or if they were planning something else. Kulbalov, who didn’t encounter any resistance along the way, didn’t care much.

In the face of absolute strength, any conspiracy or conspiracy can only be a performance art that only adds to the laughter.

"Listen up to the Japanese troops inside! You have been surrounded by the Red Army. Hurry up and put down your weapons and surrender! Seek leniency from the Red Army. General Malashenko will give preferential treatment to the prisoners!"

"Those who resist will only die. Stop trying to be cannon fodder for militarism! There is still a chance to turn around now!"

Even if it is just a formality, there must be such a process.

Chen Weiguo, holding a large iron trumpet in his hand, was pointing at the compound of the Japanese military headquarters and spoke loudly.

The Red Army, equipped with tanks, infantry and combat vehicles, has surrounded this place, and a steady stream of various tracked combat vehicles are still surrounding it. The "five steps, one vehicle, ten steps, one tank" is exactly what is needed at this moment. The best way to describe the scene.

"There is no movement. It seems that these Japanese Japs are seeking their own death. Approximately how many people are there?"

"There is only one squadron of Japs left in the county. Just now, you guys pinned them down at the city gate and beat them violently. I guess the Japs No. 200 inside are now dead. It won't take long, and the battle can be over with just one cigarette."

Chen Weiguo is right, all the 200 Japs tied together can't beat an IS7. At present, they are surrounded by nearly a hundred Red Army tanks on three levels inside and three levels outside. If the battle can't be ended with just one cigarette, what else can it be?

"No. 200 is too little. Forget it, everyone has it! Get ready to fight!"


Alsim then opened his mouth to give the order, and as soon as he finished speaking, he saw that the muzzle of Kurbalov's IS7 command vehicle had flickered, and with a huge roar, it fired the first shot, and went straight to the most conspicuous Japanese office in the yard. Go upstairs.


The astonishingly powerful 130mm grenade cut off half a floor of the already small Japanese office building almost instantly.

In an instant, all kinds of masonry and debris were flying in all directions, together with the corpses of the Japanese who were blown out of the building and the remains of various furniture, flying in the air along with the fire and flames.

Seeing this, Chen Weiguo, who felt the need to add another word, once again raised the trumpet in his hand.

"The Japanese troops inside should keep their eyes open! This is just the power of one artillery shell of the Red Army. Now, hundreds of artillery shells can be fired at any time, leaving you with no place to die!"

"Any stubborn resistance is meaningless. Survival or destruction is your own choice! Don't engage in unnecessary stubborn resistance. The only right way is to immediately put down your weapons and surrender!"

After thinking about it for a while, yesterday's chapter was a bit too broken for Senior Brother Duanshui Shui, so I specially added an update this morning to make it up for the brothers.

In addition, the updates in the evening will be as usual, and there may be more updates. Thank you for your support.

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