Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 3050 I will visit you personally then

Standing at the door of the brigade headquarters compound that once belonged to Morishima Kuronei but has now become a liberated area.

The most magnificent building he saw along the way was the one in front of him. Malashenko raised his lips.

The devil's habit of showing off their wealth is exactly the same as their nouveau riche imperialism.

"Pick this thing, chop it up and give it to the people to burn as firewood. Let everyone living on this land know that the Japanese devils should go back to their cold and dry world and perish."

He raised his hand and pointed at the broken sign hanging on the wall at the entrance of the compound. What was written on it was Morishima Kurouchi's independent mixed 105th Brigade Headquarters.

With just a few words, Malashenko had already decided the fate of this once-famous brand.

Malashenko not only wanted to eliminate the Japanese devils physically, but also completely broke the will of these bastards on the spiritual level. After that, ten thousand feet would step on it, and he would experience a nightmare even more terrifying than what Nasu had experienced.

Seeing that the Japanese prisoners of war were still in the yard, Malashenko suddenly changed his mind and raised his hand to summon the company commander of the accompanying guard company behind him to give the order.

"Go, pick up the sign just now, bring it in, and chop it up for me in front of these Japanese devils! I want them to see it with my own eyes!"

"Yes, Comrade Commander."

The commander of the guard company who took the order moved quickly, but half a minute later he returned with the soldiers and brought in the wooden sign that the comrade commander had named to be chopped.

"There is still a shortage of chopping tools, Comrade Commander. I have sent soldiers to look for them. They should be able to find them soon -"

"No need, just use these."

Raising his hand and pointing at the piles of Japanese disarmed weapons stacked on the ground, Malashenko immediately added an order without thinking.

"The gun butt is much stronger than ordinary wooden tools. Use these fire sticks to smash this brand!"


Comrade Company Commander, who was quick to do whatever he said, had sufficient execution ability. After receiving Malashenko's order, without saying a word, he immediately called on several soldiers around him to take out a few weapons from the pile of unloaded Japanese disarmed weapons. The 38-type cover and the 99-type rifle.

Hold the barrel of the gun with one hand and hold it upside down. The solid wood butt soaked in oil is used as the striking surface.

Aiming at the sign that had just been carried in and had been placed on a few bricks waiting for "serious torture", he immediately rounded his arms and slammed it down.




How could a thin wooden sign withstand the torment of the big-bodied Red Army soldiers?

With a crackling and powerful slam, it took only half a cigarette, but the complete wooden sign that had just been restored to a whole piece had been smashed into pieces. There were sawdust fragments of different sizes everywhere, and they were so rotten that they could not be restored even with glue.


Malashenko, who said nothing, glanced at the scene on the ground in front of him, and then moved his gaze to the Japanese prisoners standing in several rows not far in front of him.

It can only be said that the current situation is as expected as Malashenko expected.

Although the Japs had surrendered, they still had a fierce, angry, and strong unwillingness in their eyes. Their strange, angry eyes did not look like humans, but were no different from carnivorous beasts running around on four legs.

This is why Malashenko did this.

Malashenko knew very well that the reason why these Japanese troops surrendered was not out of repentance, recognition of their mistakes, rejection of stubborn resistance, or opposition to the war.

The reasons for the surrender of these positive factors have nothing to do with the Japanese devils in front of them, at least most of them are like this.

There was only one simple reason for the surrender of these Japanese troops - the instinctive resistance to death and the extreme fear of the overwhelming and invincible destructive power of the Red Army.

Afraid of power but not virtue, bullying of the weak but afraid of the strong.

Malashenko, who knows this bitchy temperament clearly, has many tricks to deal with the scum in front of him.

Recalling that he had indeed said that he would give these pieces of wood to the people to use as firewood, Malashenko changed his mind when he saw the scene in front of him.



In response to the call of Comrade Commander, Alsim stepped forward and immediately came to Malashenko to wait for orders.

Malashenko, who didn't talk much, pointed to the cans of Japanese gasoline lying on the ground in the pile of confiscated materials in the yard, and blurted out the order without thinking.

"The task is for you to burn these wood residues now and use the Japanese devils' own gasoline."


Malashenko, who wanted to kill people but also wanted to punish them, kept doing it and distributed a lot of firewood to the people, but the opportunity to let these Japanese devils have a good time should not be missed.

Alsim, who was big and round, took two combat engineers to carry the oil drum over, unscrewed the lid, pointed it at the pile of rotten wood on the ground, and started pouring water.

Although the Japanese prisoners who witnessed this scene could not understand Russian, they could fully understand what the Russians in front of them planned to do.

"Bagya Road! These damn Russian pigs!"

Some Japanese prisoners who were unbearably angry were so angry that they wanted to do something but were unable to do anything. If you at least want your own life, you can't do anything but watch.

The surrounding Red Army soldiers, all armed with AKs, were fully armed and stared at this group of Japanese devils with unsightly faces.

If one of them dares to make a move, he or she will be guaranteed a "Slavic Man-Han banquet" with a set of fists, feet and guns, and a chance to win 62X3

Looking at the pieces of wood burning in the fire in front of him, Malashenko, who was still not satisfied, once again had a plan in mind.

"Throw the Japanese flag in and burn it too."


The plaster flags captured after occupying the Japanese camp are still thrown on the ground.

This thing that was originally regarded as a treasure by the Japanese was now in a bad situation. It was thrown on the ground like a footcloth and covered with dust.

Malashenko feels that this is not enough to prevent you fanatical militarists from watching this thing turn into ashes, and being helpless and unable to do anything but watch. This is somewhat inconsistent with Malashenko. Schenko's "hospitality".

Alsim, who was ordered to step forward again, grabbed the plaster flag on the ground and pulled it casually, putting it on the ground and pulling it, looking at it as if he was treated even worse than his own rag.

I dragged this thing all the way to the fire and threw it casually.

The Japanese plaster flag made of flammable cloth immediately burst into flames, pushing the fire, which had gradually weakened as the gasoline burned out and the wood burned out, into an even more intense flame.

Then look at the group of Japanese soldiers with distorted and deformed faces.

Malashenko could see with his naked eyes that someone among them was on the verge of an explosion. He was about to lose control and lose his mind. He glanced at Alsim and nodded slowly, giving silent orders.

"Damn Russian pig! I'm going to kill you!"


Malashenko, who was suddenly frightened, did not expect to arrive so quickly. He originally expected that it would take a while, but he did not expect that in just this moment, the Japanese began to go crazy on the spot.

I saw the howling and roaring short Japanese prisoner rushing forward, leaving the first target of the prisoner team and aiming directly at Malashenko.

No wonder.

After all, Malashenko came into the city today wearing the uniform of a lieutenant general. Among all the Red Army soldiers in the yard, Malashenko had the highest rank, and all the commanders and fighters were surrounding Malashenko.

Even if the Japanese prisoners of war cannot understand the ranks of the Red Army and cannot understand Russian, as long as their eyes are not blind, they can understand that Malashenko is the most responsible person here.

Even if it is based on the principle of "one life for one life", it is logical that Malashenko is the first choice as the target of the attack, and he must fight for his life.

But this crazy Japanese devil, whose brain was overloaded by militarism, forgot one thing.

Standing between him and Malashenko was a Slavic superman named Alsim.

Alsim, who didn't even bother to take off the gun on his back, did not choose to draw his sword, but assumed an unarmed posture and prepared to face the enemy.

It was only at the last moment when the fight was about to begin that Alsim, who had taken a stance, realized that the little devil who was charging over was actually a sergeant.

Alsim, who had an upturned mouth, lacked such an object to "kill the chicken to scare the monkeys". The only thing that could completely crush militarism was an overwhelming force that was too powerful to be looked at directly.

The Japanese Army Sergeant who thought he was strong enough saw an unsighted person blocking his way, so he immediately changed his target and rushed towards Alsim based on the principle of "Kill one without losing money, kill two with a huge profit" And go.

Courage is admirable, but stupid. He really chose the wrong opponent.

The taller Alsim took advantage of his longer arms and launched an uppercut, knocking away the Japanese sergeant's fist before it touched him.

Alsim's strength was absolutely terrifying. His fist that blasted out like a cannonball hit the Japanese sergeant on the chin, and the canine teeth in his mouth were scattered on the spot. Blood and flowers spurt out.

It's also because the Japs Sergeant's physique is too small, his height is less than 1.6 meters, and his weight is not at the same level as Alsim.

Unable to withstand the powerful and heavy punch like a cannonball, the Japanese Army Sergeant flew straight up in the air. With his head held high and his body swaying in mid-air, he was about to lose consciousness and could not control his body at all. .

But he didn't expect that this punch was just the beginning, far from the final end.

A punch from his right hand sent the Japanese Army Sergeant flying off the spot, and Alsim, who was not idle with his left hand, thrust out with his eagle claws, accurately grabbing the throat of the Japanese Army Sergeant who fell from mid-air, with great power. He almost strangled this bastard to death on the spot.

He lifted the Japanese military commander into the air with one hand to show his strength. The Japanese military commander whose arms were not long enough and not strong enough was powerless.

It was obvious that he was about to be choked to death and vomited blood, but he could do nothing except his two short legs flapping blindly in the air.

Even if he exerted all his strength with his two arms and exerted all his strength, he still could not break free from the one-handed control of the terrifying Russian man in front of him. Instead, he was choked tighter and almost breathless.

"Game over, bastard."

Alsim, who was tired of playing, mobilized the power in his left arm and suddenly exerted force. He pressed down on the Japs Sergeant's neck and slapped him hard.


There was a roar like a heavy hammer hitting the ground. Alsim struck with all his strength and smashed with just one hand, directly smashing the devil sergeant's body to the point where the dust was shaken and stirred up.


Raising his hand to loosen the neck of the dead corpse of the Japanese soldier, Alsim gently shook his hand and used his powerful force to smash the throat of the Japanese soldier directly on the spot with just one blow.

Three moves, three moves in total.

Knock him away with a punch, choke him, and execute him with a smash.

This sergeant, who was already considered strong among the Japanese army, died on the spot without even being able to hold on for ten seconds from the moment he came into contact with Alsim.

Six seconds of it was even "game time" when Alsim showed off his strength and lifted the Japanese soldier in mid-air with one hand.

Excluding this period of time, Alsim actually killed the Japanese sergeant with his bare hands in only 4 seconds with a total of 2 moves.

Obviously, Malashenko wants this kind of effect, and he can only say that he is quite satisfied with Alsim's live performance.

Do you think this will arouse a riot among the Japanese and cause all the prisoners to get angry and attack in groups?

Not really.

This bunch of bastards who fear power but fear morality are now one by one. They are all frightened by the terrifying destructive power of Alsim's human war machine. They are stunned on the spot and have forgotten even trembling and trembling. They are just dumb. Aphasic and speechless.

"You can continue to try, and I welcome you to try. But the final result will only be worse than the fate of the sergeant in front of you. If you don't believe it, you can give it a try."

With a strong language foundation in English, German, Russian and Chinese, it is not difficult for Malashenko to learn Japanese in a few months.

Malashenko is not used to using an interpreter. In fact, he has not been equipped with a personal interpreter for a long time. The tone of his speech is always something that an interpreter cannot express.

When he came to stand next to Alsim, with the dead but still warm body of the sergeant at his feet, Malashenko continued to speak to the group of Japanese prisoners in front of him.

"From this moment on, you just need to remember one thing if you want to survive."

"Any residual poison of militarism is a thing of the past and a broken memory for you. Don't try to be contaminated by these things in the slightest."

"If not, you will definitely have the opportunity to go to hell to discuss your fallacies with Commander Morishima Kurouuchi Brigade and the annihilated 101st Regiment. I will personally send you on your way."

"My name is Malashenko, Dimitri Drukovich Malashenko, and I will be your lifelong nightmare. Active-duty lieutenant general of the Soviet Red Army, commander of the leading army, remember my name!"

"In the past four years, no less than 500,000 Nazis have died at my hands. You should not want to be the new number after these 500,000."

"The labor camps in Siberia will be your new home. Your Nazi allies once shamelessly said that "work makes people free" and brutally murdered millions of lives by telling such lies. I want to use these words now. It’s perfect for yourselves.”

"Don't have any complaints, anger, or unwillingness about this. You have not had this qualification in the past and will never have this qualification in the future."

"Ask yourself, when you trampled on the simple people of this land and killed innocent people, did you ever think that this day would happen?"

"Take the answer and go to the labor camp in Siberia to join forces with your Nazi allies in "Victory" and see if your former allies will agree with your answer. I will visit you personally then, I will definitely! I ensure."

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