Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 3051 The figure in the basement

He sent away the group of people who were good at bullying the weak and fearful of the strong, and even more good at being cowardly grandchildren. They were already captured by the Japanese who were trembling with fear.

Only then did Malashenko have the opportunity to take a look at the Japanese office building, which had half a floor destroyed by IS7's bombardment.

The corpses of the Japanese that had been crushed to pieces in the building had been swept into a dustpan and thrown out as garbage. As far as the eye could see, there were all kinds of messy and messy things scattered on the floor.

It can be seen that when the final moment came, the devils in this building were indeed panicked to a certain extent before they raised their hands and surrendered and walked out of the building.

Malashenko, who continued to walk forward, turned into an office accompanied by his entourage.

What suddenly appeared in front of him was all kinds of debris and rubbish all over the floor, including telegrams, letters, and various half-burned paper documents. Malashenko even found a diary.

After flipping through it twice, I found that it was full of the remnants of militarism and content written by pig brains in an overloaded state.

Along with this, he did not forget to express his longing for his family between the lines.

Malashenko almost wanted to laugh when he saw these things.

"These bandy-legged pigs are not human beings themselves, yet they still pretend to be human beings to miss their loved ones."

"If the wretched things they do are worthy of being called human beings, then the pigs in the pigpen, groaning and waiting to be knifed, might not be considered high-quality human beings long ago."

Throw away the piece of garbage paper in your hand that is too irritating to wipe your butt.

After looking around the office and finding nothing more valuable, Malashenko then turned and left.

But unexpectedly, as soon as the front foot reached the entrance of the corridor, the back foot heard a shout coming from the other end of the corridor.

"Open! Open the door! Now! This is the last warning!"


Malashenko was not only surprised that someone was shouting like this at this time, but also puzzled that the shout was actually in Japanese, the kind of Russian Japanese with an obvious lame charm.

Obviously, the person shouting this was probably one of his own soldiers. Malashenko, who could probably guess the reason for this, spoke immediately.

"Are there still Japanese troops hiding somewhere and resisting? Why are they still arresting people at this time?"

Faced with Malashenko's inquiry, Kulbalov, who personally accompanied the inspection, immediately spoke repeatedly.

"The soldiers are searching the basement, Comrade Commander. There may be Japanese soldiers still hiding in there. Do you want to go and take a look?"

"Well, there's nothing urgent anyway, let's go."

Kulbalov suggested it first, so Malashenko, who was riding a donkey along the slope, casually agreed. He happened to be curious about what was going on, so he might as well go and see for himself.

When Malashenko, accompanied by Kulbalov and the accompanying guards, walked through the corridor and arrived at the basement door.

I saw a group of heavily armed Red Army soldiers banging on the door, banging loudly. If the butts of their rifles didn't work, they just lifted up the solid wood furniture next to it and smashed it upwards.

All the tables and chairs were swung upwards, and it didn't hurt if they were smashed in various ways. At the same time, there were stern warnings shouted in Japanese.

"We are preparing to use explosives! Open the door quickly! Otherwise, you will be blown into pieces!!!"


After hearing this, Malashenko shook his head and couldn't help laughing. He turned around and spoke quietly to Kulbalov who was accompanying him.

"Let's play a game, Kurbalov. Do you think the Japanese in this gang will open the door?"


Unexpectedly, Comrade Commander would ask this question. After thinking for a moment, Kulbalov spoke immediately.

"I think it should be possible. After all, most of the Japanese troops have surrendered, and they are the only ones left. How can they continue to resist at this time-"


Before Kurbalov could finish his words, the Red Army soldier issued a "threat of destruction" and the solid door opened by itself after being smashed for a long time.

Malashenko immediately laughed when he saw this scene.

"It seems that you guessed it right. Fortunately, I didn't place a bet, otherwise I would have lost you a few packs of cigarettes, ha!"

While talking and laughing, he and Kulbalov stepped forward together, stretching their heads to look inside.

The soldiers who had not yet had time to enter the basement saw that the corps commander and division commander had all arrived. The platoon leader who led the team immediately planned to say hello and report, but it was Malashenko who was excused by raising his hand and spoke first.

"Do you know who is inside? Japanese combat troops or something else."

"I don't know, Comrade Commander. This door was always closed when we came here. It was only opened now. There was no movement inside before."


The figure who had just opened the door from the inside had already disappeared. I don't know who opened the door. It was estimated that he ran back to the basement to hide along the long corridor that led to the underground.

So is this fear of the Red Army?

Maybe, but it's also possible that they are plotting some conspiracy. After all, no one knows whether those hiding at the end of this dark basement corridor are a group of fearful people or a group of murderers.

The only way to know the answer is to go and see for yourself.

The excited Malashenko pulled out the pistol from his waist and loaded the sleeve. Without even giving any time to dissuade him, he immediately called to the soldiers around him and walked down.

The corridor leading to the basement was pitch black. Although there was no power outage, not a single light was on. All the lights overhead were out.

This can't help but make Malashenko's suspicion even more serious.

"Be vigilant and be careful!"

Whispering to the soldiers beside him, he continued to move downwards. Malashenko, who had finished walking not far, seemed to have reached the room at the end.

The soldier with a flashlight looked around and found that this ghost place should be a storage room for medical equipment or a medical supplies warehouse. Anyway, it was a similar place.

Various packaging boxes of medicines and medical equipment printed in Japanese are piled here, and there are quite a lot of them.

It is estimated that the supplies should be from the field hospital directly under the brigade headquarters of Morishima Kuronei. It is normal to put them in this place.

"Hey! You! Put down your weapons and come out, raise your hands so I can see you!"

Before Malashenko could think of anything to say, he heard a loud shout from the soldier next to him, apparently having discovered something.

Following the light of the soldier's flashlight, Malashenko only found a shadowy figure. After being shouted at, he had tremblingly emerged from the dark corner. With it, Malashenko was even more unexpected. words.

"Don't - don't shoot, I have no weapons, I'm not a combatant, please don't shoot."

ha? ? ?

Watching as this figure finally walked completely under the light of the flashlight, he raised his hands high in accordance with the soldier's request and was trembling.

Malashenko, who really didn't expect this to happen, looked behind him and found that there were many people dressed exactly the same, slowly walking towards the light, holding their hands high and trembling, looking very scared.

Malashenko, who was not overjoyed but felt a little disappointed, couldn't help complaining again.

"Okay, I thought I could catch a big fish, but I didn't expect to catch a group of Japanese ladies giving injections and medicine."

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