Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 3053 End of the first day

"Comrade General, what should we do with the rest?"

The evil traitor leader deserved to die. Even if he was chopped alive on the spot, Chen Weiguo could not open his eyes and look at him. He then asked Malashenko what to do next.

After taking a look at the other traitors and scoundrels who had been frightened by being "killed alive on the spot", Malashenko, who had no intention of investigating and dealing with these people and no spare time, immediately smiled and spoke.

"It's all left to you, Weiguo. These turtle bastards are of no use. Whether it's trial or how to deal with them, it's up to you and your organization to deal with them."

"Yes! Thank you, Comrade General! Thank you!"

Chen Weiguo should be truly grateful.

The prisoners captured by the Red Army at the risk of their lives through battle were handed over to themselves and the organization for free at their own disposal.

This kind of friendship between comrades and comrades-in-arms made Chen Weiguo express his true feelings for a while, which was difficult to express. However, Malashenko smiled and patted Chen Weiguo's shoulder again and spoke slowly.

"Go and rest, Weiguo. It's getting late, and today's battle ends here."

"You are indispensable for achieving such a result on the first day of the war. I will truthfully report to my superiors and apply for honorary awards for you personally."

"Don't forget, you are also a member of the Red Army now. You will receive the honors and rewards you deserve, I promise."

The large troops of the leading army were still gathering on the banks of the Ussuri River, seizing the opportunity to cross the river.

Continuing to penetrate deeper into the hinterland of the Japanese-occupied areas requires stronger strength. It is not easy to achieve today's results by keenly grasping the opportunity and taking the enemy by surprise.

We must pursue attack speed, but we must not forget the steady and steady attack of Malashenko. We don't want to cause a joke of capsizing in the gutter and being beaten by the Japanese with a lot of losses.

The sun overhead was reaching its last twilight moments before sinking below the horizon.

After annihilating an elite regiment of the Kwantung Army, killing a Japanese major general, and liberating an important county town that was originally heavily guarded by the Japanese army, Malashenko, who already had a node to support his advance, decided to stop as soon as possible and not rush for this moment.

The leader's army will advance even more fiercely tomorrow morning. At that time, it will be time for the Kwantung Army to learn more about what the Red Army's iron fist is.

A battle of this level today is less than half the strength of the leader's army.

He said goodbye to Malashenko and walked on the street outside with his companion Lao Wei.

Chen Weiguo, who was quite emotional, excitedly recalled what he had experienced today. The day he had been looking forward to for a long time had finally come, and it had come so quickly and powerfully that he was ecstatic.

Old Wei, who was walking aside, was shocked by the destructive power of the Soviet Red Army.

The old devil Morishima Kuronai added an elite unit to the Russians, but they couldn't even hold out for half a day before they were all killed by the Russian army.

Not only have you never heard of such a powerful combat power, you have never seen it in your dreams, let alone imagined it.

What also impressed Lao Wei was the scene just now.

After meeting up with Chen Weiguo again, Old Wei, who came with him after seeing the traitor leader being chopped alive, couldn't help but be a little surprised and asked Chen Weiguo who was standing aside.

"Weiguo, that formation just now is really extraordinary!"

"That old Maozi's major was so strong that he almost split the traitor leader in half alive with one strike of his sword. He didn't even blink or take a breath when he was killing people. He just swung the knife there. He stood like a living king of hell.”

"Huh? Oh, you mean him."

Old Wei's words brought him back to reality from his thoughts. Chen Weiguo, who was already very familiar with Alsim and got to know Alsim better, quietly spoke.

"His name is Alsim, and he is the most capable general under General Malashenko. His level of infantry combat is unparalleled. Among the tens of thousands of elites in the entire leadership army, he is the most capable."

"Look at the formation just now, let alone beheading a traitor leader. Even if the person standing there is the commander of the Kwantung Army or even the emperor of the Japanese army, as long as General Malashenko gives the order, he will kill him with his sword. , don’t even frown!”

"Ah!? This"

Chen Weiguo was really frightened by Chen Weiguo's words. He didn't expect that the fierce man just now was still such a person. The thoughtful old Wei then asked back.

"Doesn't this mean that Alsim is General Malashenko's private soldier?"

"Shhh!!! Are you allowed to say this nonsense? Hurry up and keep it to yourself! Don't let anyone listen to you!"

Chen Weiguo, who was startled by what Lao Wei said and quickly motioned for him to shut up, calmed down and then continued to speak.

"There is nothing we can do about it. Alsim's personal ability is so strong that there are very few people who can compare with him. He was actually lonely before he met General Malashenko, or should I say lonely, because there was no one Being able to understand him on his level, I can feel it when he talks to me.”

"But everything changed after meeting General Malashenko. The strongest tank hero of the Soviet Red Army gave Alsim respect, kindness, honor, recognition, and goals. He commanded and led him countless times. Towards victory, do you know what the Soviets themselves said about General Malashenko?”

Hearing this, Old Wei shook his head.

Having been lurking behind enemy lines for a long time, he did not have the opportunity to study and train in the Soviet Union like a top student like Chen Weiguo. Naturally, he knew nothing about Malashenko's internal evaluation of the Soviet Union, so he could only listen to Chen Weiguo continue to speak.

“Wherever General Malashenko appears, in which direction there will be a torrent of steel from the Red Army’s heavy tanks, in which direction the Nazi Germans will be completely destroyed, in which direction the Red Army will usher in news of victory. "

"This is the Soviet people's own evaluation of General Malashenko. He is an out-and-out victorious general. From the beginning to the end of the Soviet Patriotic War, he fought the whole game without losing a single shot. Malaria, He was shot once, almost lost his life twice, but miraculously recovered and returned to the battlefield immediately.”

"An American female reporter gave him a special report, and there was a sentence in it that said: "The most legendary war hero is not necessarily in the grave, at least in the Soviet Union, he is a living legend."

"Americans think so of him, so you can probably tell what a powerful person he is. If you ask me, the fact that he can appear here is proof of the end of the Kwantung Army."

Before Chen Weiguo finished speaking, Old Wei, who was amazed by what he heard, had completely changed his expression, and his eyes looked as if he could see the end of the Kwantung Army's destruction just like Chen Weiguo.

"I never thought that the Japanese would be so stupid, let alone that the Soviet Red Army would force out the Kwantung Army so much. I'm starting to envy you for having the experience of being a minister of state."

"Ha, look what you said, that's it. I have nothing to brag about."

Chen Weiguo, who was walking on the street, could already foresee that a more devastating steel storm would continue southward tomorrow and eventually completely destroy the Kwantung Army.

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