Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 3054 Prepare to attack

The old home that once belonged to Morishima Kuronei belonged to Malashenko. Malashenko, who said he would stay overnight in the county town, never broke his promise. After cleaning up all the remaining militaristic garbage, he moved in that night.

After falling asleep in what was once a Japanese lair not long ago, when he woke up early the next morning, he could see the red flag floating on the courtyard door outside the window. Malashenko felt refreshed and even more excited about the big things he was going to do today. Full of confidence.

"Is it okay to sleep like this?"

"Well, it's not bad. It's much easier to beat these Japanese devils than the Germans."

Malashenko said this from his heart, and it was not a case of underestimating the enemy.

The Kwantung Army, which was "shocked by the huge Soviet Red Army" on the first day of the war, had no movement at all all night yesterday.

There was neither a hasty air strike nor an artillery attack.

The whole night was peaceful, and the Kwantung Army, which had obviously suffered a huge loss, did not even dare to retaliate. This made Malashenko, who thought the Kwantung Army still had some work to do, really disappointed.

"Okay, since the Kwantung Army is not looking for us, let's go visit them. How many troops have been assembled now?"

The leader's army with a large lineup and luxurious organization continued to cross the river day and night, but so far they still have not been able to complete all their tasks.

In addition to combat troops and combat equipment, a large number of supplies, fuel and ammunition needed for today's attack, as well as some artillery units responsible for advancing artillery support tasks, were also rushed to cross the river without any delay.

Hearing Malashenko ask about this matter, Comrade Political Commissar, who had put all the required information in writing, then handed the folder on the table in front of him to Malashenko and spoke.

"According to the pre-made plan to cross the river, the Kurbalov Division will be the first unit to cross the river first."

"So far, Kulbalov's troops have completed most of the river crossing tasks. 80% of the combat troops and accompanying equipment have completed crossing the river and have gone to the designated attack departure area to assemble and stand by."

"But the problem lies in supplies. We have 80% of the combat strength of the Kurbalov Division, but only 30% of the baggage supplies to support combat operations."

"It can only support one day at most. As for how much supplies we will have on hand tomorrow, it is still unknown."

The leader's army is not an army without weaknesses. The most fatal of all known weaknesses is the huge demand for baggage and supplies.

One of the most direct examples is about tanks.

How much logistical support is needed to support a heavy tank in reliable and durable operations?

The answer is that oil transportation requires a truck, ammunition transportation requires another truck, and finally parts maintenance and replacement, which requires at least one freight truck, and another field maintenance truck with heavy-duty lifting function. car.

Not counting the combat organization of the crew members in the heavy tank, only the logistics support. To support a heavy tank in reliable and long-lasting combat, at least five functional vehicles performing their respective duties are required. This is the most basic hardware foundation.

This does not include the required manpower for logistical support. After adding the manpower, at least half of the platoon would be needed to serve this heavy tank.

The two-legged infantry only needs to feed them when they are hungry, treat them when they are injured, and bury them when they are dead, but tanks cannot.

This big, hard-to-serve steel behemoth is like a black hole devouring logistical support capabilities. This is why the leader army hurriedly and slowly spent a day and night to collect 30% of the standard combat supply base of a heavy synthetic division.

Even if all of this 30% is used to support 80% of the existing combat strength, it will only take one day to burn it all.

"Let's fight. We'll fight if we only have 30%. Fight first. We've all fought battles with hungry stomachs. At that time, let alone equipment and supplies, there was no food for people. We should fight as usual."

"With 30% of supplies today, I don't dare to fight the Japanese? Who are these bow-legged people? Fight! Use all the troops already in place. You can steal fuel and food from the Japanese. Look at these Japanese How long can the devils survive?"

That is to say, before Malashenko finished speaking, Comrade Political Commissar, who knew that Malashenko would definitely do this, was about to say something, but he saw that the communications staff on the side had already arrived with a fresh telegram.

"Comrade Army Commander, Comrade Political Commissar, this is a call from the Front Army Headquarters."

Reaching out to take the telegram, Malashenko's mouth showed a smile as if he had found a treasure, and he handed the telegram to the political commissar.

"If you're really sleepy, someone will give you a pillow. These Japanese Japs are very considerate. It just saves me from having to come look for them."

The content of the telegram was very simple - the Kwantung Army was mobilizing a large number of reinforcements and heading straight towards the direction of the leader's army.

But it was not intended to initiate a large-scale attack. Aerial reconnaissance showed that the reinforcements dispatched by the Kwantung Army were strengthening their field defense lines blocking Malashenko's offensive route.

Knowing that mobile warfare was no match for the Red Army, the Kwantung Army, which believed that it was skilled in positional warfare, had already recruited a large number of laborers to build numerous field defense lines and various fixed positions before the Red Army went south to attack.

Because of sufficient time, the Kwantung Army even built many semi-permanent level defenses at important locations, support points, and key nodes of these defense lines.

The intention is obvious. The Kwantung Army hopes to rely on these gadgets to withstand the Red Army's offensive, consume the Red Army's offensive energy, and drag the Red Army down.

Rounding things off, as long as the Red Army exhausts its offensive energy and cannot win, isn't this a victory for our Kwantung Army?

I can only say that the idea is good and the logic is self-consistent.

But the premise is that the combat strength of both sides must be at the same level, without generational differences.

The Kwantung Army didn't know what was going on, and Malashenko didn't know and didn't care.

But seeing that the Kwantung Army was so proactive in sending reinforcements to support the defense line, I was afraid that the number of people in the leader's army account was not enough, so I quickly increased the density of troops and sent more people before the leader's army came.

Comrade Lao Ma was deeply happy and even wanted to thank the Kwantung Army.

Similar performance art has been performed by the Germans before. The battle in the Zero Heights is a good example.

But the final fate of the Germans on the Zero Highlands was clearly there. Under the fierce offensive of the leader's division, they occupied an absolutely advantageous terrain. They didn't survive even three days before they stopped eating, declaring that Berlin was completely open.

Today's Japanese do not have the advantageous terrain that the Germans had, and they do not have the weapons and equipment that the Germans have that are at least the same as those of the Red Army.

Even the leading division that beat up the Germans has now transformed into a leading army.

The result is almost predictable, but even so, Malashenko is still full of expectations for the predictable result.

"Get ready to attack. Three entire divisions are placed on a defensive line. The Kwantung Army is also willing to spend money. If you don't give them some hard medicine, it won't be worth the trouble. Tell Kulbalov to let go and fight. I I want to know how many Japs he can kill in one day.”

"Yes, Comrade Commander."

When Kulbalov, who was in the field division headquarters even further forward than Malashenko's position, received the telegram "I want to see how much you can kill" from the comrade commander. .

Kulbalov, who understood what he had to do, immediately took action and mobilized combat forces comparable to those of the previous leader's division.

The first to bear the brunt was the ISU-203 self-propelled artillery that had already entered the shooting position. It raised its thick and huge gun barrel and pointed it diagonally at the sky, aiming its ballistic path of destructive power at the Japanese army in the distance, as well as other less powerful guns. The remaining models of self-propelled artillery clusters.

Because they had penetrated deeper into the Japanese-occupied area, the firing range of the leader's field artillery group that was placed on the riverside was no longer enough to completely cover Japanese targets further away.

Therefore, during yesterday's day and night of crossing the river, a considerable part of the transport capacity was transferred to the artillery units under Kurbalov.

Tanks are the king of land warfare, but artillery is the god of war.

Even in the modern warfare of the 21st century, "huge amounts of artillery fire" is still something that the world's top armies do with all their strength.

Not to mention that at the moment, the division-affiliated artillery in the hands of Kulbalov alone, and the command of the army-affiliated artillery directly in the hands of Malashenko. It was enough to let the devils squatting and making shit on the opposite side know what the hell is called "little Slavic shock".

"The artillery preparations are ready, but the ground attack aviation units are also on the way. How should we allocate the fire preparations? Comrade Division Commander."


Received the telegram sent from the rear aviation field airport from the chief of staff.

Now even without Malashenko, Kulbalov, who can take charge alone, pondered for a moment, and then blurted out the order.

"The artillery quickly screened the first Japanese position, and then quickly extended the artillery fire backwards to bombard the depths of the Japanese defense line."

"The air force's air attack targets are fixed, and any forward target of the Japanese army's positions is their key target. Leave these bombing targets to them to ensure that the firepower is not wasted, and let our artillery concentrate on attacking in depth."

"Yes, Comrade Commander."

With Kurbalov's order, a feast of destruction began immediately.

Boom boom boom boom——

The artillery group, which had been busy transporting ammunition or artillery all day and night, had been busy all night, and now it was finally time to test the fruits of their labor.

An overwhelming barrage of heavy artillery shells rose from the ground in an instant, accompanied by a barrage of flaming rockets that shot straight into the sky, carrying a harsh and shrill scream as they rushed straight towards the Japanese defense line.

"Little tiger, I dreamed about my mother last night. She left me my favorite fish rice balls. I can't wait to eat them."

Fish and rice balls may not be available, but the Soviet Union made enough shells for heavy artillery.


"what sound!?"

"Artillery fire! Russian artillery fire! Hurry and take cover, take cover!!!"


The Japanese soldiers who were sitting on the battlefield having breakfast received greetings from the Soviet Red Army, and a row of heavy artillery shells burst in succession.

Huge flames of death bloomed continuously on the battlefield, blooming like flowers. The powerful 203mm grenade dropped with just one shot, and the Japanese who started with double digits would instantly evaporate on the spot and be wiped out.

There is no way, in terms of field artillery level power, the power of 203 mm is really scary.

Even the cannons with a caliber of 100 mm or above in the hands of our own artillery are "rare treasures". The Japanese who have never seen this battle were instantly bombarded into darkness, and it felt like the end of the world was coming.

The Morishima Kuronai Brigade has already tasted the power of the Red Army artillery and knows how powerful it is.

Unexpectedly, the Army Ma Deer has a "glorious tradition" of being shady between superiors and subordinates and reporting good news but not bad news. As a result, Morishima Kurouchi, who only mentioned "requesting urgent tactical guidance" in the telegram, did not mention that he had encountered the Russians. How the people were bombarded with fierce artillery fire.

Now, most of the consumables of Morishima Kuronei and his minions have turned into soil fertilizer to nourish the earth.

The Kwantung Army in front of them, who had no way of knowing the subsequent battle report, still knew nothing about the devastating power of artillery fire in the hands of the leader army, at least until the first shell fell.

But it's different now. After all, now I can experience it personally with my own body trembling and deafening in the earth-shattering shock.

The scattered Japanese troops on the position were killed in huge numbers. Those who were closer to the bunker, those with better ears, and those with faster legs and feet rushed into the nearest anti-gun bunker and took shelter on the spot.

However, most of these are artillery-proof bunkers of civil engineering works, which are relatively acceptable in the face of artillery fire with a caliber of less than 100 mm.

In front of the artillery fire coverage of the 132mm Katyusha rockets at the beginning, not to mention the terrifying thing like the 203 cannon, which can kill a whole group at once.

These artillery-proof bunkers that the Japanese army relied on, the fortifications that they thought could save their lives, were nothing more than scraps of wood and flesh that were blown up into the sky along with the dust.

"Comrade Division Commander, artillery fire has begun to extend to the rear of the Japanese defense line, and the aviation unit has already -" as planned.

Buzz - buzz -

Before the chief of staff finished speaking, the roar of engines could be heard in the sky far behind him.

A group of Tu-2S tactical bombers flying in horizontal formation had already entered the scene. Within Kurbalov's visual distance, they pounced toward the direction of the Japanese position with black iron bombs.

From dawn to now, the airspace over the battlefield, where not even a single Japanese aircraft has been seen, has been exceptionally clear.

In yesterday's high-intensity and large-scale air raids, most of the Kwantung Army Army Aviation was killed on the airport runway. Now it is simply unable to intercept such a large bomber formation in the air.

Even if fighter jets are sent in twos and threes, they can only deliver food. They don't even need Red Army fighter jets to escort them. The all-directional self-defense barrage firepower of the dense formation of bombers alone is enough to shred the thin-skinned and large-sized Japanese soldiers. An easy-to-light flying lighter.

"There is smoke coming out of the Japanese positions now, which is enough to provide air raid instructions."

"Order all attacking units to prepare to set off, and start attacking as soon as the air raid is over! Extend the artillery fire to continue to suppress the depth of the Japanese defense line and cut off the enemy's reinforcement channels!"

Accompanied by Kulbalov's order, there was also the roar of engines on the offensive starting position.

The fate of the Japanese troops on the opposite side, who were still bathing in death and destruction, was actually doomed by this time.

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