Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 3055: Crazy Attack (Part 1)

The Japanese army, which was eating artillery shells with its front legs and bombs with its rear legs, had never seen such a battle before.

The defense line, which had been built in advance for nearly half a year, was unacceptably fragile in the face of the Russians' destructive power.

Except for some solid semi-permanent fortifications and a few large underground tunnel bunkers, almost all the simple civil artillery-proof holes on the front-line positions were blown to pieces by the Russians' overwhelming rows of heavy artillery shells.

Needless to say, the fate of the Japanese soldiers hiding inside was better than being lifted into the sky along with the bomb-proof hole. Being buried alive by the bomb-proof hole was the best outcome that could leave a whole body.

At present, the Japanese army is still further entangled and strangled by the nightmare.

The rows of heavy artillery barrages continued to extend deeper into the defense line, and the aerial bombs dropped like raindrops in the sky further blasted the front lines of the Japanese positions that had been screened by heavy artillery until they were like the surface of the moon.

Kulbalov's prediction was indeed correct. The front line of the Japanese position, which was blown up by heavy artillery barrages and filled with thick smoke, was eye-catching even when viewed from an air-based perspective.

Rounding it all off, this is the best air raid indicator smoke for a bomber formation.

When the leader's artillery fire began to extend deep into the Japanese defense line, the Japanese troops in the forward positions naively thought that this was a prelude to the Russian army preparing to attack.

Unexpectedly, as soon as the front leg came out of the bomb hole, the back leg saw a formation of bombers flying over in the dark sky.

One under each wing root, and two more in the belly bomb bay.

The Figure 2S tactical bomber formation, which adopted the mounting scheme of four 500-kg aerial bombs, came specifically for the critical bombing mission against the Japanese forward positions.

A heavy aerial bomb with a single warhead charge of 250 kilograms has absolutely devastating destructive power against various fortifications and bunkers on the Japanese forward positions.

The firepower of the heavy field artillery group is very fierce, but it is still far less destructive than the destructive power of aerial bombing.

Too many relatively strong Japanese bunkers that had survived the brief artillery preparations were directly blown into the sky and destroyed in the ensuing air raids because they were fixed position targets that could not run or hide.

The first two rounds of artillery bombardment and air strikes were over, and the remnant Japanese soldiers who were bombarded to the point of doubting their lives could finally take a breather.

But the third blow that followed was more deadly than the first two.

"Chariots! Russian tanks!! Lots of Russian tanks!!!"

"There's an earthquake! Run! There's an earthquake!"

"Baga! You pighead! What kind of earthquake!? That's because the Russians have too many tanks!"

I don’t blame the Japanese for being ignorant, it’s just that the tanks charged in groups, and their numbers were enough to cause the earth to shake and tremble.

This kind of daily scene, which had long been a commonplace on the Eastern Front battlefield, was the first time that almost all Japanese soldiers had ever experienced it personally.

"Enter the attack! Prepare to attack, the anti-tank artillery team is ready!!!"

It was also thanks to the fact that the cannon was small enough that it could be dragged into an anti-gun cave and hid with people.

A considerable number of these 37 stepping-stone cannons in the hands of the Japanese, which were regarded as treasures, survived the shelling and air strikes just now.

Now, under the loud shouts of the Japanese sergeant, the Japanese soldiers, who were covered in rotten flesh and trembling, worked together to push out the artillery holes and take up positions.

"Little tiger, will this work? The Russian tanks on the opposite side are simply bigger than mountains, but our guns-"

"Stop talking nonsense! Load and prepare to shoot!"


Those tanks that were bigger than mountains in the eyes of the Japanese army were the IS7 heavy tank units that took the lead in the attack.

The IS7, which combines extremely strong firepower, super mobility, and terrifying protection, is really suitable for this kind of vanguard mission of attacking a city.

Covering the accompanying BMP43 infantry fighting vehicles, the IS7 came all the way. The IS7, which was still 700 meters away from the Japanese position, had already started shooting on the move.

The ultra-long range advantage brought by the large-caliber heavy machine gun can be said to be fully demonstrated in the IS7.

There is a coaxial IS7 and a twin mount on the top of the turret. There are a total of three 5mm KPVT heavy machine guns on the forward course. Even if the main gun is not used, it can still cause a terrifying suppressive effect on the Japanese army.

It is also because the distance is far enough that most of the Japanese gunfire can be ignored.

The commanders of the IS7 were able to stick their upper bodies out of the turret in a relatively safe environment and fire super-long-range machine gun barrage suppressive fire at any target with flashes of light on the Japanese position.

The crimson tracer barrages were like fire dragons, roaring from a distance of 700 meters, which almost made the infantry's small weapons despair.

It is true that the accuracy of such ultra-long-range shooting is poor and the hit rate is worrying, but there is no such thing as "wasting ammunition" in the dictionary, and the purpose of doing this is not to pursue precise killing.

It’s true that my accuracy is not good, so if I fire 50 rounds of 5-heavy machine gun bullets, I should be able to kill you as a Japanese devil, right? You should be able to ignore most of the civil bunkers and beat the Japanese troops hiding behind them into pieces and turn them into parts on the spot, right?

As long as Japanese soldiers continued to be torn into pieces and died suddenly on the spot, as long as the Japanese soldiers' heads were pressed against their ears, the screams and screams of terror would continue.

This seemingly "waste of ammunition" move by the leader's army has achieved its purpose.

Human beings are flesh and blood, mortal beings, not cold and heartless fighting machines.

Even fanatical militarists like the Japanese army cannot completely turn a blind eye and remain unaffected when 5mm barrages roar around them and teammates around them are beaten to pieces one after another.

"Load! Load quickly and prepare to shoot!"


The sergeant who was directing the artillery team to fight shouted impatiently before he finished speaking. The sound of a cannonball falling to the ground suddenly sounded.

The sergeant who was startled by the sound of the shell hitting the ground subconsciously turned his head and saw that the recruit in charge of loading the shell was looking at him with a horrified look on his face. His legs and hands were trembling at the same time. This made the short sergeant angry on the spot. If you don't hit one place, you will be furious.



It is not convenient to beat and scold subordinates on the battlefield, but the grumpy sergeant couldn't bear it.

Not even the slap was over, he rushed forward and grabbed the new recruit by the collar, holding his hands together, looking at the frightened and rapidly swollen face, and said viciously.

"Fight! Fight! Fight!"

"You have no choice but to fight, do you understand!? If you fight bravely, the Russians may not be able to kill you, but if you are a coward, you will definitely be killed by me! Go back and reload the shells for me!"

"H-Hi! I understand, Your Excellency!"

"get out!"

He pushed the recruit Danzi and threw him back to the loader's position, then bent down again to pick up the 37mm fixed shells that had fallen to the ground.

The sergeant, who had no time to waste, was holding the command knife in his hand. He was just about to return to his command position and order to fire, but he never thought that the barrage of heavy machine guns from the Russians on the opposite side would come faster.


call out--

An armor-piercing incendiary indicator bullet with a crimson tracer hit him head on, and by accident, it hit the sergeant directly on the Adam's apple on the neck.

The entire neck disappeared on the spot, and the head was moved and removed on the spot.

A still-warm head rolled to the feet of the recruit.

He looked at the sergeant's eyes wide open with a look of death, and looked at the puzzled and horrified look on his face at the last moment of his life.

The cannonball that had just been picked up by the recruit dropped to the ground again. By coincidence, the bullet pointed downwards and hit the sergeant's head, which was rolling around like a ball.

"Mom! Mom!! I don't want a war, I don't want a war!!!"

"Baga! You guy, come back quickly! You will die!!!"

The young recruit, who was so frightened by the billowing heads that he had a nervous breakdown on the spot, turned around and ran away. Other Japanese soldiers on the gun position quickly called to stop him, but they did not expect that his own death would come faster than the terrified recruit Danzi who ran around in fear.

Cracking hooting hooting——



The 5mm heavy machine gun barrage mixed with armor-piercing bullet chains directly penetrated the anti-artillery shield. Together with the metal fragments and deformed and unstable warheads set off at the moment of penetration, the Japanese artillery crew hiding behind the anti-artillery shield was scattered on the spot. The whole place was filled with screams.

"Each tank crew continued to suppress the heavy firepower of the Japanese army, the infantry fighting vehicles concentrated their firepower to open a gap in the position, and the infantry prepared to charge!"

The command from the radio rang in his ears. Alsim, who put down the wired microphone, picked up the AK in his hand, pulled the charging handle, and loaded the bullet.

The final charging distance of 700 meters passed in an instant, and now it was time to get off the car and rush into the enemy's position.

"Get ready, follow me!"



He kicked open the car door and was the first to rush out. Alsim turned from inside the car to the view outside the car. Not only could he see the boiling and rolling battlefield in front of him, but also the strong smell of blood and gunpowder smoke that filled the air. Go straight to the nerves.

"Follow the tank! Charge forward, fast!"

Also because the suppression effect was so good, the IS7 heavy tank echelon rushing at the front decided to go one step further.

The formation was opened directly, and under the cover of the infantry and infantry fighting vehicles, the wide and heavy tracks were rolled over the Japanese trenches, and the body, which the Japanese regarded as a behemoth, was driven directly to the front of the position.


The head of the Japs rifleman who had no time to dodge was crushed like a watermelon, and his whole body was forced into the soil by the wide tracks of the IS7, and was physically compressed into a "Japanese Japs".

Regardless of what happened to the Japanese who had been photographed in front of him, Alsim, who followed IS7 and used cover to rush into the trench, immediately raised his gun and shot.


"Onboard your mother Suka!"

Da da da da——

With their bayonets attached, the Japanese soldiers who were trying to fight hand-to-hand but were unable to move in the trenches were knocked to the ground on the spot by a single shot from Alsim, who was beaten and scolded before he could get close.

"Fire blockade! Don't let the enemy rush over along the communication trench, hurry!"

Following Alsim, he jumped into the trench, and Sulovechenko, who immediately put his gun on alert, shouted orders.

He commanded the soldiers who were following closely to suppress the Japanese troops who were trying to rush over and drive them out of the position while the Red Army was not yet firmly established.

At the same time, the BMP43 infantry fighting vehicle that was following the infantry also drove to the front of the formation, but did not drive into the position with the tank.

Instead, they stopped in front of the formation and began to use the 25mm machine gun and 62 coaxial machine gun on the turret to provide direct fire support for the infantry attack.

The infantry detachment of the Leader's Army is not equipped with heavy machine guns within the organization, but these BMP43s, which play the role of mobile machine gun bunkers, are more lethal than traditional infantry-portable heavy machine guns.

The brief infantry fire suppressed the charge before it was over. The Japanese infantry were already overwhelmed by the firepower of fully automatic small arms and could not lift their heads. It was almost impossible for the Japanese infantry to rush forward and retake the position.

This was followed by a more brutal 25mm cannon and direct fire from a coaxial machine gun.

Wherever the 25mm cannon barrage mixed with high-explosive bombs hits, there will immediately be a burst of flying sand, rocks, and dust. Just the high-speed fragments hitting the face at this extremely close range are enough to kill the Japanese.

Not to mention that the 25mm cannon barrage contained not only high-explosive bombs, but also armor-piercing incendiary bombs with ballistic indicating effects. The brutal firepower of continuous explosions and penetrations could almost make the Japanese army despair on the spot.

If you continue to hide, you will only be penetrated. The fragile civil bunkers cannot stop the 25mm armor-piercing warhead.

It was a dead end for him to rush out. When he rushed out with his front legs, his hind legs were blown to pieces by high-explosive bombs, but a piece of Japanese thigh was still standing in front of the surviving Japanese soldiers with its warm breath.

"Captain Yoshikawa! What should I do!? Staying here will only increase casualties!"

Neither hiding nor charging.

Retreating is even worse. How dare you retreat without even touching the Russian hair?

"Everyone in Baga, follow my command sword! Charge towards the Russians——"

Da da da da da——

Before the squad leader could even finish his words, the combat engineer machine gunner carrying an RPD light machine gun and charging straight at him had already arrived.

He held a 100-round bullet belt directly in his arms and fired from the waist. The armored combat engineer machine gunner, who was charging while firing, looked like a humanoid tank.

The Japanese, who had never seen a machine gun used in such a way, were unable to dodge, and were mowed down seven or eight people in the trench by sugar-coated haws on a stick.

The remaining Japs took advantage of the opportunity when their teammates' human shields risked their lives to resist, and hurriedly ran through the traffic ditch intersection without looking back, and hid in the blind spot.

When the Russian machine gunfire on the opposite side stopped, I subconsciously thought that this was the Japanese soldiers who were changing bullets, and the two looked at each other and knocked the grenade on their heels with the ring removed. They stood up and were about to throw it.

Unexpectedly, the Russian machine gun in the trench not far away had temporarily disappeared, but something more terrifying than the machine gun was already in sight.

call out--

Alsim stretched his upper body out of the trench and pulled the trigger, and the 100mm super-caliber rocket-propelled grenade immediately spurted out.

Watching the subsonic, large-caliber rocket-propelled grenade getting bigger and bigger in the field of vision, heading straight towards the face.

The Japanese bombardier, who had only a few tenths of a second to react, only felt horrified, but he had no time to even make the slightest move to dodge. After an explosion, he saw dozens of pieces of minced meat wrapped in dust and rising into the sky.

Not caring to see the results of the battle, Alsim put the smoking barrel on the ground with its tail end facing downwards. Alsim just spoke loudly as he called the deputy shooter who was carrying the ammunition bag to come forward.

"Reload! Quick, one more shot!"

After the second update, there is another big chapter

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