Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 3064 Infantry! The Russian infantry must be destroyed!

Compared with the first position, the overall defense intensity of the Japanese second position is much higher.

Although the Kwantung Army behaved like a weirdo on many issues, such as being incompetent in governing "lower and higher" governance, it actually tried to take advantage of it. Allowing this unhealthy trend to spread wildly in the military, they self-righteously believe that this is an effective means to boost morale and stabilize military morale.

Although there are countless weird and strange things like this, it would be too underestimated if the Kwantung Army is completely regarded as Tiehanhan.

A very direct example is that in terms of "remembering after being beaten", the Kwantung Army's performance was not so stinky.

On the first day of the war, they were beaten to pieces by the Red Army and witnessed the terrifying destructive power of the most powerful armored force group in the world.

After learning from the painful experience, the Kwantung Army believes that the existing battle tactics need to be adjusted.

On the whole, the general direction of "using defense to wear down the Red Army's offensive energy" remains unchanged, but when it comes to the tactical level, we can no longer swarm all the troops on the front line and hope to stop the Red Army's offensive with one position.

The Kwantung Army's idea was to use multiple defensive positions that were strengthened layer by layer and arranged in an echelon to wear down the Red Army's offensive energy bit by bit.

It is certainly correct to think so. In fact, during the critical period of strategic defense from 1942 to 1943, the Red Army used this kind of battle tactics to delay and block the large-scale German forces in any battlefield environment involving large-scale field battles. Mechanized offensive.

But there is a problem. The effectiveness of this kind of battle tactics must be based on the overall strength of both sides, especially the level of technical equipment.

The Red Army can use this kind of battle tactics to withstand the German offensive because it has a powerful field artillery group as backup; it can compete with the Germans without completely losing air supremacy, and at least it can retain some key airspace , as well as aviation units providing intermittent ground support.

There are also a large number of tank troops as quick-reaction mobile forces, ready to pounce on the openings torn by the Germans, block them at any cost, and drive the Germans out of the breach.

The Kwantung Army has almost none of the above.

From artillery to tanks to aviation, all were defeated to the point of being completely crushed.

I hope that under such circumstances, I can block the Red Army's offensive, and draw up a posture on the open plains to fight and win the battle with the Red Army.

It can only be said that the possibility is not completely zero, which is almost equivalent to wishing for nothing.

A clever woman can't make a meal without rice. No matter how good the battle tactics are without the support of hardware foundation, victory can only remain in the stage of imagination and nothing more.

It's the same attack routine as before. After the artillery blasts, the tanks charge, after the tanks charge, the infantry charges, after the infantry charges, the infantry charges together with the tanks.

The offensive tactics of the leading army were so simple, unpretentious and boring, but it happened that this tactic prevented the Kwantung Army from even finding its way to the north, and it was completely helpless to deal with those huge tanks that rolled up violently.

"Attack! Attack with the Stinging Storm Thunder Team! Give me Tusi!!!"

The sergeant waving his sword in his hand screamed like a pig being slaughtered, and the Japanese soldiers who raised the toilet bowl and rushed forward made the same strange screams.

But what was waiting for them in front was not the Russian tanks. Between the huge Stalin heavy tanks and the Japanese army, there was an insurmountable defense line composed of the flesh and blood of the Red Army infantry soldiers.

Relying on the existing positions they had just captured to launch a defensive blockade, they picked up various automatic weapons in their hands and unleashed their firepower on the charging Japanese troops.

The Japs, who were holding up toilet pegs that seriously affected their mobility and were sluggish in their steps, were knocked to the ground by various infantry light weapons in the hands of the infantry soldiers before they could even rush to the tank. They ended up shaving their heads with zero results and announced their permanent exit.

"Baga! It's like this again, it's impossible to get past this! These Russian pigs are so shameless!!!"

The leader's offensive uses tanks as the absolute backbone of the offensive force's firepower. To disrupt this offensive, the tanks must be destroyed.

However, the tank is not the front-line combat unit. If you want to touch the tank, you must first cross the defense line composed of infantry and pierce it.

However, with the firepower support of those tanks with huge main guns and heavy machine guns overhead, the Japanese army repeatedly tried several counterattacks and charges, but got nothing but pieces of their own corpses on the ground.

If you want to fight tanks, you have to deal with infantry first, and then you are bombarded by tanks when you deal with infantry. If you want to deal with tanks, a serious problem, you will be back to the starting point of having to deal with infantry first.

This is simply a dead end with no solution!

Many Japanese commanders, who became increasingly angry and frightened as they fought, began to realize this problem more or less quickly or slowly.

And once the Japanese army stops its deadly counterattack, the attacking troops with a keen sense of battlefield leadership will immediately seize the opportunity and continue to advance.

The Japanese army rushed, and the leader's army stayed on the spot;

The Japanese army defended, and the leader's army immediately attacked;

Unable to rush away, unable to defend, unable to defend themselves, the Japanese soldiers, whose scalps were numb from being killed, were simply helpless, and an unprecedented sense of powerlessness wrapped around them like cancer.

This offensive tactic of cutting flesh with a blunt knife not only continued to encroach on the area of ​​​​the position still controlled by the Japanese army, but at the same time, it also caused the casualties of the Japanese army to remain high.

Anyway, no matter what happens, you have to be bombarded by tanks. It is just the difference between being bombarded to death on the charge road or being bombarded to death in the pit. If the casualties can be lower, it will be a hell.

"Your Excellency, Captain! The first and second captains are all in pieces, and now only Captain Nakajima is still injured and commanding! The Russian offensive continues, and the infantry and tanks have already pressed forward!"

The bad news came one after another, from the initial anger to the gnashing of teeth and now the numbness.

The captain, whose eyes were still fierce, still refused to give up and admit defeat. It was even more impossible to retreat. He suddenly pulled out the command knife from his waist and immediately spoke viciously.

"Infantry! The Russian infantry must be eliminated! Only by destroying the Russian infantry can they attack their tanks!"

"Assemble the reserve team to prepare for the attack! Attack is the only chance of victory. We must tear open the gap in the Russian infantry defense line! This time I will personally lead the team!"


There is no weapon that can remotely destroy Russian tanks. Various anti-tank guns, infantry guns, and anti-tank rifles have been tried in turn. Unless you hear a sound when you hit it, you can't penetrate the armor at all.

The only way is to rely on infantry to destroy the tanks through close attacks. It is necessary to eliminate the Russian infantry that is blocking the road.

Instead of dealing with tanks, the commander of the regiment started to attack infantry. He changed his tactics and was gathering troops to lead the attack himself.

But they didn't notice that a new batch of reinforcements came up behind the Russian tanks. The super steel behemoths, which were even bigger than the Stalin heavy tanks, had arrived on the battlefield.

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