When the bombardment ended, the TOS-1A rocket assault tanks, which were already on the forward starting position, immediately began to take action.

According to Kulbalov's earlier vision when formulating the tactical plan, after the first round of sustained onslaught, the front was advanced to the second Japanese position.

Whether it is the main attacking force in the center or the coordinated attacking forces encircling them from the left and right, they will face an inevitable problem.

There was a shortage of ammunition, especially heavy firepower ammunition.

Although the heavy-duty synthetic swarm of the Leader Army has strong assault energy and fierce combat power, its poor sustained combat capability has always been an objective problem.

Needless to say, the heavy tank troops carrying 122mm Heirloom and 130mm cannons, the price of high power is low ammunition load. Scenes like the Germans stuffing 80, 90 or even more than 100 rounds of artillery shells into the Tiger will never appear in the heavy tanks of the Red Army.

Although the defense strength of the Japanese army's position is not high, it cannot stand up to these Japanese soldiers who are not afraid of death and keep charging at the tanks with their bodies.

Based on these battlefield conditions, the ammunition consumed by the leading army to capture the Japanese positions was no less than the amount of ammunition consumed to capture the German positions of the same size.

It's okay if you just capture one position, but you have to attack the second position immediately after capturing the next one.

Waiting for the ammunition supply truck to deliver the shells and letting the tank crew get off the vehicle to replenish ammunition is definitely impossible in terms of combat needs, and there is no time to waste.

On the other hand, the situation of the infantry was not bad.

Although the ammunition consumption of fully automatic and semi-automatic weapons is also huge, if the ammunition carried with you is exhausted, you can also go to the infantry fighting vehicle to quickly retrieve the replenished mechanized infantry. It has the ability to quickly replenish ammunition on the battlefield, and its ability to sustain long-term combat is also Stay far above the tank troops.

The tank unit, which does not have the ability to quickly replenish ammunition on the battlefield, has become the only shortcoming among the offensive units.

Insufficient tank ammunition means insufficient direct-aimed heavy fire support. The infantry in front must make up for the lack of heavy firepower with their blood and lives.

This situation may be allowed to occur in other Red Army units, but as long as Malashenko remains in the position of commander for a day, this situation is absolutely unacceptable and intolerable.

Therefore, the final solution given by Kulbalov was to dispatch highly mobile reinforcements with heavier firepower than heavy tanks to support the middle attack troops and supplement the direct-aiming heavy fire support that was insufficient in ammunition.

In line with this kind of tactical positioning, it is almost impossible to find a more suitable heavy equipment besides TOS-1A that combines super direct sight, heavy firepower and high mobility.

These heavy special operations vehicles modified using the IS6 heavy tank chassis have the same level of rapid mobility as the Red Army's heavy tank units on the battlefield.

Not to mention the firepower, how could the widely circulated nickname of "Nasty Evaporator" be in vain?

It's just that what has evaporated now is no longer the Nazis, but the Japanese devils who have done many evil things and are not human beings.

It was the same situation as when the German army first encountered the first generation TOS-1 on the battlefield.

The Japanese commander held a telescope in his hand and saw this group of reinforcements rushing up from a distance. They were huge and even bigger than the IS6 heavy tank, but they did not have a tank turret but carried a huge square box of steel monsters. .

The poor knowledge of armored combat made it impossible for the Japanese army to understand what the purpose of such a weird-looking heavy armored combat vehicle was.

It doesn't look like a tank or a self-propelled artillery. This thing doesn't even have a barrel. In fact, the Japanese lieutenant general, who is holding the telescope in his hand and looking more and more confused, is full of questions.

"What the hell did the Russians drive up here? Do we have such information about enemy vehicles in our intelligence?"

He was asked this question by the division commander, and then he was glared at by the chief of staff next to the division commander.

The major staff officer who was on standby quickly took action. He quickly ran to the table and picked up the equipment identification manual. After looking through it, he found nothing.

"Your Excellency, the division commander! No, there is no information about this kind of vehicle in the enemy equipment identification manual!"

"Baga! What on earth do those red deer wild men in the intelligence do for food!? Why can't they even get information on the main tanks equipped by the Russians in such a large number!?"

It's funny to say that the current situation in which the Japanese army is stunned when they see TOS-1A, knowing nothing about it, and not recognizing it at all, is actually caused by the Japanese's own suicide and stupid behavior.

The Kwantung Army originally had the opportunity to receive relevant intelligence information about TOS-1A in advance, and the method was very simple.

The Japanese military attache in the Soviet Union only needs to go to Moscow to observe the Red Square military parade, compile the relevant information he saw in writing and send it back to his country, and then the Japanese military department will organize it and distribute it to the lower-level combat troops for study and understanding.

But the problem lies in the link where the relevant information is sent back to the country and then handed over by the Japanese military headquarters to the lower-level combat units.

After learning about the incident, Captain Tojo, who was full of shit, arrogantly believed that describing the Russians as too powerful would affect the morale of the military.

If the news and detailed information that the Russians demonstrated such a powerful armored cluster were rashly passed on, I am afraid that some bad derivative events would occur.

Malu Yelang, who has become an expert at "lower and higher", doesn't know what bad things he will do to try to prove how stupid he is. This will inevitably be detrimental to the expected war.

However, it is not okay to pass on false intelligence and describe the Russians as too weak and stupid, and then distribute it to lower-level combat units.

Insufficient protection will lead to underestimation of the enemy and overconfidence, which will lead to greater losses once war breaks out.

So what should we do if it is neither a true biography nor a fake one?

It's simple, just don't pass it on and just pretend nothing happened.

After all, "do more and make more mistakes, do less and make fewer mistakes, and don't do better" will neither shake the morale of the military nor cause the lower-level troops to underestimate the enemy, be careless and complacent. Isn't this "just don't pass it on" approach wonderful?

Private Tojo slapped his thigh and decided to do it.

This led to the Red Army's military parade in Moscow's Red Square and an unprecedented display of powerful force. When such a high-profile event reached the lower levels, the Kwantung Army did not know any details.

I only know that the Russians held two military parades in Moscow and Berlin respectively, but I did not see any details or further instructions coming from the Tokyo base camp.

The bandit leaders of the Kwantung Army thought that the military parade held by the Russians was just like that. The base camp didn't even mention it, so they didn't take it to heart.

However, they did not expect that it was this bizarre performance art that caused the Kwantung Army to miss its last opportunity to have a general understanding of the Red Army's cutting-edge equipment in active service before the war began.

When this situation was transferred to the battlefield, the Kwantung Army was crushed by a huge number of IS7 heavy tanks, like dump trucks.

Now that the IS7 performance is over, it's TOS-1A's turn to show off its power.

Amidst the fierce roar of rockets, countless flames were seen rising from the ground, like a volcano erupting. The Japanese troops on the position watched the extremely terrifying rain of destructive fire falling from the sky.

Second update later, brothers. A guest came to my house on Friday, which delayed me for a while. I worked overtime and continued coding.

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