Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 3074 Flesh and blood entanglement

As Kulbalov had expected earlier.

It is not difficult to tear a hole in the Japanese army's position that has been plowed by artillery and bombed by aircraft. The Japanese army's few remaining anti-tank guns with poor performance are almost powerless against the heavy tanks of the Red Army with strong armor and sharp guns. Just hearing the sound will scratch the paint, and trying to stop it is a fantasy.

But the truly cruel battle was after charging into the position. The infantry soldiers who were trapped in the enemy's position could clearly feel that the Japanese resistance was more tenacious.

Far more complex and dense than the second position, there are communication trenches and foxholes that extend in all directions, and ring-shaped fortification bunkers with fire support points are everywhere, forming a fortification group that is as connected as a maze.

Alsim, who got into such an unfamiliar position and personally led the combat engineer detachment to direct the attack, first felt a headache.

"Bah! The twists and turns in this wretched place are almost confusing. There are Japanese devils everywhere in all directions! Damn, here comes another one! Be careful!"

Da da da--

He picked up the AK and fired three consecutive shots. The Japanese soldier who was alone and rushed from the traffic trench let out a muffled groan and immediately fell to the ground in convulsions.

"Don't spread too far. The more this place is spread out, the more likely it is for trouble to happen! Tell comrades to fight in squad units and concentrate firepower on the attack! Don't let the enemy get a chance to get close!"


Alsim figured it out after fighting for less than two minutes in the Japanese army's maze-like position.

After various pig-like concentrated counterattacks on the first two positions were ineffective, the Japanese, who were beaten and hurt, directly changed their tactics.

They began to break into pieces and dispersed to attack. Combat groups ranging from a few to more than a dozen people were nesting or hiding in various corners of this maze-like position. When the Red Army got close enough, Then use various concealed means to launch a sudden and rapid attack.

On the surface, not many Japanese troops were seen resisting, but in fact, the various traffic trenches, trenches, foxholes, and even the bomb-proof holes that had not yet been bombed were full of Japanese.

The battles on the positions were unwinnable and all kinds of deaths occurred. The Japanese troops, who had learned lessons from the beatings, began to move "under the positions", scurrying around the positions and attacking like rats in the city sewers.

This not only limits the direct-aiming heavy firepower of the leader army to a certain extent. After all, if the Japanese firepower is not visible on the surface, it is difficult to attack directly and worry about accidental damage.

It also further increases the difficulty of the leader's advance infantry operations. It is definitely not an easy task to pull out all the Japanese rats scurrying around in this maze and destroy them.


"Company commander, be careful!"

He was just walking through a traffic ditch intersection with his front legs bent. Alsim, who was holding the AK tightly in his hand, had not had time to turn around when he heard a familiar ghost scream coming from the fork on the right.

At the timely reminder of the soldier behind him, Alsim suddenly crouched down and barely escaped the bayonet directed at his face. He grabbed the gun that the Japanese had thrust out with great force and had no time to retract.

The entire right arm suddenly exerted force and exploded with astonishing power, directly knocking the Japanese man and gun to the ground, who was holding the Sanba Gai in both hands.

Bang bang bang——

The Japanese who was knocked to the ground didn't even have time to get up. Alsim raised his free left hand and pulled out the pistol from his chest strap. He had already kicked the Japanese's head with his right foot and held the gun against him with his left hand. The Japanese's neck was crouched down, and after three consecutive shots, only gun smoke mixed with the smell of blood was left floating in front of him.

"Are you okay? You're not hurt."

"It's okay, but we can't go on like this. These Japanese devils are biting here and there with hammers and sticks, and they don't care about their lives. Even if they cost us ten, we will lose one!"

Alsim's agility and physical skills were superb. Even if he was attacked by the Japanese at close range, he could dodge and dodge from defense to attack, defeating the enemy with one move and killing him.

But not everyone has this ability. There is only one Alsim in such a large leading army, and only this one person can be praised as a "Slavic superman" by his comrade, the army commander.

If the person who had just faced this situation was not Alsim, but someone else, it was really not certain whether the person lying on the ground was a Japanese or a Red Army soldier, or two corpses lying together.

Not wanting a huge number of lunatics to continue causing meaningless casualties, Alsim's words were recognized by Sulovechenko who followed closely and asked if his good brother was okay.

Just as he was thinking about countermeasures and what to do, he saw a combat engineer soldier rushing towards him from the trench he had just walked behind.

"Comrade Company Commander! Following the order from Comrade Division Commander, we are required to retreat tactically immediately! Artillery bombardment will begin immediately. Comrade Division Commander ordered us to attack after the bombardment is over!"

"Got it! Everyone is here, withdraw!"

Malashenko once said this.

If you feel that the enemy's resistance is still very tenacious, then there is at least a 90% chance that your firepower is not strong enough.

Substituting the equivalent word "Nautilus" for "Japanese Army" in the famous quote from the Army Commander, Kulbalov made a prompt decision when he saw that the infantry advance was blocked.

Covered with heavy firepower comparable to aviation bombing, these Japanese soldiers who are crazy and seeking death will be screened again to see how many Tianling Gai the Japanese have left to fight against the Red Army mace.

The leader's infantry, which had an absolute advantage in small-arms firepower, withdrew very quickly. The Japanese infantry, which was beaten to death by the hail of bullets, was not even qualified to rush up and entangle them.

The reason why we were able to cause certain casualties to the leader's infantry just now was because the leader's infantry was in a state of offensive advancement.

As long as we move forward, we will inevitably encounter crazy Japanese soldiers who will suddenly come out of nowhere in the unexplored and complex terrain.

But now the infantry of the leader's army is retreating, and they are moving to the safe areas that have been captured.

Without the advantage of ambush, the Japanese soldiers who rushed up were just looking for death, and they could only watch the enemy retreat like a tide.

"Your Excellency, Division Commander! You see, your tactics worked! The Russian infantry began to retreat!!! On board!!!"

The Japanese chief of staff, who saw the changes in the battle situation through the telescope, was overjoyed and couldn't help but express his excitement.

But he saw the division commander beside him, who was also holding a telescope, frowning and saying nothing. His mind was racing for a moment and then he immediately shouted that something was wrong.

"No! The Russians are going to fire! Get the troops out quickly!!!"

The response of the Japanese Lieutenant General's division commander was indeed timely, even quite fast.

Unexpectedly, the infantry of the leader army, which had an overwhelming firepower advantage and showed no entanglement, retreated faster.

Before the division commander's order, which was shouting something bad, could be conveyed and translated into actual actions, the overwhelming roar of 310mm rockets had once again swept in from a very close distance in front of the formation.

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