Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 3075 Artillery fire and annihilation

The Japanese no longer carried out useless pig-like attacks, but changed their tactics to scurry around like headless mice in the geotechnical tunnels and bunkers on the position.

This tactic of avoiding being hit by direct firepower as much as possible and limiting the use of the Red Army's superior firepower has indeed caused certain troubles for the leader's attacking troops.

It is not enough to directly send tanks to charge deep into the position. Considering the crazy fighting style of the Japanese army, pushing the tanks into the faces of the Japanese infantry will inevitably sustain several times or even ten times the current tank losses.

The Japanese army, which did not care about the lives of the bulky soldiers, only cared about whether they could destroy the tanks. Once the opportunity to destroy the tanks was presented to the Japanese army, various lifeless suicide attacks were inevitable.

But if there is no tank charge, the battle of infantry clearing trenches and earthen bunkers will continue.

The infantry units, which received reduced heavy fire support and were restricted, had to face continuous attacks and ambushes by small groups of Japanese infantry who were everywhere and had been broken into pieces, regardless of casualties.

As a result, the infantry casualties of the leader's attacking force will increase sharply, which is also to be expected.

As long as the leader's attacking troops continue to attack using unchanged tactics, they will inevitably face such a situation. This is an effective tactical adjustment made by the Japanese army based on its existing combat experience.

Therefore, you should never underestimate your opponent at any time. Even the three-digit Kwantung Army division, which is almost an entire Mariana Trench behind the leader's army in terms of overall combat quality and equipment level, will continue to sum up experience and lessons during the battle. And learn and progress.

Without sufficient and effective high-quality technical equipment, the Japanese army had no other choice but to make fuss and work hard at the tactical level.

To be honest, it is quite rare for the Japanese army to be able to come up with such a response under such circumstances, and to increase the casualties of the leader's attacking troops just by tactical adjustments without improving material conditions.

It's just that it's hard to come by, and it's hard to grow a brain.

After all, what the Japanese army has to face is more than just the equipment system of the leader's attack force.

In addition to the mature tactics of "infantry in front, armor holding down the formation", the leader's attack force also has other strengthening methods available. The TOS-1A rocket assault tank that has been driven to the front of the battle line is the solution.

The greatest role that TOS-1A plays in the entire equipment system of the leader army is to convert the long-range direct firepower covered by army-level artillery fire into medium and short-range strikes with relatively reliable accuracy within visual range.

It not only greatly shortens the OODA cycle of artillery operations, but also provides faster artillery strike time sensitivity.

At the same time, in this era where the accuracy of artillery fire is not very good, large-scale heavy artillery fire can easily accidentally damage friendly forces. By striking within visual range, the accuracy of artillery strikes is relatively improved, the error range is reduced, and the probability of accidentally damaging friendly forces due to large-scale firepower coverage is greatly reduced.

To put it simply in down-to-earth terms, what does it mean to mount a bayonet on a cannon? Just drive the TOS-1A into the Japanese army's face and bomb it, that's what it's called.

The fierce firepower that was no less directly covered by the army's first-level field artillery cluster hit quickly. The interval from firing to explosion was even less than 5 seconds. The extremely fast reaction speed of the artillery strike did not leave any time for the Japanese troops to retreat. . x ̸͍̘̳͂͊̂̊̀͊̕͘.̷̹̦̆̆c̶͙͈͚̽̄̈̎̒͜ó̶̧̧̝̳̠͇͕̺̲̹̔̈́ ́՝͝m̷̗͓̽̂̌̋̌̌

Alsim, who had just broken away from contact with the Japanese army and retreated with the combat engineers under his command, had not had time to turn into the artillery hole, and felt as if his back was kicked by a donkey. of.

The strong back push almost made Alsim, who was strong and stout, almost unsteady. He barely managed to throw himself to the ground on the spot. He grabbed the trench wall next to him and was able to stabilize his body and enter the Japanese army. In the bombproof cave left behind.

Seeing this, Sulovechenko quickly came up to support Alsim and asked questions. .

"Hey, are you okay?"

"Fortunately, the artillery fire strikes really fast. Those Japanese devils are definitely doomed now."

The primary purpose of the artillery strike with such a quick response and such a short OODA cycle was of course to prevent the Japanese troops who might have noticed something was wrong from escaping.

For the current Japanese army, there is no need to think about flexible positional defensive operations, such as the kind of flexible positional defense operations that estimate that the opponent's artillery fire is coming, quickly retreat to avoid the artillery fire, and then rush forward to continue fighting after the artillery fire is over.

In front of the TOS-1A, the OODA cycle is already so fast that it is unmatched, and the rounding is directly comparable to the bayonet on the military-level field artillery group.

The Japanese army, which had no chance to retreat, was left with the final result of being covered in ferocity on the battlefield where they had just fought the infantry of the leader's army.

Any battlefield comparison is relative and is constantly changing dynamically.

If we look at the current situation in which the Japanese army has been bombed with corpses flying all over the sky, it is not wrong to say that this is the advance infantry of the leader's attack force, luring the Japanese infantry out of their holes so that they can carry out devastating artillery fire attacks. It’s not impossible.

The entire battlefield situation was once again reversed instantly by the ruthless destruction.

At this moment, there is no tactical adjustment by the Japanese army to force the leader army to pay a greater price for the attack. The absolutely overwhelming firepower will make any tactical adjustment pale and feeble, at least for the current Japanese army.

"It's over. The Kondo Alliance can no longer withdraw. Prepare to reorganize the defense after the artillery fire coverage area."

The ashen-faced Japanese lieutenant general's division commander no longer had any hope for the position that was currently being covered by devastating artillery fire and had not yet been substantially occupied by the leader's army.

There was no order to continue sending troops to garrison after the artillery fire ended, and they directly chose to abandon the position in this area, retreat and reorganize their defenses.

"Your Excellency, Division Commander, this"

The chief of staff was shocked when he heard this and his eyes widened, almost in disbelief. The division commander's low voice continued to speak.

"I know you want to send reinforcements immediately after the artillery fire ends to compete with the Russians for control of the position, but that will not serve any purpose except increasing casualties."

"The reason why we were able to delay the Russian offensive just now and cause the Russians to suffer greater casualties is because our troop deployment was carefully prepared, and all the teams and units involved in the battle were where they should be. Position, you can attack as advantageously as possible.”

"But now, look what the situation is now."

"The reinforcements can only enter from one main direction. The position covered by such heavy artillery fire has been virtually destroyed. There will be no favorable terrain, and there will be concentrated fire from the Russians in one direction. You know The consequences of massing a large force in front of the Russians, isn't it?"

"Let the sacrifices of the soldiers be more meaningful! We can no longer afford such huge and useless casualties."


The chief of staff, who was speechless by the division commander, had a face full of unwillingness, sorrow and anger, but he also understood the truth and was even more helpless.

This feeling of powerlessness that penetrates deep into the soul is far more deadly than the Russian artillery fire, almost destroying the whole person's will and tearing it to pieces.

The chief of staff felt his whole body trembling and couldn't help but let out a lamentation.

"Why? Why is the gap between us and the Russians so big? Why on earth is this!?"

Let’s do a little popular science to make it easier for brothers to understand and read.

The artillery OODA cycle is a military term that refers to the entire artillery combat strike process from reconnaissance to artillery firing, to target destruction and to confirmation of damage effects.

Generally speaking, the shorter the OODA loop is in most cases, the better. The shorter it is, the higher the efficiency of artillery operations. This chapter is a specific battlefield example.

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