Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 3079 Heavy Tank Battle Bunker

A total of five IS7 heavy tanks aimed and fired at the same time. The huge 130mm full-caliber semi-armor-piercing projectiles roared out of the muzzle brake, hitting consecutive hits in a very short period of time, and penetrated the concrete outer wall one after another.

The Japanese troops guarding the bunker were still loading shells for the huge and heavy 150mm heavy artillery. The time-consuming and laborious manual loading greatly slowed down the progress.

As a result, five consecutive semi-armor-piercing rounds penetrated the concrete outer wall from all angles and blasted in. The Japanese soldiers in the bunker were still holding projectiles and propellant cartridges and were frightened and confused.




A Japanese soldier standing close to the wall was unable to dodge, and was directly hit in the upper torso by a semi-armor-piercing projectile that broke through the wall.

The huge kinetic energy cut the Japanese soldier into two pieces on the spot, leaving blood and flesh scattered all over the wall. He also fell heavily to the ground and let out a piercing and pitiful wail.

The Japanese soldiers who were luckier were not killed on the spot, but it was only temporary.

The semi-armor-piercing projectile that penetrated the concrete outer wall successfully triggered the warhead delay fuse, and exploded in a short time under the adjusted shortened delay.

In order to avenge the destruction of our own IS7, the huge power of the explosion of five semi-armor-piercing rounds directly blew the roof of the Japanese bunker into countless pieces, and the stronger concrete outer wall was also damaged. .

How could the bunker, which had been half destroyed by a 500 kilogram aerial bomb, withstand such destruction? The walls collapsed and the room collapsed until the entire building collapsed.

No matter how many pieces of Japanese artillery and Japanese soldiers had been blown into pieces, they were all completely buried in the falling construction debris.

"Done, solved! Move on!"

With the experience and lessons learned from this sneak attack, the leader's attack force became more cautious in guarding against the resurgence of Japanese firepower.

When encountering a Japanese firepower point that seems to be not dead yet and may suddenly resurrect, there is no need to waste ammunition. Load semi-armor-piercing bullets and aim at the bunker to fire two rounds first.

At the same time, the remaining Japanese artillery pieces still hiding in bunkers and fortification bunkers began to make a last-ditch effort.

Realizing that the 105mm armor-piercing projectile was useless when fired, Chunchun listened to the sound, and was inspired by the 150mm grenade that destroyed the IS7 from the front. Now even the Japanese 105mm howitzer has begun to load grenades and fire at the IS7.

The scene suddenly became extremely violent. The Japanese army, which was unable to retreat, relied on the heavy artillery in hand and the cover of fortifications to directly engage in an artillery battle with the heavy tank troops of the leader's army who were attacking from the front.

On one side are high-explosive grenades, on the other are semi-armor-piercing grenades.

The two sides went back and forth and fired at each other for a long time. The muzzle velocity of the Japanese howitzers was slow, and the trajectory curvature accuracy was poor. They were not designed for direct aim and level shooting, and were not equipped with special level shooting sights. How accurate they could be depended on. Many shortcomings in the gun crew's technology and feel were exposed one after another. ˜”*°•.˜˜.•°*”˜

Large-caliber grenades can indeed cause effective damage to IS7, but only if they hit the target.

It was the first time that the Japanese army's technical level was shooting at a tank target. The technical level of the Japanese army was not to the level of super performance. The grenades that were fired continuously had a direct hit rate of 50% in the 500-meter range, which was considered good.

On the other hand, the leader's IS7 heavy tank is not only equipped with a 130mm main gun with high penetration, excellent ballistic performance, high muzzle velocity, and large damage aftereffects, but it is also designed for direct-aimed shooting and is equipped with Specialized flat-fire optical sight.

Against those Japanese bunker fortifications that were as motionless as bastards, coupled with the elite IS7 crews of the Leaders Army who fought at least the second half of the Great Patriotic War, the hit rate was as high as over 90%.

There is another point that is even more fatal to the Japanese army - the reloading speed is too slow. Compared with the IS7, it is even more unacceptably slow.

The firing rate of the IS7, which uses a semi-automatic loader and dual loaders, is stable at an average of 10 seconds, and the first few rounds with the fastest firing rate can even reach 8 seconds.

The 150mm heavy artillery that poses the greatest threat to IS7 on the Japanese side does not have mechanical loading assistance. It is also restricted in the narrow bunker and has limited space for the loader. The loading efficiency is further reduced compared with field artillery position conditions.

A 150mm grenade goes from loading the projectile to stuffing it into the cartridge and then closing the breech until the gunner completes the final precise aiming and firing.

The entire tedious process took less than 30 seconds to complete. This was already the fastest rate of fire that the bow-legged Japanese artillerymen could produce with all their strength.

As the battle continues and reloading continues, the reloading speed will become slower due to the decreasing physical consumption, and the time interval between firing will be further lengthened.

This also means that the time for the Japanese army to fire one shot is enough for an IS7 heavy tank to fire three shots in a row, and this does not take into account the numerical advantage of the leader's heavy tank troops.

Not only IS7 heavy tanks were firing on the battlefield, but more IS6 heavy tanks that followed also joined the battle.

As the 122 heirloom of the army artillery, there is no naval semi-armor-piercing projectile like the 130 naval gun available.

Fortunately, it is not impossible to use conventional armor-piercing shells to deal with the Japanese concrete bastard shells.

At most, the warhead charge is a little less than the semi-armor-piercing projectile of the IS7. If the target is a relatively spacious indoor space, it may result in insufficient after-effects of killing, and it will not be able to blow up the entire bunker in one shot like the IS7. "spectacular special effects".

But if you want to kill the Japanese troops in the bunker with one shot and literally eliminate their combat effectiveness, the armor-piercing ammunition fired by the 122 gun is obviously enough to do the job.

The Japanese army, who was looking for trouble, really caused big trouble for themselves. They saw that no matter how hard they tried and how desperate they were, the Russian tanks on the opposite side continued to increase unabated and hit more and more tanks.

Especially in the face of the high penetration and high damage effects of the heavy tank firepower of the leader's army on the fortification bunkers, the Japanese army itself, which failed to destroy many tanks, suffered huge casualties, which increased linearly.

The concrete fortifications that they hoped could block the direct fire of Russian tank guns were ineffective, and the Japanese army, which seriously underestimated the destructive power of the Red Army tanks on the fortifications, regretted it now.

"Keep fighting! Knock off all those cement turtle shells and focus your fire!"

No matter whether there are still alive or dead in the Japanese bunker, the heavy tank troops of the Leader Army, which are tired of various resurrection firepower points, will use absolute heavy artillery to destroy them, without blowing off the roof of the Japanese bunker and collapsing the walls. Won't stop until now.

Especially under the leadership of Kulbalov, who personally led the team into the battle, the leader's attack force, which received a huge increase in morale, became more and more fierce as the war progressed.

The heavy tank troops holding down the formation kept bombarding the Japanese fortifications. The infantry troops charging forward, with the support of infantry fighting vehicles, accelerated the clearing of enemy infantry.

"Quick! Follow me! This way!"

Calling his soldiers to speed up the attack, Alsim took the lead, holding the AK in his hand, and was the first to rush to the corner of the trench. He lay on the trench wall and poked his head out, immediately raising his telescope.

"Found it! This is the place, you can't go wrong!"

Sorry guys, I went to a party to drink on Friday, so the update is late. I'll work overtime to make the second update.

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