Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 3080 1 smoke bomb, 3 IS7s come to meet

The "feng shui treasure place" that Alsim spotted at a glance was definitely not simple. It was a half-buried concrete bunker with various communication antennas and crisscrossed wires.

The straight-line distance from Alsim's current location is less than 200 meters.

Specifically located in the core area of ​​the fortification bunker group, it should have been protected by a large number of heavy firepower and high-protection bunkers.

But that is already in the past, as for the present.

The various heavy firepower bunkers that originally stood around it have been destroyed one after another under the violent bombardment of the leader's heavy tanks. They were either blown into a pile of construction debris, or even the ruins of the construction debris pile were not left.

This means that the enemy's biggest defensive fire threat has been eliminated. Alsim does not want to charge with direct fire from large-caliber heavy artillery. An accidental shot may wipe out the entire squad or platoon in an instant.

"Are you sure? There is nothing wrong with that place?"

"I don't know. How about you go in and ask the Japanese? Ask them if your division commander and those generals are here."

"Fuck you Sokka."

Although he was speaking seriously, he was struck by Alsim's sarcastic attitude. Sulovechenko rolled his eyes in anger and directly retorted, but then he heard Alsim's words and he spoke again.

"Whether we have to fight or not, looking at this posture, I guess there must be at least a headquarters for the fortification group. There is no reason for such a strong fortification area not to have a high-level headquarters. I still don't believe those Japanese devils have set up so many antennas. It’s for broadcasting.”

Alsim's words made sense through a visual analysis of the characteristics of the target. At this point in the battle, it was estimated that the Japanese army's headquarters would not be located in any other hellish place. Sulovechenko immediately nodded.

"Okay, gather the comrades and get ready for action! I'm going to call the infantry fighting vehicle. We need some continuous fire and heavy fire cover to attack a place like this."

Most of the Japanese bunkers housing heavy artillery were destroyed, leaving construction debris and ruins on the ground, but there are still many small bunkers and fortification bunkers left.

There are no obvious heavy artillery in these places, so they are not the priority target for heavy tank troops to concentrate fire on high-threat targets. However, the possibility of Japanese machine gun firepower points cannot be ruled out.

You don't need very good equipment to deal with the Japanese machine guns with high performance. Alsim, who has gained experience, knows that to deal with those scraps of metal, the 25mm machine gun and coaxial machine gun on the infantry tank will suffice. Totally enough.

Alsim gathered troops to prepare for the assault, and Sulovechenko, who went to call for support, quickly returned with an infantry fighting vehicle.

Sulovechenko, who was lying on his back, moved quickly and covertly in the trench. The infantry fighting vehicles that followed him withdrew all kinds of light firepower from the Japanese army from time to time, flying and clanging with ricochet. The loud Mars advanced simultaneously outside the trench, and soon drove to the position designated by Sulovechenko and began to work.

Dong dong dong dong dong——

The 25mm machine gun, which has a slow rate of fire and is steady and powerful, spits out a barrage of red tracer barrages. The primary target is the firing hole in the half-buried fortification where the machine gun fire was ringing just now.

As soon as the artillery fire from the infantry fighting vehicle was heard, the small arms firepower of other surrounding Japanese troops was also instantly attracted.

Regardless of whether the broken gun in his hand is effective or not, at least the infantry fighting vehicle with its loud voice has attracted the attention of most enemies in the nearby area in another position. Even if the Japanese infantry cannot attack this thing You also have to be careful and guard against it.

Seeing that the tactical objective had been achieved, not only had the Japanese army's machine gun fire been suppressed, but their attention had also been drawn away. Alsim, who thought the time had come, immediately raised his big hand and gave an order.

"Come on! Charge with me!"

The combat engineer detachment wearing plate armor immediately raised up all kinds of weapons in their hands and launched a charge, constantly shifting positions and moving among various planned nodes along the way, such as vehicle wreckage, foxholes, bomb craters and trenches. Change positions, alternate covering and move forward quickly.

"Russians! Russians are coming!"

"Damn it!"

More than half of the 200-meter advance distance had been covered, and Alsim, who was about to get into the face of the Japanese, heard a shout and cursed in a low voice.

Although I don't understand what the weird screams from the Japanese's mouth mean, I also know that it is definitely not a good thing to scare the enemy and scream at this time. It means that the limited time for the infantry fighting vehicle to suppress the enemy and attract attention is over. .

"Shoot! Target the Russian infantry and destroy them!"

Da da da da——

Crack, crackle, squeak, squeak—

A series of sharp screams and ricocheting sounds of projectiles rang in my ears, and I took advantage of the terrain to hide behind the ruins of a Japanese military fortification and hide on the spot.

After exchanging glances with Sulovechenko who was not far away for final confirmation, Alsim held his breath and concentrated on holding the AK in his hand. He seized the enemy's shooting gap and immediately rushed out and headed straight for the trenches of the last stretch.

"Covering fire!!!"

As soon as Alsim moved, Sulovechenko, who was also holding the steel gun tightly, immediately roared, and together with the attacking soldiers around him, he immediately leaned out, raised his gun and fired.

Da da da da——

The team composed of AK, SVT40 and RPD came with intensive small arms fire. It started with a semi-automatic high-speed dense rain of bullets, and the fire suppression was completed almost instantly.

Several Japanese soldiers who leaned out from the trenches and took aim with their hands holding up the 38-meter cover were unable to dodge. They were hit by bullets ranging from a few to more than a dozen bullets on the spot. Their brains were split and they fell convulsingly.

The remaining Japanese troops also reacted quickly. Knowing that they were outgunned, they hurriedly concealed their bodies and put their heads back.

Even though the Russian bullets were whistling high above his head, he could still hold his nerve and wait for a gap in enemy fire before looking for a fighter plane.

But it was just this time that Sulovechenko led his men to fight and the Japanese soldiers quickly crouched down and took cover for a few seconds.

Alsim, who sprinted forward in the trench, already holding a unique can-shaped grenade in his hand, rushed to the final distance of less than 50 meters from the Japanese army.

Going further past the corner of the trench was the area where the Japanese troops were guarding. Alsim, who didn't know how many Japanese soldiers were hiding there, was not interested in knowing. It would be best to give these Japanese soldiers some hard food and take them away in a wave. Best choice.

"Let's see how lucky you are, whether you get 130 millimeters or 122 millimeters, then!"

Alsim pulled open the tab of the smoke grenade in his hand, released the safety, and threw it forward with great strength.

The canister-shaped smoke grenade, which was heavier than ordinary grenades, was thrown by Alsim with one hand in a parabolic trajectory with a straight-line distance of nearly 50 meters in the trench where it was inconvenient to exert force and unable to round his arms.

The Japanese soldiers, who were still dodging bullets with their backs to the trenches, looked confused. They looked at the smoke bombs that were accurately thrown in at their feet, puffing smoke and spinning, completely unaware of what horror would happen next.

"It's a smoke signal, comrade division commander! The infantry is requesting fire support!"

"I saw it, it's the direction of the Japanese bunkers! Please confirm, load the high-explosive bombs and get ready to shoot!"

After giving the order to his crew, Kulbalov still felt it was not enough. The concrete turtle shell of the Japanese army was a bit hard and the firepower needed to be increased. Then he issued additional orders on the radio channel.

"Cars 103 and 104! Come here too and fire at the signal marking area together! Remember to ensure shooting accuracy and avoid accidental damage!"

"103 understand!"

"104 received, reload high-explosive bombs!"

After waiting for a long time, brothers, the second update is in place. Corgi has gone to rest. Brothers who are not asleep yet, please rest quickly.

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