Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 3081 There is no blade, only cannonballs

The smoke bomb Alsim threw was not to block the Japanese army's view.

If the Japanese army could communicate more with those German troops who had fought against the Leader Army and the Leader Division, the predecessor of the Leader Army.

Then you will definitely know how terrifying it is to encounter the leader's infantry on the battlefield and throw smoke bombs at your own feet.

The smoke indicator mine thrown by Alsim had an effect, and fire support led by the division commander Comrade Kulbalov responded immediately.

The three IS7s drove the heavy but fast-rotating turrets, quickly pointed the huge 130mm main gun at the target, and fired three 130mm full-caliber high-explosive grenades with less than 3 seconds of continuous fire.

"The Russians are about to charge! Prepare to attack, attack!"

On the other hand, at the same time, the Japanese army had some misunderstandings about the function of the smoke bomb under their feet.

The panicked Japanese army mistakenly believed that this was a precursor to the Russians' imminent infantry charge. They believed that the enemy was throwing smoke bombs to obscure their vision and block firepower to launch an attack.

Based on wrong judgment, the Japanese army eventually took wrong actions.

"Fix bayonets!!!"

A group of Japanese soldiers not only refused to retreat under the smoke shroud, but also took out their swords from their scabbards at the command of the leading captain, put their bayonets on the heads of their 38-type caps and 99-type rifles, and put on a desperate posture. They have to fight to the death with the Russian infantry who are about to rush into the smoke.

"Quick! Get into position and prepare for battle! Attack, attack!!!"

He called to more infantrymen behind him who came to support him and quickly entered the fighting position, fixed his bayonet and prepared to face the enemy in hand-to-hand combat.

The busy Japanese captain was even a little happy, thinking that he had been looking forward to the opportunity of hand-to-hand combat, which the imperial warriors were best at. We must make these ignorant Russians bow down before the sharp blade of the imperial warriors.

As soon as the Russians rush over, the sharp blades of the Imperial Warriors will immediately burst out of the smoke, making these Russians splash with blood and know how powerful they are.

The final result was that the density of Japanese troops in the area shrouded in smoke increased instead of decreasing.

A large number of Japanese troops were ready for hand-to-hand combat with their rifles equipped with bayonets. In order to ensure that their combat effectiveness was not affected as much as possible, they even took out a gas mask from the canvas bag they carried and put it on their heads. Ready to start drying.

However, what broke through the smoke was not the huge amount of Russian infantry as expected, but Russian heavy artillery shells bigger than the head.



Three rounds of 130mm high-explosive grenades hit the edge of the Japanese trenches and exploded almost at the same time. One of them even penetrated the edge of the trench soil directly, poured into the trench and detonated.

The huge explosion shock wave instantly blew away the command smoke that had just spread, and what could be seen was a large number of broken limbs, broken arms, and pieces of flesh and blood of the Japanese soldiers that were lifted into the air.

The IS7 main gun, which is equivalent to the bombardment power of a destroyer's naval gun, is absolutely powerful, far superior to the 122 Heirloom of the Red Army's heavy tank force.

When the trenches were destroyed and flesh and blood was stripped away, the Russian infantry failed to bow to the sharp blade. On the contrary, the large number of our own soldiers who were swarming and waiting for bayonets were conquered by the Russian heavy artillery.

The miscalculated Japanese army finally realized what was going on, but they could not wait for a chance to recover.

The surviving Japanese soldiers' heads were still buzzing, and their whole bodies were as soft as a puddle of boneless mud. They could not even stand firm, so they had to hold on to the trench wall and rely on the rifles with bayonets in their hands. The crutches supported the body, and it was in such a bad situation that a more terrifying nightmare came.

Da da da da——


The sound of continuous fire from Kalashnikov's power suddenly started, and the Japanese soldier who was hit by the 62 intermediate bullet and his chest was bleeding, twitched and fell to the ground.

With his eyes wide open, he didn't even see who killed him until he died, but he saw the Japanese captain beside him who witnessed this scene immediately screamed in surprise.

"Russians, Russians are coming! Meet the enemy! Meet -"


With his mouth half-opened and before he could even finish his words, Alsim sped up and jumped into the trench. With great inertia, he straightened up the bayonet of the AK gun and cut off the Japanese captain's neck with a single stroke. .



Looking at the Japanese captain who was speechless and just kept "haha", he covered his neck and fell to the ground in pain. He would lose consciousness and die here in ten seconds at most.

Alsim, who was still bleeding from the tip of the knife, swung his backhand, held the AK upright again, raised his left hand and swung forward, leading the soldiers following him straight away.

"That's enough. No need for additional fire support. Our people have already rushed forward to avoid accidental damage from artillery fire."



Giving orders to the other two vehicles that were providing fire support at the same time, Kulbalov, who saw Alsim personally leading the team into the smoke, ordered to stop.

Instead, he turned his guns around, personally led the team, and re-engaged in the offensive operations on the frontal battlefield, continuing to pursue and annihilate the few remaining bunkers of the Japanese army with direct fire.

"Don't let those Russians come at you! Fire to stop them! Fire quickly!"

The Japanese major who stood in front of him led another group of Japanese soldiers and refused to retreat. He waved his command knife desperately and asked the soldiers to fight to the end at the top of his lungs.

What surprised Alsim was that the firepower of this group of Japanese troops who suddenly came up to support was obviously different from other Japanese troops.

The sound of a single bolt-action rifle was greatly reduced, and was replaced by a sudden increase in intensive automatic firepower.

The sound of the gunfire sounded quite rapid, and the continuous sound of multiple gunshots fired at the same time was like the non-stop crackling of a high-speed typewriter.

Compared with the German MG42, which fires so fast that the specific gunshot is not heard, there is obviously still a gap.

But compared to the sound of crooked handles and Type 92 gunfire that Alsim was already familiar with, the sound of this firing was obviously different. It was crisper and the rate of fire was faster and more intensive.

"Be careful! The enemy has many automatic weapons, probably submachine guns. Prepare grenades! The machine gunners are ready to break through!"

The combat engineers themselves were heavy infantry units that relied on firepower. Alsim, who was very aware of the lethality efficiency of automatic firepower, did not intend to charge head-on.

Instead, they took full advantage of the combat engineers' ability to carry various types of explosives with them, displayed more than a dozen grenades at the same time, and personally led the soldiers to throw them in the direction of the Japanese gunshots from the opposite side.

Boom boom boom boom——

A wave of grenades covered the area, followed by a charge. The machine gunner who received Alsim's order was the first to step out. He held the RPD light machine gun in his arms without aiming at the shoulder and fired directly from the waist. He continued to hit and charge all the way forward. .

There is no doubt that the RPD's firepower is sustainable with a bullet chain containing 100 rounds of bullets. The Japanese troops who dared not show their heads in the face of the bullets in the trenches and the barrage were directly suppressed.

Alsim, who took this opportunity to lead the team himself and followed closely, was not idle either.

The machine gunners charged forward to clear the way, and Alsim led the remaining soldiers to follow behind. At the same time, he continued to throw various explosives for "human bombing", and this time it was not just grenades.

More updates today, brothers. I have finished my work at home. The second update will have more words. I will speed up the code and release the first update for everyone to read first.

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