Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 3082 The game is over, the hunter wins

The engineer explosive using a pull-type fuse is shaped like a brick. The square and long strip is not easy to throw. It is an excellent weapon for combat engineer troops to break through doors and walls.

But even if it is inconvenient to throw, there is a minimum throwing distance. At the moment, the Japanese army is no more than twenty meters away, and the maximum distance is thirty meters.

Even if these Slavic men of the Combat Engineer Corps throw it casually, they can throw this block of high explosives with a blast yield far more than ten times that of conventional grenades into the faces of the Japanese.

"Be careful! Lie down!!!"

Although it does not contain prefabricated fragments, the explosive charge is too large and the single explosion yield is more than ten times greater than that of a grenade. It is really something that cannot be underestimated.

It was only twenty or thirty meters away from the face of the Japanese army. Even if the engineer explosives were thrown into the trench at the feet of the Japanese, if no evasive action was taken, it would still be very likely that the thrower himself would be injured and killed.

Alsim, who knew how powerful the gadget in his hand was, roared, and all the combat engineers in the attacking team, including the machine gunners who continued to apply suppressive fire on the Japanese army, fell down almost at the same time.

The engineer explosives with burning fuses were thrown into the faces of the Japanese soldiers.

Apart from anything else, it is a square piece of shaped explosive, and its weight alone is already very reliable.

It hit the Japanese soldier's face head-on and before it exploded, it hit a Japanese soldier who was changing the magazine of something he was doing, causing his nose to bleed and his face to bloom.

"No! It's explosive! Get out of the way!!!"

The reaction speed of the Japanese soldiers, who were not stupid, was perfect. They knew that what the Russians threw at this time would not be good. While shouting and screaming, they were already flying out and doing all the evasive actions they could.

But doing it doesn't mean you can definitely avoid it. Why use a whole block of engineer explosives instead of continuing to use grenades? Alsim's purpose was to give these Japanese devils no place to escape.

With those two bow legs, it was impossible to escape from the explosive's killing radius before the explosion.


"Sokka! There was too much movement! How many did you throw just now!?"

It felt like all the bones and flesh in his body were shaken by the strong vibrations transmitted from the ground, and he was still frightened.

Sulovchenko, who was lying next to Alsim and making concealed movements, asked, but the answer was just a casual remark from Alsim.

"Not many, just three including me."

"Three!? The explosive yield of that thing is greater than that of a 100mm grenade. You just throw three of them!?"

Sulovechenko, who was stunned by Alsim's answer, was helpless and speechless. He had nothing to say except subconscious rhetorical questions.

The movement is indeed a bit louder, and the risk factor is relatively high, but the effect is also great.

The final result of the three pieces of engineering explosives exploding at the same time was that no Japanese soldier within a radius of 20 meters could stand upright. Even outside a radius of 20 meters, only those lying down, alive and dead were left. Unknown.

It is true that it does not contain prefabricated fragments, but the amount of medicine is too large.

It was so large that even if it did not rely on fragmentation, it could still blast the Japanese troops who were rushing to meet the enemy and were stationed relatively densely before they had time to disperse, literally "everywhere".

There was an arm on the east, a leg on the west, and even on the edge of the trench in front of Alsim, there was a smoking and deformed Japanese helmet, with half-burned Japanese Tianling Gai mixed with brains inside.

"We'll wait until we clean up the battlefield. Follow me now! Attack!"

Alsim, who just glanced at it casually, did not hesitate and immediately led the team into action again.

Stepping on the smoking Japanese corpses and various broken limbs under his feet, Alsim, knowing that all the Japanese soldiers must not have been killed, did not relax his vigilance at all. He rushed to the front of the team, holding the steel gun tightly, and being alert to the surroundings. Sure enough, in In a matter of seconds, the "thing" I expected came to me.

"What a black card! Onboard!!!"

A Japanese monster who had been bombed with blood all over his face, but whose ability to move did not seem to be affected, shouted and raised his gun to attack.

Alsim, who had no surprise on his face, raised his hand to block it. He grabbed the front end of the gun that was coming from the Japanese soldier's hand and held it tightly. He grasped the part of the gun head where the bayonet handle was installed and grabbed the blade with his bare hands. He directly controlled it. Use cold weapons that the enemy has not yet hit.

! ?

The daring and ferocious expression on his face just now disappeared without a trace in an instant, and was replaced by a look of shock and disbelief on his face.

But Alsim will not give the enemy any chance, even the chance of shock will not be more than half an inch, it will only be fleeting.


The left hand holds the white blade, and the right hand holds the sword.

The moment he was attacked, Alsim let go of the AK and let the gun belt hang between his arms. He struck out with a strike. He held the unsheathed hunting knife tightly in his right hand in an ice pick style, and moved directly from left to right, It stabbed horizontally into the Japanese soldier's neck.

Without waiting for the enemy who had his neck stabbed horizontally in front of him to react, Alsim grabbed the handle of the knife and pulled it into his arms, dragging the Japanese soldier who had lost control of his body to the ground on the spot.

As the corpse fell forward, Alsim stepped sideways, pulled out the knife and pulled out the flesh. Alsim, who had still not let go of his left hand that had seized the white blade, took over control of the gun with the bayonet in the hand of the Japanese soldier.

From grabbing the blade with bare hands, to blocking and counterattacking to defeat the enemy with one move, to finally disarming him and looking at the enemy's corpse at his feet.

The whole process takes no more than 3 seconds, and it can indeed be said to be "fleeting" in a blink of an eye.

"That's it. I guessed it right. It's a Japanese submachine gun."

How could anyone be so weird as to put a bayonet on a submachine gun?

Hey, don’t tell me, it’s true.

This is what Alsim is holding in his hand.

The weapon that has been disarmed by grabbing the blade with bare hands is conveniently weighed and held upright.

After checking it up and down, he found that there was nothing unusual about this thing. It was just shoddy and lackluster. Alsim, who lost interest in the Japanese army's mysterious new gun, threw it away.

"Are the Japanese brains crazy? These stupid pigs actually add bayonets to their submachine guns?"

Sulovechenko, who steadily took the weapon thrown by Alsim, leaned against the trench and briefly studied it twice, was also puzzled.

The submachine gun in front of you is nothing new. Its overall shape is similar to the MP18\\28 submachine gun that was still partially used by the Germans in World War II.

The same horizontal in-line magazine, but the magazine is curved.

The same gun body and stock are integrated, and the front part is covered with round hole-shaped barrel heat sinks.

The biggest difference is that the Japanese have a bayonet attached to the bottom of the gun head. Alsim just raised his hand to hold the handle of the bayonet and successfully disarmed the short bayonet submachine gun "with bare hands". .

The short Japanese submachine gunner looked like he had dwarfism or something like that in front of Alsim just by looking at his body shape. The gap in close combat physical skills and body skills was even greater.

Expecting to use this thing to compete with Alsim, Sulovechenko felt that he was asking for death, and of course the result was exactly that.

"Continue when you've seen enough. The Japs' rags are no big deal. Comrade Kalashnikov can still stay at the top!"

After seeing the broken guns of the Japanese army, he became more confident in the AK in his hand. Without any hesitation, Alsim immediately led the soldiers to continue the attack. Sulovechenko, who casually threw away the Japanese devils' strange and broken guns, followed suit. Lift your legs to follow.

At the same time, on the other side, in front of the Japanese army, there were many antennas and various wires hanging criss-crossed, looking like a spider web in a half-buried bunker.

Scenes of quarrels were taking place at the same time.

"What are you doing!? Let me go! It is my bounden duty to defend His Majesty the Emperor's territory. Do you want me to be a runaway general who abandons his soldiers and positions!?"

"Your Excellency, Division Commander! Please evacuate immediately! The Russian commandos are already coming here. Major Nakamura has just led his team to stop them, but they probably won't be able to resist for a while. Please retreat to a safe area before taking command. ! Time is precious, please!”

"No retreat! I will never be a coward who abandons soldiers and positions! Even with the sword given by the Emperor in my hand, I will fulfill my duty until the last moment!"

A sword is a sword, and a sword is a sword.

In Japan, there is no distinction between swords. The katana with a gold-coated sharkskin sheath was held tightly in the hand of the lieutenant general division commander. He spoke sternly while holding this thing in his hand to show his determination.

Seeing that he could not persuade the division commander to persuade him like this, the anxious chief of staff really had no other choice but to resort to the next strategy with a wave of his hand.

"I'm sorry! Your Excellency, division commander."

"What are you going to do!? Baga! Malu Yelang, put me down quickly! Are you trying to defeat me!?"

He was directly sandwiched between two relatively tall guards, one on the left and one on the right. Without saying a word, he directly raised his two arms and lifted them out.

After all, an old man over fifty is no better than a young man.

Although the Japanese Lieutenant General's division commander struggled repeatedly, he was unable to break free from the hands of the two guards who had been ordered by the Chief of Staff.

I couldn't even touch the handle of the imperial samurai sword that I had been holding tightly in my hand. I couldn't even draw the sword out of its sheath, so I could only be carried out of the door with my legs dangling in the air.

"Quick! Escort the division commander to the car and prepare to evacuate!"

The chief of staff, who was still shouting orders to the guards, did not realize at this moment that the fatal murderous intention was coming much faster than he imagined.

The team commanded by Major Nakamura was expected to be able to withstand it for at least a while to buy time.

Now they have been taken away by Alsim's "human flesh bomber", coupled with a variety of fully automatic face-mounted guns, and they have either become various pieces of flesh and blood or turned into warm corpses lying on the ground.

The Russian combat engineers, who had no sense of martial ethics, used engineer explosives that were more than ten times more powerful than ordinary grenades to directly blow up the last line of defense composed of the flesh and blood of the Japanese infantry. The Japanese soldiers were reluctant to use submachine guns until the last moment, blowing up all kinds of people and killing them on the spot.

The Chief of Staff does not know all of the above so far, and will never have the opportunity to know it again.

call out--



The chief of staff paused before he could land in the air, and felt a chill in his chest. He subconsciously lowered his head and looked at his chest.

I saw that a hole the size of a tea cup had appeared in front of me.

The moment it entered the flesh, the ballistic trajectory was unstable and the 62mm warhead rolled laterally, penetrated the bone and smashed the flesh, and shattered the spine, lungs, ribs, and trachea. It was shot from the back and rushed out from the chest, directly to the Japanese Chief of Staff. The skylight opened in his chest instantly.


Feeling that all the strength in his body had been drained away in an instant, the chief of staff fell to the ground face to face and was hit hard. There was no last word he could say except a muffled groan until he died.

Again, he took the SVT-40 semi-automatic rifle borrowed from the team's precision shooter and took away the Japanese chief of staff with one shot using the precise shooting of the 3x PU scope.

Sulovechenko, who saw more things through the scope, handed the gun back and picked up his AK hanging from the gun belt between his arms.

As he stood up and rushed forward, he did not forget to speak to Alsim who was walking beside him.

"Quick! The big bastard you are looking for is right in front, protected by at least a dozen Japanese soldiers and holding a knife with a gold ribbon in his hand. It is definitely a big fish!"

"Golden ribbon!? Interesting, come with me!"

Alsim once heard from the comrade commander that the command sword in the hands of Japanese army officers is not only for command and combat purposes, but once it reaches the rank of a junior officer, especially a general, it becomes a symbol of the holder's status. .

There are almost perverted regulations and requirements for status, and they are meticulous. The Japanese army, shrouded in imperial power, has a lot of rules and regulations just for commanding swords.

The color of the ribbon on the scabbard of the command sword cannot be used however you want. Gold is not only a symbol of imperial power, but also the color of the national emblem that the Japanese pirates of the "Chrysanthemum Kingdom" worship all day long.

As soon as he heard that a big fish on the opposite side was holding a command knife with a gold ribbon in his hand, Alsim's eyes shone immediately and he immediately became energetic. He led the combat engineers under his command to raise their steel guns and rush towards them at an accelerated speed. .

The chief of staff was shot to death. Seeing that he was only ten meters away, the lieutenant general and division commander who was about to be sent into the four-wheeled armored vehicle looked back and was shocked on the spot.

"Meet the enemy! Engage the battle! Your Excellency, Commander of the Protection Division, shoot! Shoot!! Shoot!!!"

The Major, who served as the captain of the guard, realized that a sudden change had occurred, drew his command knife and immediately ordered to meet the enemy.

The dozen or so Japanese soldiers accompanying them immediately turned around and lay down on the spot to take cover. They were holding the 100-type submachine guns in their hands and were about to shoot, but they saw that the Russians on the opposite side were raining bullets first.

Da da da da——



Headshots, chest piercings, necks broken

The Japanese soldiers who hurriedly responded to the battle died in different ways and in different circumstances. Even the major who drew his command sword was hit in the left arm and fell to the ground with blood flowing from his teeth.

The Japanese guards, all armed with submachine guns, did not think about counterattack, but an incredible scene was staged along with the bullets fired.


call out--

Three consecutive submachine gun bullets hit the rushing Russians at different points.

But they saw the big Russian man holding a machine gun in his arms and firing from the waist. He just grinned, sparks flashed on his chest, paused slightly, and then continued to fire, shooting and charging.

The Russian tanks are monsters and cannot be beaten, that's all.

How come the Russian soldiers have become monsters, even if they swallow bullets alive?

Before the stunned Japanese soldiers could realize what was going on, the 62-meter warhead pierced the face and exploded the entire head, spraying all kinds of scarlet and white things all over the ground instantly.

There were more than a dozen Japanese submachine gunners surrounding them who rushed to fight, but they were all knocked down after just one encounter.

Hearing the louder "Ula" charging shouts from behind, Alsim, knowing that the battle was decided, immediately quickened his pace and stepped forward with his gun drawn.

First, there was the Japanese major and guard captain whose arm was broken by a shot.

He held the sword with one hand with his only movable arm, grasped the command knife tightly, bared his teeth and claws, and stumbled towards Alsim with a ferocious expression.


He saw his opponent dancing with one hand and raising his sword above his head. Alsim looked at this short Japanese pirate and looked like a savage.

Alsim, who was unhurried, saw the opportunity and stepped aside. He sprinted forward without stopping, and the AK with the bayonet on the gun head slashed directly across the gun.


The flesh, flesh, and tendons between the third and fourth ribs of the right chest were cut into the chest by Alsim's powerful and heavy forward slash. The right ventricle was severed on the spot, and blood spattered three feet. .

The heavy body fell heavily to the ground, drowning in a pool of his own blood.

Alsim, whose gun tip was stained with blood, continued to rush forward. He raised the AK that had just killed the enemy and raised the gun again to aim. Two three consecutive short bursts aimed at different targets were immediately released.

Da da da--

Da da da--

The lieutenant general's division commander, who was being escorted from left to right, felt his back sink. The next second, the body that fell forward was pressed directly against his back and fell to the ground.

Before he had time to lift up the body and struggle to get up from the ground, his first reaction was to subconsciously grab the command knife that fell to his side, considering this thing to be more important than his own life.

Unexpectedly, a size 47 oversized military boot had arrived first, and a ruthless war foot trampled heavily on the back of his hand, completely giving up the idea of ​​holding the command knife.

The severe pain of rubbing the muscles and breaking the bones made the division commander, who had always been pampered and pampered, couldn't help but scream.

He suddenly raised his head in pain, and saw a scary smile with blood on his face, looking at him with his head lowered and a gun in his hand.

"The game is over, you lose and the hunter wins! You better be honest, you bitch."

I originally planned to encode it to 4K and send it out. I was afraid of being scolded by everyone, so I just thought about it and encoded the climax part in one go. Sorry for the long wait.

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