Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 3086 Miracle will never fail

"Is this the sword of the Japanese Emperor? It is indeed different from the swords I have seen before. It looks more like a work of art on a display stand than a practical weapon.

Malashenko brought the command knife that Alsim handed over with him, and expressed his gratitude to Vatugin. He then presented the knife to complete the task.

Vatutin, who took the object, showed an expression of curiosity that he had never seen before. Just like Malashenko before, he took it in his hand to look at it carefully and played with it for a while. While sheathing the knife, he opened his mouth to ask. Malashenko asked.

"This is a very meaningful trophy. Shouldn't it be placed in the honor hall of your leader's army?"

As one of the units with the most outstanding military achievements among the millions of Red Army units, the Leader's Army has established an exclusive unit honor hall since the days of its predecessor, the Leader's Division, located in the capital Moscow.

Displayed in the museum are the various honors, merits, and trophies of the leading divisions and armies, including medals and military uniforms of various German generals, military flags of elite German troops, and even the Paul Luftwaffe collected from Stalingrad a long time ago. Marshal Scepter.

But these are not the most important ones. The most eye-catching thing is undoubtedly the original Victory Flag.

Although it is only a mobile display and is not in the Hall of Honor of the Leader's Army all the time of the year, it is a symbol of victory in the Patriotic War and is also the greatest honor achieved by the Leader's Division\\'s Army so far. Millions of Soviet The Red Army is full of scorpions.

Today, the Hall of Honor of the Leaders has become a well-known tourist attraction in Moscow, attracting a large number of tourists and even foreigners every day.

Whether it is propaganda or boosting the morale of the military and civilians, it has a positive and positive effect. Together with the unique honorary designation of the leader's army, the political significance it brings to the loving father Comrade Stalin is also extraordinary.

Now Vatutin said why not put this knife into the Hall of Honor of the Leader Army, also considering how to make it more valuable and have greater significance.

It is based on the consideration of the overall situation, and it is also the vision and consideration that a marshal and front army commander should have.

However, Malashenko responded with a different view. He pointed at the knife with a smile and said the answer he had already thought of.

"No, Comrade Marshal, I want to present this to you in the name of the leader of the army and myself."

"Starting from Kursk, we have experienced a lot with you along the way. I am not afraid of you laughing at me. In fact, I have felt that you will be promoted to marshal one day since a long time ago."

"When Marshal Zhukov was promoted, I gave him a set of custom-made Ruger pistols that I captured. But those things are rare, and there is nothing better that I can give you as a gift. It’s just a broken knife, I hope you don’t dislike it.”

The "broken knife" in Malashenko's words may not be second to none in the entire land of China today.

This thing is different from the ordinary command sword given by the emperor.

The emperor usually gave many swords to the emperor, but these were all new swords made by swordsmiths, and were distributed under the name of the emperor.

This sword is different. It is the royal sword that the emperor took off from his belt. It is only used by serious emperors. 【】

Generally speaking, it will never be spread. For ordinary Japanese who dare to possess such things, it will be a capital crime for relatives and friends. It seems that there is no precedent for Japanese devils to give such things to foreigners.

Not only did he understand its value, but he also understood what Malashenko meant. Knowing that Malashenko's emotions were more personal, Vatutin nodded and spoke with a smile.

"Then I will accept it. In the name of the commander of the First Far Eastern Front Army, I will accept it for the motherland. I am grateful for this gift from the leading army."

"Perhaps it would be better suited to stay in a specific museum in the future, or it would not be impossible to travel to Japan one day in the future, of course in the form of a Red Army trophy."

Ha ha ha ha--

A brief silence was followed by a burst of laughter. Both Malashenko and the entourage who came with Vatutin were amused by Comrade Marshal's "excellent proposal".

Just by thinking about it, you can imagine how green the Japanese people's faces will be by then, with the green in the black and the black in the purple scene, which is indeed a bit laughable.

"I bet, Comrade Marshal. The Japanese will definitely protest internationally when the time comes. Their little minds can't stand this kind of anger, hahaha."

A major general who came with him made a laughing prophecy, and Vatutin, who was also smiling, immediately handed the knife behind him for safekeeping, and then walked forward with Malashenko.

Just like Malashenko's original choice, Vatutin also chose to walk into the city without taking a car.

Arriving at the gate downstairs, which had been blown open by an IS7 shot earlier, Vatuking looked up at this ancient building that had gone through hundreds of years of vicissitudes of life since the Ming Dynasty. Vatuking, who brushed the entire boulder of the city wall with his hand, couldn't help but turn around. He turned to Malashenko and spoke quietly.

"Before coming to China, I went to learn about the relevant history and found that this ancient country had been the ruler of Asia for thousands of years and the heart of the entire Asia. This may be proof that they were once powerful."

A century of vicissitudes of life are gathered downstairs in the ancient city, and the glorious memories of the past are reappearing before your eyes.

Malashenko, who was very emotional based on the memory of his previous life, stretched out his hand and gently touched the boulders of the city wall. His eyes were slightly focused, and words that seemed to travel through time and space came out softly.

"One day they will become stronger again, Comrade Marshal. Just because they share the same ideals and beliefs with us, they are our comrades, and they firmly believe that they can create miracles with their own hands and hard work."

"Just as we overcame unimaginable suffering and finally achieved glorious victory, the miracle will not let down the heroic homeland and the glorious proletarian warriors."

After passing the city gate tower, I continued to walk with Vatutin in the streets and alleys. After the curfew was lifted, there were still not many pedestrians on the streets at night in the county town. In this northeastern summer where the temperature difference between day and night is huge, it seems a bit strange. Somewhat deserted.

From time to time, one or two groups of soldiers from the leadership army on night patrol passed through the street and saluted Malashenko and Vatutin.

Vatugin, who returned the gift casually, was walking and looking at the surrounding street scene. Suddenly he saw a soldier from the leading army coming out of a private house carrying a basin of water.

Judging from the way he unbuttoned his collar and rolled up his trouser legs, he probably had just washed his feet and poured water before taking a break.

Vatutin became interested when he saw the lights of the house behind him, and couldn't help asking Malashenko beside him.

"Were civilian houses requisitioned for the soldiers' accommodation?"

"No, Comrade Marshal, it's not requisition, it's renting with payment."

As he spoke, Malashenko casually took out a piece of paper from his pocket, with several lines of clearly listed terms written on it in both Chinese and Russian.

The general meaning is that when the Red Army rents private houses due to war needs, it will provide necessary food, money, or equivalent living materials as remuneration, and try not to disturb the normal life of the landlord, and at the same time provide security during the stay.

If you are interested, please go to the Headquarters of the Leading Army to sign a report. The signature is none other than Lieutenant General Malashenko, Commander of the Leading Army.

"The people living on this land have been tortured by militaristic fanatics for a long time, Comrade Marshal."

"What they encountered was exactly what the Nazis had done to us in the past, and it was even worse than the Nazi atrocities. Even if I consider it from the perspective of empathy, I hope that the leader's soldiers can treat this land with kindness. People who are suffering, I think this is my duty as a military commander."

Sorry, brothers, I suddenly got stuck. I obviously had a clear idea and had planned the follow-up plot, but I was hesitant about where to start writing. It took a lot of time to come up with the idea, so the update has been delayed until now. I'm sorry for keeping you all so long. waited.

The next part will turn into a strategically interspersed plot. Multiple scenes and events have been conceived and arranged, so stay tuned.

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