Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 3087 Exposing a powerful enemy

"My performance in today's battle was very good, Malashenko. But I have another news to tell you on this trip. You may soon encounter a relatively powerful opponent."

"Relatively powerful?"

Malashenko was stunned when he heard what Vatutin said. He didn't realize what "relatively powerful" meant. Could it be that the Japanese devils also hid some trump cards or special weapons and equipment?

Not letting Malashenko's doubts last too long, Vatutin asked for a document and report from his entourage, and then handed it to Malashenko and spoke at the same time.

"At first we thought that the elite Kwantung Army had been mobilized, leaving only some newly formed divisions with three-digit numbers, but the latest intelligence proved otherwise."

"Our intelligence personnel in Japan sent news that the Japanese Second Division is currently stationed in the hinterland of Northeast China. The specific location is not yet clear."

"This Japanese elite first-class division secretly came to the Northeast through batches of water transport at the end of last year. At that time, the Americans' blockade of water routes was not as strict as it is today, which gave the Japanese army an opportunity to take advantage of it."

"We had some clues before, but we have never been able to find out the number of this elite Japanese army stationed in the Kwantung Army. It was not until the Ministry of Internal Affairs conducted in-depth inquiries through intelligence personnel lurking in Japan that we obtained the exact information.

"Based on the currently known battlefield conditions, the Red Army offensive forces on all fronts have no battlefield feedback on encountering this Japanese army. Marshal Vasilevsky judged that the Kwantung Army may want to use it as a campaign reserve force, which is consistent with I agree."

"If we extrapolate based on this assumption, there is a high probability that this elite combat reserve force will be deployed in the most critical battlefield areas when the situation is most critical."

"The one making the smoothest progress on all fronts now is your leadership army, so if you can continue to maintain the current momentum, then there is a high probability that you, Malashenko, will encounter this elite Japanese army."


Malashenko, who was holding the document in his hand, was somewhat surprised as he read and listened to Vatutin.

The Second Division of the Japanese Army, also known as the "Sendai Division" because most of its soldiers come from the Sendai area of ​​Japan, is one of the most elite permanent first-class draft horse divisions of the Japanese Army.

One of the previous division commanders of this division is very famous - Okamura Neiji. This is one of the reasons why Malashenko was so impressed by this unit.

Malashenko clearly remembered that the Second Division in history was the only elite first-class division with complete structure, rich practical experience and strong combat effectiveness when the Japanese army was defeated.

Except for a small number of its troops that were damaged and annihilated in the battle with the US military, the main force was stationed in Japan, planning to launch a local "100 million jade crushing" decisive battle against the US military.

But I didn't expect that before the jade was broken, the emperor immediately started the "Tamayin Broadcast" after the two atomic bombs fell, and then announced his surrender after giggling like a grave.

Therefore, Malashenko is not surprised that the Second Division is still there. What is surprising is why this group of elite devils are in the Northeast, instead of busy preparing for the decisive battle against Mizu in the mainland as in the existing history.

Vatutin did know more relevant information and started answering questions without waiting for Malashenko to ask anything.

"Although it is not yet certain, the intelligence report sent by the Ministry of Internal Affairs puts forward analytical inferences. It is believed that this Japanese army may be produced for the Tiger tanks located in the Northeast, which is the "Type 4 heavy tank" imitated by the Japanese. From the base.”

"It appears that the Japanese decided to form a true armored division modeled after the Germans' armored tactics in order to fully utilize the power of their so-called "decision weapon."

"For this reason, they specially selected a unit with excellent basic strength. This can better integrate equipment to form combat effectiveness. Therefore, the Second Division, which once belonged to the Kwantung Army and was then transferred away, is now back. No surprise If so, they will be the first troops equipped with imitation Tiger tanks.”

"It is not yet clear how the formation of the Japanese armored division, which imitates the Nazis, is progressing. Intelligence personnel lurking in the Japanese mainland sent back a message saying that any information related to this is top secret in the Army Headquarters, and the level of confidentiality is even comparable to that of the past. Japan built that super battleship.”

"Intelligence personnel can no longer access any more confidential information. The Japanese have noticed that our intelligence personnel are snooping and have taken precautions. In order to prevent Comrade Sorge's tragedy from happening again, we can only stop here."

"But even so, I still believe that dealing with this Japanese army will not be a problem for you and the leader army."

"The Germans who served as teachers to the Japanese could not defeat the leading army and have long since become the dead souls of the artillery. Now that you, Malashenko, have met the apprentices taught by the teachers of your defeated generals, you must have the means and confidence to deal with them. Armored combat You are an expert in the field of the Red Army, am I right?”

Faced with Vatutin's question, Malashenko's answer was of course yes.

In fact, apart from being slightly surprised that the Second Division was now in the Northeast, Malashenko really never paid attention to this group of devils from beginning to end.

Just like Vatutin said.

Damn it, the Germans, your Japanese masters, are all defeated by me. Can you, a bow-legged monkey who imitates gourds and gourds and learns the three-legged cat kung fu, still make it to heaven?

Tiger style? It’s no use even if Tiger King comes! If I don't label you "Tiger Death", you don't know how many eyes Lord Ma has.

Thinking of this, the determined Malashenko immediately faced Vatutin and spoke seriously.

"Please rest assured, Comrade Marshal, Malashenko, on behalf of all the commanders and fighters of the leading army, will ensure the completion of the mission!"

"The Second Division is one of the top elites most touted by Japanese militarists. Annihilating this unit will not only prove the strength of the leading army, but also greatly combat the arrogance of the militarists."

"Defeated by the cannons and tracks from the leader's division to the leader's army, there are countless enemies who have been named elites. I am very happy to see another group of Japanese troops added to the head account. Wouldn't it look like just having elites? Are you lonely? Since they are allies, let’s invite them to reunite at the leader’s tent.”

Malashenko actually had his own grudges to settle with the bastard of the Second Division, but he didn't tell Vatu Jingming because of his status as a time traveler.

Killing this division once commanded by Neji Okamura would give Malashenko a considerable degree of satisfaction.

Even if the three-digit numbers of the useless three-digit divisions were raised in one breath, it would not be enough to make Malashenko feel excited.

The elimination of this group of Japs, who are recognized as the top elites within the Japanese army, can bring a very successful conclusion to the leadership army's combat operations against Japan.

To draw them out and crush them with the full strength of the leader's army and completely annihilate them is Malashenko's only and strong desire now.

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