Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 3091 Flesh and Flesh Dive

Malashenko has always remembered some of the habits and habits of the Japanese soldiers who used kamikaze on board.

One of them is to give priority to old aircraft with backward performance and that are about to be eliminated as early as possible. When the old aircraft are almost ready to die, aircraft with better performance will be dispatched for consumption.

For example, the Navy's Red Deer used the Zero Fighter Type 21 to engage in kamikaze at first. Later, when Zero 21 was almost dead, they started using the Zero Fighter Type 52.

The same goes for naval bombers. At the beginning, they use the 99-ship bomber and the 97-ship attack. Once these two classic bombers are used up, they use the more advanced and better aerial technology factory comet.

So when Malashenko saw that the Japanese actually sent the outdated Type 97 fighter jets that couldn't even retract the landing gear to carry out air strikes. Even the Type 1 Falcon, an Army aviation fighter that had long been on the streets and had poor performance, When you are reluctant to go abroad.

Malashenko's first reaction was, could it be that you Japanese devils used outdated old machines to perform suicide elimination, filled them with fuel and explosives to entertain me with kamikaze?

Although Kamikaze is mainly done by the Navy, it does not mean that the Army does not do it.

Malashenko clearly remembered the Kwantung Army in history. After learning that "Yuyin Broadcasting" announced its surrender, he refused to face reality and still frantically chose to make a desperate move.

They set up a "Shenzhou Special Attack Team" and also got a bunch of outdated Type 97 fighter jets, and went to create Red Army tanks, and the ones they created were Xie Mantou, who was supported by the Americans.

But the result was not good, the accuracy was extremely poor, and it was completely inferior to the experienced Navy Red Deer on board. Not a single tank was damaged, and the only result was to overturn a Red Army ambulance full of medicines.

All of the above led Malashenko to conclude that the Japanese were probably coming to commit suicide through kamikaze, and the facts that followed were indeed true.

I saw that the Japanese master plane, which knew that it was flying slowly and had no advantage, simply traded altitude for speed and accelerated by diving, had just started to dive not long ago.

The ready-to-go field anti-aircraft firepower of the leader army immediately opened fire. The ZSU-37-2 self-propelled anti-aircraft gun, a variant of the T43 medium tank chassis, was the most intense and eye-catching.

This type of air defense vehicle, which does not require cumbersome deployment like towed air defense artillery, has the field-accompanied mobile air defense capability that is most valued by the leadership.

To put it simply, it means "stop when you go, and fight when you stop." It only takes less than half a minute to switch from marching state to combat state. After searching for the enemy, you can adjust the height of the aircraft and the anti-aircraft gun firing range, load the shells, and then fire.

This rapid reaction capability is especially important for the leading army that has almost got rid of positional defense operations and emphasizes high-mobility mobile operations.

In addition to its rapid response capabilities, its firepower and anti-air combat performance are also good.

The twin-mounted 37mm anti-aircraft gun that uses a bomb hopper to accommodate preloaded bridge clips for ammunition has good firepower density and sustainability. As a small-caliber anti-aircraft gun, its rate of fire is also its advantage.

Although the open-top fighting room is slightly less protective, it is specially designed based on the actual needs of air defense operations. It is not that the Red Army is so poor that it cannot even afford a roof.

In this era without radar, we are still dealing with various low-altitude and high-speed tactical aircraft.

The use of a fully enclosed fighting room will mean that not only is it difficult to track the enemy, but it will also be more difficult to dynamically track low-altitude and high-speed enemy aircraft.

A simple truth is that armored soldiers in tanks often cannot even find or see the enemy infantry in front of them on the battlefield, and they very much need the infantry cover of infantry-tank coordinated tactics.

The aircraft, which is many times faster than the two legs of an infantryman, is buzzing around like a fly above the head. The severely restricted field of vision in the fully enclosed combat room is simply not enough to support high efficiency without radar. low-altitude and close-range air defense operations.

A practical example is the German Corian. The protection of the fully enclosed turret is improved, but after the first encounter and understanding of its performance and weaknesses, it is increasingly being played by the Red Army's attack aviation units.

It often happens that Il 2, who rushes to the east to attract attention, is beaten by Il 2 who comes to attack me from the west.

It can't hear the enemy's position, and its combat vision is severely limited. The command vehicle itself is too busy to keep an eye on the enemy planes everywhere. So if it doesn't receive a sneak attack, who will?

The convertible design, which sacrifices a certain amount of protection, has a very good omnidirectional air enemy tracking and shooting vision. It is now time for this design to be tested in actual combat.

The anti-aircraft mechanical sight is used to firmly place the swooping old Japanese aircraft in the aiming ring, and the target height, muzzle velocity, and ballistic drop are combined to predict the advance, which is a test of the crew's gunnery skills and the anti-aircraft fire is instant. start.

Dong dong dong dong——

A dense barrage of 37mm anti-aircraft artillery shells tore through the sky like a river of red fire, heading straight for the nose of the swooping Japanese classic aircraft.

Small-caliber anti-aircraft guns do not have a timed fuse on the warhead like large-caliber anti-aircraft guns. The only way to effectively damage enemy aircraft is to hit directly. This is why small-caliber anti-aircraft guns require extra firepower density to draw a blockade.

At the same time, three ZUS-37-2 anti-aircraft vehicles concentrated fire from the left, center, and right directions. The three intensive air defense barrages converged at one point, completely blocking the flight path of the swooping Japanese aircraft.

They had no choice but to turn as they didn't want to run headlong into the anti-aircraft barrage, but the turn was exactly what the ground leader's field air defense troops wanted.

The pilot of the old Japanese aircraft just moved the control stick, turned the nose of the aircraft left and deviated from the dive path. Among the three anti-aircraft barrages, the one on the left immediately followed.

The frightened Japanese pilots hurriedly got out of the dive and pulled up. The flight energy was immediately converted to altitude, causing the speed to drop sharply.

The other two idle anti-air barrages immediately took the opportunity to attack. Seeing the red tracer barrages heading straight for their faces, the Japanese pilots tried their best to avoid them by maneuvering.

But the climb out of the dive had almost exhausted the speed, and the result of another maneuver in the climbing state was that the speed continued to plummet.

If it weren't for the slow flight speed and low stall limit of this classic aircraft, the current state could basically be considered a loss of control of the aircraft.

It was his limit to escape the ensuing barrage. The final third 37mm anti-aircraft barrage directly killed the Japanese pilot.

The 37mm tracer incendiary high-explosive bomb using a high-sensitivity collision fuse exploded and exploded on the spot the moment it tore the skin of the Japanese fighter aircraft, poured into the wing and contacted the wing spar.

The powerful 37mm high-explosive bomb directly cut off the wing of the Japanese aircraft and blew it into two pieces.

The Japanese fighter plane, which immediately started to catch fire in the air, spun around with black smoke, completely out of control, and fell headlong to the ground like a stupid bird shot from the sky.


The Japanese pilot whose flying posture did not meet the conditions for parachuting had no chance. He crashed to the ground with his out-of-control car and exploded into a huge fireball.

It's just that the power of this huge explosion is beyond imagination.

The oversized fireball that jumped up instantly climbed more than ten meters into the air, reaching the height of a six-story building based on the three-meter height of the first floor of the community.

This power cannot be produced by the explosion of the aviation fuel carried in the fuel tank of the fighter jet.

Malashenko, who was quite far away and had been observing the air defense battle with a telescope, finally understood that the reason why these old Japanese aircraft flew so slowly was probably due to other reasons besides their outdated performance.

"The Japanese have stuffed explosives into the plane. Judging from the noise of the explosion, it's probably not at least 500 kilograms."

"Stuff explosives? This"

Lavrinenko, who was also supervising the battle with a telescope in his hand, immediately felt something strange on his face and was very confused when he heard Malashenko's words.

"Why are they stuffing explosives into the fighter plane? Is it possible that the Japanese fighter jet can launch explosives? There are no pylons on the wings and fuselage. Even if it is a bombing, how can they throw explosives?"

Lavrinenko had never seen the Japanese kamikaze board. He had a background in land warfare and was not interested in the naval battle between the Americans and the Japanese. Naturally, he did not know the specific ship-to-air battles that took place on the Pacific battlefield.

But Malashenko knew that he already knew it before he came to this world that he was not meant to be in.

"They don't need to drop any bombs, they just need the pilot to control the fighter plane and crash it directly towards the target."

"The fighter plane itself, fully loaded with explosives and fuel, is a human-guided heavy aerial bomb, with the ability to accurately guide and dynamically lock targets."

"In terms of weapon performance alone, this is much better than the German anti-tank missiles that have terrible accuracy and fly everywhere."

"While the Germans are still thinking hard about how to solve the accuracy problems of emerging technologies such as wire-by-wire guidance and radio guidance, the Japanese have already become "one step ahead" and skipped technical guidance and went directly to the stage of human guidance. "The bombs were first used to hit American warships, and now they are used to hit our tanks."


Lavrinenko, who was blinking with a telescope in his hand, couldn't understand it for a moment. He just felt like he was hearing some hellish joke.

"You mean those crazy Japanese treat pilots as disposable consumables like bombs? What on earth do they want to do? Do they think they can win the war this way? In the face of prepared anti-aircraft firepower and air superiority, What’s the difference between this and simply committing suicide?”

After taking a look at Lavrinenko's expression full of question marks, Malashenko, who was also quite impressed after witnessing such a scene, immediately spoke.

"The reason is very simple, because the person who decides the life and death of the soldiers does not care about the life and death of the soldiers. They talk about the hypocritical justice of the family and the country and deceive and kidnap them. In fact, they are afraid that if they fail, they will be liquidated and will never recover."

"So just like the Nazis, they will try their best to drag everything around them with them before they die, or at least try their best to do so."

"These pig-brained militaristic fanatics are consumables and victims. No matter in the sky or on the ground, whether they run on two legs or fly an airplane, there is nothing that cannot be buried with them."

"Do you still remember the ancient tyrants who would bury alive people with them? In fact, it was the same whether they were Nazi bandit leaders or these militaristic leaders."

"It's just that no matter how brutal the tyrant is, he can drag 1,800 people down to the grave to bury him with him. This is enough to shock people and go down in history. But Nazui and their band of bandits Allies are different. They want to drag tens of millions or even hundreds of millions of people together to go to hell that only they should go to. "

"What we are experiencing now is just the tip of the iceberg. These Japanese devils are far more crazy and have no bottom line than the German Nazis, especially when it comes to treating their own people. No matter what these beasts do, Nothing crazy happens.”


Lavrinenko was still speechless. It was hard to imagine that a creature capable of such behavior could be called a human being like himself.

Even the hell devils described in ancient books and legends have never heard of doing this kind of work of driving their own kind to carry out suicide attacks. This is so true that even Satan would call him a devil.

"You still have to be careful. The explosion yield of these suicide planes is really quite large. If one hits a marching column, it can blow up at least a dozen tanks and vehicles, and it can cause hundreds of casualties in one go."

"Inform the air defense forces that the first priority is to drive away these suicide aircraft so that they cannot launch successful suicide attacks. It does not necessarily have to be shot down. The priority is to ensure the safety of our ground forces."

"Yes, Comrade Commander."

Different from the game, the real ground air defense forces do not have the primary goal of shooting down enemy aircraft. As long as they can drive away the enemy aircraft and prevent them from air strikes, the mission is completed.

Now Malashenko's order only emphasizes this point again, so that the ZSU-37-2 air defense vehicle unit, which is participating in the war for the first time, should not forget its primary mission.

Don't look at the Japs, these shabby masters are easy to bully. They suddenly got the upper hand and were just trying to get the record. In the end, they put the cart before the horse and ended up with a mess of "the record is obtained, but the friendly forces are bombed".

The combat staff accompanying Malashenko took the order and left, running quickly to convey the order to the communication vehicle not far away.

Although the ZSU-37-2 is an open-top design, like all armored combat vehicles of the Leader Army, they are all equipped with on-board radios to enhance their combat capabilities. This is particularly important in the field of air defense operations that require close coordination and emphasize firepower deployment organization. .

After receiving the order from Comrade Commander to personally supervise the battle, the field air defense troops immediately adjusted their tactics, further strengthened the air fire blockade, and allocated more pursuit and annihilation firepower to the task of blocking the Japanese attack channel.

At the same time, as the flight altitude of the Japanese aircraft further dropped, the 7- and 5-mm high-level and flat-type heavy machine guns mounted on the roof of the tank also began to fire.

Because it is on the head of every tank, especially the IS7, which adopts a double-mounted design and doubles the firepower.

This amount of anti-aircraft machine gun firepower, which was far more than that of anti-aircraft guns, made the Japanese aircraft in the sky fly like crazy. It became a turkey hunting contest for a while.

Although there are no existing air defense positions on the ground, the air defense firepower is already as strong as most preset air defense positions, at least for low-altitude interception firepower.

I never expected that the Russians' anti-aircraft firepower would be so powerful even when they were on the march. The Japanese kamikaze team that was kicked onto the iron plate was in bad luck. It would be difficult to activate the kamikaze board even if it succeeded once. Like ascending to heaven.

The first larger chapter is in place, and the second update will have more words. Corgi is accelerating the code to ensure quality and quantity.

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