Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 3092 Aftermath

If the wings of the plane were simply broken by a shot, the flight control was destroyed, and the black smoke was swirling and falling to the ground, this would actually be considered a relative disadvantage to these Japanese pilots who drove their classic aircraft to the kamikaze board. Not a bad result.

What's even more terrible is that it was hit and exploded in the air. This devastating destructive power is really terrifying. One blow can make the bombed Japanese aircraft itself and all the surrounding Japanese aircraft that have not been killed be sacrificed to the sky on the spot. .

The power of at least 500 kilograms of explosives combined with aviation fuel to explode in the airspace is no joke. It is also a force that these old Japanese aircraft, which are already over-limited and overloaded and fly slowly, cannot bear.

With well-coordinated and well-coordinated anti-aircraft artillery fire to block the air channel, the roof-mounted machine gun fire, which is almost free to shoot from the air, can kill everyone.

It sounds like machine gun firepower, but the caliber is larger than the last.

There are not only time-tested comrades like Deshka 7, but also KPV 5, which is specially designed to focus on strengthening air defense capabilities.

The background of the initial birth of KPV was that the front-line troops of the Red Army wanted a high-level dual-purpose machine gun with better performance, and focused on improving the performance in terms of anti-air firepower.

The design and R\u0026D department saw that the 5mm ammunition had good effects when used on anti-tank rifles. The ballistic trajectory was straight and high, the initial velocity was high, the effective range was long and the damage was large, and the accuracy was relatively good. It basically has the advantages of being a heavy-duty firearm and ammunition. All are available.

He simply made a rounded-off "repeating anti-tank rifle", and the KPV, which was as terrifying as a machine gun beast, came into being.

This behemoth machine gun, which has more than twice the amount of ammunition fired by the US military's Lao Ganma, can be described as terrifying in terms of the damage it causes to the aircraft.

The structural resistance of the Japanese aircraft's body seemed to be non-existent in front of this thing. A 5mm armor-piercing bullet could directly penetrate the entire engine at the front of the nose, setting off a large number of warheads and engine fragments to further damage the interior of the aircraft and the pilot.

This is true even for the engine part, which has the best resistance in the upper and lower structures of the entire aircraft. The other parts of the Japanese classic aircraft, which were designed to run naked without armor protection in the early days, are even less able to withstand the terrifying destructive power of KPV.

If hit on the wing spar, a big hole will be made, which is close to breaking. If hit on the cockpit, the whole cockpit can be skewered with the glass.

This is true for armor-piercing bullets. 5mm ammunition with a large enough caliber and a high-explosive warhead with a mixed bullet chain. Although the charge is small, it is absolutely fatal to the Japanese aircraft with thin skin and large stuffing.

The remaining Japanese fighter planes, which were already being chased by the anti-aircraft barrage, had lost all their energy, their altitude was not very good, and their speed was not good. The explosives installed in the fuselage and converted into special attack aircraft could not be removed or thrown away.

A barrage of 5mm machine guns aimed at the fuselage with red flames, and immediately fired a long series of neat gun holes on the unlucky Type 97 fighter jet.

The hot warhead not only penetrated the fuselage and tore the skin, but also fired the 5 mm high-explosive warhead that penetrated into the fuselage and exploded. It also detonated the fuel tank and the airborne explosives on the spot.


The power and movement of this explosion in the sky was so great.

It was so big that the Japanese Type 97 fighter jet was directly torn into pieces in the air. From the engine to the main structure of the fuselage, there was no intact part left, and everything was turned into a rain of garbage and fire and flames.

The explosive fireball, which exploded very quickly and spread extremely quickly, also detonated another nearby Type 97 within the blast radius.


The final result of this was that the explosion of the first Type 97 had not disappeared, and the loud noise of the explosion of the second Type 97 had already been heard.

Two huge flames almost merged into one in the air, and countless body fragments were thrown by the explosion, causing a rain of hot garbage everywhere.

A gust of wind happened to blow by, and the large fireball was blown directly into a wall of fire in the air, and its range was instantly expanded to more than two or three times its original size.

"Suka! He fell out of the car! It's hot, oh oh! It's so hot!!!"

It was also because the scope of the rain of garbage in the sky was so large that it almost covered the entire combat airspace.

Part of the high-temperature debris fell directly into the open-top ZSU-37-2 anti-aircraft vehicle. The crew members could feel the extremely hot thing through their clothes, and they quickly yelled and screamed to get this thing off their bodies. Pull it apart.

The loader, wearing Tongfa's heat-insulating gloves, picked up the thing and threw it out of the car, and then continued to load ammunition and go into battle.

There are only 9 suicide planes that are unlikely to be successful. Their performance is inherently poor, not to mention that they are overloaded and have almost no maneuverability at all.

The final result was that they were beaten violently by more than a dozen anti-aircraft vehicles on the ground, plus more than twice the number of roof-mounted machine guns.

Except for the two Japanese suicide planes that quickly ran away when the situation was not right, they turned around and turned back. The remaining seven Japanese suicide planes that were unwilling to leave, or were too late to leave, were all volleyed into fireballs, or It just hits the ground and explodes with a loud noise.

As for the casualties on the leader's side,

Two air defense vehicle crew members were burned by falling high-temperature debris. An IS7 was affected by the shock wave of an enemy plane crashing to the ground and exploding. As a result, the outer wall of the main gun barrel, which was far less protective than armored steel, was damaged and was scratched out by large high-speed fragments. A pretty deep gash.

To be on the safe side, it's best to go back to the field repair shop and change the barrel, so as not to turn around and fire the barrel to blow up the barrel and endanger the lives of the crew.

The leader army has enough heavy-duty lifting equipment to replace the 130mm main gun barrel in a field environment. It only needs to lift and remove the IS7 mantlet and the gun barrel together.

The previous batch of heavy-duty cranes modified from the IS2 chassis are still in service with the logistics support forces. It is not a problem to replace the 130 mm main gun barrel with a 40-ton self-weight hoist.

Apart from this, the leading troops of the leading army did not suffer any other losses in this ridiculous suicide air attack, not to mention that no one was killed and no vehicle was completely lost.

On the contrary, the ammunition consumption was such that if it were the Japanese army, they would definitely feel distressed.

But what Malashenko doesn’t care about the most is the consumption of ammunition. In other words, in Malashenko’s view, if you don’t use ammunition to consume it, will it still have offspring?

"These Japs are really crazy. Of the 7 planes that were shot down, not even one of them could parachute alive. This was a pilot, and he was consumed by them like ammunition. Even now, I still find it unbelievable."

Malashenko understood Lavrinenko's mood after witnessing this scene. In fact, any normal person would feel the same way.

Only the crazy militaristic fanatics who are extremely crazy and have lost their minds will take the initiative to use this trick as their own skill, hoping that it can turn defeat into victory.

"You should be more careful in the future. Since there is a first time, there will be a second and third time. The Leader's Army is now the fastest advancing Red Army unit on all fronts, and it is also a thorn in the side and flesh of the Japanese devils."

"In order to prevent us from continuing to advance, these gangsters will do whatever it takes and use any means."

Malashenko, who was thinking for a moment before he finished speaking, looked a little solemn. Now he was indeed facing a very difficult problem, and then he continued to speak frankly to Lavrinenko.

"I really didn't expect that the Japanese would use this method to deal with American warships. I once thought that as long as our ground offensive went smoothly, there would be no problem."

"But now it seems that is not the case. The situation is more complicated and difficult than expected."

"Although we won this time, we discovered the threat in time and quickly organized field air defense, so that the Japanese devils lost troops and lost opportunities without even making a profit."

"But what if they repeat the same tricks? What if they don't just repeat the same tricks, but replace them with aircraft with better performance, faster speed, and larger payload? What if the number next time is several times more than 9? ?”

"As long as these human-guided bombs succeed in one attack, they can wipe out more than a dozen vehicles and hundreds of people in our marching column in one go. Those crazy Japanese devils may not care about life and death and tried again and again, but we are different. The soldiers of the leading army are not meant to be sacrificed in such an attack and dragged along with them by the enemy. "


He and Malashenko rode in a Gas Jeep on their way back from inspecting the vanguard.

Looking out the window at the main force still marching cross-country, I heard Malashenko's worried analysis.

Lavrinenko seemed to have a premonition that once the Japanese realized that such tactics were really effective for the leadership, they would take unimaginable and crazy actions to bury people with them.

The same low tone of words blurted out immediately.

"Then what are you going to do next? Do you have any good countermeasures? You can always anticipate the enemy and find a way. I hope it will be the same this time."


To be honest, in the face of such crazy tactics of the Japanese devils.

Even if it is equipped with VT proximity fuse anti-aircraft missiles, the air defense efficiency of the U.S. Navy is one level ahead of the times, there is nothing very good about it.

Not to mention the destroyers that were directly killed and sunk by suicide attacks such as the Japanese. Even the serious large fleet aircraft carriers were hit and lost their combat effectiveness and were forced to withdraw from the battlefield and return to port for repairs.

Therefore, pure defense is definitely not the answer. The Americans can't stop the crazy suicide attacks with VT bombs and fleet air defense. Although field air defense is available, it is limited to short-range and low-altitude leadership forces, let alone hope. Air combat cannot be combined. Not the strong point of Iron Torrent.

Thinking of this, Malashenko, who knew that this matter could no longer be solved by himself and had to report it to the chief, spoke in a deep voice.

"There is no way. The leader army alone cannot solve such problems. Pure defense is not a solution."

"Report to the front army headquarters, and if necessary, the commander will report to the military district headquarters. The only way is to take the initiative to destroy and continue to suppress the aviation operation capabilities of the Japanese land airports, and to strengthen the airspace patrols in the theater and send more fighter aircraft to patrol Team."

"With the current overwhelming strength of the Red Army aviation, it can be done, and only in this way can we nip the risk in the bud. Even if we cannot completely eradicate the risk of suicide attacks, we must at least minimize it."

"Otherwise, we would be bombarded with 500 kilograms, 800 kilograms, or even 1 ton aerial bombs guided by human flesh every day. There would be no need to fight this battle. The leader army would just find a position to hide in and prepare for air defense to protect itself."

"I want to report this matter personally to explain the seriousness of it. It must be solved. This is the only tactic that the Japanese devils can use to pose a fatal threat to us at the moment. We cannot place our hope on the enemy not to expand the use of this tactic. On the other hand, the opportunity for victory can only be held in our own hands.”

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