Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 3098 Inspiring

Malashenko originally thought that Kozhedub's low-altitude pass would be enough, and the atmosphere should be brought to a climax.

It never occurred to me that there were other tasks to be done in Kozhidub, and the low-altitude clearance was just the prologue.

Reduce the speed through large overload rotation and prepare to cut into the channel again at low altitude.

At the same time that the nose pointing was adjusted, Malashenko saw with his own eyes that Kozhidub actually opened the cockpit cover above his head.

Then, while holding the control stick with one hand to continue flying steadily, the other free hand directly lifted a flag, raised it above his head, and poked out of the cockpit.

The flag was instantly blown away by the high-speed airflow and fluttered in the wind. The flag was none other than a replica of the victory flag that the leader had originally planted on the top of the Capitol Building.

This flag has now been reprinted in many copies and distributed in large quantities in the Soviet Union for collection purposes to share the joy of victory.

Malashenko did not expect that Kozhidub could pull off such an operation. It is indeed bold and inspiring for a skilled artist.

As Kozhidub, holding a victory flag and flying a plane with one hand, passed through the field again at low altitude, the already excited crowd of leaders and soldiers once again burst into cheers.

It was indeed necessary to meet the occasion. The dense red stars and three Soviet Hero Medal logos on Kozhidub's car were extremely conspicuous and were located directly below the side of the cockpit.

Now, above the cockpit, Kozhidub pulled open the cockpit hood and raised the victory flag sticking out of the cockpit with one hand, showing his confident and superb driving skills at the same time.

This intertwined scene directly made the comrades on the ground feel "blood pressure high", and the "Ula" sounds that were already coming and going were getting higher and higher, reaching a higher climax.

Even Malashenko was very excited when he saw it.

"His two flights back and forth are almost as effective in boosting morale as one of your pre-war speeches. Otherwise, those of you who have won the Hero of the Soviet Union three times are still different. It would definitely not have the same effect on ordinary people. "

Hearing Lavrinenko's sigh next to him, he looked at Kozhidub, who refused to leave in the sky and was still flying the plane in low altitude circles, continuing to perform battlefield aerial performances for his comrades on the ground.

Malashenko's answer was simply a smile.

"After all, things flying in the sky will be more exciting, that's for sure. But no matter who it is, it's not important. What's important is that it can boost the morale of comrades and devote themselves to the next step with more energy and courage. In the battle, this is the most important thing.”

Kuoridub's operation was definitely not just a personal flying performance to show off his skills.

Kozhidub, who used mobile morale amplifiers wherever he went, knew his role very well. He could greatly boost the morale of tens of thousands of friendly troops on the ground. The practical significance of this conversion was not huge.

What's more, Kozhidub had been planning and preparing for it a long time ago, and planned to do this at the right time, so he kept a replica of the victory flag in his cockpit just in case of emergencies.

Now it's finally time to put it to use. Judging from the actual results, it is quite fruitful and the work was not in vain.

"It seems that if I have a chance, I still have to visit Comrade Kozhedub. In the past few battlefield encounters, I always couldn't spare the time to visit him. Strictly speaking, I still owe him a favor for fighting for air supremacy several times. I haven’t paid it back yet, why don’t you consider coming with me next time?”

"Well, of course you can go, that's what you should do, but"

An idea suddenly came to Lavrinenko's mind and he pondered for a moment. It can be regarded as an inspiration after witnessing the entire scene just now.

"How about we paint something else on your car? You see, Comrade Kozhidub has painted three Heroes of the Soviet Union awards on the fuselage. Your tank turret still lacks this thing. Do you want it too? Add it?"

Although Malashenko almost no longer personally drives in battles, Malashenko's crew and cars are still retained.

The only problem is that Iushkin, who is idle all day long and complains about not having a fight, keeps talking. Of course, this is not the point now.

The point is that Malashenko felt that he could no longer paint more content on his command vehicle.

On the left side of the turret is the Guards logo and the call sign 177. On the right side of the turret is the division logo of the current leader army and the original leader division, as well as the slogan "Revenge for the hero Kirill".

The left and right sides of the turret of the Malashenko command vehicle have already been fully painted, and there is nothing more that can be painted.

If we really want to add the three Heroes of the Soviet Union logos, judging from the irregular and flat shape of the IS7, I guess they would have to be painted on the back of the turret.

"Let's talk about this later. If you can find a place to paint, you can bring a bucket of paint yourself. I feel like there is no room anyway."

"But one thing, you must never let that boy Iushkin make his own decisions. I know him too well. He had to paint my car into a cat with a painted face, and you asked him to paint the Soviet Union. Hero Medal, when he writes a letter, his words are as sloppy as a dog crawling."

Before Malashenko could finish his words, Comrade Kozhidub in the sky had completed his personal flight performance, retracted the flag sticking out of the cockpit, and closed the hatch again.

After gently swinging the wings, it hovered at low altitude toward its comrades on the ground for the last week, then raised the nose of the aircraft and pushed the throttle valve hard, climbing straight to high altitude.

It is also because the bomber formation has to take care of the fact that the flight speed is not fast and is far less agile and fast than the fighter jets.

The fighter formation escorted by Kozhidub was not very fast. Except for maintaining a certain distance at different heights, it almost kept pace with the bomber formation at a relative speed.

This allowed Kozhidub, who was accelerating at full speed, to quickly return to the fleet in a short time with the excellent maneuverability of the La-7, and then rejoin the escort fighter formation in higher airspace and continue to serve as the command aircraft.

The first Japanese military airport that needed to be bombed was only a short distance away, and the huge three-digit fleet was divided into three formations at this time.

In addition to the group led by Kuanzhidub personally escorting, which will go to bomb the first and largest Japanese airfield, the remaining two formations will go to the other two Japanese airfields that are farther away but not as large in scale. Airfields were bombed for eradication.

Not long after, Kuoridub tilted the fuselage slightly to get a better view down, and saw a few small black spots faintly moving on the Japanese airport runway below that came into view, and his eyes narrowed.

He immediately made a decision, turned on the radio channel and issued the order again.

"Attention all units, there are Japanese fighter planes moving on the taxiway of the airport. Stop them from taking off! Follow me! Hurray!!!"

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