Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 3099: Irregular takeoff, in-situ crematorium

At this moment, the air defense sirens were blaring all over the Japanese airport, and the few remaining Japanese fighter planes were making an emergency taxi to take off on the taxiway, trying to make a last-ditch effort before the bombs fell. Even if they were to withstand air attacks, they would still have to fight the Russians. .

Of course, the planes on the airport were not just the Japanese fighter jets that were taking off in an emergency. There were Type 1 Land Attackers, Type 1 Fighting Falcons, and a miscellaneous bunch of classic aircraft that were neatly arranged on the runway.

It seems that there are no free taxiways and runways for these things to take off in an emergency. The Japanese troops at the airport simply lay down and gave up, giving up all the take-off positions to the last batch of high-performance fighter jets in hand. .

As for the idle manpower, all the people ran to the air defense positions at the airport to prepare for battle, and various small and medium-caliber anti-aircraft guns began to fire one after another.

But the problem is that the Kwantung Army, which has been at peace for a long time, does not have many anti-aircraft guns at hand. Not only is the quantity insufficient, but the performance is also insufficient.

Faced with small-scale incoming enemy aircraft, they can barely hold on, but now facing the Red Army's ultra-large fleet of three-digit aircraft at every turn, the Kwantung Army's small and medium-caliber anti-aircraft guns are really just a weapon. Psychological comfort effect.

Not even talking about bombers, the Japanese air defense artillery fire at these airports could not even block and drive away the fighter jets. Kozhidub, who was swooping down at high speed, had already taken the lead and aimed at the top of the forehead of a taxiing three-type fighter Feiyan. Go straight up.

After a short but fierce air battle, Kozhidub's vehicle had very little ammunition left.

The Soviet aerial cannon has the advantage of being powerful, but the problem of low bomb load also exists, which causes Soviet fighters to have extremely high requirements for pilots' gunnery skills.

Even a top ace like Kozhidub, who has a very high shooting accuracy, must always pay attention to the inventory of ammunition and control firepower when entering the second round of battle.

I saw that the three-type Feiyan on the taxiway had turned to the take-off path and began to raise its nose for the final takeoff.

The Japanese pilots in the cockpit looked quite nervous, flustered, and anxious. While flying the fighter plane, they kept looking up overhead. Obviously they knew that there was a fierce god in the sky approaching them quickly.

But just knowing is useless, knowing cannot solve actual problems.

Objective reality does not depend on people's subjective will, no matter how anxious and hard the Japanese pilots were, no matter how hard they looked overhead one after another.

The plane was taxiing for takeoff but it hadn't taken off yet, so there was no point in worrying.

In the same way, Kozhidub, who escaped the incoming anti-aircraft barrage and rushed straight down, would not show mercy because of the panic of the Japanese pilot.

Dong dong dong——

The three 20mm cannons on the nose of the aircraft fired a salvo again. Kozhidub, who had excellent eyesight, could even see that the Japanese pilots were hurriedly and panic-stricken in the cockpit. It was precisely under such circumstances that they were facing the enemy. A barrage of barrages came.

Although bloody and inhumane, for Kozhidub, who had limited remaining ammunition, this was the best way to kill the enemy - to directly kill the Japanese fighter pilot.

A dozen consecutive shells poured into the cockpit, shattering the windshield above the head and breaking the outer frame of the cockpit.

He tore off the leather flight cap worn by the Japanese pilot, shot it through the Tianling Cap and then out the chin. The 20mm warhead, which was thicker than the thumb, directly blew the entire head to pieces.

The red barrage included armor-piercing bombs, incendiary bombs, and high-explosive bombs.

The final result was that the entire cockpit cover of the Japanese fighter plane was blown off on the spot, and the frame and glass shards were removed from the fuselage.

There was no one in the cockpit anymore, only a pile of scarlet and pale things were still burning and smoking in the flash of fire.

Like a drunkard, the fighter jet completely lost control. It stopped the final stage of takeoff with the nose raised, and instead the nose fell upside down and fell onto the runway. It exploded on the spot and ignited a fire.

Kozhidub succeeded with one blow, and immediately changed into a dive attitude and began to fly levelly and then climb.

However, the remaining Japanese fighter planes lined up to take off on the runway below were not so lucky.

Because time was too hasty and it was the last moment of life and death, the Japanese fighter planes on the runway below forcibly broke through the safe distance limit for continuous takeoffs. They lined up to take off one after another because they were not fast enough. .

Just as it started flying in front, the unlucky guy who had not had time to climb fell to the ground and exploded, and the wreckage rolled into a ball of fire that reached the sky.

The second Japanese fighter plane following closely behind was hit immediately. It had no time to brake, stop takeoff, and even no time to evade. The pilot screamed and crashed directly into the flaming wreckage.



The blazing fire that originally exploded from a fighter plane expanded again, and instantly turned into two groups of wreckage of fighter planes mixed together, violently exploding and burning.

A huge amount of fighter plane fragments were thrown into the sky by the explosion shock wave. Even the remains of the engine on the nose of the aircraft were like a meteor falling from the sky, dragging black smoke and being blown far away before rolling to the ground.

Incompletely burned aviation fuel was scattered everywhere by the explosion shock wave.

A tuo in the east and a puddle in the west ignited a river of flames directly on the runway.

And this is exactly what Kozhidub wants.

As long as a Japanese fighter plane is destroyed on the runway, the debris and fire caused by the explosion will be enough to block subsequent Japanese fighter planes queuing up to take off.

Not only had one been successfully destroyed, but one more was taken away due to the Japanese army's own dangerous operations, which further increased the explosion radius and caused the flames to completely cut off the entire runway.

The Japanese fighter planes lined up behind to take off panicked when they saw this scene.

Although it was not as defenseless as the second unlucky aircraft in front of it, which crashed directly into the sea of ​​​​fire, it was obviously too late to shut down the engine and stop takeoff. The braking distance was simply not enough, and it had to continue to slide forward into the fire. inside.

With no other option, the Japanese pilot who still had the last chance directly pushed the rudder and moved the flaps, causing the fighter plane during the high-speed taxiing stage to swing its nose and start drifting in place.

The entire fighter jet spun around on the runway as if it had drunk fake wine and braked forcefully. The landing gear, which was not very strong in structure, collapsed on the spot.

The brakes were applied, and indeed the car was prevented from running into the fire, but the problem obviously did not end there.

Another Japanese fighter plane that came from behind and lined up to grab a seat and taxied to take off could not stop.

Seeing that the braking distance was not enough, he also adopted the same steering method, shaking his head and tail in an attempt to brake forcefully.

As soon as he climbed out of the cabin and was about to jump off, he saw his teammate's fighter plane hit him head-on uncontrollably.

The Japanese pilot was so frightened that he didn't think much and jumped out of the cabin with a flying swoop without saying a word. I fell face first on the hard ground and it hurt like hell, but I didn't have time to think about it and got up and ran away.

Immediately afterwards, a loud "click" sound was heard behind him.

I don't know why I suddenly had a toothache, which made my coding very inefficient. I just managed to write one update now.

I'll make it up to everyone tomorrow, Corgi promises to do what he says.

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