Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 3100 The bombing begins

The two Japanese three-type Feiyans, which were swinging their heads and tails, collided with each other without any surprise. In order not to rush into the fire, they both ended up being scrapped.

The tail of the three-type fighter in front was stabbed into the nose cockpit by the three-type fighter behind. The vertical tail made a "click" sound and was cut directly in like a kitchen knife. It relied on the remaining forward inertia of the aircraft to continue. Moving forward, he almost cut the entire nose section into two pieces with one blow.

The Japanese pilot who flew out to escape and landed face first struggled to get up from the ground with a nosebleed on his face.

Feeling lucky to have survived the disaster, I looked back at my car in this state. I didn't care about regretting anything, I just hurriedly staggered and continued to run for my life.

Rushing into a sea of ​​fire, colliding with a runway, or being directly destroyed on the runway by the swooping Guards Fighter Air Force.

It can only be said that the death methods of these Japanese fighter planes are indeed quite varied, but this is not all, or even the majority.

In order to avoid the attack of the swooping La-7 fighter jets, more Japanese fighter planes had no choice but to stare blankly toward the sides of the runway when their taxiing speed did not meet the minimum requirements for takeoff and they could not pull up. The lawn rushed away.

Although the lawns on both sides of the runway are inherently soft, they were designed with the need for emergency landings by fighter planes in mind.

However, the anxious and angry Japanese pilots' maneuvers to rush out of the runway were too rough. They were so rough that they could not stop the car even on the lawn, so they continued to rush forward for some distance, and finally were stopped by the huge resistance of the soil. was forcibly stopped.

Due to the huge inertia of the instant attack, the nose part of the top-heavy fighter plane was pressed down instantly.

The high-speed rotating propeller of the machine head rotated directly into the soil, lifting a large amount of turf and soil into the air.

Without leaving any chance for the Japanese pilots in the cockpit to escape, the La-7 fighter jet swooped down at high speed and directly trapped the Japanese fighter jet lying on the lawn in the aiming ring and pulled the trigger.

Dong dong dong dong——

There was a burst of fire from the three 20mm cannons on the nose of the aircraft, and a string of 20mm shells directly hit the nose of the aircraft, tearing apart the cockpit and demolishing the engine in an instant.

The Japanese pilot who had no time to abandon the plane and escape was beaten into a sieve of flesh in his own coffin-board car.

In this way, even if he rushes into the lawn, he will eventually end up with the machine destroyed and neither man nor machine saved.

Some Japanese pilots who had some skills and were able to control the stability of the violently turbulent fighter planes on the lawn even thought of continuing to take off forcefully after rushing from the runway into the lawn.

This operation further angered Kozhidub and his comrades, who were still flying up and down in a low-altitude wandering dive.

More fierce and fierce additional attacks followed.

Although the Type III fighter is much better in design than most Japanese fighters of the previous generation, especially in terms of protection, it is rare to install important parts, such as the armor plate that protects the cockpit, which can be regarded as derived from the German BF109 I learned some successful and practical experience there.

However, this kind of protection is obviously ineffective in the face of the powerful Red Army fighter aircraft cannons. At most, it can block the attack of non-armor-piercing aircraft machine guns. In the face of 20mm artillery shells, it can only be said that it may be worse to pretend to be dead than not to pretend to be dead.

Because even if it is equipped with an armor plate, it cannot stop it. Instead, it will be hit by a large number of fragments that are thrown up instantly when it penetrates the armor plate, and by the unstable and rolling 20mm warhead, not even a single corpse is left.

"Kill one! Keep going! Pull it up and try again!"

"Don't let these Japanese fly! Keep attacking!"

"I don't have enough ammunition. I can only do one more round at most! I leave it to you!"

This dive offensive to prevent Japanese fighter planes from taking off turned into a grassland turkey hunting contest.

After experiencing an earlier air battle, the ammunition reserves of the La-7 fighter jets were already insufficient. Not all pilots could accurately grasp each shell and control the burst accuracy like Comrade Kozhidub.

Some La-7 fighters that ran out of ammunition had to withdraw from the battle early.

After completing the last round of dive attacks, they immediately climbed up and left the battlefield. While paying attention to and avoiding the Japanese anti-aircraft fire that had been fired indiscriminately, they headed straight back in the direction they came from.

With low-altitude and high-speed maneuvering fighter aviation, they were responsible for containing and attracting Japanese troops, which were not strong in the first place, but also lacked organization. At first glance, it seemed that they had too little experience in big scenes.

The bomber formations in the higher airspace that had reached the bombing position started their horizontal bombsights one after another and began to make final preparations before bombing.

The first to bear the brunt was the Figure 2S tactical bomber formation that flew in front of the formation and was responsible for providing bombing guidance for the larger Pei 8M strategic bomber behind.

Compared with Figure 2S, although the bombing of Pei 8M is more powerful, it also carries less bombs and drops fewer bombs. It is necessary to seize the opportunity and try not to make mistakes in bombing.

Naturally, bombing guidance is needed. Whenever conditions permit, this is the best choice. It is also the best tactical choice for the Red Army bomber formations whose bombing heights are relatively stable.

With relatively better maneuverability and higher speed, the Figure 2S bomber formation quickly descended to lower airspace and began horizontal bombing.

The first round of bombing targeted the Japanese runways, hangars, and rows of various aircraft parked in the parking bays.

The first priority is to quickly and powerfully paralyze the aviation operation capabilities of Japanese military airports.

As for the fuel depot, which has the best protection, but it is unlikely to pose a major threat to bombing missions in a short period of time, and it cannot move or escape.

Just leave it until the end and then explode it, which is the best choice for finishing the last hit.

For now, we should first deal with these high-value targets that must be destroyed as soon as possible.

"After aiming, maintain the flying attitude and start dropping bombs."

woo woo woo woo--

One-time bombing is to release the two pylons at the wing roots at the same time, allowing the two 500-kilogram aerial bombs to fall symmetrically, thereby achieving the left and right balance of the aircraft after the bombing, and at the same time, it can further amplify the damage caused by the bombing. radius.

When the two bombs under the wings roared in mid-air, the 500-kilogram aerial bomb of the same specification in the opened belly bomb bay was soon unhooked and fell straight down while flying horizontally.

One-Type Land Attack, One-Type Fighter Feiyan, and various old Japanese aircraft that have no priority to take off and are of little use even if they take off are neatly parked in their respective parking spots in a row, even if they are bombs There is no one to take care of the roaring rider, and it is impossible to escape.

Boom boom boom——


The Figure 2S bomber accurately grasped the bombing distance and created a long series of explosions. Looking down from the bombsight, only a series of explosions came into view, followed by more heavy bombings that had already arrived.

Second update later, brothers

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