Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 3101 Let’s watch the mushroom cloud together

Guided by the explosion of aerial bombs dropped by the Figure 2S bomber formation, the Pei-8M bomber formation that followed quickly found the target it needed to focus on.

A 500-kilogram aerial bomb is enough to blow up rows and piles of Japanese aircraft placed neatly on the airport like targets.

However, for the complete destruction of the aviation operation capabilities supported by a complete system of Japanese airport runways, taxiways, parking bays, hangars, etc., the destructive power of 500 kilograms is not enough.

At least in the eyes of Vatutin, who personally applied to be transferred to Pei 8M, this was not enough.

"The target is the Japanese runway, release the pylon safety, and prepare the bombardier."

Following the captain's order, the bombardier, who was already lying in front of the bombsight, began to work.

Although there are two bombs, there is only one chance to drop them.

Because the fuselage trim must be in a stable state, a Pe-8M with a 5-ton gas tank is hung under the wing roots of the left and right wings. The two bombs must be dropped at the same time. Instead of dropping one bomb at a time, do two bombings.

Otherwise, the wing root on one side of the wing instantly weighs 5 tons more than the other side, resulting in a serious imbalance in the counterweight, which is enough to make the flying posture of a big guy like the Pei 8M instantly unstable, and even lead to an out-of-control crash. .

So this is why most bombers prefer to lay out bombs along the central axis of the fuselage, because in this way at least there is no need to consider the balance of the counterweights on the left and right sides of the fuselage, and you can maximize the number of bombs for multiple bombings. .

But the problem with the Pei 8M is that the oversized 5-ton gas tank is too huge.

Put one into the built-in bomb bay in the belly of the aircraft. The bomb is already so big that even the belly bomb bay door cannot be closed. It is better to just remove the bomb bay door to reduce weight and resistance and improve flight performance.

The belly bomb bay was so tight that it could only hold a 5-ton gas tank. This was a problem left over from the early design of the Pei-8.

It's not that it can't be modified, but it would be too big and time-consuming to modify it. In order to modify a Pei-8 that can accommodate two gas tanks in the belly bomb bay, it would be more efficient to redesign a heavy bomber from scratch.

Therefore, the Pei 8M is a make-do model that serves as a transitional model for technical verification and design demonstration before the birth of Figure 4. It is quite good and enough to have such powerful combat capabilities, and there is no need or need to ask for more. too much.

After releasing the safety of the pylon, the authority to release bombs has already been in the hands of the bombardier. The captain who controls the flight attitude in the main driving seat only needs to keep the fuselage stable and create a suitable environment for the bombardier to release bombs.

"Okay--it's done! It's you, go ahead!"


As the bombardier's final aim was successfully completed, he accurately positioned the crosshair directly above the target and immediately pressed the bomb release button.

The two 5-ton gas tanks under the wing roots on both sides of the fuselage were detached from the pylons at the same time. The Pei-8M, whose flying weight was instantly reduced by more than 10 tons, immediately shook its fuselage, and its flying height instantly rose several meters, and its speed increased significantly.

"Damn Sokka! This extreme mounting scheme is like sitting on a trampoline every time a bomb is dropped. I feel like my butt almost flew up just now."

The co-pilot in the back row cursed and complained endlessly, and the captain in the front seat, who was used to this feeling of dropping bombs, couldn't help but smile.

"Okay, it's not the first time. Think about that time in the Zero Heights outside Berlin. Isn't it the same feeling at that time? Just relax, it's no big deal."

The newly formed strategic bomber division has a considerable number of personnel and technical equipment, all of which were transferred from the original bomber units on the Berlin front, including the Pe-8M unit that participated in the bombing of the Zero Heights.

Two heavyweight bombs made a shrill scream in mid-air. At the same speed, the same attitude, and a not-so-long gap between each other, they plummeted towards the burning Japanese airport runway on the ground. Down.

The wreckage of various Japanese fighter planes destroyed by 500-kilogram aerial bombs were still spewing fire. The 500-kilogram aerial bomb crater, which was already quite large, was filled with flaming aviation fuel, burning more and more vigorously like a volcanic vent.

It was under such circumstances that two frightening mushroom clouds rose from the ground and shot straight into the sky.


The two 5-ton gas tanks exploded almost simultaneously as soon as they hit the ground, and the explosions were indistinguishable from each other.

The huge fireball instantly expanded to enough to completely block the width of the entire runway, followed by the fire that was so fast that it was visible to the naked eye, contracted and dissipated, and finally turned into a dark mushroom cloud that reached the sky in a very short period of time and remained there. land.

The mushroom cloud that shot straight into the sky reached a height of more than 30 meters in an instant, and as the smoke and dust evaporated and spread further, the height continued to rise.

The destructive power produced has reached an exaggerated level.

The final impact caused by two 5-ton gas tanks falling at the same time was that several craters on the runway that were fired by 500-kilogram aerial bombs were directly connected into one, and became even larger.

When the mushroom cloud gradually dissipated to the point where the crater could be seen clearly, a huge crater with a diameter of at least 50 meters had been opened in the center of the airport runway.

The shape of the crater is strange, with it being deep on both sides and shallow in the middle. The reason for this strange sight is of course that the two 5-ton gas tanks landed at different points.

The explosion was most powerful and deep at the center of the explosion, and the depth became shallower as it moved toward the edge, eventually merging with the large crater created by another gas tank not far away.

All the craters left by 500 kg bombs in the crater's coverage radius were also swallowed up and merged into one.

The "design flaw" of the 8M, which was originally unsatisfactory, with only one bombing opportunity and two 5-ton gas tanks at the same time, has now become an excellent help in destroying the runway of the Japanese airport.

The integrated crater created by the simultaneous explosion of two 5-ton gas tanks on the same horizontal axis is more than just a big crater in the middle of the runway of the Japanese airport.

This is not only a super-large crater that completely divides the entire runway into two, but also the grass next to the runway is affected and a big crater is created.

The wreckage of the destroyed and burning Japanese fighter planes was even worse. The wreckage that was originally intact was torn into pieces and thrown into the sky. It rose into the air with the shock wave of the explosion and then fell down, finally falling into a rain of debris and garbage.

It was also because the noise of the explosion was so loud that the La-7 fighters that had just completed a low-altitude dive attack and were in the final clearance and preparing to climb also felt a strong shock.

The violent shock wave came directly from the air at high speed, shaking the La-7 fighter, which was originally light and emphasized maneuverability, up and down, as if every part and screw were trembling and shaking back and forth.

"Damn, this thing is still too powerful! Fortunately, we hid in time."

"Stop talking nonsense, keep climbing, hurry up! More Pe8Ms are coming, if you don't want to be blown down from the sky, stay away!"

It may sound a bit horrifying, but in the face of the huge power of two gas tanks exploding at the same time, the fighter plane being blown down from the sky is really no joke.

If you fly too low and too close, you will really fall to the ground and serve as fuel with the Japanese devils' scrap metal.

The Red Army pilots who dared not neglect immediately took the opportunity to leave.

Once the bombing began, they were responsible for continuously suppressing the airport's aviation operations and covering the bombers' bombing missions, which was naturally completed.

Regardless of whether there were Japanese planes trying to take off below, it was impossible to fly in the face of such a devastating bombing, and there was no chance of escape.

In an open and unobstructed airport without any terrain cover, even if the Japanese pilots abandoned their planes and escaped at this time, they would have no other possible fate except to be hit by the shock wave and be shaken to pieces on the ground without any cover.

More Pe 8Ms that arrived at the bombing position began to drop bombs one after another.

One after another, 5-ton gas tanks rushed to the runway, taxiway, hangar and other targets on the airport in pairs.

Some Japanese ground crews who saw that the situation was not right and were originally scrambling to push some planes that were still worth saving and possible to be saved into the hangar before the bombs fell also gave up this last effort and began to flee for their lives.

But it was too late to run at this time.

The Japanese ground crews who only knew that the super bombs used by the Russians were terrifyingly powerful, but had no clear understanding of how powerful they were, were about to experience it firsthand.


A 5-ton gas tank fell down and smashed through the hangar roof on the spot.

The steel-concrete bunker that could barely withstand the bombing of small bombs was almost no different from a piece of newspaper in front of the gravitational potential energy of the 5-ton gas tank.

After smashing through the roof of the hangar, the 5-ton gas tank continued to smash down, smashing a brand-new land attack aircraft that had just been pushed into the hangar into pieces, like being torn apart by five horses, with the nose here, the wings there, and the tail more than ten meters away in a completely different direction.

"Explosive bomb! The Russian evil ghost explosive bomb! Run away, run away!!!"

The super bomb in front of them was completely frightened.

Seeing that this thing was so big that it was not known whether it was a dud or a delayed fuze, in short, it did not explode on the spot.

The Japanese ground crew had neither the time to guess nor the courage to think, and they just ran away with their short legs on the spot.

Unfortunately, good luck did not favor these Japanese ground crews. The answer was a delayed fuze rather than a dud.

The several Pe 8Ms that came to bomb the reinforced hangars and fuel depots were pre-assigned and assigned corresponding combat missions.

The strategic bomber aviation force, which had made sufficient pre-war preparations, preset the Japanese army's underground fuel depots at a fairly high level of defense, highlighting that even if it is overestimated, it must not underestimate the enemy or be improperly prepared.

The corresponding combat plan is to determine that bombing the surface is ineffective, and it is necessary to allow the 5-ton bombs to penetrate the surface defense as much as possible, and explode after exhausting the impact potential energy brought by gravity acceleration, in order to achieve a more ideal destructive effect.

Using a delayed fuse to detonate the bomb is a natural choice.

The setting of the fuse at the tail of the bomb instead of the warhead does not worry about the delay fuse failure due to the excessive impact potential energy when the 5-ton bomb lands, at least the failure probability is low to an acceptable range.

So there was a scene where the Japanese ground crew had just run out of the hangar screaming and terrified, and then they were directly crushed to ashes and blown away by the wind in a huge explosion that shot up into the sky.

Facing such a huge destructive power, a mortal person is no different from a rag doll caught in a gas station explosion.

Several figures running for their lives on the smoke-filled airport were instantly vaporized and disappeared into the wave of flames that came like a tsunami behind them, disappearing without a trace in an instant.

The reinforced machine fort with a big hole in Tianling Gai was blown to pieces in the huge explosion.

Countless pieces of cement slag and debris flew directly into the air more than 50 meters from the top of the mushroom cloud, and continued to hurtle upward like a rocket.

The other one landed not far away, and did not directly hit the machine fort. Instead, it landed on a 5-ton gas tank not far outside the machine fort and exploded almost at the same time, adding to the fire.

The already fragmented machine fortress was blown up until almost no broken walls were left, leaving only countless debris flying in the air and falling like a heavy rain.

After the bombing has reached this stage, the Japanese army has almost no high-value targets left to bomb at the airport.

The only target that was clearly listed in the battle plan and that had not yet received bombs was the oil depot that was left until the final solution.

Coming to perform this final finishing step were two Pei-8Ms that also carried 5-ton aerial bombs with delayed fuses.

The destructive power of four gas tanks falling in succession is enough to blow up the entire oil depot.

According to the pre-conceived assumptions of the Red Army's strategic bombing aviation, even if the Japanese oil depot was located 10 meters below the ground and protected by a concrete layer, the gravity potential energy of the aerial bomb brought about by high-altitude horizontal bombing and the explosive power of the downward breakdown would be enough to completely blow it up. destroy.

But the result is that the Red Army still overestimated its opponents.

Not to mention the 10-meter concrete layer protecting the Japanese military's oil depot at the airport, it was actually only protected by a 1-meter concrete layer on the ground and a 4-meter-thick soil layer.

When the airport was originally designed, it was based on the Kwantung Army's assumptions. It was impossible for the opponent's Chinese army to attack with aerial bombs that could penetrate such protection. Therefore, it would be a waste to lay more building materials on it. It would be better to move it to a place where it is more needed. Use sparingly.

But how could the Kwantung Army at that time have expected what would happen today? They never expected that one day the Russian giant bird would come to blow up the oil depot carrying a 5-ton gas tank.


The 5-ton gas tank with a shrill scream rushed out at high speed, fell straight down, and hit the ground directly above the oil depot that had been bombed by Figure 2S and served as a mark, and poured deeply into the ground. It entered it, directly penetrated the concrete layer and got stuck in the ground.

Immediately afterwards, a scene like a volcanic eruption suddenly rose from the ground.

Sorry guys, I actually fell asleep while typing, which was outrageous. I woke up and quickly clicked on the post and went back to sleep.

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