Although Nazui is destroyed, our Empire of Japan is still there.

You homeless Germans might as well stay and continue to serve the Imperial Army. The Imperial Army will provide you with food, clothing, housing, transportation, and even women. You will have everything you need.

In a down-to-earth way, this means "Serve the Imperial Army well and you will get plenty of white-flour steamed buns." It's just that the person listening to these words has become a German.

These "remnants" who were once so arrogant and with their nostrils turned upward couldn't help but feel desolate, lamenting how they ended up in this situation, and in the end they had to rely on these bow-legged Japanese monkeys to take them in.

After much deliberation, there was no other way. The Lieutenant Colonel of the Armored Forces of the National Defense Forces who led the team finally agreed to the Japanese proposal and agreed to continue to use their service in exchange for the Japanese to take in and support them.

As for the future

Hey, after thinking about a hammer, everything in front of my eyes was pitch black. What the hell, after that, it was just a little better than the hair shampooer who had already sent it.

This situation has been going on for more than a few months since the leader of the division breached the Reichstag building and put the victory flag flying on the roof. The hair-washer also committed suicide on the same day, declaring the complete demise of Nazism.

While working for the Japanese, I was still thinking of other ways and looking for other ways out.

After thinking about it, the Germans felt that continuing on like this would not be an option, and they were still hoping to find a way out for themselves by contacting some of the remaining Nazis who were still alive and in exile.

But I didn't expect that this opportunity had not come yet, but that the Russians' large-scale march southward and the liquidation of the Japanese devils had come.

All of these German soldiers who can be sent as instructors must have actual combat experience before they can take classes.

In other words, one by one of these people, they all trampled on the soil of the Soviet Union as invaders.

Because of this, these Wehrmacht troops knew that they would end badly if they fell into the hands of the Russians. When they heard the news that the Red Army was coming south, they acted even more anxious than the Japanese, and they became "Kings of Anxiety". ".

Although the lieutenant colonel of the National Defense Forces who led the team asked the Kwantung Army Headquarters whether he could temporarily evade and stay as far away from the Russian army as physically possible, he requested asylum.

But obviously, the Kwantung Army headquarters is not so easy to talk to.

In the past, giving face to these Germans was based on the fact that the Nazis were powerful and needed many military technologies from the Nazis. It was somewhat helpless and reluctant.

But things are different now.

The nazis are all gone, they have become yesterday's flowers and the garbage of history. Who do you think you are, the remnants of the nazis who lost your country? It's time to recognize the reality that you have no backing behind you.

The request for asylum was rejected almost mercilessly by the Kwantung Army Headquarters.

The Germans, who were dejected and had no other choice, had no other options. They knew that they had been tied to death by the Japanese on this tattered tank that was about to explode and be destroyed. But if they still wanted to survive, they had no choice but to listen to these Japanese. of.

After all, no one dares to say that the consequences of disobedience will not be immediate death. No one dares to bet that the Japanese who are crazy and have no scruples dare not commit such a murderous act.

This band of Japanese bandits didn't even care about the lives of their own people. They became more and more crazy in the end and didn't take it seriously at all. Do they still care about the lives of a group of remnants of the Nazis who have no backers?

These former National Defense Forces, who are aware of their situation, know that the Japanese are still able to make conditions and reason with themselves in this job, because the knowledge and experience in their heads are still valuable to the Japanese.

Don't mistakenly think that this is purely nonsense explanations such as Japan still talking about the friendship between its former allies, or respect and gratitude, let alone being self-righteous or smart.

If you really think so, you may not even know how you were killed by the Japanese in the end.

"These Japanese bandy-legged monkeys are crazy, already crazy! They want to bury us with them! Are their mentally retarded troops still trying to defeat the Russians? The Russians should have been killed by us in the winter of 1941 Went out!"

"Yes, Hoffman is right. It is only a matter of time before these Japanese are defeated by the Soviets, and it will not take long, it will be very soon! Look at how big the gap is between them and the Soviets, and They are so self-righteous and arrogant that they actually believe that they can actually win. It’s unbelievable.”

"Lieutenant Colonel, you have to think of a way. If this continues, we will definitely be killed by these Japanese. They will take us to fight with the Russians. Oh my God, just imagine what the Russians would do in this situation. What will happen if we are caught? They think we are working for the Japanese. The two combined are afraid that the Russians will crush us like ketchup on the spot! "We have to think of a way!"


Listening to the chatter and chatter of a group of officers under his command, one or two of them showed a strong sense of panic and panic in their eyes and words.

Lieutenant Colonel Schfindauer suddenly felt an inexplicable sense of desolation.

How could the unparalleled German soldiers who once roamed the European continent end up in such a state that they are so frightened just hearing that the Russians are coming? Is this still the German Wehrmacht that I was once proud of?

But it was useless to express emotion or secretly feel desolate. Being dragged by the Japanese to the battlefield to face the Russians, which was tantamount to death, was destined to be irreversible.

It's definitely not possible to openly confront the Japanese. If you want to survive, you have to find another way. You must have a precise and comprehensive plan to keep everyone safe.

I have been thinking hard for a while.

Just when everyone thought that Lieutenant Colonel Schfindauer, who had always been quick-witted, was out of his depth this time, they were all feeling disheartened.

However, Schfindauer suddenly made a gesture of coming closer and remained silent. The understanding people immediately approached quietly in unison.

A rough plan that had already been conceived was blurted out in a low voice to the people who were approaching.

"Is this okay? I mean, it just, it sounds like crazy."

"Crazy? Haha~"

Hearing this, Schfindauer just sneered. Now that he was kidnapped by the Japanese and pushed to hell, he no longer cared about the risks, and blurted out the words without thinking.

"No matter how crazy you are, it can't be crazier than the Japanese tying you up to die, right? Since you can predict the consequences of being caught by the Russians on the battlefield, wouldn't my proposal be worse than this fate? ?Obviously not, right?"


The major who was speechless by the question was speechless. In the end, he could only give up his hesitation and nodded to Lieutenant Colonel Schfindauer with a firm look.

Others who responded with similar actions were the officers of the National Defense Force who gathered around him. One or two of them gritted their teeth and decided to take this step.

Since death is inevitable anyway, it is better to die for yourself, at least it is more meaningful than being tricked to death by the Japanese.

Not to mention that "dying for yourself" does not necessarily mean you will actually die. If you do it properly, you still have a chance of survival. Even a narrow escape is better than being kidnapped by the Japanese and sent to death.

Seeing that everyone in front of him could understand this truth and made up his mind with expressions of approval, Lieutenant Colonel Schfindauer, who did not forget to add fuel to the fire, spoke again in a deep voice.

"Since the Japanese forcibly kidnapped us to die, gentlemen, we don't need to talk to them about friendship and help. Our cooperation with the Japanese ends here and is officially broken. From now on, we must fight for ourselves and for Always be ready for action.”

"Let those arrogant Japanese dwarfs know what will happen to soldiers who bully German soldiers."

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