Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 3108 How to fight the enemy?

Now that the Russians were pressing in with their troops, they were very close. The National Defense Forces, who were dragged to the battlefield together by the Japanese, were extremely anxious.

According to their understanding of the Japanese, no matter what kind of troops the Russians come, even if they are just ordinary tank divisions, the Japanese will only be killed if they are not satisfied with the bottle and half-full.

But it really doesn’t mean that having an imitation tiger can do the job. I can’t beat the genuine German tiger. How can you, a pirated tiger, defy the odds?

"Mr. Lieutenant General, I must warn you that with the current level and comprehensive quality of your army, any form of head-on confrontation with the Russians is extremely irrational."

"The Second Division currently does not have the overall quality of qualified armored troops. The unit structure remains at a very primitive primary level. It does not even have suitable mid-level officers to convey and execute orders in a continuous manner."

"This is seriously unqualified in our Germany. We must continue to strengthen training before we can send it to the battlefield as a real armored division. You must now lead your troops to avoid the Russian edge."

Although he already had a clear plan in mind, Lieutenant Colonel Schfindauer, who still had nothing to say, still looked excited and spoke urgently, showing that as a consultant, he really had the Japanese army in mind. Worry yourself until your butt is on fire.

Although the words that were translated truthfully did not sound so nice, Okada Taketake, who could sit in the position of division commander, had enough experience and authority after all.

Of course, you can also hear that although the words don't sound good, the starting point is always good. At least in terms of expressing the position, it is really for the sake of one's own side.

Okada Taketake, who indeed would be able to make use of these homeless Germans in the future, then responded with a smile and a generous gesture of pretending not to care.

"It is true that we may have some shortcomings now, Lieutenant Colonel, but you must also know that as soldiers, it is our bounden duty and obligation to execute orders. There is absolutely no possibility or reason to refuse."

"So whether we are well prepared or not, we will attack the Russians. The current situation is that the Russians are pressing forward step by step and have already entered our land. In order to defeat these ferocious Russian invaders, we must and can only Give them a head-on blow and there's nothing else to do."


Lieutenant Colonel Schfindauer, who stood there without saying a word, listened quietly, letting the translator keep talking, wanting to see what Okada Taketake could say next.

"Of course, on the other hand, we do need your Lieutenant Colonel's advanced tactical guidance and assistance in battlefield command. This is why we have invited your personnel to accompany us in the battle.

"Under the premise that we have to face the Russians, I also hope that Your Excellency the Lieutenant Colonel can give some opinions and suggestions. I would like to hear how Your Excellency the Lieutenant Colonel will face the menacing Russian attacks now."

After speaking, Taketake Okada raised his hand and motioned to the translator beside him to translate accordingly.

After a moment, Lieutenant Colonel Schfindauer, who knew that he had no choice but to do as he was told, at least chose this wisely, also spoke.

"Before I came here, I heard that your army's scouts had been in contact with Russian troops. So what was the result of the reconnaissance? Have you confirmed the number of the incoming Russian troops? Do you have relevant intelligence information? This is very important to us. The next step of decision-making is very important.”

The prerequisite for being able to deal with the enemy comfortably is to first understand the enemy.

Although Germany's overall intelligence system during World War II was like a sieve and full of loopholes, its tactical intelligence at the local battlefield level was relatively good.

At least in most cases, you can figure out the number of the Russian enemy unit you are fighting against, the name of the commander, the specific strength of the troops, and what the current tactical tendencies and battlefield intentions are.

The front-line German troops were relatively good at these basic skills, otherwise they would not have been able to kill as fast as lightning and win a complete victory in the early stages of the war.

But it is a pity that the Japanese cannot do these basic skills at the moment.

Okada Yiwu looked somewhat embarrassed when he heard Lieutenant Colonel Schfindauer's question.

Although I felt ashamed and embarrassed, the truth is that after my scout was beaten violently, he didn't even know who the person who beat him was, and he didn't even capture a single Russian prisoner. No body searches were done, and control of the battlefield was firmly in the hands of the Russians.

The remnants of the scouts who had been killed and returned in embarrassment could not provide any useful information, not even bullshit, except that their opponents were Russians who were extremely cruel and powerful.

The so-called top second division is at this level. If such words were said out loud, Taketake Okada himself would feel like his face was burning and he would lose face.

I had no choice but to find an excuse to delay and get over it for the time being.

"That's right, Lieutenant Colonel. The scouts' battlefield reports are still being sorted out. I believe they will be delivered soon after they are sorted out."

"But at least it can be confirmed that the Russians' combat power is indeed impressive. They are a heavy tank force, and there is even a tank that can pull infantry in its belly. This is something we have never heard of before. I wonder if the Lieutenant Colonel understands This kind of equipment, and how to counter it?”

"Can it pull an infantry chariot in its belly? This"

After hearing this, Lieutenant Colonel Schfindauer was stunned for a moment and looked a little out of sorts.

Okada Taketake, who didn't know why, thought it was Staufener and didn't know about it. He was shocked on the spot and couldn't react.

Little did he know that Schiffendall not only knew about this thing, but also thought of something very terrible. He didn't dare to think about it any further and quickly replied.

"Mr. Lieutenant General, what about other than that? Are there any other details? For example, what is the level of other weapons of the Russians? What kind of infantry squad light weapons do they use?"

The Japanese, who know how to save face in an extremely sick way, probably lost the battle and had no shame to admit it and were embarrassed to say it.

Schfindauer, who had no interest in exposing the twisted and sick self-esteem of the Japanese, avoided the important and focused on local details instead of talking about the victory or defeat of the battle.

As a matter of fact, there is no harm in talking about these things. Taketake Okada thought for a moment, recalled the contents mentioned in the scout's written report that he had already obtained, and then spoke again with a confident and affirmative posture.

"The firepower is indeed strong. The scouts reported verbal feedback that the Russians had almost all automatic firepower in their hands. My soldiers described it as a machine gun in each hand, but I think this was an error in the description due to the urgency of the war."

"Imagine the horrifying amount of ammunition consumed by an army armed with a machine gun. Even the Russians, I don't think they can sustain it. This is simply impossible."

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