Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 3110: Give in to others

There was a fundamental conflict between the logical thinking of the Japanese and the Germans.

The Germans felt that they had learned so much from the past that it was pointless and unnecessary to risk their lives again. The Second Division could not beat the Stalin Division at its current level, and there was nothing else to do except move the numbers on the steel butcher's head account. significance.

On the Japanese side, they believe that military orders are overwhelming. Now it is no longer a question of whether to fight, but a question of how to fight as well as possible under the premise that they must fight. This is why we brought the Germans to the battlefield. If you can't make suggestions and instead just think about how to avoid war, then what use will you, a bunch of losers who have subjugated your country, have?

It can only be said that both sides have their own logic, and both sides are reasonable from their respective standpoints.

The fundamental problem lies in the fact that these two groups of people are not in the same group at all. Even if they are allies, they are just fair-weather friends and fox friends.

Now that the Nazis are dead, the Japanese, who didn't care about the superficial brotherhood in the past, are even more unscrupulous and unscrupulous.

He was also forced to death by the Japanese.

Seeing that he couldn't do anything without a move, Stauffener could only bite the bullet and go forward. He had already calculated both the upper and lower strategies and blurted out the best one first.

"Mr. Lieutenant General, before continuing the next conversation, please allow me to emphasize my point again - the Stalin Division is not an object that your army can defeat. No matter what, I insist that retreat to avoid field battles is the best option.

"But if you have to fight, my first suggestion is still to find a city, preferably with a solid position, pre-set fortifications, sufficient military reserves, call for any reinforcements and support you can get, rely on the city defense and the Stalin Division Engage in street fighting."

"Only in this way can their field advantage be weakened to the greatest extent, so that the Russians' powerful offensive energy is limited by the battlefield environment. If they can hold on long enough, there may be hope to repel the Russian attack."


What Stauffener said was sincere and sincere. Unexpectedly, Okada Yiwu, who didn't take it seriously and didn't take it seriously, still sat in his original position holding the command knife and put up a meat-head formation.

It wasn't until the scene was so quiet that it felt a little embarrassing, and Okada Taketake, who felt that the time was almost up, slowly spoke.

"But that's impossible, Lieutenant Colonel."

"If we enter the city and fight on the streets, how should we use the advantages of our second division? The first armored division of the Imperial Army that we have painstakingly established is not just to hide in the city to avoid fighting and be a coward. . Armored troops are most powerful only under field assault. Isn’t this what you have taught yourself?”


Stauffener, who was really convinced, was speechless. He thought to himself that he had never seen someone who wanted to die so much.

Since you want to experience the power of the Russians for yourself, well, let me help you.

Let's see if you losers can survive a round under the Russians' violent attacks.

Thinking of this, Stauffener, who had no intention of persuading him any more, continued to speak seriously without blushing.

"Then we can only take the initiative to attack, Mr. Lieutenant General."

"Oh? Taking the initiative to attack? Well, keep talking, keep talking."


Looking at Okada Taketake's sudden interest, Stauffener, who was immediately amused, secretly sighed that you bunch of Japanese bow-legged people are really good at this. You are worthy of being the master who never tires of giving away people's heads on the Pacific battlefield.

Since the Japanese wanted to listen, Stauffener, who had no intention of helping any more, naturally gave in. What he should say next was already organized in language and could come out of his mouth.

"Then the best way is to attack before the Russians, take the initiative to disrupt the Russians' offensive deployment, seize the initiative on the battlefield and force the Russians to follow our pace."

"If the tactics are used properly, we should be able to find the Russians' vulnerabilities and defeat them during the armored mobile warfare process."

"The Russians were eager to launch an attack and hurriedly changed from a marching posture to a fighting posture. It was difficult for their leading troops to be fully prepared for combat. As long as they can concentrate their superior forces to defeat the leading troops who defeated the Russians and force them to retreat, this can provide We bought time to organize a larger attack."

"Furthermore, if we can once again concentrate superior forces to attack both flanks in a pincer offensive before the Russians recover from the defeat of their leading forces, forcing the Russians to be trapped in an extremely unfavorable battlefield situation and forced Retreat becomes possible.”

"After all, the Russians are going deep alone, and there are currently no friendly troops on their left and right wings to assist in defense. As long as we seize this opportunity, I believe victory is not impossible for us."

Stauffener, who chose what the Japanese liked to say, made the right bet.

After hearing that Stauffener was pointing at the map and swiping with gestures, Taketake Okada, who was listening to this explanation, changed his gloomy expression almost instantly and smiled directly.

It seems that we can already see that the war situation will really develop like this, and the Russians will be killed until they are defeated and forced to retreat.

After all, what Stauffener said was all based on reality. The Russians, who were alone in the depths, were indeed eager to attack. It was true that there were no friendly forces on the two wings to assist in defense. It was true that they had to rush from a marching posture to a combat posture and were about to take the initiative.

Okada Taketake himself planned to exploit these obvious weaknesses of the Russians to make a fuss.

Now that Stauffener said this in a flattering manner, he immediately showed an expression of "the hero sees the same thing" and nodded in agreement with a smile.

"Yo Xi! Your Excellency, Lieutenant Colonel, is worthy of being a German armored elite. His speeches are enough to demonstrate your skills, which is admirable."

Hearing what the translator said, Stauffener, who didn't say anything, just smiled when he heard the words, thinking that whatever you say is okay, as long as you are happy and don't trouble me.

The general combat plan has been finalized, and what remains is some specific tactical planning and implementation issues.

I spent a few minutes discussing these minor issues with Staufener and reached a consensus immediately.

After getting the result he wanted, Okada Yiwu smiled with satisfaction and nodded to indicate that Stauffener and his party could temporarily retreat and rest until further notice when necessary.

After leaving Okada Taketake's division headquarters camp, Stauffener, who had a traditional German poker face, walked expressionlessly, but he heard someone following him closely, and he followed him closely. The deputy major who had just watched and witnessed the whole process lowered his voice. The voice spoke anxiously.

"Lieutenant Colonel, you know that this is completely impossible. No matter how perfect the plan is, it requires a reliable and capable executor."

"The most serious problem for the Japanese is precisely at the execution level. Even if they bring in Guderian, they can't be saved. This kind of low execution ability will only lead to death when encountering the Russians, and no matter how perfect the plan is, it will just come to nothing." , but why do you still say it like that? I don’t understand.”

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