Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 3111 Three Parties Gathering

In addition to his rich experience in armored combat and excellent commanding skills, there is another particularly important reason why Stauffener was chosen as the leader of the officer corps.

This guy has "Feng" in his name, and he comes from a typical Junker noble officer family.

The family environment he grew up in has made him extremely smooth and skillful in dealing with people. He can deal with all kinds of celebrities and nobles without difficulty. He can tell all kinds of lies without even blinking an eyebrow.

In addition, he also served as a member of the Military Attaché Corps stationed in the Soviet Union in the early years, which was in the last two years before the outbreak of the Soviet-German War.

It was also at that time that we had cooperative contacts with the Japanese, who were allies and were also stationed in Moscow.

With a solid and reliable military foundation coupled with outstanding social skills and diplomatic experience, Stauffener was able to use his connections with the old man who served in the General Staff Department to gain real power as the commander of the officer corps on the premise that he was indeed competent. The position was assigned to Japan, which is relatively safe.

Why is it relatively safe?

Because even if the Japanese were defeated and surrendered in the worst case scenario, and his precious son was captured, he would be captured by the Americans.

In the eyes of the old man, compared to the Soviets, the Americans are still a little more humane and don't get things done.

Not to mention that the Americans may not necessarily land on the Japanese mainland to fight a decisive battle. If the Japanese surrender before the Americans rush up, wouldn't it be better and safer for my precious son?

The worst thing would be to continue to lead troops on the Eastern Front battlefield. Either they would be left on the battlefield and beaten to death by the Russians, or they would be captured by the Russians and sent to work in a labor camp to die. This was all to be expected in the second half of 1944. .

There were originally three brothers in the Staufener family, and the third, Staufener, was the youngest.

His two brothers had both died before him. One died in Stalingrad and the other died in Kursk. They were all killed by the Russians and their bodies could not be found.

The old man in the family wants to preserve some bloodline so that the nobles will not be wiped out.

Only then did Stauffener, the youngest and lowest-ranking soldier, be sent to Asia, thinking that no matter how bad it was, he could continue to fight in Europe.

It's just that the old man of the Staufener family at that time never expected that even if his precious son arrived in Asia, he would still have to face the lingering Russians and face the risk of being killed or captured. Of course, this was all later. Talked.

Speaking of which, Stauffener can play back and forth with the cunning Okada Taketake at the moment. This is because of the environment in which he grew up and his ability.

But the little deputy next to him was different.

This little major, like most of the front-line German officers at the end of the war, was the tallest of the shortest and was promoted by the firing line.

There is not only a gap between him and Staufener in military ability, but also an even bigger gap in their ability to deal with people. He did not understand the true intention of Stauffener's behavior just now, and only regarded his superior from a purely military perspective. This is to encourage the Japanese to jump into the fire pit and die.

However, Stauffener didn't care about this. He knew that his deputy was ignorant and unintentional. In fact, it was more reassuring and better to have such a simple person as his deputy.

Stauffener, with a scornful smile on his lips, then slowly spoke.

"Why do you care? Even the Japanese don't care. We are going to die, so why should we care? These inferior bastards had better die clean. Those stupid and incompetent low-level wastes should go back to them. The cold, dry island is left to fend for itself."

"Look at our teaching results. After working hard for more than half a year, we ended up teaching such rubbish. I don't even want to admit that I taught them. If this spreads out, it will ruin my reputation. If I have the opportunity to return to China in the future, I still want to try to find something in the military field, and I don’t want to put such a stain on my career.”

"Sir, can we still return to our motherland? Is this true?"

Seeing that his adjutant was cute and well-behaved, his attention was diverted so easily and he began to care about other things.

Stauffener couldn't help but sigh that his old man had really chosen an obedient and useful deputy for himself.

The only regret is that I don't know what kind of situation my old man is in now. I can only say that I hope he is fine.

When I have the opportunity to return to China in the future, I still want to use the old man's connections to make a comeback. If this happens in advance, it will be very detrimental to my future career development.

"There will be a chance, there will be. You just have to trust me on this and just be the same as in the past."

The major, who seemed to understand but still believed deeply, nodded quickly. Stauffener, who smiled and patted his deputy on the shoulder, then spoke.

"But the premise is that we want to survive, let these Japanese go to die, and then we use them to survive. These are all part of my plan."

"Don't you and Bertha have an engagement? Think about it, she is still waiting for you to come home, think about it, she still loves you, needs you, and can't live without you! Why did you lose your life because of these Japanese bow-legged dwarfs, huh? Is it worth dying for trash like them? How stupid do you have to be to think that you can stand side by side with such trash? They are even more filthy and hateful than those Jewish ghosts."

"Listen to me and live well. This is for you. Promise me to do as I say, and I will definitely take you back to the country with me. This is the agreement between us, okay?"

Stauffener, who accurately grasped the biggest pain point of his deputy's "fiancée" and used it to bribe and strengthen people's hearts, immediately achieved the desired effect.

"No matter what I do, your orders will be my priority, Lieutenant Colonel."

"Well, good! That's good! Very good!"

Everything has been arranged, and all that remains is how to face the rumored "Iron Butcher" Malashenko, who is as terrifying as the murderous devil, at the final critical moment.

When I think about my plan, I can't get around this hurdle no matter what, and even my own life and death will ultimately depend on the thoughts of this "Iron Butcher".

Staufener felt a deep sense of powerlessness in his heart. After planning so much, he still had no final say in the outcome, but this was something he couldn't help but because the situation was stronger than the person.

All I can say is that I hope my plan will work.

And when the time comes, the "Steel Butcher" will really be interested in the letter of surrender that he submitted using the Japanese as material.

"The Japanese will soon begin to attack, and it won't be long before they are quickly defeated by the Russians. Follow me, we have little time left, and we must make final preparations quickly."

Staufener, who looked and walked in a hurry, led several of his followers and left quickly.

When the Japanese army, the German army, and the Red Army began to act almost at the same time, even Malashenko did not know that this game of chess would be so complicated. This was the stage when the battle on the battlefield officially began.

Taking into account that Staufener will have a certain role and appear in many scenes in the subsequent plots, I added additional settings for this person. The subsequent combination with his actions will give a better look and feel, and the three-party chaos will officially begin. .

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